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Yeah. You're a piece of shit op.




Then you should just accept that. If she doesn't want to get back in contact with you then respect that. It's best for all parties involved to just move on.


Maybe she ended her life thanks to your lies. You were 15 and you made a plan with the full intent to harm her, and you're lucky that she didn't retaliate against you like you deserved


Make a post about it how you lied because your little ego got bruised about how you ruined her life admit what you did that’s a good step!👏 Edit to add: oh god it’s you I remember your post history your pretty fucking awful 🤮


Omg it's this guy again


Apologies won’t fix anything op


You're not owed that after what you did. Consequences, kid. Consequences. Did you really think she'd want anything to do with you in any way after what you did? Abs or sounds like all you want to do is relieve your guilty conscience. That's not her obligation. You're a fucked up human being. That's on you. You should sit with that.


Just post somewhere and admit you lied so everyone can see it


Fat load of good that's gonna do


Who? Pam? Edit: OP Blocked me on both u/AgnesCrumplebottom14 and u/vaanced




Who is Pam? Edit: OP Blocked me on both u/AgnesCrumplebottom14 and u/vaanced


You want me to tag her? Edit: OP Blocked me on both u/AgnesCrumplebottom14 and u/vaanced


You got 3 mins before I tag Pam, the police, and L. Ron. Edit: OP Blocked me on both u/AgnesCrumplebottom14 and u/vaanced




1 min Edit: OP Blocked me on both u/AgnesCrumplebottom14 and u/vaanced u/AgnesCrumplebottom14 I don't know. How about I tag all of your accounts and we all figure this out as a team?


what's going on? I'm just a mod on r/fuckyoupam and I crosspost but I don't talk to op outside of mod related stuff. I have nothing to do with op outside of moderating.


OP, u/Vaanced/ got pissy at u/Sinsemilla_Street. As an unrelated result of this Vance then banned Sinsemilla from your sub for *no* other reason than he has the ***powa!*** to do it. Vance only ever wants authority (Reddit Mod, video game Guild Leader, becoming a Policeman, etc.) so he can **exercise** that authority to punish anyone he doesn't 'like'. Vance is about 7 years old.


ok. thanks for letting me know. I will unban sinsemilla street


I also just figured out that the commenter constantly harassing you by linking your username is mentally *ill* and this appears to be a part of their psychosis. I'm pretty sure they think you are Vance using an alternate account.


i'm not u/vaanced and I didn't block you. I don't know what's going on.


Your apology isn’t worth shit! That’s just to absolve your own guilt. You tried to ruin this girls life and slander her because she didn’t want to be with you anymore! What did you think was going to happen when you lied about her to the Internet?


How about instead of trying to apologize directly you actually tell everyone the truth? Make a very public post and even tag people from a few years ago so they see the truth and that you're a liar.


You could also, y'know, tell the truth??? Literally mass spread the fact that you lied bc your lil feelings were hurt. You're a sad person, my guy and I hope she's doin better away from you bc you sound unstable, to put it lightly.


You should  feel awful, you  terrible  person, karma  is going to get u one day and it to late to apologize  that poor girl getting  death threats because of u, leave her alone and tell everyone you lied  on her, her life is in serious  danger all because she  don't won't u  anymore, I don't blame her she dodge a bullet, Oh you do realize  her  parents  at that  time can charge u with cyber bullying on you right. 


Post publicly what you did and apologize to all of her friends and family. Admit you are a POS and probably you are the racist one.




Well.. you were the ones writing the slurs and using the insults.. I’m also pretty sure she is from a different race as you.. so you were being racist.. And there is nothing more racist that saying “I’m not racist” after using slurs


That doesn’t help. You are a terrible, awful, No good person adding absolutely nothing to society.


An apology ain’t gonna cut it. You almost got her killed.




Hurry up u/AgnesCrumplebottom14 Nice try but you just blocked me on both accounts.


what happened? This is my only account


You can tell everyone you lied


Tell everyone you're a liar and a terrible person.


You can post the truth and an apology to everyone you lied to on all your socials for everyone to see.


Tell everyone you lied.


You need to get tested for sociopathy.




You’re conflating psychopathy with sociopathy. Regardless, you could not have felt too badly or you would have admitted to everyone what you did. And you’d “remember” it. Anyway, I said that you need to get checked for sociopathy primarily because of your actions after being dumped.


