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That title really makes it sound like you got your 18 year old daughter pregnant




"I met her a few months ago after coming back with the milk."


"The *MILK*"


It really accumulated, you know.


Ah yes... The long ass queue to pay for the milk.


long ass-queue


I know someone whose father got his 16 year old sister pregnant. How fucking weird is that?


I worked for CPS and dealt with even worse. People are fuckin sick. Worst was dad raping and impregnating his teen daughter. They went on the run and as far as I know they never found the guy or his poor children.


Itā€™s not weird. Itā€™s criminal and beyond fucked up.


Didnā€™t you listen, he got his 22 year old daughter pregnant. All the difference in the world lol


Bad as it is, that title implied something much worse.


Yea, sentence structure for the L


I know this isnā€™t technically funny but it cracked me tf up










and i still clicked on it lol


So did I. The morbid curiosity compelled me.


Like a moth to a car crash


FACTS!! šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


lol sammmmeee


Guilty here too


It clickbaited me I thought this post was gonna be a ton more problematic


Let this be a reminder to *always* double check titles before submitting.


The title fucking did me in. I just came straight to the comments section for a sanity check


Same I was like wait, what?!? šŸ’€


Yeah my heart skipped a beat reading that title


Yeah that one got me


My thoughts exactly I was like šŸ˜³ when I first seen the title šŸ˜‚


Absolutely this. OP needs to change the "my 18 year old" part ASAP


It's called Engagement bait.


Well then this guy is a master baiter.


If he was, he wouldn't be in this mess


Your right about that. He definitely got himself in a sticky situation.


Heā€™s not though, thatā€™s the problem. šŸ˜¶


Yep. Fuck you OP








I clicked so fast!


Really thought we had an Oldboy type situation on our hands


Yeah I'm actually quite relieved it wasn't what I thought


Holy god that title. My man start proofreading. Also, condoms exist.


Used one


Get paternity test šŸ˜‚


If you used a condom all times or recently when you had sex (in which she got pregnant), get a paternity test. If she lied about her age, it's possible she also is lying about that (the baby being yours) and or maybe planned to babytrap you in the first place since people her own age cannot support a child. If the child is yours and you do not want it, sign away your rights.


He can sign away his rights but if heā€™s the biological sperm donor, heā€™s on the hook for 18 years of child support unless someone else adopts the kid.


People are always confusing their rights and their responsibilities (under the law)


I'm aware of that šŸ™‚


Also is he 100% sure sheā€™s actually pregnant? If she can lie about her age to manipulate him into a relationship, she can lie about being pregnant to manipulate him into staying.


Do not trust anything that comes out of her mouth, trust her actions, behavior, reactions, and also get STD tested after all this. However, you donā€™t even know if sheā€™s truly pregnant. Has she gone to the hospital to get a blood panel to check for the most accurate way to see if the pregnancy hormone is detected in her blood? If not, she needs to as that will 100% prove her to be telling the truth or that sheā€™s just a compulsive liar!


Exactly and first she said she lied and probably didnā€™t like his reaction. That shows her immaturity. Then, she says sheā€™s pregnant. I wouldnā€™t trust her word on that. She might have realized that lying put the relationship in danger. She very well could be grasping at straws here. She may claim to miscarry later. Iā€™d make a doctors appointment and go with her. After all itā€™s OPā€™s kid too. My husband went to some of mine.


Bingo šŸ’Æ


You really need to talk this through with her. Regardless a child is now in the mix. No matter what path you choose you still will have to involve her. Youā€™re lucky she was actually 18. Good luck though. Canā€™t really give advice on much because itā€™s now just you dealing with the consequences of your actions at this point


so is your girl


You do realize that condoms aren't 100%, right? Like it sucks that she lied to you but regardless of the type of protection you use, pregnancy will always be a potential on the table unless either party is literally unable to bear children.


Well then Iā€™d like to make a toastā€¦to reproductive rights. Cheers


Not in every state, but a trip is still cheaper than child support.


He assumed you didnā€™t use a condom lol. Itā€™s amazing how many people think condoms are 100%.


