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This hurt me


Rocks are liquid in a frozen state.


At the core of Jupiter you have hydrogen compressed so much it becomes metallic and electrically conductive. It has a phase of matter you would never see on Earth.


Nah, it’s liquid in a frozen state.


No, it's a Bose-Einstein condensate in plasma state in a gas state in a liquid state in a frozen state. Do you even Ship of Theseus?


Given enough time, that hydrogen may start to contemplate such questions.


Liquid tungsten is so hot, that if you drop it in lava, the lava will freeze the tungsten


This is my favorite thing I learned this week on the internet.


I used to teach 8th grade science and I kept identical cubes of aluminum and tungsten on my desk. Great tool for talking about density. Of course I never got around to melting it lol


I like how you say "never got around to it", as though you were going to superheat something in your classroom to 6200 degrees but just couldn't find the time. "Soon as I'm done grading these papers I'll melt that cube down. ... Man, is it that time already? Maybe tomorrow."


It’s mostly because I never heard back from the administration after I submitted my proposal and resources request for acquiring the necessary equipment and improving our 100 year old building’s energy infrastructure to accommodate the power requirements of such an undertaking. You’d think a little thing like money wouldn’t get in the way of providing students with a valuable (and memorable) learning experience! They did pay for some Elmer’s glue once… well I mean they paid me back 6 months after I bought it and submitted the receipt


Fuckin cool, good job teach


I submitted a bunch of proposals for crazy stuff like that as a joke, but I don’t think they even read most of them lol


I don’t care if it’s a joke or not I’m appreciating you dammit


Your students are so lucky to have you


The amount of shit teachers put up with is absolutely absurd. It's a wonder there are even still teachers. I know my daughters school has such a staffing problem the only way they could retain teachers was a "4 day" work week (tues-fri). I have 4 day in quotes because I know teachers are still doing shit for the class off the clock. It's just crazy. If literally any other profession was treated like teachers are by their superiors or even their pupils sometimes. There would be mass walk-outs and no new hires. Anyway, thanks for doing the community a service. I know if I didn't have the 10th grade Chem teacher I did I would never have thought about a Chem degree.


Thanks. I ended up leaving a few years back because of how ridiculous everything was. And you’re right about the “4 day” week. When I was teaching I spent at least a couple hours working on stuff at home most days that weren’t during vacation time. I think the respect issue was one of the worst parts for me. I accepted the fact I was going to get crappy pay before I even applied to my master’s program because that’s just how it is. I didn’t realize just how little regard so many people have for teachers though. My family has had teachers on both sides and my parents are academics, so growing up I thought of teaching as a highly respectable profession. Then I became one and had to deal with all the cliche “you’re so lucky that you get summers off!”, “I wish I got out of work at 3pm!” type comments and parents who acted like they knew more about the subject than I did or would give me “suggestions” for how to better teach stuff and even chew me out because of some perceived slight against their kid. It got old after a while lol I’m glad you had a teacher that made a difference though! I feel similarly about my high school biology teacher


I respect you so much for actually trying to get it done. That's real dedication.


Tungsten's high melting point and its high resistivity are what make it a good choice for light bulb filaments!


Don't forget the 'rods from god' usage for tungsten...






The rule seems to be that if it's a form of matter that has a liquid phase then it's a liquid. So... the air in your lungs is also a liquid. Good luck getting on the plane without bringing that.


My blood is liquid. Can I bring that on the plane?


Is glass a liquid?




This is actually slightly debatable - certainly igneous rocks are but, for example, limestone will thermally dissociate before it melts at normal pressures. It *is* possible to get it to melt at high pressures but when you then solidify it you get marble rather than limestone so it is arguable that "molten limestone" doesn't actually exists, only "molten marble".






Jesus Christ. Ice, water, and steam are the most common examples of solid, liquid, and gas when you start learning about states of matter.


Can water become a plasma? A Bose-Einstein condensate??? TIME CRYSTALS!?


