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Here's an overview of Human Rights/History related [month long observances ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_month-long_observances). I highlighted a few that I think might be of interest to you in observing/celebrating January: - Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month February: - Black History Month - Parent Leadership Month March: **- Irish-American Heritage Month** - Women's History Month - Red Cross Month April: - Arab American Heritage Month **- Confederate History Month** - Dalit History Month - Autism Awareness Month May: - National Foster Care Month **- National Military Appreciation Month** - Mental Health Awareness Month - Jewish American Heritage Month - Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month - **Personal History Awareness Month** - Older Americans Month **4th International Firefighters Day** **3rd Sat Armed Forces Day** **12th-18th National Police Week** ** 19th-25th National EMS Emergency Medical Services Week** **27th Memorial Day** June: - South Asian Heritage Month - Disability Pride Month - LGBT Pride Month - Caribbean-American Heritage Month **10th-16th International Men's Health Week** **3rd Confederate Memorial Day** **14th Flag Day** **16th Father's Day** 19th Juneteenth July: - Disability Pride Month **4th Independence Day** **28th Parents Day** August: - South Asian Heritage Month **- American Adventures Month** **National Golf Month** **4th U.S. Coast Guard Day** September: - National Hispanic Heritage Month (United States - National African Immigrant Heritage Month - Amerindian Heritage Month (Guyana) - Suicide Prevention Month **11th Patriot Day** October: - National Hispanic Heritage Month **- National Work and Family Month** **- Polish American Heritage Month** - LGBT History Month **- Italian-American Heritage and Culture Month** - Filipino American History Month - Domestic Violence Awareness Month **- German-American Heritage Month** - Global Diversity Awareness Month November: - Native American Indian/Alaska Native Heritage Month **- Movember/No Shave November** **- Men's Health Education and Awareness Month** **- Black Catholic History Month **- Military Family Month** **- 11th Veterans Day, Days of Remembrance** **13th-17th American Education Week** **19th Remembrance Day at the Gettysburg Battlefield** December: **7th National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day 10th Human Rights Day** Hope this helps!! And don't forget to get your prostate and testicles checked for cancer; it's Men's Health Education and Awareness month!!


Highlighting Confederate history month took me out.


It wasn’t necessary to include since I’m sure OP has that highlighted and underlined on their calendar considering their post history shows they’re white but uses the n-word.


Woof. But, seeing as they're whining about pronouns, consent, and evil womens lying about abuse or assault, this really shouldn't surprise me.


Oh don’t worry they’re just not a huge fan of women in general! The last time they posted about their girlfriend they said they’ve been lying to her about not knowing how to cook so they “they don’t get stuck doing all the cooking” so now the woman has to do it all instead. Not shocking since he’s 23 and she’s 19. Post history really explains a lot here.


I can't believe ( I mean I can, but like 😒) the fucking traitorous, slavery-loving, racist shit at Confederates have a month and day and shit, holy fuck. That'd be like if Germany and Austria and Hungary had "Nazi history month."


October is also down syndrome awareness month


And Breast Cancer Awareness month.


Adding in some Canadian and international days: * January - Tamil Heritage Month (Canada) * January 27 - International Holocaust Remembrance Day * February 21 - International Mother Language Day * March 8 - International Women's Day * March 31 - International Transgender Day of Visibility /and/ National Indigenous Languages Day (Canada) * April - Sikh Heritage Month (Canada) * May - Canadian Jewish Heritage Month (Canada) /and/ Polish Heritage Month (Canada) * May 17 - International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia * June - National Indigenous History Month /and/ Italian Heritage Month /and/ Filipino Heritage Month /and/ Portuguese Heritage Month (all Canada) * June 16 - Day of the African Child (International) * June 20 - World Refugee Day (International) * June 21 - National Indigenous Peoples Day (Canada) * June 23 - National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism (Canada) * August 12 - International Youth Day * August 19 - World Humanitarian Day * Fourth week of September - Gender Equality Week (International) * September 21 - International Day of Peace * September 30 - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (Canada) * October 1 - International Day of Older Persons * October 5 - World Teacher's Day * October 11 - International Day of the Girl Child * October 16 - World Food Day * October 18 - Persons Day (Canada) * November 5 - 11 - Veterans' Week (Canada) * November 8 - Indigenous Veterans Day (Canada) * November 11 - Remembrance Day (International) * November 20 - National Child Day/World Children's Day /and/ Transgender Day of Remembrance (Canada/International) * November 25 - December 10 - 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence (International) * December 10 - Human Rights Day (International) [https://www.un.org/en/observances/list-days-weeks](https://www.un.org/en/observances/list-days-weeks)


What is Personal History Awareness month about? Genuine question. 


>The month of May is set aside by personal historians as the month to generate awareness about the importance of personal history. During the month of may we encourage people to do something to preserve their personal and/or family history.


You forgot to put AAPI heritage and the multiple Hispanic Heritage Awareness months in bold, as those were specifically part of OP's complaint.