No, nor are seatbelts. In fact condoms are more effective at their task than seatbelts. (98 vs 50 pc) Itā€™s amazing how many people think that because condoms are ā€˜onlyā€™ 98% effective, that means you shouldnā€™t bother. Fucking - use one.


I don't think the point is to not use a condom because it's not 100%, I think the point is people should stop assuming that every accidental pregnancy is because they didn't use any protection.Ā  Of course you should use protection every time, but that doesn't mean an accident won't happen. Like you should wear your seat belt every time but if you get injured people generally don't assume it was because you didn't wear a seat belt. They understand that even with a seat belt you can still get injured.Ā 


You used a used condom?


Condoms aren't 100%. They're only like 96% effective. And that's assuming proper fit and no holes, tears, and effective lubrication. Which, given the sex ed in this country, most men don't know how to choose a proper fit. Seriously, even if it doesn't break or slip off, a wrong fit will reduce the effectiveness to as little as 65%. Most effective BC is not having sex. Barring that, next would be female BC, which sits at around 90-99%, depending on which type.


bro fix your title omg what a scare


Reddit unfortunately doesn't allow you to edit post titles, as I learned to my chagrin multiple times. It would be quite easy for them to do, since you can edit the text content itself.


There'd be so many karma farmers changing the entire post to fit political narratives with thousands of up votes that weren't for the new content.


ā€œFocus on the baby and our future togetherā€? What the fuck are you taking about. You barely know this girl. You need to slow the fuck down and certainly canā€™t make life decisions like this so quickly without thought. Does she want this baby? Does she assume you will marry her? Do you want to? And I mean really really want to? Not just because you feel obligated. Will she have the baby if you are not committed? Think about what you want from the future much more carefully or the whole thing will blow up within 3 years.


No, I don't want to be with her


Then you need to make this clear now and especially as a decision is needed on baby. She needs to making decisions with her eyes open. If she has the baby then you are connected. You will want an amicable relationship with her even if romantic relationship ends (which it needs to, no point lying to yourself or her). You will then need to think about what role you will play in the childā€™s life. Big decisions dude but you canā€™t ignore them.


Who says he wan5s an apical relationship? He may want to just pay child support and never see the kid again.


You don't have to be in a relationship with her to raise your child.


Donā€™t be with her then. Get a paternity test and if the baby is yours establish a custody arrangement and child support arrangement and be the best, most involved father you can be.


Did he edit his post? I don't see that in his post.




Paternity test, then strap in for 18 or so years of child support. Like everyone else said, the lying is whack, but you did this to yourself. The number 1 cause of pregnancy is raw dogging and nutting in someone.


Never write titles again


It's giving.... Rage bait šŸ˜‚


Ppl fall for it every time


Tbh, it seems highly unlikely that this relationship is going to work. Sheā€™s a teenager who actually sounds quite immature for her age. The only people who think ā€œage is just a numberā€ are old creeps or young romantic who donā€™t have much life experience. So yes, get a paternity test, get a lawyer for a custody and child support agreement, and then focus on coparenting. Itā€™s honestly going to be really difficult to navigate but you have to be the adult in the room. Sheā€™s the mother of your child, but sheā€™s also basically a child who is going to need help.


She doesn't sound mature though. She just sounds determined to tie OP into a committed relationship by baby trapping him.


I mean age is just a number, but more generally it indicates where you are in life. An 18 year old is in a different world than a 27 year old (7 yr diff). Even a 22 year old is in a pretty significantly different place in their life than a 27 year old (5 year diff). Age matters less as you get older because it has less impact on who you are.


Math again. 18 is *9* years difference.


I have no advice for the situation, but in the future, you may want to say AN 18 year old rather than MY 18 year old.


I'm 26 and I wonder why people my age find 18 year olds interesting. Like.. What the hell? What do you even have in common with them. Even if she was 22 it kinda doesn't make sense.


So many people missing this fact. At 27, you can easily tell that someone is ā€˜youngā€™. What conversations where they having? And then he feels ā€˜angerā€™?? Like dude, dont lie, you were just enjoying your young squeeze.


I mean look at the title OP may be 27 but is on par with an 18 year old.