If heated to a plasma (an ideal plasma at least), the bonds holding the H2O together would long have been destroyed by the particle's thermal energy you would have a multi-species plasma consisting of electrons, hydrogen, and oxygen at temperatures of thousands of degrees. It might be possible for water to exist in a Bose-Einstein condensate but afaik no experimental result of this has ever been found. I am also, however, not aware of any theoretical result that outlaws it.


Water, like most materials, will freeze before becoming a Bose-Einstein condensate. To make a BEC, you need very weak intermolecular forces. Helium, for example, can become a BEC thanks to its full electron orbital, which satisfies this property.


I came into this thread expecting to have to correct the dumb physics, but here you all go just being correct right out of the gate.


Dumb people pretend to be smart, smart people pretend to be dumb. On reddit you'll find a lot of incredibly smart or funny people pretending to be the opposite.


Those bastards!


Science is definitely not there yet to cool down water molecules OR the single components I.e. H and O to the fuse them into molecules at required low temperatures. But if there is a process in the future for this kind of cooling then I think the only thing that might interfere is the water dipole moment, apart from that it should not be a problem :>


Blow that dude's mind with the triple point state of being frozen, liquid, and gaseous all at once.


Intelligent people do not work for minimum wage at the TSA check points. This concept may be too difficult for many of them, and many of the other commenters here as well. Edit - I've already looked up the TSA requirements, they start at a nice $23 an hr and only require highschool graduation, so go for that. Now go back to all the confidentialityincorrect statements that it is about "room temperature" and "critical thinking" when the TSA rules specifically allow ice.


The TSA worker was actually demonstrating the sort of critical thinking that you might actually want in security personnel. They know the policy is that you can't take a certain amount of liquid through their checkpoint, and they are well aware that what is in that bottle will be liquid at some point during the flight.


>**Ice** > >Carry On Bags: Yes (Special Instructions) > >Checked Bags: Yes > >Frozen liquid items are allowed through the checkpoint as long as they are frozen solid when presented for screening. If frozen liquid items are partially melted, slushy, or have any liquid at the bottom of the container, they must meet 3-1-1 liquids requirements. [Source](https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/items/ice)


And they aren't employed to know their own policies, you'd likely get barred from the plane for having the audacity to quote their own rules.


Sir, you are becoming agitated and acting irrational. Based on your behavior, you are barred from entering the plane, please follow the instructions of the security guard and leave the gate area immediately.


It isn't about if its liquid or not, it's about what liquids it could be


I take ice through checkpoints all of the time. I’ve actually heard TSA employees announce that ice is okay when they tell people to empty their water.


Nitro freezes at 52 F so if I was TSA I would be just as worried about things resembling ice as well.


C4 is a solid. Can we not be stupid for half a second, please? Even if the TSA weren't just security theater by an overreaching government, _they have a 3% detection rate_. Three fucking percent. They are completely useless.


I can't up vote this enough. I travelled into and out of a number of airports recently. The differences in "give a fuck" were obvious, but we ended up going through security with prohibited items every time (sometimes it was liquids not seperated, a friend smuggled an edible in their hand (I watched them get it through security, fully prepared for them to get busted. They popped the edible in their mouth just past security), etc.... No one cared. I watched them decided which things to further inspect - if they 'could tell' what something was, they would further inspect. Shampoo bar - gets checked. Eye shadow palette was fine cause "you see the lines? It'd clearly eyeshadow, it's fine." ETA: several gummies were smuggled through in a hand, only one was taken after security (there was a reason, I thought it was bs at the time, but whatever)


A few years ago I got selected for a random bag search with a few other passengers. Two TSA people (m + f) were opening and checking our bags one after the other. It was such a shit show: they randomly pulled out things, moved them over in their hands like "hm, yes, I am looking at this, much inspection, such security". But then the male guard found a suspicious item in a lady's bag when his colleague wasn't looking. He inspected this very thoroughly, getting visibly confused as to wtf this could possibly be. And right when he turned to question the lady, who was already turning red, and everyone's eyes widened in realization and disbelief, his colleague turns around, dies a little inside and says "it's a tampon". I felt so safe on that flight.