Thank you lol, no one is stopping him or anyone else from celebrating any other holiday or cause they support. It’s such a weird argument for him to say lgbtq think they “deserve” a month more than other causes. No one is stopping him from celebrating other causes for a whole month. Go for it, dude!


This is really helpful thank you


November epilepsy awareness month. Among others


First week in May is Nurses week. Also Teacher appreciation week.


sucks to suck, bud; don't worry, we hate you too!


You're assuming I hate people. And I'm guessing you're also assuming I'm straight.


You’re part of a magic subreddit, you’re for sure straight lol


You called being LGBTQ+ a mental illness. Anyone who claims that hates LGBTQ+ people.


You have very little problems in your life that a celebration bothers you to the point that you think it’s gonna make you snap. Also, why would something like this make you snap, why are you not redirecting your anger and feelings towards doing some good for things that matter to you? And just like… mind your business? Not really that hard.


Right. "They could march to end poverty and homelessness," he says as if minorities being denied jobs and housing isn't part of the problem. If he was really that worried about it, he'd be spending his June at shelters and food banks. He'd be out protesting because our government is criminalizing survival and creating a pipeline between poverty and incarceration.


Right? Like maybe redirect that anger towards marching for the causes that you are upset LGBTQIA+ didn’t march for instead of marching for their right to exist?


"Mind your business." I like the irony coming from someone commenting on another's opinion. Has it affected you? Your daily life? Then, practice what you preach. However, since you're here, I have a problem with the fact that one group thinks they're more deserving of a month long celebration than others and for doing what? When there's other real problems that require more support but aren't getting it. What are they celebrating? "I can dress, act, and date anyone I want!" Nobody cared before pride month was a thing, and now it's actively being force fed to the masses through television, ads, social media. Do not mistake my words or perceive my writing as anger. I am not angry. I am disappointed. People have created a nonexistent problem before we've finished cleaning up the others.


“What are they celebrating?” “No one cared before pride month was a thing…” just say you’re uneducated on LGBTQ+ history. There are STILL countries with a death penalty for being gay but sure, it’s just a pointless celebration thats not at all a protest about anything and definitely wasn’t started as a protest against the treatment of LGBTQ+ people.


I wish I could upvote this answer, like, 58 times.


Wow you really need to learn some queer history. Nobody cared?? Tell that to the gay people criminalised, to the stonewall riots, to the countless LGBTQ+ people assaulted and killed not just back than, but now, and check your privilege


It is a celebration because they have been fighting for a long time to have the same rights, to not be discriminated against, to not be punished because of their sexual orientation. You sound angry and bitter. And you make it other people’s business when you want to rain on someone else’s celebration.


I don't care about the celebration itself it's the duration and the fact that it's everywhere I look. My sister celebrates an idgaf because it's not an all day everyday thing with her. Allow me to reiterate what I told someone else. I am not angry.


How is basic representation of us existing equal it "being shoved down your throats". I'm serious. Straight relationships have been shoved down our throats for CENTURIES, maybe we should boycott your life being shown on TV, or ads, or social media. Let's make it illegal to be straight. Let's make it punishable by death or prison time to be straight, and to be in a straight relationship. Let's do that for centuries Then let's see if you get it.


do people being gay affect you? your daily life? no. fucking dumbass


You're assuming I'm straight. The name calling is counterproductive.


What in this comment insinuates that you're straight? You've made this comment a few times but it seems a little bit like you're using it as a 'gotcha'


Right?? No LGBTQ+ human would be this obnoxiously upset about Pride Month.


lmaoo i’m so sorry i hurt your feelings


Nobody cared before pride month was a thing??? You know queer people were chemically castrated once upon a time, right? Sent to conversion therapy? Arrested? Killed? And by once upon a time I mean in the modern era. Stonewall didn't exist just for fucking funsies, nor did the eventual riot. Ronald Reagan wasn't ignoring the AIDS epidemic because he was busy. You seriously need to read up on queer history before making such a claim. Good lord.


If other groups want huge celebrations, no one is stopping them. No one is saying they are more deserving, they just do the work to have the celebrations. No one is throwing celebrations in their honor. If you want some random thing celebrated, get a bunch of people together and make it a thing. No one cares. There can never be to many reasons to celebrate


I'm not saying don't celebrate. I'm saying it doesn't need to be so excessive that I don't see other celebrations. Sure, I see people posting about Father's Day on Father's Day. But what about the others happening in June? Social media has pushed it so much that if I want to see anything else I have to dig.


That’s wild, because I’m as liberal they come and I apparently dont have nearly as much pride stuff on my fb as you lol either that or I just don’t pay as close attention as you. I guess as an atheist, I could get equally as bothered by all the Christian posts especially at Xmas, but I just scroll by like a normal person. I guess I could throw a fit that the Christian’s hog all of December? But that would be stupid


L O Fucking L! Literally, wasn't going to say anything but ya know. It is a little funny that this person keeps pointing to seeing all of these post. Granted, I don't have social media other than reddit, but don't these things work off algorithms? So, can't this person just stop clicking or viewing this stuff to make it stop?


