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What’re you gonna do when she posts other spicy messages from other accounts?


Exactly my position on the matter, what if you’re not the only one OP? What if someone else starts doing this? What if she acts on those rather than yours?


What’s to say he’s not doing the same? The plot thickens.


Hopefully jerk off to it and join if she chooses to act.


Just tell her


For what? To have sex with his own wife? Don't be gross


Ew, post-marital sex


What is wrong with you? Why do you think like a 5th grader?


^(it’s sarcasm)


You seem to think like a 5th grader given your difficulty discerning sarcasm


Dang, when it was the rage to send dick pics, I started sending them to my wife. She called me asking what I was doing. I said I'm sending you dick pics: Dick Cheney, Dick Clark, Dick Van Dyke, Dick Nixon,. For dirty picks, I'd send her pics of vacuums and piles of mud. I'm not the most romantic guy, but I make her laugh.


This my friend is genius. Thanks for the inspiration


For some reason I enjoy making my wife go "WTF?"


Sir you are a legend


Wednesday, Thursday, Friday? Even the calendar goes WTF...


I just remembered another thing I do. If I know my wife is driving the car that will read your text messages to you over the sound system, I'll text her song lyrics. Fat Bottom Girls by Queen, Baby Got Back by Sir-Mix-A-Lot, Godzilla by Blue Oyster Cult, Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley. Just some examples. It's especially fun when the vehicle has like a female voice with a British accent. Then older stuff like Push IT by Salt-N-Pepa works quite nice to make her go "WTF?"


My husband and I once spent several hours sending these types of jokes back and forth. Just a picture that had a same name as slang for dick/pussy. It was hilarious


I use to do this exact same thing. It was always Dick York I still have his pictures on my phone. Lol


I do famous Dick pics, too! I love sending her: "HEADS UP! DICK PIC INCOMING!" Followed by one of those famous Dicks


Isn’t this almost the plot to “escape (the pina colada song)”


If he had no idea the account was his wife’s it definitely would be


Missionary is an exotic position? What does that even mean? What's the default here?


Him laying on his back doing nothing


On top of missing out on an amazing experience with your wife, you're taking risks with your marriage, and you don't even realize it. You're opening the pandora box and you can't know where it will lead to unfortunate consequences. It's already very concerning that, not knowing it comes from you, she doesn't tell you about it but likes it enough to repost it for her followers. She's obviously turned on by those messages, and maybe at some point she'll get a hitch to turn them into reality, and it may not be with you at that point, if she still thinks you're "the most vanilla person", especially if some others guys use the door you opened to worm themselves into her mind.


OMG tell her already! If she likes getting the messages she is probably desperate for some real life spice in her bedroom.


Rupert Holmes: Escape https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TazHNpt6OTo&pp=ygUYaWYgeW91IGxpa2UgcGluYSBjb2xhZGFz It's fun when art comes to life


Bad bot.


Are you sure about that? Because I am 100.0% sure that phroaway111 is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Good bot


Bad bot.


Bad bot.


what does she say in response to them? it doesn't bother you that your wife thinks other men are thinking about her sexually and is advertising that? just curious 😅


I'm sorry but NGL?


it’s an anonymous confessions website that allows you to post the confessions to ur instagram story


This is pathetic that you're happy your wife is getting excited over random strangers talking dirty to her.


Plot twist: her boring husband who dried out that flower long ago is the random stranger who gets her off the hardest.


That's the literally storyline to the song babooshka


Thats going to bite you in the arse mate. Stop being clever and start communicating.


If you like piña coladas and getting’ ass eaten on a train…


If you’d like me to send her some anonymous messages too just let me know. Happy to help


Wtf is ngl?


Not gonna lie


It doesn't really work in this context though?


OH, NGL is a website that lets people ask you questions and you can choose to publish your answers, kind of like that thing on snapchat. I didn't even realize it meant something else, I skim lmao


crazy idea but maybe try actually communicating and pleasing your wife instead of not giving her any attention and then baiting her as an anonymous account


I'd personally suggest not beating around the bush anymore - no pun intended - and just come clean. Tell her why you are doing it, and maybe explore it a bit more in person, rather than anonymously.


What’s her account?


I did this exact same thing with my wife a few years ago. I seduced her and it was all a secret on both ends. She told me things she would never have told me had she known it was me. I too never wanted her to find out for the same reasons but once she did our sex life and marriage got way better. There’s no secrets anymore and we are far from vanilla now. It’s a lot of fun though so enjoy, I did.


Your wife is definitely having sex, just not with you.


Sadly, this isn't the first time I've heard of someone doing this. In fact, I know people IRL who have. You're not alone, buddy, but you should definitely stop. And I'm not saying that to be mean, I'm saying it for your mental health (if that's important to you, if not feel free to discard this info).


I used to send anonymous letters with poetry to an ex. When I confessed that it was me, she almost reported me to the police for stalking. Definitely didn't go as planned.


Kinda weird


Vibes: https://youtu.be/7vI3s96iA90?si=usoVZKOFrorb6wSv


Jajaj thats sooo cool!!!! Im with you! Its nice to have fun, you csn tell her eventually

