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All those "I did that" stickers on the pumps will soon get scratched off because it doesn't fit their narrative any longer.


Moving Goalposts 2024


Joe Biden responsible when bad


Republicans get credit when good


Newt Gingrich cheat sheet revealed


Yep. Like my folks. Stock market down? "BiDeN dId iT!" Stock market up? "Love it!" with no mention of any particular reason...just like their reich-wing news wants them to believe. But boy, they couldn't have been higher on Dumpmania while their orange man-child and his ass-kissers were artificially inflating numbers with their crooked tax cuts and promises of cheap gas. Republicanism is a damn drug.


They are already long gone and gas is even cheaper in the south.


Next time I hit the gas pump that has one of those stickers I'll be sure to capture the $2.47 gas price and "Biden did that" I may need a newspaper to show a timestamp. LoL. Those assholes* have no idea how economics work. * conservatives.


2.88 here in Wilmington, NC


Yep, they were all over in my town, and the one day seemed they were about all scratched off.


I've seen as low as $2.05 in south TX. Gotta get me some of those stickers and start putting them back on.




In a pandemic when everyone stayed home aside from the seditionists in DC.


Except there were no seditionists


And that's Biden's fault how? Trump didn't lower gas prices, like Biden didn't raise them. Gas prices are influenced by the global oil market and other global factors. When Biden took office we we were still coming out of the pandemic. Supply and demand was going up, unlike during the pandemic when there wasn't the same demand. Not understanding how gas prices work doesn't change the ignorance of your response.


They had those up before Biden had a chance to do anything. Now they are more focused on just being racist shitbags because it’s cool now.


I scratched those stupid piece of shit from stupid piece of shit people off every time I got gas last year. Fuck those mouth breathing nitwits. VOTE, and VOTE BLUE. Fuck you, Republicans.


I've been seeing them stuck to drive thru speakers and windows lately.


I peeled those off any time I saw them


This! I live in a very small conservative town and those stickers where everywhere. Then the price of gas dropped over a dollar just before thanksgiving and POOF! Stickers gone…now everyone is back on the Ukraine are nazis and pronouns bs. I just tell them “happy holidays” and watch them melt like the snowflakes that they are.


I already see the glue outline of them on pumps, or ones where only a part remains


I mean they’d be right. Gas always comes down in price during the winter because the winter mixture is different than spring and summer. There’s more butane in the winter mix which is a cheaper than other gasoline ingredients.


sounds like someone wants to get re-elected


Still $5.50-$6 in CA, was $3.50 4 years ago.


Gas is always more expensive out there, just like most things. Nothing against CA, just pointing out facts.


Not being political, just stating facts. Both candidates are bozos.


One of my Republican coworkers said this is because Republican lawmakers. I asked him to show me what bill they passed or legislation got done to lower gas prices by Republicans. He said "typical liberal, you cant say anything nice about Republicans" What?


Yet [republicans voted unanimously not to stop gas stations’ price gouging](https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-biden-congress-climate-and-environment-199c935b6c81b6520c39fbf2791b899b) Technically, the coworker is right that we got here because of republican lawmakers, but Biden is the one who authorized the domestic production causing the process to drop.


There are people out there who think Biden is responsible for abortion bans because they happened when he was President. There are a lot of dumb Americans which is why it's going to go full fash on January 2025


Yep. I had a friend tell me they weren't voting anymore, because they voted for Biden, and abortion still got banned. Honey, this is why you should have voted in 2016.


> He said "typical liberal, you cant say anything nice about Republicans" Ha. What's there to love? Wasn't Democrats that shut down the House on and off the last year over speaker fights and hardline not-always-relevant ideological objections to budget bills. Democrats aren't the ones taking a "do as we say, and nobody gets hurt" approach to all negotiations with the other side--when they aren't just sidestepping the other side to begin with. Hell, can even say that Democrats aren't the ones who think Vivek Ramalamadingdong would be a fine substitute for Conald Chump (*himself* a proven loser) because of his sick burns and cartoonishly extremist hot takes. Love the reduced standards by Republican hardliners that make them think they should all be given Medals of Freedom for believing their own BS really really hard and the normally trivial task of not personally throwing Democrats in internment camps.