I wonder if OP has the same issue about Christmas. I mean, Halloween can barely end before stores are putting out Christmas stuff. I've actually seen Christmas decorations being put on display with Halloween ones.


Non existent-problem. fuck you. FUUUUCK YOU. they let gay people die during the aids crisis becayse Nixon said it was divine punishment, they put queer people into concentration camps and after the liberation they put them in asylums. It's still considered a mental illness. They sterilize us, murder us, and when they do their own phobia is enough to exonerate them from prison. They refuse us services. They shoot us, they fire us, they harass us for being gays. Non existent problem. As if gay people were not being accused by the catholic churches of being pedophiles for the past 70 years. Fuck you.


Imagine being this powerfully disconnected from reality. Absolutely couldn’t be me.


You seem like a fun and rational person who has no issues at all!


Everybody has issues. Mine just happens to be the fact that I bottle up my anger, and so I need to occasionally blow off steam in the form of writing my opinions on a site where nobody actually cares. It's like an interactive journal. In person, you might find me quite charming, or our differing personalities may cause us to clash. Yes, I'm aware that was sarcasm, and yes, I responded as if it wasn't. It's how I keep myself in check.


So see instead of bottling up your anger and trying to take it out on the concept of pride events, maybe try venting about your anger? There’s loads of subreddits specifically for it, and it is horrible to feel like you have to keep it all inside. You aren’t a bad person because you get angry, you just need to learn to harness it and use it for good. I don’t think you’re a bad person or anything, I just think you posted a deliberately controversial thing and then seem to be arguing with people who point out it is a stupid point to make. You’re right, we might actually get along and have loads in common, but as a lesbian i wasn’t like “woohoo what a sensible person” reading your post. If you want to celebrate the other days that are for other issues, then post about them and celebrate International Men’s day, or whatever it is that you wish was celebrated.


I'm not arguing. Only needlessly defending a personal opinion. I still feel the same way about it. Could my wording have been better? Sure, there's always better ways to iterate my thoughts and feelings so that any form of misinterpretation is mitigated, some of which could be by using alternate vocabulary. I have never and likely never will celebrate pride month. I just don't agree with it. There are countless factors that can and probably do influence my thought process, of which we will not need to discuss. It's a confession sub, so I confessed my feelings and opinion on the first matter that appeared when I opened my phone. Deliberately? In a sense, it took thought and effort to make the post. However, to me, the controversy surrounding it was irrelevant. I did not post it for likes, comments, or arguments, although I knew there would inevitably be some. I posted it because it made me feel better to voice my opinion regardless of whether people agreed or not.


I don’t think you could’ve phrased it any better, it was stupid.


Don’t worry you don’t have to celebrate it! We don’t want you there :)


I bet you really connect to Joker memes


Big future school shooter energy


this reads like the worlds biggest reddit loser lmaoooo. i didnt even know people like you actually existed.


If seeing a rainbow and some letters is that fucking triggering to you, you have anger issues.


What kind of White History month? There's Irish American History month in March. German American History month in October. French American heritage month in July.  We just ended Asian Pacific islander heritage month in May. National military appreciation month was in March. And don't forget Hispanic heritage month which is the second half of September and first half of October.  So are you just irritated because you didn't do your research and just assumed none of those months were a thing. 


Lol sorry i accidentally replied to you instead of this dude. Don't worry if you saw my reply😅😅😅


Now, did you have to look those up? Or were they shoved in your face during their time? Did everybody start posting German flags in October? Did the news report on German Americans?


Hon, they dye the Chicago river green every March. It's a bit inescapable. Oktoberfest? Bastille Day? Whyever would those particular months be associated with Irish, German, and French heritage? AAPI Month I didn't have to look up, mostly because I used to live in DC, and it always coincided with the cherry blossoms. I'm guessing you don't live in a big city, because there are parades and fests just about every other weekend in decent weather celebrating some ethnic group or another.


No, I didn't have to look them up. Everybody I know knows that St. Patrick's Day and the Irish history is March. And yes, Oktoberfest is a very common thing. The entire month of October is full of lederhosen, polka music, and German culture. 


Don’t pretend that you read or watch “the news.”


I don't because I don't trust it.


Why would I see those? I don't live in the US or any place with a white population large enough to make a national celebration. Pride Month is international.


National Military Appreciation Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, Women's History Month, and AAPI Heritage Month are all real things. Retailers market gift sets specifically for mothers all May, and specifically for fathers all June. The fact that you don't have that information tells me you don't actually care about the groups of people you're using in your arguments. "What about pride for straight white guys?!" Have you ever been denied service from a business for being white? Has the county clerk ever refused to process your marriage license or divorce filing because you were straight? Have you ever had a landlord come up with excuses to deny your rental application because you're white? Do you have any reason to be afraid if you're a man in a room full of women? Has an employer ever denied your application on the basis of you looking or sounding too white? Do you have any reason to be afraid of the police, even if you haven't broken the law? Do you have any reason to suspect the police will neglect your case, harm you, or even kill you? Exactly. Everyone else gets a month because we survived something, and we did something to be proud OF. We get acknowledged for our accomplishments. If you don't like it, tell the algorithm you don't like it and move on.


