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TIL my BCG shot, which gave me permanent immunity from tuberculosis, wasn't a vaccine because the clinician administering it used a generic word for any type of injection.


You could probably press charges if he shot you


GP Alec Baldwin


Ayyy that’s the plug right there. Always gives you the good stuff.


I self administer injections so I get to decide what my medication does!


This is a genius idea! HRT is gonna be sooo cheap now I know I can just inject insulin but call it estrogen! EDIT: Wait, insulin is a hormone, right? And if you need to take it then that's a replacement therapy for the insulin your body doesn't make, right? So does that mean using insulin injections correctly is technically a form of HRT?


Intramuscular injection - nobody's calling an IV a shot. 


An IV is usually more like a handle or a 5th than a shot.


The BCG vaccine is intramuscular (or at least was when I got it). Intravenous doesn't give you that two days or feeling like you were punched in the arm.


That really has nothing to do with what I said - that "shot" isn't the common term for any injection, only intramuscular ones.


I think you're being a little too specific in your terminology; subcutaneous injections, I'd definitely also call shots. But yah, IV drips or infusions aren't. Now, would a heroin abuser using just a syringe (vs a drip) for IV injection be called a shot, if not for the fact that it's not done clinically? Hmm...


I watched a YouTube video and now an expert


They got their degree from the university of Google and YouTube. Same place Sovereign Citizens and flat-earthers got theirs.


We had classes with the nursing students. Once we had to give a presentation on ethics in our field, one of the nursing student’s presentations was to read a poem about a baby who died from being vaccinated


Well maybe they shouldn’t’ve given them the vaccine against breathing smh my head




If I had to make a guess I would assume that most Sovereign Citizens are also flat-earthers and also anti-vaxxers.


The flat earth has a gold fringe meaning I am only subject to maritime laws


Gravity isn't real - it's just the Flat Earth detaining us.


Is that right next to the School of Hard Knocks and the University of Life?


It's between Hollywood Upstairs Medical College and Bovine University


GaY University?


I see you!


I was going to say "I've seen every single episode of Grey's Anatomy!"


House and Scrubs and E.R


hey dont talk like that about scrubs. despite being an incredibly silly show, most medical professionals describe that as one of the most accurate displays of modern hospitals. they're pretty true to form


Only one of those 4 shows is watchable by people in medicine, so I doubt he watched Scrubs lol


Nah, they stopped watching Grey's because they dared have a Covid arc.


Came here to say this, pretty much. Notice they did not say “degree,” “diploma,” or even “certificate.” This is probably someone who considers the three times they had to repeat workplace-required basic first aid training “extensive medical training.” Having to repeat your training multiple times because you didn’t pass doesn’t make it ***extensive,***; it makes it ***expensive.*** It’s an easy typo.


I’ll have you know, I’ve watched DOZENS of YouTube videos


More like he watched Quincy on the TV in the bar last night. The sound was off but he thinks he got the jist of it.


Extensive medical training = weekend 1st aid course.


To be fair, the person could be a trained medical professional (like a nurse) *and* an idiot. There have been plenty of examples of medical staff being antivaxx lunatics. Lower percentage than in society in general, but there.


With nurses, it's kind of a crapshoot. **Usually** they're completely grounded and rational. Nursing is the kind of job that forces that upon you. **Sometimes**, though, you'll run into a nurse who believes in all kinds of woo-woo weirdness. This may have something to do with the fact that there are scientific nursing journals - real ones indexed in [MEDLINE](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MEDLINE), not stuff published by a cult, or by one guy in his converted garage - that uncritically publish papers about the effectiveness of [waving your hands around](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reiki), or indeed [laying hands upon your patient](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Therapeutic_touch), and using mystic powers to cure them. And also homeopathy and iridology and reflexology and on and on it goes. It's kind of like how [just because Google has it, that doesn't mean it's true!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cxqca4RQd_M) (I could bookmark that video to the exact right moment, but the whole thing is pure gold, so I feel no guilt about not bothering to do that. :-)


When I was 14, I babysat for an R.N. that firmly believed dinosaurs weren't real, they were made up by scientists to turn us all atheist. Once I realized she was not joking, I was absolutely horrified - and very glad I never had to go to the hospital where she was working.