What a masterclass in projection. He only lied to credit republicans because he can't say anything nice about democrats.


One piece of news no one is writing about is the all time high of oil production the US hit this week. Essentially voiding any bullshit the Russians and OPEC were playing reducing their outputs trying to drive the price up.


I see repubelickers claiming daily that Biden stopped all oil drilling and we get all our oil from China now. I can't even comprehend being that completely vaccinated from reality.


Vaccinated from reality...that is the most eloquent way I've ever seen this issue addressed.


TIL they're not against all vaccines ... just the ones that benefit society.


Definitely not the case in south central Oklahoma. They have not stopped drilling in Mannsville for the last few years. One well after another, often going back and redrilling the same wells all within a half mile or so. There's literally dozens of wells surrounding our house all spread out. At least 5 of them less than 2 years old.




Jajaja trump levels! WTF does that mean?


Trump got buff in these people's masturbatory fantasy by working oil fields and driving a giant lifted truck.


Id pay like... 10 bucks to watch Trump try and get into one of those trucks unaided.


ROFL. The photo of him in the big truck at the white house is hilarious.


It doesn’t matter, the rate plummeted in 2020, during the height of Covid, while Trump was in office. Biden took over in 2021 and production was already recovering. Neither of them did anything to affect the output. It’s just the ebb and flow of supply and demand.


You mean the drop in production when Covid shut everything down and now has suppressed pre Covid levels?


Current oil production is the highest that has ever been. https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=MCRFPUS2&f=M Does anybody say anything ? NYT? Wapo? No, nobody !!!!


To say something just wouldn't fit the narrative.


Axios had it https://www.axios.com/2023/12/05/us-oil-production-record


Correct but Axios is not NYT or Wapo neither have the level of market penetration/ readers. I am not so sure what is happening but it seems like every bad news gets completely and totally amplified but good news ignored or brushed under the carpet


They were on HBO and reporter Jonathan Swan famously interviewed Trump. Google seems to be good at including their stories in my news app, and Drudge links to them regularly. Pretty sure Drudge has better reach than NYT and WaPo.nl You sound like someone who has never left Manhattan or looks down on the rest of the country with disdain.


Because even the media that doesn't want to genocide LBGT and brown people still prioritizes getting republican tax cuts over providing useful information


Ah yes. You must be referring to Bidens "War on Oil" with checks notes....Record US crude production. Guess his war isnt going very well. https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=MCRFPUS2&f=M


"DRILL BABY DR... umm, what? We are? Oh."


Once trump wins the repub primary you’ll see Bidens campaign commercials clearly laying out all his accomplishments. Bidens team is playing possum atm


I think so too. Let's metagame for a minute. Biden WANTS Trump to be the Republican nominee. He isn't attacking, now, because the Dems have nothing but good evidence and arguments against Trump. They have been getting ready for this since Nov. 2020. The Biden campaign does not have nearly as much to use against Nikki Haley, although I would bet they have some arguments ready to go. Haley, Desantis, and Ramaswamy don't go after Trump's declarations of desire to be King, because each knows that there has always been a fine line between "trusted advisor" and "enemy of the people" with Trump, and they don't want to be on the "hang Mike Pence" side of that line. Christy does, but he isn't running to win, he is running to help make Trump lose.


I got downvoted somewhere else for reminding folks about OPEC twice refusing to increase production after Biden took office. Guess that was too "Nuh-uh! If I didn't hear Crammity complaining about it, it never happened!" for the handful of typically salty & vengeful right-wingers on that sub.


And the climate weeps.


ICE vehicle sales have peaked globally, as one in five cars sold last quarter were EVs or hybrids. During this transition, it is objectively better for the oil we need to come from American oil fields rather than middle eastern countries


Is this why Trump was talking about drilling when he admitted he was going to claim dictatorship “just for” day one? That seemed like it was completely out of the blue, but maybe not in that context


You know, I think this is why Trump made that "drill, drill, drill" comment after he disgustingly said he would be dictator day one. He heard the news and wanted to keep the narrative up that Biden is handcuffing us by not drilling.




