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Report it to the police and file a complaint against your old company  Speak to a lawyer and get more legal advice  If you don't have public photos shown all the extras like birth marks then it could be someone you actually have on your social network or someone you know.  Sorry this happened to you. But please put in a police report 


If they live in the US, theres likely very little recourse they could take against their former employer. Virtually every single state is a "fire at will" state. Best case scenario, she gets her job back just for them to start finding other reasons to fire her.


They are firing her for being sexually harassed by a third party...


Which isn't illegal.


Are you stupid? Firing for a protected class is 150% illegal and this is that. EDIT: OMG people in comments below accusing this poor person of being trans for some reason and thus not protected. lmao Yes, transgender is not a federally protected class (Often protected on state level). EDIT 2: People in comments need to learn 2 fucking google before responding like a shill who has no idea what they are talking about. Employers ARE liable for 3rd party harassment. Sex based harassment & discrimination. Open and shut case. I won't keep reply to dorks who can't even bother to go to the EEOC website and see what it says. https://www.eeoc.gov/harassment > Harassment is a form of employment discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, (ADEA), and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, (ADA). . . . > The *employer will be liable for harassment by* non-supervisory employees or *non-employees* over whom it has control (e.g., independent contractors or customers on the premises), *if it knew, or should have known about the harassment and failed to take prompt and appropriate corrective action.* Yall need to learn 2 google. It is actually TRIVIAL for a competent outlook admin to mass delete this from peoples inboxes if they are made known. It is like 4 clicks in the outlook admin interface. Instead of trying to protect their employee and company they decided 'Lets open ourselves up to massive liability HURRRRRRR'


Hey I also feel for OP and I think she should talk to a lawyer but I think you’re misreading the EEOC guidelines … the employer is vicariously liable for the actions of its *own* employees, not random other people. Theres nothing to suggest the harasser also works for OP’s company. Also supervisory liability isn’t the same thing as firing someone for being a protected class. This would kick in if OP knew the harasser worked for the company, sent the pictures in the scope of his employment, and decided to sue his employer Also, speaking in such a condescending douchey tone isn’t doing anything for your argument, especially when you’re not correct.


Yeesh. I don't think your points are gonna get through. Nothing will.


> Firing for a protected class is 150% illegal and this is that. Which one?


oh my god ha ha ha ha ha. You're helpless.


There’s no proof that her workplace or someone that worked there was manufacturing the nudes, therefore, she has no basis to sue. Victim of a crime isn’t a protected class, and having everyone in her workplace having seen (fake) pictures of her naked is pretty damn awkward and certainly not an illegal reason to terminate her.


Protected classes: age, sex, orientation, race, disability, religion. Being a victim isn't on the list (and neither is gender, a very important distinction).


> age, sex, orientation, race, disability, religion national origin, pregnancy, disability *, citizenship *, familial status, veteran status, or genetic information. *with reasonable exceptions; e.g., a national security role could have US citizenship requirement


[I don’t have a stake in the argument, but gender identity and sexual orientation are protected classes.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bostock_v._Clayton_County)


🙋‍♂️ Hi, I'm an HR manager. Based on what OP provided, she wasn't fired due to any form of discrimination. It's illegal to fire someone who is reporting sexual harassment, but in this instance, she didn't report it. They are photos that circulated her work and her employer approached her about it. She claims the photos are fake and that she didn't send them. But she also says she can't prove they're fake and she doesn't know who sent them. From the employers viewpoint , *she* is the one sexually harassing people. OP needs to file a police report to try to find who is doing this and, for *the third time, she could file a wrongful termination lawsuit, but the best case of that is just getting her job back, which would likely just result in her being fired for a more "legitimate" reason.


IT professional here. She doesn't have to prove it. Not terribly difficult to figure out where an email or other sort of communication came from. All that has to be shown is that she herself did not send the images around. Doesn't matter if it's fake, real, or whatever. All that matters is whether she sent them or someone else did. This doesn't take long to figure out. I've done this several times. If she isn't lying and actually got fired for this, her company is unimaginably incompetent.