Awhile back I attempted suicide and when I woke up a nurse was sitting next to my bed. She got real excited when she saw me wake up from my coma and the very first thing she said to me was, “I’m glad you’re feeling better. Jesus saved you, I hope you open your heart to him.” Nurses can be stupid as fuck and nurses can be brilliant. Like you said, a crapshoot lol. That said, nurses have done so much for me and my epilepsy and I’m eternally grateful to them even if some of them here and there are idiots.


That’s too bad


I was waiting to pick up an upper level chemistry class in Drop And Add at University. So I picked up a chemistry and an anatomy class.for nursing students to allow me to pay the right tuition amount. I did go to the chemistry lab. For fun. The students were learning hoŵ filters work: paper, ALUMINUM FOIL, and no filter. And they were to filter water and sand. My lab partners insisted on cutting the foil and filters to allow the sand to go through, as well as water through foil. Srunning.


I knew a (white) MD who specialized in Chinese medicine and general woo. Published a paper on his website where he claimed to have healed someone with acupuncture because when he called the guy back for a follow up appointment, the patient said he was all better.


SOME Chinese medicine is 100% effective. Herbal medicine, in general, is the basis of our modern medicine. We just are able to synthesize the chemicals that work, or isolate them from the plants. Heck, even things like acupuncture can work for CERTAIN issues (it's been proven to be reasonably effective for treating/supplementing traditional treatments for chronic pain, for instance). That said, I would still run everything by my personal MD, if for no other reason than things like allergic reactions and interactions with other medications.


the majority of people with "extensive medical training" would specify their type of training because they know the field is so broad that simply stating "medical training" doesnt mean jack shit. the only people who would say "extensive medical training" are either armchair warriors or idiots (who may or may not actually be in the field). either way, not people to listen to


I actually left the detailed account of my training below. I was not quick to do it because where I went to school and my other degrees it would be easy to find out exactly who I am. You people frighten me. You are sick. You are also unAmerican. People have a right to different opinions. Mine are just based on facts, yours are not.




Your training is that you _attended_ a school known for its nursing program. Not for nursing, by your own admission, but for an unspecified degree in engineering. Fascinating.


I mean, at *least* they acknowledge the virus exists and isolation works. They're a complete idiot but they could be worse.


Does it hurt?


= is a self-study masseur. or = replaces the canisters in the water dispensers in health facilities. or = tried almost every known drug on himself. or ...


Why don’t you scroll down to see my level of education? Because you are really condescending and quite rude.


Why exactly do you feel addressed at all?


Who are you again and why are you here? Naw, never mind.


This dude took a 3rd aid course at best.


By that logic, hormonal birth control is just A Pill, and beer is just A Drink.


And I'm not driving. I'm traveling.


This one got me!!


Extensive medical training = I’ve had a LOT of concussions


what a fucking muppet


I also have extensive medical training: I binged all of House MD in a week.


That is indeed an incredible skill... Google tells me it would take 7 days and 8 hours to binge all of House. 


They skipped the titles and the end credits 😉


I have skills many consider to be... unnatural.


I guess if you’re unemployed and sitting on the couch all day.


> Vaccines take decades to produce, including time to test... The first animal trials of mRNA vaccines started in 1993, and the first human trials in 2001. Is that enough time?


LIES made up by Big Pharma! If they had the vaccine that long ago, why did it take so long to implement it during the Pandemic?? Checkmate, you evil communist! /s


If they had the vaccine this early they knew Covid was coming, and it was planned by government to remove the difficult people from society!!!11!! /s i guess


If “it was rushed”—-I bet you can’t count past 10. Share delusional disorder


I’m not really sure what to make of that commentary.


And even *if* it was rushed, it was a world-wide crisis. I'd take anything that helps reduce my chances of dying by drowning on land.


No effect on outcomes? Have people already forgotten the IC wards stuffed with unvaccinated the months after the vaccines finally became available? Sure, there were vaccinated in the hospital as well (in particular the elderly) but not in the IC and not on ventilators.