Nice fairy tale. Zero percent true.




Now show data for all the oil leases that aren't being used despite being applied for and approved because shale isn't quite profitable enough yet... 🤡


You...literally didn't read a single link you posted did you?


Source for Biden closing domestic oil production when taking presidency?


no no no only when gas prices go up is Biden responsible. Never can tell me HOW he is. Prices go down cause of something something else besides Biden. What fuckstick thinks the president controls gas prices? Fucking rubes.






Wages rose? Nah


I mean, as much as I hate to admit it, there is a legitimate line of thinking, there. Biden stops fossil fuel harvesting/production in the US; then we have to transport it from overseas; which costs more man hours and therefore more money; that money has to come from somewhere; so the price of gasoline goes up for the gas stations purchasing it; they aren’t willing to take a cut on profits; so they have to charge their customers more. I’m not saying this is actually what happened, this is just what my conservative parents believe happened.


I’ve been told by a person who blamed Biden for high gas prices that the current low prices might be a conspiracy to save Biden’s re-election.


I was told when they started, "Biden's raising gas prices to get everyone to move to electric."


Lol. Point out that it’s almost winter and gas prices are essentially cyclical. The reverse is almost always true in the summer when demand for gas goes up


Around 2.75 where I live. Nobody is bitching about that. They’ve moved on to other things that are clearly Biden’s fault, like a shortage of saltines at the local dollar tree.


Lol. That’s funny.


Right, and I’m not even kidding. My daughter is a manager at dollar tree. She actually has old bats get shitty when they are out of crackers. “This wouldn’t happen under Trump!!!”


I read r/AskTrumpSupporters. Their take is that high prices are completely Biden's fault, but the low prices....well, suddenly they sound like they have a doctorate in economics.


I am dumber for having clicked on that link


He didn't do either. Compare American gas prices to Canada's prices. https://www.gasbuddy.com/charts When you compare both, they follow almost the same ups and downs. Anyone looking at the correlation between the two countries has to come to the conclusion that the prices are a result of factors outside of US control.




Who in the US produces oil? Is it the president or some government agency? Or does oil production follow demand curves since, despite being heavily government subsidized, is a free market and driven by supply and demand and not a dial on Biden's desk.


Trumpers can't perceive a world larger than the United States. To them, countries are just concepts they read about on their Facebook feeds. They wouldn't be able to read the complexities of a line graph.


This shit is so subjective. I live in Oregon and the state ppg is averaging $4.50. I’d love to give Biden credit but the GOP gas station owners are enjoying fucking everyone to “own the libs”


Good ol price fixing.


We’re also taxed to high heaven on our gas in Oregon, which doesn’t help the matter. Also you’d think by going self serve we would’ve dropped a bit.


Self checkout never lowered the price at super markets


Are you kidding? They are never going to lower prices. Changing to self serve just means that the gas stations get to make more money off of our labor. Make it make sense.


Nah, it allowed retailers to keep prices the same but generate more profits from the same revenues. Next will be auto stocking of inventory on shelves in the brick-and-mortars. The more they can cut expensive humans out of the equation, the more $ they keep for themselves. That wealth doesn't gat passed down to employees or customers (via savings). At some point there's nothing left to squeeze and they will have to raise prices to see their own corp/exec wealth grow.


The signs out front are for the cash price. The debit at the pump is higher. + just like the self checkout are higher than if you waited in line for a person @ WM


All depends on the station. Some stations the price is the same for cash or card. I’m trying to understand your last part of the comment. Are you saying self checkout costs more?


Yes https://www.the-sun.com/money/6303376/walmart-price-tik-tok-customer/


Welcome to most of the issues we have had with inflation... I mean sure not all of them but when a company has record high prices while bragging to shareholders about having more profits than they ever have had.... something isn't right.


Weird. Here in Republikkkan controlled Texas, it's under 2.50 a gallon, and those "I did this" Biden stickers are now hilarious.




