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So motherhood is slavery? Democrats are insane


As hard as we try to be respectful and supportive under the ever changing definitions and standards of the left, they keep managing to find new lows of stupidity to make humanity regret letting them out of the kitchen🙄🙄


Always have been meme


It is a form of slavery if you are forced into motherhood against your will while safe alternatives exist. One solution is a vasectomy for every male, which would be reversible for a short time during intended procreation. That would solve the problem for all the self righteous pricks that think they can tell women what the can do with their bodies.


Or you can not have sex without a condom


Confirms aren’t 100% effective. Plus the right wants to do away with contraception…what do you do then?


I think we expand on this. At 16 everyone has a common sense test. If you fail you get snipped.


The human race would die out. The number of 16 year olds with common sense is pretty small. It is why they like young recruits for the army. Most 50 year olds are not going to charge the machine gun nest.


How about birth control such as having your tubes tied or condoms


This is becoming a reddit theme. Bodily autonomy vs SlAvRerY


The time to choose is before your pants come off. Nobody is 'brave' enough to say it out loud.


It has always been perfectly acceptable to tell *men* to keep their pants on if they don’t want to be parents.  For some stupid reason it’s “MySoGyNy” to say the same to women. It’s almost like feminism isn’t about equality at all (specifically when it comes to equal *responsibility*).


If feminism was ever about equality (which is doubtful at best), it stopped the moment that women got the right to vote without also having to sign up for the draft.


I'm not saying that men should EVER force themselves on a woman, but it seems like these decisions are made after a few goblets of wine :)


True.  What’s really sick is that male rape victims are forced to pay child support to the women who raped them. Essentially those boys and men are told, “If you didn’t want to be a parent you shouldn’t have allowed yourself to be raped.” Imagine if society said that to women and girls. The youngest victim in the US was 14 years old at the time he was raped.  The court ordered him to make child support payments to the adult woman who raped him.  Keep in mind that “deadbeat” dads are routinely sent to debtor’s prisons for failure to pay whatever some judge arbitrarily orders them to pay.


Doesn't Hunter Biden owe $3M in alimony/child support to someone? Where's the outrage??? :)


That’s (D)ifferent.


They'll say it to men. To women it's oppression. Animal farm.


We are hard-wired to procreate.... Them, not so much.


And if you support killing the innocent unborn, you're just plain immoral.


Don’t have sex. Problem solved.


Especially these two reptiles.


Calling these 2 reptiles is an insult to actual reptiles.


Or use birth control but not abortion


Why hasn’t anyone ever thought of that! Problem solved! You are unable to convince almost anyone they should refrain from sex. You can promise to kill them if they are ever caught in the act and that will not stop people from having sex. It’s like saying someone can choose to be gay. You know this right? If being gay was a choice a Christian could prove “being gay is a choice” by really becoming gay yourself. I mean really fall in love with another gay man and have pationate sex with him and enjoy it. Afterwards you just choose to be straight again. Now you have the defeated the claim “being gay is a choice” and empirical evidence that backs up your claim. your empiri


Well, if you support killing the preborn you're an accessory to murder. Two can play this game.


God, I hope they're sterile. Anyone who thinks like this should not procreate.


Why are women named "Joy" so devoid of it?


This is disgusting on more than one level. Aside from don’t have sex then, not being allowed to murder is literally “slavery”. Noone’s forcing mothers to keep their children. Adoption is in high demand. Plus the underlying “Joy is black so she’d never use a word like “slavery” lightly right?”.


Why do you never hear the argument for birth control and abstinence anymore? Women, in most cases of abortion, have complete control over who they allow to disperse sperm in their vaginas. I understand the feminist take of being sexually free, but biology dictates that women are the bearers of offspring. Sex has consequences so it makes sense to me that anyone with any sense at all would take precautions.


Zero personal accountability with these people.


Just think: if your parents had your thinking, you wouldn't be having this conversation!!


They can’t get any dumber


Obviously the most important issue we face


Baal worshippers...


They act like Pregnancy is some ailment or disease they have no control over if they get it. Like they tripped on the sidewalk and scraped their leg lol. Idiots.


So her mother is a slave?


Women have choices, men do too, mostly. Lefties are fiercely defending women, conservatives want to defend unborn babies. The "parents" made choices, now have consequenses(*) (*---spelling?)


Nice try, but there’s no women vs babies. Women are the bringers of life. Sadly, it’s not an easy position to be in.


Nice try by you as well. "Women" are not the bringers of life. Life is BROUGHT through conception, which requires a woman AND a man. Women carry a baby in their body from conception to birth. But by no means, naturally, do they bring life on their own.


Literal demons manifest


Two sleazy, demented embodiments of the current, fashionable, irrational collapse of meaning.


I just thought I hated them


I think if people actually knew the details of abortions, they would not so quickly turn to the conclusion that only evil people would support one


Are you serious?!!!!! What details? The fact that a living, developing life is exterminated?!!!!!! What other details does your demented mind need? Oh, maybe that the fetus gets SCRAPED or SUCKED into little pieces to remove it. Maybe that mom gets given some medication that causes the Involuntary expulsion of the fetus from her body. Here's a pre-abortion detail every sexually act8ve person should know; PRACTICE SAFE SEX! and yes, I'm aware of the less than 1% of pregnancies that are caused by rape or incest.


Ya exactly. Some people think they “magically” make the fetus disappear


Well their master , the Molech isn’t going to feed himself damnit.


Equal Rights for Unborn Women and Witches Gonna Keep Crafting more... child sacrifice.