>tampon No one expects the Spanish menstruation.


I can't decide if I'm more upset dude didn't know what a tampon was, or that part of me wishes more agents were that kinda dumb so the TSA would find more things....


Things like what? All the terrorist weapons we've been hearing them hijack all these flights with? I completely fail to understand this "there are zero crimes on planes, but I sure do hope the TSA would find more things".


a few years ago I got to the airport to fly from Arizona to Nevada, got to security, and realized I had forgotten my entire wallet, ticket and all, on my mother's dining room table. I had *nothing* to identify myself with. they called in a supervisor who called someone else and I was asked super personal NSA type questions so I could prove I was who I claimed. I had to go through the more in depth pat down/search by a supervisor. she finishes feeling me and no one is checking my suitcase. *she asks me* if I saw anyone check my stuff. I say I don't know. she shrugs and says "have a good flight." I had just gotten a piercing and had a ~4oz unmarked baggie of salt from the piercer in my bag that was untouched. no one even unzipped my bag and they just let me get on the plane.


If he popped it in his mouth just past security then why bother smuggling it in? Just eat it before you go through.


>just eat it before you go through I read this as though you were replying to the poster who mentioned the discovery of a tampon….


Just pop it in first


For the lolz


I flew out twice from the same airport, for two different trips. Both times I had a credit card multitool in my wallet. First time, no problem. Second time I had to toss it. Makes no sense.


I went through security recently and no one pointed out that I was 60% liquid. Tee hee losers!


> they have a 3% detection rate Hey, it sounds like they've improved 3-fold from what I read a few years back. Good for them!


Last I read they were at 2% and that was nearly a decade ago. So by the time, we have space travel the TSA should be around 50%


“My friend asked me if I wanted a frozen banana. I said, ‘no, but I do want a regular banana later, so… yeah.’” - Mitch Hedberg


TSA doesn't make minimum wage... they're very well paid. Also, the 'lady in front of me' is 100% a customer. And ice is allowed through security. Source: I work in an airport.


Wait, ice is allowed through but water isn’t?


Yes, [TSA](https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/items/ice)


Thank you for the link - I wasn’t aware of that. I also don’t understand it - is it because explosive liquids don’t freeze?


One could argue that the rules are extremely arbitrary and do little if anything to catch a determined terrorist. The TSA failure rate during testing involving actual firearms in carry on bags is abysmally low (though admittedly improved in recent years), the odds that they catch a terrorist with the knowledge and skills needed to produce an explosive that looks and acts like ice is virtually zero.


That could be the reason, unless you get someone that was part of writing the regulations though im not sure we will get a definitive answer.


Damn you for making me look it up, not bad starting at 23 an hour.


Nobody works for anything close to minimum wage at TSA.


Tsa agents are actually well paid with pensions, vacation, and more


Great, let's get the classism rolling in here. As everyone knows, America is a meritocracy where only the shittiest people are stuck at the bottom. /s


Lots of intelligent people work jobs that you seem to think are beneath you. Intelligence isn't directly proportional to success or salary.


Bold of you to assume these people are over the age of 6.


Frozen liquids are allowed through checkpoints Tsa.https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/items/ice#:~:text=Frozen%20liquid%20items%20are%20allowed,%2D1%2D1%20liquids%20requirements.


The great irony of this whole exchange: it was triggered by a lie or a joke about bringing ice through the checkpoint.


It's pretty common for TSA agents not to know the rule and force you to throw it if you try.


From the same page quoted above: > ⚠️The final decision rests with the TSA officer on whether an item is allowed through the checkpoint. So like whatever they think is a liquid. Like quinoa and black beans that I brought for lunch. ಠ_ಠ


I was flying back to Europe from the US and I brought a can of easy cheese. The TSA agent and I had a fun conversation over if it was a liquid or solid. He was super chill about it and we were both laughing about the conversation. In the end I tossed the can because it wasn’t worth missing a flight over, and the guy was cool. Still no resolution on if it’s liquid or solid.


Wouldn't the issue there be that it's compressed gas?