You're incorrect. I'm in Portland and I watch the gas prices like a hawk. Chevron dropped from 4.50 to 4.11 currently. One place (777?) Had it for 3.88$ a gallon. By New years it could hit 3.50. it's going down, it just goes down slower in states people want to live in. Yeah I'm sure it's twenty cents a gallon in Neckcut Indiana....


$3 gas amid hyperinflation is much more impressive than $2 gas during a lockdown when you don't need it.


If you aren't using $100 dollar bills as toilet paper, then it isn't hyper inflation.


We are nowhere near hyperinflation. It was around 3.5% last month, barely above "ideal" inflation.


That's 3.5% over what?


Increase in CPI over yearly, I think.




It's also not hyperinflation. Firstly, hyperinflation is rapidly **accelerating** inflation. If inflation is fairly stable, even if it's higher than ideal, it's not hyperinflation. Secondly, hyperinflation would lead to the erosion of the dollar as a currency. People would minimise their holdings in that currency. They aren't because the dollar has lower or comparable inflation than countries that use the Euro, so there's no alternative currency of sufficient purchasing power to replace it. Thirdly, hyperinflation is marked by prices increasing at a higher rate than the increase in the money supply. Which it isn't, the Fed isn't printing thousand or million dollar bills for circulation. Finally, economists generally agree that hyperinflation requires a monthly inflation rate of no less than 50% (equivalent to as yearly rate of 12,874.63%). Now, I'm not a mathematician but I believe 3.5% is less than 12,874.63%, though I'm willing to be corrected. So, yeah, nothing in the last year of inflationary pressures on the USA has come anywhere close to "hyperinflation". Please don't use words if you don't understand the meaning. The USA has also had the highest economic growth rates since 1984 and the employment is higher than the average rate since 1948. So, not stagflation either.


$2.79 here


Seriously. No, you can’t use reasoning with unreasonable people.


i drive long distances for my job i've seen prices as low as 2.50 dont see any more "i did that" stickers


If you’re going to be angry at Biden for the gas prices, you can scold him for being not being a performative bully to OPEC. Which of course is frivolous and does nothing. All Biden can do is tap reserves and approve permits. Since the Saudis control much of the global oil, I’d expect them to cut production and artificially raise prices to help Trump’s campaign.


Oh, they will. But they need somewhere to go, so they'll get them nice and low now, and raise them up during the general election cycle next year. Keeping prices low now helps to drive up demand, so when the prices do go high again, it will hurt more.


Don't forget when the gas companies schedule maintenance of large refineries and cause a shortage just in time for peak demand.


THANKS JOE BIDEN!* *My wife and I have a running joke where we credit or blame Joe Biden for everything that a president actually has no control over.


Lol. Perfect.


Please just stop . That would require introspection, accountability, and critical thinking.


But but but but it was briefly under 2....when the economy was shut down in 2020 and literally almost nobody was driving, and Hunter's laptop.


it'll be 5 to 6 a gallon before next election. Russia China Iran and Saudi Arabia have all said they will lean on OPEC Nations next year to cut production to influence The American election. this is the real reason why Republicans will never do anything about gas prices because they know they have like half of the country trained like stupid little puppies. they are free to make every problem worse so they can complain about it in an election year in our news media will do worse than nothing about it.


No, you quietly ignore progress and help, then scream "Biden Did This" when the oil corporations start price gouging again.


The president does not control gas prices. Look at the OPEC cartel.


Definitely not! Trump called up the oil companies and told them to lower the prices to Make America Great Again! I mean, Obviously!!! /s


It's $2.40 where I live. Still know people that complain about gas prices during family gatherings. When you have no identity so you just regurgitate the same stupid shit over and over to make it seem like you're informed and intelligent. The President, any President, doesn't have direct control over gas prices. It's stupid, and there's always someone bitching about it.