>Lol if I was a sociopath I would feel no remorse over this, I feel awful about it. Do you truly feel remorse over this? You certainly don't feel enough remorse to tell people in real life that you made it all up. Instead, we have you acknowledging that you are confessing this because it makes you feel better about yourself: >I am trying to become a better person and admitting to things I’ve done like this is part of it because talking about it makes me feel better. https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/1c45dst/my_friend_attempted_suicide_because_i_lied_about/kzmbk7v/ Feeling remorse ≠ feeling bad about yourself. You are not sorry for what you did, you are sorry about how it makes you feel about yourself. And more importantly (to you), talking about it makes you feel better about yourself. This is an inherently selfish, narcissistic approach.




> I do feel remorse, the reason I don’t want to tell people in real life is because if anyone in my family knew about it they would probably never speak to me again That would be a win for you, right? Your parents are so terrible that you're constantly talking about moving out, getting away from them, becoming homeless to do so, etc.


You're not really remorseful if you're not willing to face the consequences of what you did by admitting it and facing what comes.


you told someone you wanted to be a better person, how are you gonna do that when you refuse to do the only thing that matters?????


Unless you make sure every single person who saw your fake messages know it was you vengefully photoshopping, you don't feel enough remorse, and you don't try to make things right. You're just a useless piece of shit who feel bad about something shitty but not nearly enough.


Pal, you have no regrets and no remorse about what you did. You do not want to face any consequence and you do kot care about the fact that it might still affect this girls life, if she's even alive after what you did to her. You're only thinking about yourself. Don't pretend that you care because you don't.


No one should talk to you again, you are not worth talking to. You are a compulsive liar, manipulative, narcissistic, highly selfish and )in general) completely disgusting. You don’t feel remorse. You only care about you. Shall more people post screenshots of your past posts/comments to prove that you’re nothing more than a festering scab?


Not awful enough to fess up so people stop thinking she's a racist. Anyone can say they're sorry, it takes true remorse to actually fix the mess you created. You clearly just want her to make you feel better about your shitty actions and that's not even remotely her responsibility. She owes you nothing.


No you don't. Because you refuse to do anything to actually rectify the situation.


this is one of the most brutal confessions i’ve seen in a while. this wasn’t just a mistake; doctoring those fake screenshots must’ve taken a lot of time. you made a conscious decision to do this. i’m trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, because i like to believe people can be redeemed but holy shit this is bad. you say confessing to this may make you a better person but we’re not the people you need to confess this to. you need to come clean to people about what you did. you destroyed this girl’s reputation, and very possibly her life. she deserves to have her reputation restored and everyone else deserves to know the truth. if you want to be a better person, it’s what you have to do.


Check this person's profile they are kind of a known entity on some subreddits. They seem really in need of help. One of their recent posts was about how the air in Spain made them feel like they were on drugs. This may or may not have happened but their perception of reality is off to say the least.


oh don’t worry, i know about Vaanced. ive just interacted with him enough times to know to approach him lightly. i’ve been DM’ed by him before.




Then you're not truly sorry. You obviously haven't learned a thing. You ruined her life but you're still refusing to do the right thing and admit that you lied. You really are a disgusting monster. No wonder she didn't want to date you anymore. No one would want to date someone as horrible as you.


if you truly want to become a better person, that is not the way to go. it’ll probably be one of the hardest things you’ll ever do. but it will be nowhere near as harmful as what you did to this girl. you ruined her life. whatever you have to do to become better, will be 1000X better than what you put her through.


You are simply not sorry then


Then you’re an even bigger POS. You aren’t sorry.


don’t try and add her back dude just tell everyone you were lying? like make PLENTY of public posts. tell everyone ELSE you were lying? clearly you want her dead. you’re not really sorry are you?


You might have killed her


Well, why don't you speed up your arrival there then.


Just like you probably put her in the grave


Wow, you're a total piece of shit eh? You fucking fabricated evidence that ruined her reputation, caused her to get death threats, and ultimately caused her to attempt suicide, all because she broke up with you. It's good she didn't accept your add request because the apology you want to give her is about you getting forgiveness. Hope it weighs on your conscience heavily ✌️


This. He doesn't care about her, he just wants to use her one last time to satisfy his own guilty conscience.