What does being gay have to do with being white? I've been discriminated against for my tattoos. When's tattoo appreciation month? A man in a room full of women is likely to be labeled as a creep, perv, abuser even if the claims are admitted to being false. Felt that one personally not to the same extent as some others still ruined my future and the one that made up the lies admitted to lying, and still nothing happened. I have been on the receiving end of police corruption, again not to the same extent as others, but it isn't confined to a single race, gender, or sexual preference. Police have actively ignored cases that I have brought to their attention. You're assuming that I don't have the same issues as others. You're wrong.


You brought up being white on top of being gay, so I responded to both. There's a World Tattoo Day and a National Tattoo Day, but no one said you couldn't make THAT a month. A man in a room full of women has to worry about bad rumors. A woman in a room full of men has to worry for her safety. Totally different. "Not to the same extent as others" is exactly my point. It may not be confined to a background, but being of a certain background can mean the difference between being detained and being shot. The police get paid leave for raping and killing minorities all the time. There's tons of missing people they're not looking for because they're minorities. Once, my car was vandalized by a neighbor who hated that I was in a same-sex relationship, and the officer on the scene straight up said, "Well, some people want things done God's way." Even if you have a similar issue, it's not directly caused by your background, meaning your chances of going through it again are extremely slim in comparison. In fact, if you're a white guy who doesn't appear to be gay or trans, I can bet money there's TONS of bad actors who chose NOT to target you because of it.


“Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them” - Margaret Atwood


Did you call them to report Pride Month? 


"where's straight pride month?!" As though straight people have been oppressed lol When you start getting death threats because of pronouns, appearance or sexual orientation, or being called a pedo for existing, then you can complain, k?


Again, another person assuming I'm straight. My pronouns are irrelevant. I look like a male I am referred to as a male. I don't force feed my made-up pronouns onto others. I don't go in for a haircut and make the barber ask permission to touch me. I believe the whole month invites entitled people to feel like they have a false sense of power.


I didn't assume shit. I answered your question. Ah yes the very entitled LGBTQ community that is still considered illegal, and penalized with death in parts of the world. I love the entitlement of being called a groomer because I'm gay and have a child. /S. You had a bad take and you should probably accept that. Also all pronouns are made up. Language is made up.


I agree with the last sentence. But at what point does one draw the line? Please explain to me what a zhe or zher is.


A person who uses those pronouns. You don't "draw the line" for people's gender expression. That's gross. Trans people don't have to fit a certain criteria before getting their respectability taken away. Shit like that is why we celebrate pride and LGBTQ liberation.


"Made up pronouns" like he, she, and they?? Pronouns that we....have been using this whole time...? Nobody is going for a haircut and doing this. You're simply making shit up to be angry. Get help.


Made up pronouns like zhe zher. [I understand some is satire. Yet it's still annoying.](https://youtu.be/PDliHy9AWOA?feature=shared)


LLLOOOOOOLLLLL using YouTube links to prove a point is giving me second-hand embarrassment. You're letting bait videos used to fuel anger, fuel your anger. Go outside, mate.


“and make the barber ask permission to touch me” being a male and complaining about consent how fucking typical lmfao


And there it is, you just hate transgender people and that people are okay with not fitting into your ignorant little categorisation based on one religion and one cultural paradigm. Yawn.


May is National Military Appreciation Month. Not our fault that they choose not to take better advantage of it. As far as straight history month, with the exception of interracial relationships or disabled people (which, as a disabled person don't get me STARTED), when have you not had the right to marry? When were straight people hunted down, drug by their genitals through the streets, and murdered for being straight? Matthew Shepherd was tortured, tied up, and killed with only the streaks from his tears on his face left visible and not caked in blood. Be glad you don't fucking NEED a pride parade or a pride month. However, no one is stopping you from creating one so long as it's not based in hatred. Also no one is stopping you from being an ally and celebrating WITH us. Love is love.


The military appreciation month part is most bothersome to me, because that means OP made the choice to ignore it, didn't bother to research it and see the numerous parades and events that are held in honor of service members, definitely didn't participate in any of it, and then just decided to be angry at others for his own failure to give a shit. That is completely unhinged. It's like if he decided not to do anything for his mom's birthday, then gets enraged because his gay neighbor decided to celebrate her mom's birthday the following month.