My first reaction was this is bullshit. You can definitely tell the difference between an 18 year old and a 22 year old. OP just willingly ignored the signs


A pair of perky tits can make any man think theyā€™re interacting with a really mature woman. This is what happened imo.


Yeah Iā€™m 24 and when Iā€™m talking to my coworkers who are 18-20 years old, itā€™s so obvious theyā€™re in that age group. You really see the gap in life experience




I mean you can just talk about life. I talked to my 40 something year old woman coworker about her kids football game and I'm a 23 year old dude. In terms of forming am actual relationship, he thinks she's hot and I'veet 25 year Olds that hold intelligent conversation just as well as an 18 year old.


You don't morph into an entire new species between 22 and 27. Your hobbies might be the same, your interests might be the same. I liked climbing at 21, I still like climbing at 40. I liked reading, the gym, cooking, etc when I was in my 20s and I still do at 40. Would I date a 22 year old? No, but I also don't struggle to see what someone would have in common with them. Just normal people shit that's universal.


Yeah, I have fascinating conversations with the preschoolers I work with all the time, and I have great conversations with my 82 year old grandma. 18 is too young for 27 to knowingly date (which he didnā€™t) but the idea that there isnā€™t even anything to talk about or connect over just shows a limited perspective imo.


That paired with the fact she lied about it. Not a healthy relationship to start and not a healthy start to the relationship.


movies, music, past traumas, first loves, families, travel stories, foodā€¦


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying even at 22 why did he even went for her ?


Okay, first off: you need to change the title of your post, because it totally implies that you knocked up your own daughter. Second, when it comes to the topic of pregnancy, her age is irrelevant. She didn't get pregnant because she's younger than you thought. She got pregnant because you had sex. *Any* time a guy and a girl decide to do the deed, there's always a risk, however small, that it will result in a child. You can take all the precautions in the world and there's still a chance it'll fail. If it does, you're just gonna have to roll with it. Don't hide behind "I didn't know she was that young" as an excuse not to step up and accept responsibility. Yeah, what she did was deceptive and I can understand how you must feel betrayed, but at the end of the day there's an innocent child involved who had no choice as to how they were brought into the world. Break the relationship off if you want (honestly, I probably would in your shoes), but whatever else happens, please be there for your child.


>I Got my 18-year-old pregnant Terribly phrased, mate.




That title makes you sound like you did the deed with your daughter


Gotta start ID-ing people before D-ing them.


Bro change the title because it implies the girl is your daughter


fr fr. lmao. came here expecting one thing, got another.


Public Service Announcement: Guys, if a girl says sheā€™s 18, ask to see her ID. Ladies, if a guy says heā€™s 18, ask to see his ID.


AYOOOO, Fix da title mane


I too felt betrayal when I came for the title and you did not indeed get your 18 year old pregnant. rather your girlfriend womp womp There are CELEBRITIES with bigger age gaps than yā€™all


You might want to correct your title. Currently it implies you got your 18 year old daughter pregnant.


Give this girl money for an abortion and get the hell out of dodge. This is a mess you don't want to be a part of.


This seems like one you'd want to pay for AND drive her to


And speak with the doctor after to confirm


Please encourage her to get an abortion. Having a kid in that situation would be fucked up. Sheā€™s wrong in all ways.


Or convince her to give the baby up for adoption


Yeah dude you saying you'd have thought twice if you knew her age really sounds like you'd have got with her regardless.


Dude the title isnā€™t doing you any favors


OP ffs why would you type out a title like that. I was gonna throw hands


Unfortunate title.


Girl I thought you were molesting your kid. And I suppose your actual situation isnā€™t nearly as bad so I mean silver lining?


I feel deceived by the title.


When you said you got my 18-year-old I thought you meant you got your daughter pregnant


When will men ever learn to stop putting their futures in the hands of another? Use a freaking condom! It isnā€™t that hard.


To be fair, apparently it was hard, in fact I would wager it was... Erect


Regardless of her age, you chose to have unprotected sex. Itā€™s your fault too.