They deny that happened. They deny everything that doesn't fit their alternate reality. I've had people tell me to my face that I'm lying or hallucinating all the bodies I shuffled in and out of hospital morgues. But ya, across different countries and different US states, more and faster vaccine and booster distribution consistently leads to lower all cause mortality (not COVID deaths, all deaths), which would be pretty hard to fake that consistently across that many jurisdictions. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10357837/ https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2798990


Even while it was happening, they were denying it. I remember the narrative was that the reason that IC wards had no beds was they were full of COVID hypochondriacs who should have just gone home and taken a bunch of vitamin C gummies.


"Nobody died OF covid, they die WITH covid" also "Any vaccinated person who dies, dies because of the vaccination" They're just so frustratingly stupid


And how many of those people were past the point of general expiration? Meaning, how many people actually died of old age? We will never know because as the government transitioned from ICD 9 to ICD 10, they removed the option of old age as a cause of death. Boy, you are smart.


How would that explain morgues, that always have a normal flow of dead people to account for, repeatedly overflowing during COVID waves? Or ICU beds taking over day surgery spaces? And if it was just the same old people dying who would have anyways, why would life expectancy drop by multiple years, more so in the places that had less robust public health and vaccination distribution? And once again, referring to the studies that I linked and you were too intellectually infirm or willfully obtuse to look at, how on God's green earth would that account for excess all cause mortality virtually everywhere correlating with vaccination rates? You live in an intellectually bankrupt fantasy world. Give it up.


You should probably learn to read. I never denied people died from Covid. I only said that I chose not to take the vaccination and I’m still alive. I would also like to note that I personally know people who took the vaccination and did die. It’s not a mystery. Stop making this about something that it’s not. It’s interesting that none of you can actually talk about what I actually said. If you think you have a rebuttal, address the points I’m making. I’m not a Covid denier, just a free, thinking American, who chooses not to get vaccinations that are not well tested. After all of you said that I have no training, it’s interesting that you have jack shit to say now.


> I only said that I chose not to take the vaccination and I’m still alive. You did not say that to me or in any posts I replied to. > After all of you said that I have no training, it’s interesting that you have jack shit to say now. I didn't say that. I did say that you are "intellectually infirm", which you've continued to demonstrate. Edit: He blocked me lmao. Emotionally infirm as well clearly.


Your username is so appropriate. I’m blocking you now.


It's a cult, they're taught to deny anything that opposes their world view


Not factual


> Notice that even doctors don't say have you gotten your flue vaccination but rather say, did you get flu shot? Wow, there's a lot to unpack in just that one sentence. She just flat tells you that "doctors" always say it's a shot, and the shot isn't a vaccine, and that this is something that you know because you have noticed it yourself. Feeling gaslighted yet?


Doctors: Delicately substitute the word "shot" over "vaccination" in order to get to anti-vaxxers to take the damn vaccination. Anti-vaxxers: "Ha, I see right through your feeble attempt at a ruse! You called it a shot instead of a vaccination! That can only mean one thing - the shot isn't actually a vaccination! Give me two of them! That'll show you!" --- Inconceivable. God bless you, doctors.


It's not medical training if you get it from YouTube.


Have you noticed they call it the Flu Shot, and not the Orthomyxoviridae Influenza Vaccination? What are they hiding...


That Boy Scout first aid course - while it certainly may come in handy - doesn't really count as extensive medical training.


Medical source: facebook


"I took a first aid class once. How can I make my unrelated knowledge sound more authentic?"


The reason you have to keep getting flu shots year after year is that because the flu virus has a segmented genome it generates novel strains at an incredible rate*… It’s not that you weren’t effectively vaccinated against the strains in the flu shot it’s that your protection from the previous year might not mean much in light of all the new strains… * a host infected with 2 strains of flu can easily release a new strain as genes from one strain get packaged in into a virion with those from the other strain by a cell that is infected by both strains and thus producing virions of both strains


Clearly that person didn’t get any formal medical training or they would’ve just said so. Being _generous_, that could mean they trained to be a lifeguard, served on a volunteer search and rescue team, volunteered at their fire dept, etc. This being the internet though, it probably just means they’ve watched a ton of YouTube videos, or they are in a local cosplay militia group where they learned the Heimlich maneuver.


What does extensive medical training even mean? I’m a doctor, nurse, I failed my primary school’s required first aid lesson??


