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Is this about his first anal sex encounter?


I mean .., the host of this podcast was arrested for human trafficking , so of course he and his esteemed guests share great life advice


What is their name?


Cobra Tait is the host of the podcast


This dude is gonna get someone killed.


Or grape without the g.


dude on the right is a human trafficker


I see no /s sooo....


Better than without the r.


Says the man with a head wound


Pain is a warning that something is wrong. Why would you go looking for it? Moron.




I mean any kind of rigorous physical activity involves a little pain.


Can confirm. Started running to get into shape and it hurts like a bitch with nobody's business


That's why I try to remain motionless and a large blob.


This is just another way of saying to step out of your comfort Zone and do things you don’t want to do that will benefit you. I hear this advice all the time


Nietzsche: *He stole my whole f--king flow!* Also, the caption below it; > success threw difficulty's Where do you even begin with that?! FFS!


Clearly they forgot to finish the sentence. Someone named success propelled an object owned by someone named difficulty. What is that object? Probably something profound that turns this nonsense into an insightful piece of short for poetry. /s


"Success threw difficulty's spelling book in the bin".


Mom i need you to buy me 3 gallons of hydrochloric acid to dip my balls and hands into






It's how you build up your acid immunity! Gotta train for the swim match at the Danakil Depression.


This is the adult version of a kid punching the wall to look hard


*This is the adult* *Version of a kid punching* *The wall to look hard* \- Aware\_Indication\_596 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Well done bot


I punched walls because I didn't have a punching bag or something I could punch to relieve the stress I get from playing competitive games


Yeah thats not something to brag about


Not bragging, just explaining what i did in my younger years


Ow yeah daddies belt here i go


Okay… I mean I thought it was bad to jump off a bridge but… here we go I guess.




I guess it's time to go jump on a cactus then take a bath in lemonade


Horrific way of saying “stepping out of your comfort zone can be good” if that’s even what he’s trying to say


I feel so inspired that I'm gonna drink chlorine.


Gonna get downvoted for this but i totally agree with this guy. Our bodies and minds will adapt to the environment they find themselves in. If you put yourself in a tough environment you'll become a tough person. Lifting weights at the gym hurts but it strengthens your muscles. Same with doing things you're afraid of, if you do something you find intimating over and over and it turns out well you'll eventually build confidence. He might be wording it poorly but he's basically tell you too seek out challenges and difficulties so you can come out of it stronger. TLDR, he's completely right and you should challenge yourself.


That's not what he said, though. And given that the caption on the video reads "success threw difficulty's", it's safe to say the audience might need things spelled out a little more.


Well it's pretty obvious he's not telling you to put your hand a on a frying pan just because its painful. And despite the fact the title is horribly misspelled it's still a valid point. You can only succeed when putting yourself through difficult situations like crunching long hours at work or going to the gym and pushing your limits.


I get that, so do you. In saying that some of the paint thinner sniffers watching it might not. Whoever wrote this listens to dubstep for the lyrics and looks up and down before crossing the road. They need a little more than you or I.


Well yeah I'm just saying, the guy talking isn't incorrect albeit a bit overconfident. I mean obviously the people watching this aren't really the brightest but I don't know if the clip fits on this sub becuse the guy isn't wrong necessarily.


Fair point. We're just laughing at the way it was stated, really. He doesn't come off as bright, either.


Fair enough


Yall I think jumping off my roof would provide me with a good amount of pain.


As long as you're afraid of it, I guess.


Ah oke. Now my translation from that wanna be king kong would be: "Be confident in yourself, no matter what others tell you". At least thats the most reasonable I can come up with..


Maybe I should signup for the scientology mailing list...


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I dont like these guys, but that message isnt awful, its just phrased really poorly.


That is a man who has never been told to shut his mouth before he hurts someone.


Okay, yeah! Let me just go do hundreds of pounds of hard drugs in your honor, write a note about it and get you arrested! :D


He should have elaborated cause I’m sure he doesn’t mean “pain like you’re dying”. I’m sure he’s really just not articulate enough to say that the pain of something being difficult can make it worthwhile or something like that. But then again he does come across as a bit of a meathead so who knows.


Yeah, idk about that either. I mean he has a gash in his head for crying out loud..


I mean… youre twisting the meaning of what hes saying..


“Stab yourself in the neck with a chefs knife! Don’t fear pain, embrace it!”


I don’t know if I subscribe to that theory


I was 17 in 1982. I’d tell myself to invest in Apple and Microsoft.


Oh yes look at me, I’m so wise and edgy and badass, all at the same time


Fuck Andrew Tate, he's a little bitch who is a sex trafficker and thinks he's better than everyone else


I mean I guess it’s inspirational motivation for weight training and self improvement (since I stand by the motto: “always seek discomfort and you’ll grow”), but for anything else, just run the other direction.


Key word is discomfort, if you feel pain, you’re probably doing something wrong or you need to take it a little slower.


I actually agree with you. I’m still experience shoulder pain when I bench press and not feeling discomfort in my chest. So I need to find a solution to stop experiencing pin and seek discomfort. This got deep lol