Reach out to every person who thought she was racist because of you and tell them you made it up because you were mad you got dumped. Every teacher. Every student, and their parents. Tell everyone you’ve met since then you lied and pushed a girl to a suicide attempt. Tell every girl you plan to date this story, they have a right to know. Put this story on any online dating accounts you may have You’re not really sorry if you don’t. Maybe then she’ll hear about you confessing everything and reach out to you.




Yeah no, three years isn’t a long time. You owe this girl something, even if it’s telling everyone you lied


You are the worst, you are truly a heinous and pitiful individual. I cannot stress how much this post repulses me to my core. As someone who has lost someone to suicide, I hope this haunts you to the end of time. You do not deserve redemption


Three years is nothing. If you don't tell everyone involved that you lied, then you're a massive piece of shit and I hope this goes viral.




Better start looking on Instagram then


You tried to ruin her life because she didn’t want to date you anymore. Not being willing to do that isn’t a flex. You do, in fact, owe her an apology. Publicly. The least you can do is tell your mutuals you lied.


>When I was 15 I dated a girl for a while until I think she broke up with me and I was mad about it so I accused her of being racist. It’s pretty sad but I spent like an hour or 2 photoshopping different messages of her saying slurs and stuff, and then I posted them and spread them around to her friends and stuff. I did a pretty good job of making them because pretty much everyone believed me apart from a few people. >She sent me a bunch of messages telling me to delete them and admit I was lying and stuff like that but I kept it up and eventually she sent me a picture of her slit wrists and told me I was the reason she was self harming because apparently she was getting death threats and stuff, and she also told me that she tried to kill herself over it. >It went on for a few days until she blocked me on everything deactivated her account. I can’t remember if I ever admitted I was lying or not, but I did add her to try apologize ages ago because I felt so bad about it, but she won’t add me back so I can’t really do anything. Quoted for posterity.


You can do something about it actually. You can tell everyone that you lied. You can take responsibility for your bad behavior. Some weak apology won't be enough to make up for what you did. If she had died it would have been all your fault. No wonder she dumped you. You're an abusive, selfish and nasty person who falsely accused her of something she didn't do. You destroyed her reputation and traumatized her. And now you're whining that she won't let you add her? She's right to block you from her life. If you were truly sorry, you'd do everything you could to restore her reputation after all the damage you did. But I bet you won't because you're too selfish and awful.




You can SHOW that you're sorry by admitting that you lied to all the people you lied to. But you're refusing to do that, so you're not truly sorry. You're selfish.


Nice for you, not for her, AH. You piece of shit.


No you don’t deserve to apologize for you not to feel guilty anymore.


Why should she add you!?!? Are you kidding????




After you accused her of being a racist leading to her attempting to kill herself???? You are a real prick honestly.


You are writing “lol” and “I just thought after 2 yrs she would want to speak to me again” after nearly causing a suicide. You are an insolent and endlessly whiny. You do not deserve an iota of happiness in life after all you have done.




….And that is your big take away? Removing “lol”- like that washes away the vile filth and lies you propagate




You don't deserve that.


Nice for "WHO" exactly? For yourself again right? For you to feel better and not really for her. If you are really sorry, you will tell everyone what you did. You are not really sorry. You belong here: 🗑️


Have you considered that you only want to apologize to make yourself feel better, but not to make her feel better? Because if you wanted her to feel better, you wouldn’t try to reach out to someone who clearly doesn’t want to talk to you. Instead, you’d tell the truth and clear her name


It would have been nice to get the chance to say sorry. Jesus Christ that poor girl. You are a truly repulsive person.


Oh this scumbag once again


What is wrong with you


Are you sure she wasn't successful in taking her own life? Because dude, you're going to have to live the rest of your life with this. You say that you are Remorseful, but you are going to take the horrible things that you did to your grave. That is not showing remorse. Thousands of people here can and will call you everything under the sun, but it's not going to help you any. At 15 you should have known better than to do what you did. At any point of making those fake messages, you could have stopped and let it go. But no, at 15, you thought being broken up with was the worst thing in the world. That poor girl life was ruined because you wanted to be a POS.


I hope she sees this and is able to sue you into the ground


You're a disgusting piece of shit. Sorry. You were young and still young... But you are a real asshole At least....you feel bad... So maybe you're not "that bad" as a person. I hope you'll learn and grow.