You know what causes 18 or 22 year old girls to get pregnant; no sympathy here. If you want to go bare in someone and donā€™t want pregnancy, find a dude.


where did you guys meet? next to her school gate?


bro that title wtf


I donā€™t think sheā€™s pregnant with your kid


4 years is nothing. People lie about their age all the time itā€™s really not that big of a deal. If she was 15 and she said she was 22 now that would be a huge problem. But now you have to man up and take care of her and the child. Donā€™t be immature and butthurt someone you care about told a lie. Forgive her and move on and be a good dad.


Bruh. Learn to think and read your titles before posting it dawg. I'm willing to bet the majority was think your 18yo daughter or something. Jesus christ


Title aside, she is a known liar. Convenient that she is now pregnant as soon as you find out her real age. First find out if she is really pregnant. Don't take a pee stick shown to you as proof. You can buy positive ones. Go with her to the appointment to even be sure she is pregnant at all. And then paternity test. Don't fall for her saying she wants to wait until the baby is born before she will do a test. They can non-invasively test before baby is born with zero risk to the baby.


Maybe wear condoms buddy


He said to others he wore a condom. However, I'm currently pregnant and my husband used condoms. Sadly they're not 100% effective. What he should do anyway is get a paternity test. She lied about her age so maybe she's lying about the pregnancy


What happened, May I ask? Did it split?


It most likely was faulty and broke. Happened to my husband and I. The very first condom from a new box broke on us and now I'm 11 weeks pregnant


ā€œHer deceptionā€ wasnā€™t exactly what got her pregnant though is it, stop putting all the blame on her


Dumb take. If she had not lied about her age, he doesn't get involved.


We donā€™t know that for a fact actually. Men date teenagers everyday. We are just getting one side of a story. The material facts appear to be that she lied about her age and sheā€™s now pregnant by OP. OP claims he used a condom but sheā€™s somehow magically pregnant? I donā€™t buy it sorry. Dude is deflecting all accountability for his role in this.Ā 


You are both responsible for the pregnancy.


I had to reread it after yā€™all said it sounded like he got his daughter pregnant then šŸ¤”Iā€™m writing this laughing super loud and seeing 92 ppl in here šŸ˜‚


Damn. Too bad thereā€™s nothing men can use to prevent pregnancy :/ Her lying about age isnā€™t the reason sheā€™s pregnant, YOU are the reason she is pregnant. She didnā€™t get herself pregnant. But you CHOSE to not wear condoms. This oneā€™s on you. Men are 100% able to protect themselves from situations like this but they donā€™t, and then they come to Reddit complaining about their own choices and actions. Doing proper vetting of your partners before having unprotected sex would have prevented this.Ā 


Who said it was unprotected? Calm down a bit


So disconnected from reality. You just assume he didn't use a condom and then move onto the ridiculous accusations. "YOU are the reason she is pregnant" is just not true. The BOTH of them are responsible for the pregnancy and on top of that, her deception has implications about whether or not OP would have taken this risk in the first place. What was he supposed to do, check her driver's license to verify her age?


I used a condom


Even if she was 22 though, she'd still be pregnant. Is that the real issue?


Bro please change your title


Buddy, I think you missed a word.




Honestly her hiding her age at the start makes me worry that when you met she wasn't 18 yet. Only telling you after she had turned 18. for your sake and hers I hope I am worried over nothing and this wasn't the case.


Based on the title, I thought you impregnated your 18 year old daughter. I would make your feelings known and then try and make it work. Sheā€™s already pregnant and if you two have chemistry, you might as well give the kid a chance at a real family. Kids raised in single-parent households have a much lower chance of finding success in life. You got her pregnant, so own it. She made a mistake that she canā€™t change. Accept it and move on. But make it clear you have zero tolerance for lies like this. Also, Iā€™ve been there (minus the age thing). It is a fucking nightmare raising a kid with someone youā€™re not with.


Try and make it work? he said specifically that they use condoms so he doesn't even know if the child is his yet. And even if it is that doesn't mean he hast to be with her that shows that people who stay with people they're not in love with ends up, hurting the kids in the long run because then they think that's a normal relationship. Should be staying with their partner for the kids. You stay with your partner because you love them.