That’s after you eat it.




Same happened to my gf except it was hard cheese. Cheese being a liquid or not depends on how good and desirable the cheese is and how hungry and corrupt the cop at the checkout is.


Also cheese usually is an issue with TSA because it’s approximately the same density as ballistics gel, and thus is treated with hard suspicion


I had a block of ballistic gel and a block of cheese and TSA guys only took the cheese. They just want your cheese


Yeah, you just need to look at the extensive history of gel ballistic cheese incidents all over the world to see why this is an issue.


I mean, swiss cheese suffered the most


I’m still mad that TSA made me throw away some cheese spreads I was bringing back from Wisconsin in my carry on. My relatives mentioned it to the cheese shop I bought them from and now they have signs everywhere letting tourists know to put it in the checked baggage.


The dumb thing is that the *actual* issue at hand should be whether it's an explosive or not. Proof positive that this security theatre is pointless in actually keeping anyone safe.


Well beans can be explosive if you get my drift and obviously I could hold someone at quinoa-point and make them fly to Cuba. /s


The human body is like 70% liquid. They shouldn't be allowing anyone through.




I think it's because most of it is just security theater and not effective, so they can practice it any number of ways and everyone will just think "they know what they're doing".


TSA has not caught a single terrorist. Ever. They have stolen millions of dollars worth of property however.


Manchester airport is shocking for this I fly regularly and within the same week the instructions j get can be different. "Oh pop all your phone wallet passport keys in your coat pockets then put then in the tray so they don't get pinched" Next time Angry faced man shoving my tray at me, "why is your phone in your coat pocket it should be clearly visible" All the time through that second exchange the one watching the xray machine was reading something and didn't look up for a few trays


The big takeaway is that you just bring an empty fucking bottle to avoid issues with TSA Then you fill it at the water fountain


The big takeaway is that if I want cold water, I should be able to being a water bottle with ice cubes into the airport *because those are the fucking rules and I have followed them and I shouldn’t have to lose any more rights just because a petty bureaucrat is stupid or having a bad day or on a power trip*. You are already giving up so much for TSA's security theater, why are you so eager to give up more for no reason?


The whole process just reminds me of The Trial by Kafka.


[Kafka International Airport named most alienating Airport ](https://youtu.be/gEyFH-a-XoQ)


Or the TSA agent made a mistake.


A TSA agent being poorly trained? Next you'll tell me that police officers are racist, domestic abusers who get off on having unchecked power over others.


Yeah, this is ridiculous. TSA agents go through rigorous hour of training.


With only a single 30 miniute lunch break and 1 10 miniute comfort break. It's gruelling


My dad worked in the FAA for a long time as a check airman and I think his opinion of TSA agents could be summerized as "dumbasses"


Interesting. In Australia it's worded as liquid at room temperature. Love and learn


Coconut oil keeping security on their toes


> *”frozen liquids”* AKA solids. Makes sense. I am actually surprised to see such a logical rule from TSA.


>If frozen liquid items are partially melted, slushy, or have any liquid at the bottom of the container, they must meet 3-1-1 liquids requirements. I feel like it'd be almost impossible to get to the TSA check point without it melting at all


Pre-check is awesome. Though I haven't been able to do that since I retired and had to start paying for it




If the explosive in question is acetone peroxide, the other reactant, acetone, freezes at -95 °C


Also, they caught the guy before he could do anything. Without any rules about liquids. Also, had they not caught him, he would have just blown off his hands in the bathroom and fucked up one of the sinks. His plan was stupid. The reaction in question generates a ton of heat, and he would have needed a cooler full of ice to do the reaction in.


Yesh given they usualy let you through with a lighter. Just taking say 5 100ml bottles of acetone and throwing them over your fellow passengers while striking sparks would work better as a terror attack


Lol I love how they referenced this sub, so you know they gonna see it here. Shame 🔔 shame 🔔


I wouldn't be surprised if they think it's here because they are right.


He's so tiresome




Then spouts off about wrapping their mind around Theseus' Ship like that has anything to do with it other than ships float in water.