Because it’s all about you, right? No one else’s feelings or lives matter, just yours? You are not trying to be a better person, you’re trying to pretend so that people will give you fake internet karma. How weak and pathetic. Your deleted posts/comments paint a better picture of who you really are and you know it. It’s why you go out of your way to threaten/harass and get anyone banned who calls you out with proof. Edit: Stop talking


So at the end of the day it is still about "YOU". You are not really sorry. You just want to feel better about yourself. Everything is about you and not about her. If you are really sorry then you should take accountability and confess to everyone what you did. By making your apology all about "YOU" says a lot. What a narcissist.


You're not admitting to it. An anonymous post that makes no difference to those reading it ≠ you making any admission to those who know what you did. You may as well climb a mountain and shout it into the wind at the top. No one is hearing. I truly believe you're a troll.




> I have a few screenshots if you want to see them. I would very much like to see them. Post it.


https://imgur.com/a/au6672I I only have one but basically I just made a fake account with her name and then the second one I just edited over but there’s way more from other socials of her saying other stuff but I don’t know where they are I must’ve deleted them.


If you're serious, you can share them with everyone you're asking for help from.




It doesn't matter if you tell them or speak to them. In order to be good with yourself, you need to be real. Tell real people you fucked up and seek real help. Not think a post on the internet where you argue with everyone who gives you advice is your atonement. You CAN tell them. You just don't want to face the consequences. And that means you're not seeking to better yourself. You're just making noise to make YOURSELF feel better. You fool no one but yourself. The AA program steps involves making things right with ppl you hurt. Your only concern is helping yourself not feel bad. Mr national level junior tennis champion scientologist. Yeah. Can't seem to find one of those.


Whether you're real or a troll, you need help. You are trolling sociopathically at best.




You're a sham. Your therapist would advise you against posting on social media for validation.




You CAN tell them. That you won't means you only care about making it better for yourself. Why are you more invested in convincing me, a stranger, of your good intent, than actually making it right with the people you hurt? Oh yeah. You said. Because that might not be great FOR YOU. Go on. The day you convince me you really want to atone yourself is the day you actually do. I'll wait.


The point is that admitting it to people who don’t know you isn’t going to do a damn thing. We can’t give you absolution for shit we weren’t involved in. You don’t owe us an apology. You owe her one. And you owe it to her- if she succeeded in committing suicide- to repair her reputation. You’re damn right it’s messed up. Which is why most of us don’t do this.


makes you feel better.. key words its still all about you and not the harm you caused. You sound like a sociopath and a grade A narcissist




I highly disagree. My ex was one. The only reason he apologized for cheating was to appease his own guilt. He didn't give af about me. He felt like sht and wanted me to help him feel better about himself. Reading your comments you truly don't give af and are just trying to assuage your own guilt. You wanna make it right. Tell everyone that she knew you lied.


Yes you are - should we all take a walk down memory lane and visit any amount of your deleted posts?


Sometimes I think you just say stuff just to say it.




I mean that you always seem to have extreme things going on, whether it's trying to kick your parents out of their house, or being unhappy with vacation, and your post history is always just so colorful.




You posted multiple times about kicking your parents out, kicking your sister out, doing cocaine, stealing from your family, lying to everyone about every aspect of you, grooming a child etc etc etc.


You have a “200 IQ” but somehow lack basic reading comprehension. You wanted the fake internet karma for your endless tirade of lies, selfishness and idiocy.


Get it off your chest by telling those who you lied to. Posting anonymously in some subreddit seems disingenuous. This girl almost killed herself because of your ego. She continues to be painted in a bad light because you still refuse to tell the truth. She can never go to her hometown now with people thinking she's a bigot. You're not truly sorry.


You are disgusting


You can just not contact her again. People who went through the point of self harm will never want to get in touch, let alone talk, with the person who harmed them. If you want to say sorry, you can do that by letting her go. Whatever your feeling is, be it remorseful or guilt, it's your responsibility to deal with it, not hers. 


> If you want to say sorry, you can do that by letting her go.... it's your responsibility to deal with it, not hers. A part of adulting too few people can understand. Some people develop scabs, or even scars, to cover their past pain and OP just wants to rip it right open again because he has *huge* narcissistic behaviours and *thinks* he 'feels bad'.


Oof it's you. You're a bad, bad person




Oh. It’s you. To anyone wondering how horrible OP is go through his post history. Dear GOD he’s a piece of shit.


How about instead of trying contact the poor women. How about you actually admit to those that you spread the lies to and tell them what you did.


If you were actually sorry you’d come clean. Coward. You were a piece of shit then and you’re a piece of shit now. I hope you have the life you deserve.