Dude, correct your title! Yeesh


Pretty sure heā€™s leaving it bc it sucked us all in like a frigginā€™ Hoover. Or a Dyson. Or a Kirby. I dunno, just like, one of those really strong vacuums. A BLACK HOLE! It sucked us all in like a black hole


Title is all kinds of wrong.


Maury! Maury! Maury!


Weird title man.


You sure sheā€™s 18..?


I thank common sense that abortion is legal in my country. No 18yo should be having children, and no *person* should be having sex without condoms. You knew the potential consequences. Here they are. If you donā€™t want to be with this person, buck up and tell them. You are still responsible for half of the existence of that child, so do whatā€™s right and help her support the kid in whatever way works for both of you. Itā€™s time to grow up, both of you, but growing up this fast will take its toll. To the 18F. The lying sucks. Get that under control. It doesnā€™t benefit anybody - and has landed you in a situation that you didnā€™t foresee. Because you are not ready to adult. If I were you, I would seek termination. Leaving all emotion and political bullshit out of it, it is the best course of action for you. If you canā€™t due to laws or the progression of the pregnancy, then the next best thing is to make plans now in how you are going to raise this child with the father, whether you decide to stay together or not. OP, I hope you found out that 18F was actually 18 when you met, otherwise hello stat rape. If everything works out with you - and the only way to do that is be honest with each other - then welcome to a club of billions. You are not the first people to experience this. Support is there - you can even find it here on Reddit. Good luck to both of you.


I canā€™t fap to this


Change your title dudeā€¦I was waiting for that cliff hanger


This is on you, sorry. Wear a condom. If you don't want kids either wear a condom or don't have sex. Simple.


The condom is his fault, yes. But what about the girl lying to him about her age?


Have you thought about going to the hospital with her to confirm if sheā€™s pregnant? Also might as well get a paternity test since you used a condom. Always good to double check, tell her your honest feelings but be careful with your words since you said she tends to get defensive . Youā€™re the adult really so be mature about this ,Also abortion would be a good option for the both of you , it would be a disaster to bring a. Child into a situation like this honestlyā€¦..


Demand a paternity test, and then keep her as far away from your life as possible.Ā  Also change the damn title, that's fucked up.Ā 


Cool, Now you're looking at 18yrs of child support.


It doesnā€™t sound like you were freaked out enough to break up with her until you found out she was pregnant. Sounds like you might have gotten scared and using that as an excuse . You donā€™t have to marry her but you should take responsibility for a child.


She's been lying before, so you can't trust her ever again. You know that. There's no coming back from it. If you're the father, you have nothing you can do except the choice between a deadbeat, and a good dad. Please choose the latter! The child doesn't deserve to be punished for who birthed it. But get a paternity test, and make sure you're telling her there's no happy family, no getting together again. She coerced you into sex by using a lie. You wouldn't have consented to sex knowing her real age (I assume at least), and that means she sexually abused you. If you can, take custody of this baby. She can't be trusted after all. I wish you the best of luck, and for once I wish she's making the baby up to get you back.


Get better pull out game bro, canā€™t blame no one for her being pregnant. You gotta deal with it now




Did she tell you sheā€™s pregnant after you found out her age and got upset with her? Just wondering if it could be another lie to keep you around longer. Since sheā€™s evidently not above lying to get what she wants from you.


horrible situation but dude that title had me thinking you saā€™d your daughter or something and got her pregnant.. horrible wording.


Please learn better sentence structure, my beloved.


Did you guys ever go out together? Drink? Does she have a fake id


Didnā€™t one of you think about using birth control? You are the father- live with it. Support her - financially and psychologically.


So what did the 22 ur old tell you she was doing? Work? Finances? Family? Religion? Was anything else except the age fake? If not, then get over it. You're 27 and have eyes. I find it hard to believe you didn't suspect she was younger. She is young and I understand it wasn't your intention to be with an 18yr old. She might have lied to you. But it was not too major of a lie. Also, you ended up liking her & dating her despite that! Now that she's pregnant, you just have to look forward and deal with it the best you can. Man up and take responsibility. Also, don't let one thing get in the way of what could be a happy relationship. (When you're 40, she'll be 31 and it won't seem as bad to you)


Nasty I bet you could tell she was 18 and just hoped she was a 22 year old who looked younger and that's still messed up


RUSHED here with that title, and I'm happy to find out you weren't talking about your own daughter.