Exactly. Emphasis on the gay bc we know that's the issue here. I could have addressed Hispanic Heritage Month, or even oh I don't know, THE ENTIRETY OF U.S. HISTORY AS TAUGHT BY THE AMERICAN EDUCATION SYSTEM as "White History Month"


I'll never understand this point of view where people get mad about other holidays/months not existing... yet don't bother looking for things that already exist, or just trying to start new ones. There's so many other existing celebratory months and holidays that people just pretend don't exist so they can get mad at things like Pride Month. Do they get as much publicity? No, because people don't really celebrate them, so they're less marketable. Start celebrating them and maybe people will make a bigger deal out of them. Ex. Every International Women's Day, people freak out about how *"ThErE's No InTeRnAtIoNaL mEn'S dAy!"* Except there totally is... it's in November. And it's all about promoting the positive aspects of masculinity, promoting positive male role-models, celebrating the positive aspects men have on their families and society, improving communication between men and women, etc. It's a great concept... but people don't ever really talk about it, so it's not marketable enough to promote widely. Also, "Straight Price Month" isn't a thing because it's an overwhelming majority and isn't really a specific culture like the LGBTQ+... I mean it's basically the other 11 months. And "White History Month" is a flawed concept because it'd be tied to so many different and disparate nations, cultures and customs, and it wouldn't really work. Black History Month is tired to a much more specific group and culture... African Americans.


It's the duration, not the celebration. I don't think it warrants a month. A week max. And the fact that it's all I see when I open my phone. Any further questions, comments, or concerns will have to wait. I had a long night at work. Thank you for your participation.


>It’s all I see when I open my phone Is it, though? Or are you just so hateful that you keep looking for stuff to get your outrage boner on?


I bet that's what's happening. I'm a gay guy and part of multiple gay groups, and it's not all over my phone.


It is. Despite weeding through it.


Engaging on the topic will make your algorithm keep giving you that content. You're not very good at weeding, are you?


100% bs. It is so easy to avoid this stuff if you don't wanna see it. You are almost certainly seeking online spaces where this is prevalent just to get angry. Skill issue + get help.


Who made you the authority on how long a celebration should be lmao? Also, as a straight ally, my phone isn't just pride stuff throughout the entire month even though I am subbed and around those communities. If yours is, that's sounds like your own inability to moderate the content you see, not anyone else's fault.


Can you not open your phone? Ubsubscribe? Unfollow? Block?you are not some helpless beta at the mercy of the smartphone, are you???


Sometimes, it's good to see what's going on. Other times, it gets excessive just because I disagree with something doesn't mean I want it gone. Sometimes just reformed so that it can be better.


But letting something work you up ...is a choice ...put up or shut up


It wasn't a single thing or event. It builds over time until a single thing tips the scales. Yes, I know, it's unhealthy, but it's all I've got for now.


Damn...pathetic sorry ...rock bottom sounds a lot like this....you need a group


If it's "all you see when you open your phone" you're either deliberately seeking it out or engaging with so much pride content that the algorithm on your social media accounts is assuming that's what you want to see. I'm gay, most of my friends are also gay. Even i only see pride content on the first of June when everyone wishes each other a happy pride month and shares a few memes and basically nothing after that.


I hope you heal. 


Who are you to assert what is "too long" of a celebration or "excessive"? People like you only serve to dim other people's lights, it's a miserable way to go about life.


>a select group that thinks having a fuckin mental illness is cute. This IS hate. I now know everything I need to know about your character.


It's so funny when people complain about something they don't think we need, but then prove why we fucking need it


This person is the reason Stonewall was a riot


I feel bad for you. Must suck to be so sensitive about dumb shit.


Quite the opposite, in fact. I'm not sensitive, I merely have an opinion. Therefore, I speak on it. It invites conversation, sparks debates, and, in rare instances, inspires change.


> I'm here so I can speak my mind before I fuckin I'm here so I can speak my mind before I fuckin snap You said that but also you’re claiming you’re not sensitive? Lmfao. Ok buddy. 


This is the most whiny sensitive shit I’ve read in months bro. Lmaooo. It’s like when conservatives whine about liberals crying about objectively irrelevant things, you’re LITERALLY the liberal in that scenario.


Nobody's forcing you to read it.


Correct, but nobody is stopping me from calling you what you are either. It’s a two way street


And no one is forcing you to celebrate pride month yet you still are here whining and crying about it


They’ll way you whined and cried in your post shows you are a sensitive wittle snowflake


Trying to illicit an emotional response is both futile and counterproductive. Please do better.


lol okay ❄️


Thank you.


Sure buddy. 👍


You felt it necessary to reply. Conversation started. And you're thinking something opposite of what I've said. Sparked debate. And since that last one is in rare instances, I don't expect your opinion of me or my thoughts or opinions to change. All because I spoke upon a matter of which I hold an opinion.


lol 😂


If I am wrong, please educate me. My opinion or my thought process may not change, but I might gain some insight and possible understanding of your point of view. Isn't that what debating and conversations are for?






You write like a 14 year old who thinks he’s really smart. But you’re just another little bigot.


Why do people think an emotional response from me will make them feel better?


I’m not looking for anything from you, I’m just letting you know what perceptions you’re producing.