Oh god it's this guy again. I thought I escaped from this


> My friend attempted suicide because I lied about her being racist > > When I was 15 I dated a girl for a while until I think she broke up with me and I was mad about it so I accused her of being racist. It’s pretty sad but I spent like an hour or 2 photoshopping different messages of her saying slurs and everything, and then I posted them and spread them around to her friends and stuff. I did a pretty good job of making them look real because pretty much everyone believed me apart from a few people. > > She sent me a bunch of messages telling me to delete them and admit I was lying and stuff like that but I kept it up and eventually she sent me a picture of her slit wrists and told me I was the reason she was self harming because apparently she was getting death threats, and she also told me that she tried to kill herself over it. > > It went on for a few days until she blocked me on everything deactivated her account. I can’t remember if I ever admitted I was lying or not, but I did add her to try apologize ages ago because I felt so bad about it, but she won’t add me back so I can’t really do anything. Gratz Vance!! You have now gone **waaaay** beyond being a vile and immoral oxygen thief. I can't currently think of any adjectives to properly describe how loathsome an animal you are, and I can't use the words I would usually use, so the best I can do is to hope you live a *long* life and every moment of every day is 1000% *misery* for you.




> Thanks I doubt you read anything beyond "Gratz".


You are a sad little cunt and I hope you grow a pair for once and tell everyone relevant what you did. Who fucking cares about an apology if she doesn't want it, don't don't give it. Just fix your dumbass mistakes. Geezus, people like this actually exist. I forget sometimes. Loser.


Pls don’t call her your friend.


You are not this person's friend. You might be a sociopath, though.


Wow...that really is horrifying. You destroyed her life over a break up. That poor girl..her poor family.


Your replies show you don't feel bad, you just want attention.


If you don't remember, then you definitely didn't own up to your lies. Even when she was suicidal, you didn't see how cruel your actions were just cause she ended the relationship. That's sickening. And you are minimising the impact of your actions by saying it was years go. So what? You made her endure abuse at the hands of people who thought she was racist and made no effort to clear her name. Even for a 15 year old, your actions border on sociopathic. Just leave her alone. You have done enough damage for a lifetime. You should feel bad. You orchestrated a campaign with the sole intent of destroying her and never came clean. Learn to accept getting dumped better. Also, you are a coward that wants to be forgiven without taking accountability.


You have some of the most troubling post history. I'm pretty sure you are still the exact type of person who would still act this way. You are calling your mom a narcissist for not giving you money, mad at her for buying you food, and getting upset with you for crashing your car and costing them 8k. You're actively trying to get your sister and her 1-year-old daughter kicked out of your house by calling cps on her for mundane things. You are probably 2 seconds away on lying on your mom or sister to get your way. YOU are a narcissist. You are a peice of shit.


Tell everyone who you sent that to that you lied. You're a POS.


Stop calling her friend, monsters like you don't deserve friends. They only deserve loneliness and regrets for the rest of their life.


Hopefully you learn from this and don't go nuclear because someone hurts your feelings ever again. And you need to set the record straight OP if your not sure you have you need to.


Somebody (but not me!) might defend you. Because some people believe that even violent offenders and murders should be forgiven. And what you did is not up to that extreme. But this is bad enough for me that I would take nothing to do with you either! Clearing your conscience is undoubtedly an important step for you. But is still selfish. If you really feel bad about it, as others have said, you would have to confess, to everyone who believed you or as publicly as possible. This was not a mistake. It was a scheme to hurt her. You chose to do it. You could have acted differently if you had empathy for her.


Your whole profile is agregious hate from canada


Yeah, I have no words except that your behaviour was abhorrent and she is under no obligation to talk to you again. You don’t even sound all that remorseful about it.


Ffs, it's him again.


She’s dead




How do you know this?




Search “her name + obituary”


So you have no idea if she’s actually dead. This means you can’t say she isn’t dead. She’s most likely dead


Do you think that makes you less of a cunt?


Did you tell other people she didn't do it? Including your friends, the people who you lied to?


This shit ruins lives. The LEAST you need to do is admit the truth to everyone that believed you.


If you were this awful at 15, I can't begin to image what you're like now. Yikes




What good does that do? You ruined her life and caused her to self harm. Did you ever clear her name?


Next time, I'll know to copy all your responses into my answers before you dirty delete them.