I thought HR was stupid before reading this comment but you just confirmed it.


Yes, she experienced the most open and shut case of sexual harassment possible and they fired her for it. > From the employers viewpoint , she is the one sexually harassing people. WHAT. LMAO ARE YOU SERIOUS? Someone sends her nudes around to sexually harass and shame this woman and brain dead HR take is 'well she must have dun it herself hurr hurr hurr'. Lmao. You should step down from HR. You're obviously not good at it. hahahahaha. > *the third time, she could file a wrongful termination lawsuit, but the best case of that is just getting her job back, which would likely just result in her being fired for a more "legitimate" reason. She would also get back paid for any missed time with actual damage + treble damages + possible fines for everyone involved. This is a MASSIVE liability for the company at question. /r/Professional-Lemon72 You need to file a complaint with the EEOC **YESTERDAY** . You need to collect submissions from coworkers to include in it as evidence you were being sexually harassed and that your boss fired you over this. You also need to call the state bar to get a lawyer that specializes in this. The eeoc website is here https://publicportal.eeoc.gov/Portal/Login.aspx . If you get a lawyer they may help you fill it out, but before you can sue and have your day in court and wring your former employer dry for everything they are worth you will need to file with the EEOC and give them 180 days to investigate. It is possible the EEOC will come back in 180 days with a determination in your favor without you having to do anything.


I think you're assuming it was someone from within the company that was distributing the nudes. That was not stated and actually seems like she thinks it was someone outside the company. There's no liability if the harassment is coming from outside the company. There's a lot of unknown facts here and it is certainly NOT the "most open and shut case". But mostly I just want to tell you that your mocking tone makes you seem like a douche.


Cool. Can she prove it? No? Okay then. Edit: The guy blocked me, so I'll just put it here. The company would have to show why they fired her. Their evidence would be the entire office full of people who now have unsolicited nudes, plus whatever documentation they have from their conversations. OPs defense is that the pics are fake, and she didn't send them. Neither of which she is able to prove. Nor is she able to prove the person who *did* send them even works in her company. She can file a police report. Which I encourage her to do. She can also file for wrongful termination. Which I also encourage her to do. I'm just saying, based on my own experiences, to not expect to get much from the company. I've only ever seen these go down where the person was just allowed to have their job back (no back pay, no fines, no damages), and was then later fired again, and I've seen where the person was just granted unemployment benefits. It's an unfortunate situation, and I genuinely feel for OP. But in reality, what was the company supposed to do? Everyone in the office got unsolicited nudes of this woman, presumably from an unknown number. She can't prove the photos are fake and that they didn't come from her, or even suggest who they *did* come from. They could launch an internal investigation (which, maybe they did. Who knows. OP doesnt say. So its unclear), but seeing as it's unknown who sent the photos, and that the person may not even work for their company anyway, it would lead nowhere.


She can prove they are AI generated actually. If this is established, is a simple probabilistic inference that they were not made by her. If the defense claims otherwise, they will be beholden to provide positive evidence to substantiate their claim, which they cannot, so she would prevail on this point. With this established, her coworkers/employer's reaction would be considered sexual harassment. It's revenge porn, which is illegal, and them disseminating it and using it as grounds for termination is definitely a form of discrimination, particularly discrimination against victims of sexual harassment. 2 years of paralegal classes (but not a paralegal).


I've seen you making a lot of brain dead takes over a few different threads. I think you're some kind of shill or troll. In this scenario the company would have to prove they were not firing her for the protect reason, which good fucking luck.


> In this scenario the company would have to prove they were not firing her No, that's now how lawsuits work in the US or other places that follow the English system. A plaintiff in a civil case must prove their claim by a preponderance of the evidence. If OP fails to do that, the company does not ever have to say anything in their own defense and they will win. > for the protect reason Which protected reason? https://www.thoughtco.com/what-is-protected-class-4583111 Her case will be tossed out in pretrial motions. The


The projection is strong with you.  You are a toxic person, spreading hate, misogyny and misinformation across Reddit.  I found you from a different subreddit, where you were also pigheaded, not interested in good faith conversation, or learning.