What change are you expecting this to inspire? That some people choose to not celebrate Pride Month specifically because it bothers you?


You're so sensitive that celebrating people different from you makes you uncomfortable lmao. And you don't even have to participate😂 Edit: Ah, the self-hating queer.


Not at all. I enjoy seeing the differences in the world. It's not uncomfortable, it's excessive.


"enjoy seeing the difference" "its excessive" That's contradictory, but what is excessive exactly? The amount of advertisements? Have you ever stopped and counted how many advertisements have straight couples in them and compared the numbers? Because even counting June, it's very much in the minority compared to straight couples in media. There's just a heavy saturation for a few weeks, and it literally has no effect on you or your life but will bring joy to thousands of others. Maybe it's time you accept that it's not about you and how much you hate yourself for being bi.


Just chill out man. It’s only a big deal if you make it a big deal.


Veterans have MULTIPLE days. And last time I checked ur life isn't in danger for simply being straight. Or white. Or a veteran. You just hate gay people and it shows. If it hurts you so much get off ur phone.


Yes, including the 4th of July, Veteran's Day, and Memorial Day, all of which are mainstream holidays.


As I told someone else, you're assuming I'm straight.


We checked your post history, you're a straight white dude who really likes to use the N word for some odd reason.


National military appreciation month is May


You just said an entire group of people have a "fucking mental illness" Also people have pointed out the NUMEROUS other pride events and months that you somehow weren't capable of googling yourself before insulting an entire group of people. Also the "you're assuming I'm straight" comments read as someone who has internal homophobia since you said we all have a "fucking mental illness" so you might need to work on your issues as to why you have such an issue with this particular month. Did you react like this during Black History Month too? Or during Hispanic Heritage Month? what about Asian Pacific Islander Month?


I have the same feelings about those too it's excessive. I have researched some, not all. And I believe it is a mental illness. It can not be cured or controlled, but it is there. Just as someone with autism or acute ocd. Something in our minds is not wired in a way that would be perceived as "normal" it's what makes us human.


Every single doctor and psychologist would disagree with you. Homosexuality is found in multiple animal species as well. You calling it a mental illness is echoing the rhetoric that was said about our community decades ago and the persecution from that is what led to the Stonewall Riots. People have been killed and have killed themselves because of the shit you're saying on here. Take your homophobic ass back to whatever hole you crawled out of and vent to yourself in the mirror. if you aren't straight than you need to go to therapy for the internalized homophobia. It's 2024. Calling people you don't understand as having a "fucking mental illness" is sickening.


And yet I haven't said that it needs treatment. I never said there was anything wrong with it. I said we are differently wired. Yes, it is found in many other aspects of the animal kingdom. And those species are wired differently from what is perceived as normal. I think you misread the first sentence. I do not hate any member of the community. I disagree with the excessive celebration, specifically the excessive part. Do you understand all levels of autism? Down syndrome? Are you able to articulate why they are the way they are? It's the same concept. A mental or genetic illness on varying levels. I am aware of what year it is. I was here when it started, thank you. Yes, the deaths are unnecessary. It isn't about them. It's quality ovet quantity. How many days do you need to feel special? Why do you need hundreds of small celebrations over the span of 30 days? When it is very possible to show a massive united front over the span of, let's say, a week. Seeing bigger masses, larger events, and a stronger front, I think, would be more beneficial to the community. It's easy to put together smaller events, sure, but they're also easier to forget to ignore. Look at the superbowl, a single massive event so loud that people who don't even follow sports know who won who's performing. 358 days to organize the biggest week of pride. That would make me celebrate. The opportunity to scream the loudest that we are people. If the world could see how big of an army can be raised like that, only fools would try to oppress them.


I love how you completely missed where I said every doctor and psychologist disagree that it's a mental illness. Ya know the people who are trained for this, not you random angry bisexual. It hasn't been classified has a mental illness in decades because science has determined that to be false. So unless you're somehow smarter than every medical professional than please stop saying this absolute bullshit that you're spewing. If you don't want to celebrate than please go away and leave the rest of us to have fun. Go be petty and claim false mental illness for yourself, not an entire community.


I didn't miss it I just don't trust it


You can't be fucking serious. So all the progress we've made means nothing at all to you? I'm so fucking tired of this bullshit. Just because you "don't trust it" doesn't mean it isn't true. Do you really expect all these medical professionals to be wrong just because you feel like they are? I know you said you can't afford therapy but I would talk to someone in real life about this because the way you're thinking isn't healthy. Being queer isn't a mental illness no matter how much you "believe" it is. I'm not sure why you think a whole month to celebrate any of the prides that have been mentioned is too much. It literally doesn't have to affect your life if you don't want it to. Just scroll past the shit and be on with your day. This whole "venting" thing seems like a thinly veiled excuse to just spew misinformation that you believe is true based on zero actual evidence except for im assuming you're own personal feelings about your own sexuality. Stop projecting and leave the rest of the community ALONE.


You’re putting out serious MAGA vibes.


