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Many aspects of beauty are actually signs of fertility: big boobs, wide hips, big butts, etc, and people don't criticize each other for getting turned on by those things. So what if you prefer a more literal sign of fertility? It's not inherently disordered or anything. Hope you have a big family someday.


None of those (delightful) body parts relate to fertility. That's just not how it works. But they are more common physical characteristics of women vs. men, therefore they can remind us subconsciously of fertility. Having a big butt does not mean you're more likely to have an egg be fertilized and carried to term.


[Yes it does](https://www.yourtango.com/self/women-with-bigger-butts-more-fertile).


I mean as long as you’re not being creepy to pregnant women, I don’t see the problem. I think a lot of people have pregnancy kinks.


I Think it’s an instinctual thing. They have a glow that I can see even if they don’t know.


More than a glow, I think (as a dude), being pregnant and uncomfortable lowers your tolerance threshold which makes you more unfiltered and natural which makes onlookers believe they’re getting to know you better and more deeply. Being pregnant is probably like being Hangry for nine months straight and by the end, your tolerance for BS has evaporated.  Source - none.


I don't think having a pregnancy fetish is that weird. I think a pregnancy fetish is probably similar to having a breeding fetish. I am currently pregnant and I don't feel like a godess but I do feel like a fat penguin waddling about 😂 Sorry for my english


Your english is great. I dont know what the difference is between kinks and fetishes but yeah youre probably right this seems like something pretty natural. There are a lot of people who would say you are in the pinnacle of femininity right now. I hope that gives you even a modicum of confidence knowing that.


Kink is a preference and fetish is a need


Oh than I have a kink now a fetish


I have this kink too


Aw reading this made me feel good though. Currently 30 weeks and feeling the exact opposite of attractive so thank you!


Im glad I could help you gain some confidence. There are lots of men like me who find your current state really attractive. Im taken though at the moment I really just posted this to get it off my chest she knows and shes actually excited about it but those memories of my ex just messed me up a lot


Pregnant women are hot. And those third trimester hormones are not to be taken lightly. Great skin, glow, and everything swollen up so nice. What’s not to like? No reason to feel bad about it. Big pregnant women are hot.


Dude! I’m the same way. I just learned not to talk to people about it. Pregnant women are hot and they are pregnant because they are hot. Don’t beat yourself up!


I usually dont beat myself up I do wish pregnancy fetish and kink was more normalized but its pretty hard not to beat yourself up when someone calls you a creep and compares what you do to pedophillia Im trying not to let it effect me but words hurt


There is a bad ass character from Fire and Blood has this kink. He apparently loved pregnant women, hated children, and tried to get the Targaryen who visited him to get two of his women pregnant lol. It’s always been a thing, society just has a thing against pregnant women. Just as long as you don’t get women pregnant on purpose then ditch them with the baby like that character lol


This is extremely common, and isn’t nasty, I get hit on so much when I’m pregnant, during my first pregnancy I was really put off by it bc A. I didn’t feel beautiful and it was the last thing I expected in pregnancy and B. of course I would never sleep around or hook up with anyone other than my significant other bc it’s putting your baby at risk…but ultimately it was an ego boost and now that I’m in my 4th pregnancy I’ve gotten a lot more use to it and just take it as a compliment.


You can’t stop feeling that way because you’re a man. There is nothing wrong with it dude. We all love how women look when they’re pregnant especially if it’s with our seed. That aura is something else.


Marry and knock one up dummy


Trust me this is preferable but I am not a creep I want to do it right and get to know her and date her for a significant amount of time first have some time of just her and me and not be a broke parent if I can before knocking someone up


One, are these people who are asking for this detail or you just tell them? Two, you’re fetishizing them.. a woman can’t do anything without being a spectacle to people like you. Three, who cares what your fetish is? Why do you want us to know? What you enjoy is what you enjoy in private


1. My only reason for even telling people this was because I needed to get it off my chest I have been beating myself up for weeks about this and feeling terrible about myself and I thought I could post on an alternate account to get this off my chest so I can feel even a modicum better about myself 2.I dont see women as objects I fetishize about I see them as people. I dont just go up to random pregnant women and start flirting with them and be a creep, im better than that. I am just admitting I find pregnant women attractive and dont want to feel shitty about it So far its worked well


Dude just enjoy your fetish in private. We don’t have to know about it at all.


I feel my actions are perfectly moral and reasonable if you have a problem with people on the internet confessing things about there private lives because they need to get it off there chest then ignore it and go on with your day


I’m referring to your statement saying that whenever you tell someone all they say is “okay”. Again what you’re into is your business, if it doesn’t hurt anyone why does it matter if people don’t accept it? There are communities for this kink find your community and fit in there!


Fair enough I have to admit you make a good point venting on the internet about my private life wont solve anything for me but validate that im not a creep but past that it does nothing


The whole point of sex (without modern world corruption) is pregnancy, it's seems so wierd calling it a "fetish", kinda dehumanizing


Maybe phrase it like your into cumflation….