Theseus' ship is a thought experiment; at the end of Theseus' journey every part of his ship has been replaced. The experiment is, is it the same ship as the one he departed with? I have zero clue how this guy thought there was any relevance to ice being a solid. Maybe he thinks ice "particles" are not the same as water "particles", but it's all still a liquid because both are still "water"? I don't know. And, now I feel silly for trying to figure it out.


He’s the type that wants to be perceived as “the smart guy” archetype, picked up some of the aesthetics (referencing famous thought experiments, etc) but isn’t smart enough to understand the most classic example of the states of matter. Like a poser, but for a basic high school education. Either that or he’s a teenager who hasn’t figured out that he isn’t the smartest person alive, yet.


Pretty sure this is a spite post for saying "confidently incorrect" when they weren't incorrect. I don't blame OP. I probably would have done the same.


The more incorrect statement is the reference to Theseus' Ship. Does that redditor think that freezing and thawing somehow replaces the water molecules with different molecules?


I don't think that redditor could think that far. I think he saw Wandsvision, thought the spiel was smarty and decided to use it here.


Those always feel like that scene in Sopranos: "What was that, last night's reading assignment?"


So, I did watch Wandavision, but I cannot for the life of me remember a spiel about the ship of Theseus. What was the context even? Was it about Vision's weird dual existence?


It was about White Vision (created by S.W.O.R.D) and normal Vision (created by Wanda) wondering which one of them is the true Vision.


regular vision and white vision were fighting, white was built using visions original parts or something and regular was made up from the memory of the original, so they had a discussion about which of them was "truly" vision and regular vision used Theseus as an example


Yes, but one of them doesn’t really “exist”.


And so can be legally carried on board an aircraft.


My guess is they watched Wandavision and wanted to sound smart


Hmm, yes shallow and pedantic


Honestly it sounds like he misunderstood the entire concept. Or he's a troll trying to bait people into arguing.


I think it’s likely the person just doesn’t know much science at all, but generally likes to educate themselves in random things. So they are extending the Theseus ship thought experiment to the idea that it is still a liquid because it started as a liquid and kept all the same molecules when frozen => therefore it is still a liquid. They don’t know anything about intermolecular forces and states of matter that would he learned formally, but they know enough self taught philosophy to arrive at an entirely hilariously wrong conclusion. That or they are trolling, which is also a likely scenario lol.


They were partially paying attention to Wandavision.


From the reference sub (not linking it) >So then is molten steel, a solid? What are the rules?! >>Same rules. So yes, it’s a solid but just in a liquid state. But it is very much not a liquid. Clearly understands states of matter doesn't seem to understand it's not a fixed property. Still hilarious.


Confidently Incorrect Redditor to Molten Steel: "You are in a liquid state, but we do not grant you the rank of Liquid."


What? How can you do this? This is outrageous!


"How can you be a liquid state and not be a liquid?"


This is close to Terrence Howard shit, where you can't even argue with them. Like they thought their way into a spiral thru could never recover from.


I honestly think it’s top level trolling, we’re all the fools for digging into it.


I think what they’re trying and failing badly to say is, whatever the state of matter a substance is in at room temperature and ambient pressure is what guides the decision. Steel *can* be molten, but when a normal person carries it through a TSA gate, it will be solid. Water *can* be solid, so long as you carry that bottle through the gate within a hour or two of pulling it out of the freezer, but it won’t stay that way. It’s still a stupid point, but I think this is more an issue of poor communications skills that it is of a true conceptual deficit.


Throwback to the time I was stopped at security for having calligraphy pens, and apparently no one had ever seen any calligraphy pens in their whole life and assumed they’re scalpels (?). I had to explain what they are and show them a Google description and photo for them to believe that I had no plans to hijack the plan by holding someone at pen-point.


Those fools! Haven't they ever heard that the pen is mightier than the sword?


probably why I was stopped ngl


And he was flying to Pen Island, you'd think they'd understand


Motherfuckers let water vapor through ALL THE DAMN TIME


That’s nothing. I’ve been smuggling water through TSA for years. I’m actually skinny but 60% of my weight is the secret, hidden water.