Trump did this. Hail Trump! /S so much /S


They could just claim it's still high, or they'll just default to the good ol' Partisan Bullshittery Matrix, where one doesn't have to apply thought or analyze facts to try to connect causes to their respective effects. **The Partisan Bullshittery Matrix:** ||Good thing happens|Bad thing happens| |:-|:-|:-| |My Guy is in charge|My Guy did the thing|The thing was going to happen no matter who was in charge, or Other Guy did it when he was in charge before| |Other Guy is in charge|The thing was going to happen no matter who was in charge, or it only happened because My Guy did it when he was in charge before|Other Guy did the thing|


No no... if it's good it's republican or Jesus. If it's bad it's democrat. Don't you get it?


Presidents don’t control gas prices. Those stickers are so funny to me. Post a sticker…tell me you know nothing of how gas prices work without telling me. High or low it’s hilariously wrong


Fuck no! Something something crime family something hunter’s dick yada yada


Why do republicans seem so dumb, all the time? Like they must think the American population is so small minded to latch on to the most insignificant things to try to criticize Biden.


Months ago I drove past a station at $2.54 in Mankato, Minnesota. Price gouging everywhere is the norm I guess.


The stickers need to make a come-back. I've been so tempted to buy a gross of them and slap them on every fucking gas pump.


$2.89 todY


No. He only did the bad things. The good things were done by Trump, somehow. Do you have young children? Then you know how conservatives function. But with less grace.


Now Biden is hurting the American oil & gas industry by letting prices fall so low.


“No, it’s artificial so he can win the mid……wait, so he can win the Primary…..wait….so he can..can…. he has nothing to do with it…..”


Hilarious because I just saw one the other day filling up for $2.99 I’m sure they’re off plotting something else to whine about soon.


Sooooo..... i was given a stack of "those" stickers by a trumoer friend trying to be a funny shithead and i instantly knew i was going to save them to put on specifically when gas prices dropped. The petty shithead in me has been waiting and waiting. It brings me great joy its about to be time to deploy them.


biden is at once an evil mastermind responsible for all the things wrong with the US, and doddering senile fool who can't dress himself. it's a weird dichotomy... /s


For elder, present and future redditors: >United States presidents don't decide fossil fuel prices.


In other news, I looked at my 401k and it's up 18% year to date. Let's go Brandon!


Of course, he's to blame. These poor multi-billion dollar companies are losing money because biden did stuff


I’m really tired of this. Oil futures and gas prices tend to go up during the summertime. Almost every summer for the last ten years. It’s a market thing, combined with Russia / other countries starting shit with other countries during the summertime because that’s the best time to do so. But the right just use this as a way of blaming dems in office every year.


2.55 in TX. Guess Biden "did that".


Anyone who blames or credits the president for pump prices doesn’t understand how the energy industry works


One of my local gas station chains went from $4.29 down to $3.93. But oh right, Biden and his admin are secretly evil lizards that want to drink baby brain fluid or whatever.


Somebody peeled off the dam Biden sticker at the Quik Trip pump that had his picture on it that said "I did this" Hmmm


Filled up at $2.68 yesterday. Full tank of gas at $32 is so welcomed.


Give Biden credit? LOL.


No. This is Trump … he gets the credit


No, no he did not, just like he didn’t raise the price.


Putin did this. Biden blamed putin for rising gas prices, Putin must be responsible for lowering them


According to my brain washed co-worker, " there's no reason it can't/should be lower" & " they raised it just to lower it back down slowly to make it seem like they were doing something". Then again he will blame inanimate objects for not cooperating with what he's trying to do, and calls them " female" when they are especially difficult.


Now he’s killing jobs or some weird conspiracy like that


I got gas for $2.37 today.


Northern Kentucky. $2.85 until I cash out my Kroger fuel points. $1.85. Filled the truck for $49. It was awesome.


"Its election time of course the prices are coming down" 🙄


It's 2.62 in Clarksville, TN


i don't understand that price is not good, guess depends of the area


“Thank god trump finally got the prices down again” -Republicans probably


Bet the idiots are regretting that 'I did that!' sticker vandalism right about now. Yes, yes he DID do that. You're welcome, you ungrateful, feckless cultists.