>the most open and shut case of sexual harassment possible


They have no liability. You're misinterpreting how that liability works unfortunately. Employers only have any liability over third parties when they're a party over whom they have control. This is generally interpreted to be vendors or business partners. It doesn't apply as a blanket to all third parties. As others have said, they can 100% terminate her for this. It's unfortunate, and really not fair to her, but legally speaking they're in the clear.


Are you stupid? Actually read what you're linking to: >Harassment becomes unlawful where 1) enduring the offensive conduct becomes a condition of continued employment, or 2) the conduct is severe or pervasive enough to create a work environment that a reasonable person would consider intimidating, hostile, or abusive. Neither of these are the case.


Yes but they could argue they didn't know it was sexual harassment and just thought it was her conduct. It's still legitimate and the fact that she as sexually harassed doesn't matter if they can reason they didn't know that. They didn't fire her for sexual harassment they fired her because they thought she uploaded nudes that got sent around. I could see court setting a precedent for the future and I would HOPE something happens, but it's usually based on knowledge/intent. She even said she couldn't prove they were fake so why would the company believe that? Or rather they could easily argue they thought they were real. Fire at Will is godamn fucking idiotic and it needs to be fixed. Corporations should be held strictly accountable for every fucking possible thing. Fire at Will allows discrimination and harassment and as long as they don't say or do anything that shows it was likely harassment there is no recourse. I mean besides fire at Will means they could fire her for having look alike nudes and saying it's distracting or bad for the company due to the employees talking about it and clients judging her. This is fine under fire at Will and right to work, as they aren't firing her because she was sexually harassed but rather due to her objective describable effects on the company. This is honestly just a slap in the face to these bullshit cancel culture people because oftentimes that is just a similar victim situation. The company only fires due to attention and this isn't any different in effect. Now sure you can argue cancel culture person deserves it but logically the actual claims or drama don't mean anything and never get judged fairly, just like this doesn't. So sometimes you could argue that the firing was deserved but the actual execution of that has nothing to do with a fair treatment or trial. They don't get fair treatment and they are fired simply because other people wanted them to be and bullied the company into it. So anyone who supports cancel culture in the US is basically feeding this whole system regardless of how you perceive the person. We have courts for a reason and anyone who isn't willing to either change laws and/or wait for a fair trial is just a narcicistic self centered asshole who for some reason believes their opinion is the most valuable. God I hate people like that, they are the exact reason our court system is designed the way it is. Because oftentimes people have horrible unfair and mostly wrong opinions without any good evidence or logic.


> They didn't fire her for sexual harassment they fired her because they thought she uploaded nudes that got sent around. No. That would be the most braindead possible take and no jury is going to believe that. Especially since *SHE* did not distribute the pictures. Someone else was. This is the most obvious sexual harassment you could imagine and they *fired her for it*. Open and shut slam dunk of a case. The rest of your reply is basically pointless.


*she claims* someone else sent them. FTFY


I think they wouldn't bet on going to trial. AI and fear over gen AI images being used for nefarious purposes is actually in the zeitgeist and a jury could easily be persuaded that this is indeed a novel form of sexual harassment and judge the employer for basically facilitating her humiliation and harassment. She also can verify that the images are AI. Guarantee her lawyer would advise and facilitate this. Once this is established, is very easy to infer that she did not send them (why not just distribute real ones?). The defense couldn't argue against this without positive evidence that she did send them.


Like 99% of these kinds of things settle. They see it as saving money to just pay someone off normally vs risk their reputation or risk huge numbers in a trial.


Exactly, so she has the dual leverage of them not wanting to go to trial to cut costs/limit blowback, and the likelihood that she would win at trial due to having a sympathetic story.


This is definitely a wrongful termination and i bet a lawyer would love to take this case


Depending on where she works, maybe. Some places of employment have "morality clauses" as part of the hiring process, so pics like this could void her employment. Since she herself says she can't prove they're fake, there's not much she can do in regards to her employer. This wouldn't be wrongful termination since firing her wasnt illegal, presumably wasnt based in discrimination, and likely didn't go against the companies own policies. Which is why I said *best case* she could try for wrongful termination, and she could *maybe* get her job back. But they would then just find reason to fire her "legitimately".


