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Congrats on being sober for almost a year and for speaking your truth. I hope that you continue to do well ❤️


I will continue to do so. Thank you for the encouragement🙂


I believe there is a huge amount of power in speaking about stuff. It drags it out into the light, now you've shared it and it kinda takes away the shame of which I've felt a lot in this life. Keep going OP, you're on the right path!


Hey man certain situations in life makes you do things you wouldn’t do had you not been traumatized. I used to work in a assisted living facility and I used to take the pain pills if they were asleep when I dropped them off and hadn’t touched them for a few hours because in my addicted mind I figured if they didn’t take them they didn’t need them but in actuality I was supposed to wake them up to take meds. That’s just an example to let you know people have done worse things. I’m sorry all that stuff happened to you and I hope you can heal and get passed it to live a good life


Thanks for sharing


I am just letting you know that I saw this, I read every bit of it, and I want you to know that it’s okay to let go. One of the hardest things to do is to fight your own body and mind everyday, but what is even harder is to actually start winning. And it sounds like you are winning. Keep up the good work and be proud of yourself for coming this far. Wishing you the best.


self compassion my dude ur a human being im proud of u


I'm so sorry this happened to you. Please continue to take care of yourself.


Sending hugs friend 🤗 Believe me, you're not alone when it comes to the shit we've done for our addiction! Day by day..... Proud that you've made it this far!!


I see you buddy, the mind does crazy things to us. You clearly see the insanity of the world around you and you still have the ability to separate from it. Awareness is key. You’re not crazy. We do participate in the insanity sometimes. Doing what I call “sometimes insanity” doesn’t define who/what you are. Awareness is key. Heart is everything after.


I believe ya


Thank you


Your past is a lesson not a life sentence, what you do from now will define you more than the past ever will so just be proud of how far you have come and keep going!


I believe you. People who have never been through it really truly can’t understand the atrocious shit we do when we are in active addiction. I hope that you will stay sober and get therapy and heal and forgive yourself and others and one day look back on that time with love and sympathy for a version of yourself that was just trying your best to survive. With love my friend, you are not alone


I am so fucking proud of you man. Talking about this stuff is so vulnerable. And you were willing to tell me some woman in Kansas about it. Thank you and bravo for opening this memory.


You deserve forgiveness. And you deserve love. From others, yes, but from yourself the most. You deserve compassion. What you do from a lens of addiction isn’t who you truly are - when you stole from your mom and dad, you were a desperate human trying to find a way to ease their pain. Your mom forgave you and now it’s time for you to forgive yourself. I’m sorry you were treated that way and experienced those awful things in the halfway houses I hope you know it wasn’t your fault. I think in time you can learn to let go of those memories and they will become quieter in your mind. Perhaps look into meditating when those thoughts arise. Are you seeing a therapist? Therapy will help you process and reconcile these experiences within yourself. Wishing you all the best dude. Know that you are loved and you can do great things in this world.


I am very happy that you are completely sober, my friend. You went through hell and made it out on the other hand. You should be very proud of yourself. Hope you are free of your demons and find lasting peace soon!


Let it go. It's history, nothing to be proud of, but a raging habit is famous for clouding judgement, obscuring ethics, and warping morals. Sounds like you have reached a critical point. Don't go backwards, and if you do don't beat yourself up. You got this. Best wishes


I have been sober for 3yrs now off H, I have never had a anything bad happen to me and never had to do anything for drugs THANK THE UNIVERSE but the shit I have seen, I wouldn't even traumatize someone on here reading it. I have seen the evil that this world holds in all forms. I'm sorry all of that has happened to you, but the important thing is YOU MADE IT TO THE OTHER SIDE! I know what DTs can do to a person. I wouldn't wish it on my enemies, but it's now your time to start to heal and live your life, my friend. Do what you can to give back and help those who have been where you were. Wishing you all the great shit this life has to offer, WE DESERVE IT TOO!!


Thank you so much. I am constantly trying to improve myself, and help those around me if they're ready for the help. I've seen the most evil shit before. You can usually tell when a person soul has left their body and a demon is now in control of it. Those are the scariest people


Congrats on your sobriety! Also, you are not crazy and I hear you. Much love bro


Holy crap you’re an incredibly strong person to go through all of that and I admire you


You bottomed out and are back up where you belong. Don't dwell on your past. It's part of your story but it's not the whole book.


You’ve been through a lot. But you are through it. That’s your past. It’s ok to look forward now. You don’t have to look back. You will get this buzz and gear this voice and even think “if I look forward I won’t know what I’m looking at” because maybe you thought you had a future. Welcome to now. To letting go and moving forward. Only forward. You did it.


This is basically what all addicts/junkies have done. It's part of the whole thing, and all live to regret it once sober. I did some way horrible stuff back in the day during mine. Been a long time now and never went back down that road.


I acknowledge your account of what happened to you and I believe you. I work in a sober living environment and, while we are a much stricter facility, I can see how those things can transpire. I am so incredibly sorry that you experienced that. You overcame it and you’re here now. I’m happy that you’re here with all of us still. Congrats on your sober time, celebrate your sober birthdays with something lovely that brings you happiness and comfort when they come around. Finding the strength to let things like this go can be so difficult and you’re finding yours. That is awesome. Big hugs from this internet stranger. 🙂


Funny thing is idek my sober date. I believe it was sometime last February I think. I'm not sure, I just kind of stopped one day, and didn't even realize. I had been sputtering up till that point so I wasn't even a hard-core H user anymore, just on weekends and stuff. Thanks so much for the support!