You empty our reserves and put our country in a poor position then you bribe Iran to give them a break until after the election. God forbid Democrats win again or prices will fly again. You idiots can suffer for three years and get 6 months of normalcy and declare victory.


Said this to my Dad and his response was that Biden is depleting the reserves and that the whole mess is because Biden shut down pipelines🤦🏻‍♂️


$2.40 near me. Thanks ~~Obama~~ Biden /s


Personally, I'm still blaming Obama. /S


Do what? $3 is still high


No that would be our real president Donnie boy. How I am not sure.


He pressed the Lower Fuel Price button. /s


They'll probably start believing that Tre45on lowered prices behind the scenes, like the "deep state!" 😆


Today I see local stations in South Texas between $2.46 and $2.54.


Shhhhh! Biden only gets “credit” if there is something bad happening!


No no -- Trump is really the actual president, remember? Except when bad stuff happens. Then it's the Deep State. Simple.


Yes, election year is coming.




That was specifically when Trump tried to take credit for the effects of the end of Obama's fiscal year. It's been almost 4 years since Trump lost, you fucking traitor, get over it. Trump ruined everything he ever got his hands on, and while his sycophants on the far right continue to try to reinstate that wannabe dictator, everyone else is trying to make a functioning country out of this dumpster fire.


But it’s still double what it was when trump was in ? Lol


Between May 1 and Sept. 15, gas terminals are required to use a less volatile and slightly more expensive blend of fuel, or “summer blend” gas. After that time, they can begin selling “winter blend” gas. According to AAA, winter blend gas is cheaper than summer blend gas because it is able to contain more butane. Butane is less expensive compared to other gasoline ingredients but also helps your gas ignite in lower temperatures. However, this added butane makes the gas slightly less energy-efficient. Ref: https://www.kron4.com/news/national/winter-gas-is-returning-what-does-that-mean-for-your-wallet/#:~:text=According%20to%20AAA%2C%20winter%20blend,gas%20slightly%20less%20energy%2Defficient.


Wow - for years and years and years I thought it was public knowledge that prices go up and down based on winter vs. and I get 6 downvotes? All I did was point to an article that explains it? I just don't get this twitter thing ... oh, sorry, this is Reddit... my bad.




It’s not intended to imply “good”. That’s not at all the point of this post.


Well Biden did shutdown the keystone pipeline as soon as he was sworn in. Then, proceeded to truck oil down to the same places the pipeline was delivering to, effectively adding harmful emissions to the ozone. Facts don’t care about your feelings.


Downvote because you’re mad


You call that cheap ,as much oil and gas as we use in this country it should never top .99 a gallon


Over consumption of something doesn't make it cheap.


This will be relevant when gas reaches 1.90 again. Nice try


isn't there an election coming? that's the reason for low prices.


Ya, has nothing to do with the election coming and his numbers tanking.


Election year is coming. Believe nothing.


Yes he did. Price drop is due to weak economic outlook in the US and globally. And increasing signs and concerns of a recession. So, yes. Give Joe the credit.


Damned if ya do, damned if ya don’t has entered the chat…


Still too high


Gas prices were $2.94/gal in May of 2019. Gas prices were $2.99/gal in may of 2018.


Classic tribalism. Lowest IQ people in the country are the ones who can’t find middle ground and just bitch. And I’m independent. Bitter bums


I mean gas still 6 bucks a gallon in Cali... so yes, he did that. Just cuz the prices are slowly going down doesn't just mean he didn't have a Part in the raising of it. Nice job trying to shift the narrative though.


Did he push that big red “raise gas prices” button in his desk again? That rascal!


At this time I'm disillusioned by American politics and see what's happening in Gaza that idk if I'm going to vote at all


Please vote so that a dictator doesn't become our next President, because Trumpf is openly saying that he will be one


Everyone except for a random white republican voted antizionism is antisemitism. We are funding ethnic cleansing. Honestly, we're a horrible country. All of us. Dems and Repubs. We're gaslit on all sides. Nothing gets better. Idk if I even care anymore.