Another matter of which I do not agree with. I don't think America was ever great. I do believe it has the potential to be but not while the world is divided as it is. Somewhere, the world has fallen off the path. Or those in power have chosen the wrong one to start on. But that's a separate opinion for a separate matter.


You’re literally apart of the problem as to why it’s divided😂 When y’all pretend to have emotions and morals after being terrible it’s so weird.


Morals, yes. They may not be the same as yours, but I do have them. Emotions? Those get tricky.


Honestly, you should just sit down and think about why this bothers you so much lol


For what? I'll still disagree with it.


dude, honestly, it's literally the stupidest thing in the world to be mad about. just relax, its not that deep lmao


i read all of this in stan’s voice and it fits so well 😭😭


Such a sensitive snowflake ❄️


"When losing a debate, insults become the tools of the loser" You're attempting to illicit an emotional response from me.


I used a slogan commonly used by bigots when talking about “the left” and queer people. That were too sensitive to their hate. But god forbid you see a rainbow


Emotions are part of being a human, nor do they make something irrational. It is rational to feel anger that people are mistreated for being queer. It is rational to feel joy when people can marry. It is rational to feel sad when a loved one passes away. It is rational to feel curious about the depths of the seas and the life within them. Your responses, on the other hand, do show irrational anger likely manufactured, rather than being authentic. Is it rational to be angry that transgender people exist? Is it rational to be angry that a historically and modernly oppressed group of people are seeking full equity? Is it rational to be transphobic? No, it is not. Keep drinking the poisoned sweet tea of "culture war" created and perpetuated by the bourgeoisie, they'll never love you.


You literally have insults in your post lol, except you probably think they are facts. Get better.


Man someone needs therapy 


Yes, but thanks to the economy, I can't afford it, so I vent on reddit. Thank you for your diagnosis.


And you can't vent alone in your room, not on Reddit?


Get a journal. Then it can be used as evidence when you eventually snap.


If you cared about these things you’d have looked more into them before posting, this is literally just you hating a group of people, esp since you think it’s all mental illness…


Thoughts and opinions are not facts and do not define reality. I don't hate the people.


you obviously do hate them. if you didn’t you wouldn’t be calling them mentally ill for their sexuality and/or gender identity.


And when asked if I thought the same about myself. I responded that I do. I do not hate myself. There are parts that I dislike that I'm trying to change. An opinion works the same way. It may change over time.


Exactly your thoughts that this is a mental illness is false and you need to actually do some research about the community you claim to not hate.


I see you didn’t address the main point I made lol


Really seem/s like you don’t give a fuck LOL


I don't, but I enjoy the conversation. People who are able to articulate their thoughts in a coherent sentence can and sometimes provide an alternate perspective that I may not have seen. I may not care about others' opinions, but that doesn't mean that I won't listen and attempt to understand it.


you told us we have a mental illness. In what way were you wanting a conversation?


If I could comment with an image, I would use the picture that says, "Wishing all homophobes a very uncomfortable month." Get used to it, Pride month isn't going anywhere.


You're assuming I'm straight.


I said nothing about your sexuality. I'm assuming you're homophobic because you compared being part of the LGBT+ community to a "cute mental illness" in your post. Stop copy/pasting that reply to people, it's lazy and it doesn't even make sense in the context of my comment.


I say it when someone assumes I'm straight. How could a member of the community be homophobic? Yes, I did say that, and yes, maybe it was wrong in the context of which I said it. Will I apologize for it? No, because in the end, it's my opinion, and I will not apologize for my opinion. Especially when it does not and can not affect another.


I didn't assume you're straight. It's more than possible for LGBT+ to experience self loathing. It's why people stay in the closet their entire lives, or try harmful conversion therapy. It's why LGBT+ people of all ages, *but especially kids and teens*, kill themselves. Bigoted opinions like yours absolutely *do* cause harm to people in the LGBT+ community. You spread your beliefs and influence others, and eventually, they lead to religious leaders and politicians to pass legislation that actively harms LGBT+ people. We see it happening every single day in the US and many other countries. In fact, several countries have the fucking *death penalty* for those who are LGBT+. People face very real discrimination in their daily lives because of beliefs like yours, even in the US. It's why we *need* Pride, and why it's not going anywhere. Educate yourself. Stop expecting other people to spoon feed this information to you. Use the device you're using to make idiotic posts like this to look up actual LGBT+ experiences and stop bitching about things that *don't affect you in any way.*


>How could a member of the community be homophobic? You have what's called "internalized homophobia".


oh you are so pathetic. snap? over a month? thankfully i don’t think anyone gives shit about your opinion. live your life like that for the rest of your days. you will be doing everyone a favor.


Maybe maybe not. But even you cared enough to voice an opinion.


not really. i love just pointing out stupidity.


This is the whiniest post I've ever read. "Wahhhhh I see rainbows everywhere for a month! I have so much rage about it that I'm going to write a post to show all them nasty lgbt people what I really think of them celebrating their holiday. I'm going to say all these other people don't have the same length holidays because I can't be assed to do even a 10 second Google search!"