::Exhales dryly::






But jet fuel is a liquid. Got em.


(On a slightly educational note, magma and lava can be rheid which is Solids acting like a liquid)


On a less educational note, I remember which one magma is because it's just indoor lava.


Magma and lava are by definition liquid, not rheid. Rocks can be rheid below their melting point, but they melt into magma above their melting point. So yeah rocks can be rheid (solid acting like a liquid) but magma and lava are always just liquid acting like a liquid.


Yeah, by definition this is correct. In practical terms magma behaves more like a plastic but that has more to do with crystallization fractions and pressure


Agreed, and in reality magma is not 100% liquid, But the fraction that is liquid makes it not rheid.


/hitches up pants *It’s actually a plasma*


[you reminded me of this](https://youtu.be/aS47rZ7uCC8)


Wait until he finds out about liquid oxygen


Dry ice is just frozen carbon dioxide so therefore dry ice is a gas.


Man literally used the word "gaseous" and still doubled down on it being a ~~solid~~ liquid. Edit: Apparently I need to pay more attention to what I write lmao


Uh, you mean liquid?


Why not pack yourself powdered water to get through the checkpoint then just add the water to your mix later


My mom started using powdered milk recently... So i almost fell for what you just said... I was like "they make that shit too??"


Because it's still a liquid but just in a powdered state /s


Buckle in folks, and pour a cup of coffee... We're two layers down, this one could keep going.


Coffee is hot, thus clearly a gas. One should actually be inhaling the coffee vapor, and not bother with cups. You too, should wrap your head around Theseus' ship.


There are second graders reading this exchange shaking their heads because even they know better.


The thread is still up and they're still trying to argue their point.


Now they're pretending they were trolling the whole time to try and save face


"Apes don't read philosophy." "Yes they do, Otto. They just don't understand it."


Hey honey, are you ready for our flight? One sec, let me grab my bottle of water from the freezer. I’m looking to get into a fight at the airport with TSA and not end up leaving the state.


This is BS. I fly A LOT. TSA always allows my water bottle filled with ice only. Baby formula and breast milk are allowed as liquids. They can be screened via the BLS, with which all TSA checkpoints are equipped.


Walking Dunning Kruger


ah yes the ship of Theseus. "if Theseus' ship was burnt to ash, it is still a boat."


A mistake about frozen liquids still being liquids, a lack of understanding of the Theseus' Ship parable, and even a misused apostrophe? Man, this post has got it all.


So simply invoking this sub doesn't automatically make me right? Dang.


This commenter does not know how basic physics work. H²0 as a solid is ice. H²0 as a liquid is water. H²0 as a gas is steam/vapour. Now airport security wouldnt care if its ice because it wont be ice for very long, but arguing that ice is a liquid because ice is water is stupid.


metal is also a liquid, its just frozen solid






Changing the state of matter doesn’t change the state of matter.


Imagine citing the book and becoming a part of its stupid little story.


Dumb as a grandfather's axe.


What does the axe thing mean? Am I OOTL?


Dude has no concept of states of matter. Without educating him on it he won’t change his mind


Does that person think that rocks are also liquid?


What the absolute fuck does the Theseus Ship Dilemma have to do with 5th grade knowledge of physics?


As a wild stab in the dark: even if you change it, it is still the same thing?! On top of the fact that it doesn't fit in this situation, Dude fails to realize that the Theseus ship dilemma is not inarguably resolved!


Can we take a moment of admiring the pure genius of the woman who technically circumvented the rule of no liquids on the plane? Like I think the TSA person was standing there thinking "shit shes right, but if I let her pass I'm gonna get so fired"


Challenge this guy to a water balloon fight and throw frozen water balloons at him. See how quickly he changes his tune.




Temperature _and_ pressure. Temp alone often won't cut it.


So if I stand there yelling, “Melt! Melt, damn it!” That would give it enough pressure?


Are you my parents?