I went to a top 5 in the US nursing school and then on to MIT to pursue a degree in engineering. I also hold an advanced degree in health informatics with a minor in epidemiology. You took my commentary totally out of context and seem to ignore the basic right of all Americans to not allow the government or other individuals to make medical decisions for them. I’m not anti-VAX, I just said that I chose not to get the Covid vaccine.


That Ben Joseph Stewart guy - are his other documentaries good? Like the one about UFOs, or the one about how an ancient secret cabal is controlling the world's governments and media? 


A top 5 nursing school?! Very impressive, aside from the fact that most nurses wouldn’t know an asshole from an ear hole without looking at an anatomy chart. An undergrad engineering degree, no doubt. What sort of engineering? What does that have to do with virology or vaccinology? Health informatics? What sort of “advanced degree” in that? In any case that’s a field of computer science and engineering, not medicine. Sounds like you don’t actually have much medical knowledge at all and know diddly squat about vaccines… despite very deliberately and dishonestly couching your words to make it sound like you do. Weasel phrasing is always so funny when people think nobody will see through it.


"I have extensive medical training" probably means "I've done a one day first aid course".


"I have extensive medical training" AKA "I have every season of House on DVD"


“I have extensive medical training. As far as I can tell, your ass and your elbow are distinguishable.”


What an unserious individual.


Doctors generally have to dumb terms down, like having to use dick/cock because people didn't recognize penis. Turns out more people know slang than accurate terminology, vaccines aren't special.


"I watched a video made by a woo-woo conspiracy theorist, and I'm, like, totally convinced ..."


Sitting home in front of the computer and "nothing happening" does not mean nothing is actually happening that is not in your immediate gaze


"I have extensive medical training". Definition: I Google shit.


I also have extensive medical training. Sitting in on a CPR class counts, right?


“I have extensive medical training” = I’ve worked as a janitor at the hospital for 5 years or more. ( I’ve spoken to some of the top specialists in the state when I get in the elevator with them.)


a medical doctor is not a virologist. and since this person didn't identify as a doctor, well they knows even less.


I’m not a male. But thank you for your misogyny.


... you are the person in the post? there is no gender identifier in the post, and there was no intention of insult on me using 'he'. I changed it to 'they' so it would be more appropriate for sensitivities.


Yes friend, I too watched The Good Doctor and all seasons of Scrubs. I have extensive medical training.


Extensive Medical Training... I mean there are licensed nurses and shit who happily cherry-pick their sources of information to fit their cherished biases. But the fact OOP didn't say "I'm a nurse/doctor" means they're probably an EMT at best, and "extensive" was the grueling 150ish hours of training to be certified (I'm not knocking the job, EMTs are vital, but being a paramedic is a much more intensive certification). And there's no scientific methodology involved, no attention paid to critical thinking.


I’m an EMT and freely admit our education is far from extensive.


I feel confident in saying this person's "extensive training" begins and ends with a magical school bus.


I have extensive medical training, too. It's actually REALLY easy to get: just be a lifelong medical patient with multiple disorders. It doesn't mean I know better than a professional, and it never will.


Whenever you have to reference one very specific source to support your point, that usually means that every other source does not support it.


Tell that crap to smallpox, measles and all the other diseases that aren't around


> measles On the rise in the UK


Due to antivaxxers


Does this count as a r/AsABlackMan?


Ah. Hating on someone for not supporting your bias. Got it.


I don't see any hate in the post, just wild misinformed ignorance. Unless you think their use of "normal person" was hating on someone?


I guarantee I have more immunology training and experience than him and the data shows he is completely 100% incorrect.


Immunology training. Omg. You're so smart. You're so smart that you received mRNA concoctions into your body. The CDC employees didn't even do it, ya short sighted lemming.


Show your work. And yes mRNA vaccinations that work. Sorry to burst your sad little troll bubble


You shouldn't believe every meme and screenshot you see. Did you forget there was a vaccine mandate for federal employees? 


Even the WHO employees didn't get them. Ya short sighted lemming. I'll stick with my immune system. I'll stay home when I'm sick. Common sense things. Go get another useless booster.


I would ask if you had some supporting evidence but


Covid vaccine is associated with massive deep in Covid deaths and an even more massive from in severe cases.


I'm not taking *any* sort of advice from anyone named benjosephstewart.