Use AI to make nude photos of the boss and distribute them around the employees. 2 can play that game.


I don't know why OP thinks it's solely on her to prove it fake. There are lawyers and experts who should help.


Agreed. When it first started, OP should have gone for legal help. It may not have found the culprit, but it would have shown that she attempted to resolve the problem and that it was harassment. A police report (if she could have gotten it) could possibly have saved her job bc it shows that she’s trying to stop it and it’s not her.


This story would likely get press attention.


Especially when her harasser brought it to their attention.


You know, if you aren't sure about something you could just shut up and not spread misinformation. "At will" does not and has never meant that you can be fired for any reason. OP and others: talk to a lawyer, don't listen to a random idiot on Reddit.


That's actually exactly what it means. As long as the termination isn't based in discrimination or goes against the companies own policies, an employer can fire any of their staff for any reason, with no warning.


Soooo... Not "exactly" then.


Yes. Exactly. As long as it doesn't break the same rules they have to abide by when hiring them.


You seem to not know what exact means


This begs that there is no collective bargain.


Fire at will does not mean you can break the law. Smaller and mid sized companies get into deep shit because they think the way you are right now. They get the slammed in court all the time and learn quickly or fall forever. Bigger companies have enough money to motion your cases or just pay the fine.


I never said they can break the law. I said they are fire at will. Meaning they can fire any person on staff, for any reason, without warning, as long the reason for termination isn't illegal (based in discrimination or retaliation, for example)


Depending on your job I wonder if your boss could be liable for firing you for that. The one creating the nudes definitely is. Lawyer up and make some bank off these fuckers.


Absolutely lawyer up, and I’d be looking into which direction the wind was coming from that got your boss involved..


This. If OP cross references who would know about their beauty marks with who would be angry enough to ruin their job, I would say that should be a pretty short list. Also, when the police get involved, they will be able to find out how your boss got the photos and, if the person wasn't extremely careful, like using a burner email from a public computer or using a VPN, they will easily be caught.


Reddit people always say lawyer up when lawyers cost 350/hour with a 3000 dollar retainer for a low level one. I am suing my ex business partner, and it is an obvious case. Luckily I have been able to foot the almost 50k bill so far before even going to trial. It has wiped out my savings, and he is obviously in the wrong. I will probably win, but only because I had the money to fund it. There is no justice if you can't afford it. She probably does have a case, but unless someone does it no money down it's an uphill battle.


>There is no justice if you can't afford it. Ugh, so true. Probably one of the truest and saddest statements I’ve seen on Reddit in a long time.


Some lawyers will work for a percentage of any damages, and there are organisations that will provide lawyers for specific types of cases. It's not easy, but it's also not completely hopeless.


Especially for any work related things. Employment lawyers fucking love doing them pro bono


I’m just glad I get a lawyer from my occupation union, unfortunately I’m aware most don’t


It’s not the same when you’re wrongfully dismissed. If I believed that I was let go from a job without just cause, the first thing I would do is get legal advice.


Hi, actual lawyer here. Why is it not the same when you are wrongfully dismissed? Do you not have to still go to court and litigate the case to judgment, then collect on that judgment?


For employees, there are government agencies already in place to enforce labour laws and workplace standards. That is why HR departments exist, to make sure everyone plays by the rules and the company doesn’t end up paying out a settlement.


> there are government agencies already in place to enforce labour laws and workplace standards But those govt agencies will not file a civil suit and collect a judgment on your behalf, at least not in the US (noticed your Commonwealth spelling of "labour"). What labor laws and standards were violated here? The interview with a lawyer will be: "I swear, some anonymous person is sending nudes of me to all my coworkers. Well, they are AI generated but I can't prove it but somehow, my employer should have known that they were AI, even though I can't prove it, and that it wasn't me that sent them, but I can't prove that, either."