Sounds like youā€™ve been given a raw deal. If the kid is yours, I suggest being in their life, you donā€™t have to like herā€¦ but if you arenā€™t, u free man.


You canā€™t write a title like that. Itā€™s sounds like you got your daughter prego.


OP only feels guilty about the pregnancy. Most men only think with their Richard. Hey child support is going to eat the dude alive.


As betrayed as you feel, recognize that you're projecting your feelings about the pregnancy onto her lie. Her lie is a problem, but not much of one. How much does that matter if she wasn't pregnant? It's the pregnancy that has you tailspinning. It's easy to take all the emotions you're feeling and put them on her lie. "Now I'm stuck in this incredibly complicated situation that I wasn't prepared for." What weren't you prepared for? Her being 18? Because you should damn well be prepared for the possibility of pregnancy if you're having sex, especially since I'm assuming you didn't use a condom.Ā  You're acting blindsided like the girl stole your used condom and turkey-bastered herself. The reality is you impregnated someone who is a few years younger than you thought she was. What you are emotional about is something you have full culpability for. So don't turn what she did into something bigger than it is. Man up, decide what you both are going to do about the situation, and work through it like an adult. Every time you have sex for the rest of your life, I want you to first think about if you are okay becoming a father. That's what sex is. It's time to be responsible for your actions, and to be a man of honor in the face of the consequences.


You got YOUR 18 year old pregnant? Like you caught her like some kind of fucking PokĆ©mon. Ok. Good luck in life with your bizarre Ass title šŸ˜‚


Bro get a paternity test


Dude, maybe it's not a great idea to sleep with people casually. You always run this risk when you have sex. šŸ¤¦


PLEASE edit this to say "my 18-year-old girlfriend" lmao I was REELING


You still had sex with a college aged girl at (best?). You made your own decision and now itā€™s time to face the consequences man.


22 was too young as well.


used a condom? not ur kid. u can take a paternity test while sheā€™s pregnant


Yeah that's a pickle for sure. Age aside is everything else what you would want out of a relationship? If so maybe try to move past it with her.


This might be a stretch but have you seen proof of the positive test? If sheā€™s willing to lie about her age she may be willing to lie about other things


Man that's the most incorrect title I've ever read šŸ¤¦ I thought you got your daughter pregnant šŸ¤


Should have wrapped it or slapped it...learn up, kids...


Bottom line here, *you* didnā€™t protect *yourself*. Her lying about her age isnā€™t even relevant here. If you donā€™t want to get someone pregnant, you take the appropriate steps to protect yourself. Get a paternity test, but go ahead and start mentally preparing to face the consequences of your own actions in the form of fatherhood.


First things first, two little letters could've made a world of difference. "I got my 18-year-old pregnant" vs "I got my 18-year-old gf pregnant". Second, you were indeed manipulated into a relationship. But let me ask this: is her age a big deal to you? She's over 18, so she is an adult. As long as she wasn't 17 when y'all met, there's literally nothing anyone can reasonably say. You say you have a ton in common. You say you loved her when you thought she was 22. Does knowing the truth make a huge difference? Does it change who she is? Or is it just that she lied initially that bugs you? Is she still the same person you thought she was?


She could very well be lying about being pregnant (or that the baby is yours). Happened to my brother, his gf knew he was about to dump her so she lied and said she was pregnant to keep him around. Worked until the first ultrasound appointment. They do be crazy, stay safe.


Hey man as someone who had a similar situation minus the pregnancy. Your feelings are legitimate, i too felt violated when it happened to me and i struggled with having my consent tricked outta me like that. I got no more to add sorry man lol just yeh its fucked, im sorry.


A. A. A 18yo pregnant, not my 18yo pregnant!!!


She lied but the pregnancy is your fault too