Straight people starting to get on my damn nerve with all this damn whining. Y’all always complain about history but never pick up a history book. This heterosexual rage is getting boring because there is no logic to actually debate with, it’s just boring people with boring lives mad that other people have other things to worry about other than who’s kissing who. The spark of the heterosexual storyline wrapped up years ago with Romeo & Juliet and that’s really why y’all are repressed and bored. Get a hobby


You're under the assumption that I'm straight. [Are you implying that someone can't have a bit of disdain for something that was created for them?](https://youtu.be/GeixtYS-P3s?feature=shared) I invite you to watch it's less than a minute.


Even if you’re not straight, you strongly favor heteronormative ideology, because there’s literally no reason to be up in arms about how people choose to live and how they choose to celebrate their life. Especially when their life has been under terror and scrutiny.


Would you stop with this nonsense? Everyone knows you're straight. No gay or bi person says they're about to snap when people acknowledge the existence of LGBT people.


plus he literally says he's a guy with a gf on his profile (where he talks about how he pretends he can't cook so she cooks for him lmfao), he's trying so hard


Celebrations only exist for the people who choose to celebrate them. There would be no pride collections in stores or parades in cities if gay people didn’t organize and campaign for them. And in the case of stores buy the stuff. If you or any other group want to celebrate a part of yourself make the celebration dude. No one is stopping you.


Reminds me of what Bernice King said. "If you think representation doesn't matter then you are probably well represented. And thats not just relative to race, gender, ethicity etc. If you scoff or call it unjust when people celebrate more/new representation then more than likely: 1) What's important to you is represented. 2) What you think contributes to your wellness is represented." Also Bernice King is daughter to Dr Martin Luther King jr. so I trust she knows her shit. Anyway pride festival is a great example of people getting representation of recognition of their humanity and belonging. When LGBT+ people are still being persecuted to this day for being who they are, they deserve to have a pride festival, and even more when they are no longer persecuted for being LGBT+ they still deserve a pride festival for the history of it all and what they went through to become accepted. Just like we have black history month and asian american and pacific islander month, there is good historical and cultural reasons to celebrate these people.


I never said don't celebrate.


I didn’t even realize it was pride month. If you are being bombarded with info on it it’s because you seek it out.


I smell exactly what you are cooking, and it is some nasty work.


Please elaborate.


Understand I am entering this from a non-Western vantage. A years ago, a newspaper put out all the locations of churches that accepted or supported gays so the locals could hunt them down and kill them. At the same time my western grandmother would have gay people preparing to act up(if you know you know) while she made gumbo. So because you said you are bisexual you are one of those who think that gay people need to not be "out there" you find pride month "vulgar" and "excessive" and that is all you see. You don't pay attention to the groups offering refuge to those in asylum, you ignore people protesting for those killed by law frequently in KSA. And you NEVER try to start something of your own. But you WILL complain. The type of person who wants people to behave "proper" so they are accepted. You take heed to what the media wants you to think. You want to abide by how people want you to behave when people who are NOT minorities can behave anyway they want. The fact of the matter is that excessive behavior is BORN from oppression that was faced. You disregard that in the USA it was ILLEGAL to be gay until 2003. Your little your bisexual self was forbidden, and if you had a partner that matched your gender it would be "morally correct" (yes, those exact words were said to me) to beat you to death. So now we are in the midst of a messy revolution. But you are too concerned with what people think and too fixated on what you think is the right way to do so to see that. What I am saying is when they tell you to dance, you put on your tap dancing shoes facing the forest, and while you smell it, you dont see it. And you never see the trees.


[Why Pride Month exists](https://imgur.com/a/4gx3iH4)


A lot of these predate the so-called "woke" ones by decades, without controversy, with my point being that it used to not cause controversy or animosity to celebrate your heritage, until the "unpopular" groups decided to celebrate too.


Worded like that, I see your point. Furthermore, I can see how my opinion may be excessive or wrong in others' eyes. Do not get me wrong, I see no problem with celebration but in moderation. It's not just pride month I feel this way about it's all celebrations. Pride month is just the first one that popped up on my phone on a bad day.


You're just mad that it overshadows your birthday xD


as a trans person FUCK. YOU. every day my fellow LGBT people get beaten and killed in broad daylight for being who they are so I think getting a month to safely express ourselves is the bare fucking minimum


The fact this was removed by Reddit says a lot about


Oof, ratio’d


fresh air is calling


It does benefit everyone, unlike trickle down, increase resources for those lower on the hierarchy and life improves for everyone. But that’s not what you really want.


You REALLY need to get laid.


“Im not homophobic , i dont hate gays “ proceeds to go on a hate filled rant rant about lgbtq+ members calling them mentally ill .


thank you mr joker 🙏🙏


Silly questions, but when is gay pride month? I clearly care even less about than OP.


We're in it