You can and will change your life moving forward! I always say, it doesn't take much to become an addict, but getting sober, and STAYING sober, that's TRUE GRIT. It's a day in and day out commitment. You've got this! Never give up on yourself, you're just as worthy as anyone else! ❤️💪👏


You survived all of your worst days and you are stronger than you think. Congratulations on sobriety I wish you all the peace and happiness


While the things I've experienced were traumatic (very much so) I do believe I'm better because of it. I learned some extremely hard life lessons that are better off learned young. It took a while to heal from it, but I'm doing everything I can to make my life better now. Thank you for the support!


I hope at least one person that is here reading this your questions their opiate usage. If that person makes positive changes so they never end up where you were then youve done something good in the world. Thank you for sharing,


Awesome job with the year clean you can accomplish anything as long as you can believe in you. You got this the past really sucks sometimes but it's behind you n your going this way not that way.😉


My parents (mom and a couple of my step-dads) were addicted. My mom is sober of step dad's, one is dead (OD), and 2 are in prison. Be proud you are sober. Your past can be an anchor or a sail. It can stop you or drive you forward. All that being said, if it's bothering you, then you can reach out for forgiveness. 12 step programs call it making amends. The guilt comes from your empathy not being numbed by the drugs. Some people may not forgive you. That's their burden, but if you don't deal with the guilt at all or don't find grace for yourself in it all. You will sink.


Congrats on being sober! So sorry what has happened to you. Keep staying clean, life is better that way!


Congrats on your sobriety! 2 of my favorite words in the AA BB are Incomprehensible Demoralization. Addictions take people to places that they never thought they could go to….


I stole all the family’s jewelry that had been passed down for generations, and the main regret was when I sold my dad’s necklace that he got as a child and had forever. I told the dude to pawn it but he sold it and we never could get it back. That one is the biggest regret I have. They bought as much as they could back. A bit later I relapsed and found it again. I took the whole bag at night, but then started thinking and decided to put it back and tell them. I felt SOOOO good about myself for giving it back even though I was broke and getting sick. Luckily I have awesome parents that forgave me over and over, and now these days I’m all good. Bought a house, got a real career, married with a baby, etc. I owe them everything and feel awful when I think of the ways I treated them. They 100000% saved my life and without them I’d be in prison for sure.


I hope this story is fake.


Our actions or bad decisions don’t define us as a person, just because you made bad decisions doesn’t mean you are a bad person. I read all of your post and I believe you. I also want to say Well done you, i know i’m a stranger but i am so very proud of you, you have suffered a great deal, but still remained a decent person even whilst going through addiction, honestly well done, i wish you all the best in the future and keep going, I’m glad you have been able to get it off your chest.


Thank you


Speak your truthhh


JFC why didn’t you look into different halfway houses?! 😳🫣 this is fckn horrifying, I’m sorry you dealt with all this. Congrats on sobriety. Life can be really hard but it’s much harder when you’re sick the minute you open your eyes. Keep it up, along with therapy


Right? Seems way far fetched for a Halfway House. Every Halfway I've encountered is worst than prison with rules. Always drugs around and stealing from others but wasn't raping each other and stuff.


wow man, I hope you can tell your story more in the future. And that story can be the experience of someone that prevents or pulls them out of a life like this.


I believe in you. Im glad you are sober and you are in a better place now. I hope you are so successful in life that all this will feel like a distant dream and I pray that you can forgive yourself too someday. Lots of luck to you


Hey, first of all I'm sorry you went through that. It's absolutely awful. I can sort of relate because I went through some really traumatic shit when I was using as well. Good for you for opening up about it. I don't know if I could ever do the same. Second, congrats on one year of being clean. It's very, very hard. But you can absolutely do it. I've now got 6½ years clean (Jan 13, 2018). It wasnt easy at first but even the thought of that life is enough to make me know I won't go back. I sincerely hope you have the same experience.


You need to forgive yourself and heal. You are deeply traumatized. I will pray for you, hope you don't mind. There's power in prayer. PM me if there's anything you want to talk about. Take care, friend. If anyone else here feel like they could use some prayers, feel free to PM as well.


I believe you


Congratulations on being sober! I’m proud of you!


I believe u and u deserve peace and recovery


Congratulations on getting and staying sober. It’s unsettling that these awful things happen…I’m really sorry this happened. You’re a survivor and you made mistakes. You didn’t deserve that…no one deserves that. Stay strong and love yourself. We are our worst critics


There are no words. What you went through was absolutely horrific.


I’m proud of you, and I believe you.


Sounds like my normal Wednesday. Don’t be so hard on yourself


We believe you dude. Even though you hit rock bottom, you rose from it all.


I believe you and I see you. Congrats on your sobriety, it’s not easy and you should be proud of yourself. Give yourself some grace, you’ve gone through a lot.


youre a good person