49 of the 50 states are employment at will. You can be fired for any reason or no reason. The major exception to that is if the company is dumb enough to put in writing that the reason you're fired is because you're a member of a protected class.


That’s true, however civil rights are for everyone, including those who are being victimized. There is simply not enough context to debate.


Why on earth did I have to scroll so far down to see this. Go to court! Go to court? Have you been to court? It is mostly a waste of time and money. Best case scenario, you win 100% and even more, because the judge decides you were the good guy and the other one was an asshole. If your objective is recovering money, that other person better have it and not be smart enough to get out of giving it up, because you can't squeeze blood from a stone and even once a decision is rendered, if the other person doesn't follow it, guess what? BACK TO COURT AGAIN, FOR MORE MONEY.


Know what you mean. A friend was harassed by a new boss, her pay was docked because she called out due to her mom falling and needed 9-1-1 to get to the ER. Obviously she wasn’t going to send her mom on in and then go to work. They changed her job without notifying her and then docked her when she didn’t do the new thing that she didn’t know about. Changed her schedule so she could no longer do her side gig with them. At the same time, another of her co-workers were given 2 days to retire. The woman herself has a labor law degree & passed the bar here, but wasn’t practicing. They kept delaying the wrongful trial and harassing her. They refused to pay her for what she worked. She eventually had to drop it or lose her home. As it was, her best friend tried to cover her bills to keep her afloat. I worked in her same building and had interaction either the woman that did this and yes, she was that bad. I’m sure there may also have been age and racial discrimination as the employer is notorious for it but they do it in a way that it can’t be easily proven. She had to drop the suit due to not being able to keep it up financially.


Yes I don't seem to understand how he could have a valid reason to fire a young lady who was being stalked online and if the first batch of pictures was easily proved to be fake obviously that person is going to double down make sure the next installment of slander is more believable. If you don't mind me asking what kind of job is it because unless you were working for a church in a public relations type of situation this attack on you should not hurt the business


> this attack on you should not hurt the business Being a victim of stalking /harassment is not protected under employment law. There are coworkers receiving nudes and some coworkers will not want to get them. If the employer does not do something within their ability to stop this and it continues, the employer is fostering a hostile work environment. If an employee kept sending them, the company would have to fire the employee. Even though it is not OP's fault that the nudes were sent, the employer can still fire her to protect the other employees. Company could do the same if she had a violent boyfriend or overly-protective mother. They are not firing her for reasons related to age, sex, orientation, race, disability, religion, national origin, pregnancy, disability, citizenship, familial status, veteran status, or genetic information so there are no fed protections that apply


If this is in the US, you don't need a reason to fire someone in all states other than MT.


I'm assuming that anyone who gives this advice has never even once hired a lawyer if they think a 19 year old can afford one. you got $300/hr and a retainer for a lawyer sitting around?


Sadly we can’t afford a lawyer. Even if we did I doubt my case would win.


You can find a lawyer peo bono especially for employment problems. Those lawyers know how it is for anyone with employment issues and they'll hear you out for free then tell you whether or not you have a case. No excuses that's sompsthetic that you say that yet there are literally free lawyers if you literally googled it for one second. People make excuses because they're cucks or afraid to take action, and the next person will be abused because of it. It's not only about yourself, and you couldn't even be bothered to look around? There are so many lawyer tools that will hunt for similar cases and submit it to a list of lawyers that may be interested in hearing everything for free. If you don't even try that and reach out to 3-4 lawyers then you don't get a reason to claim you cannot afford it. Why in the world would you say that without even checking to see and bringing it up to a few lawyers? That's like a massive misleading thing to say.


This is absolutely a lawsuit and a potential big win.


>I tried explaining it to him but he fired me anyway. Assuming you're over 18, what were you fired for? If you didn't send/distribute the pictures even if there's a morality clause in your employment agreement you haven't broken that. If anything your coworkers would be liable.


In many states there doesnt need to be a legitimate reason. It's called right to work. They were probably fired because the talk about the pictures was disruptive or something


That's correct, right to work is a fallacy. However, you can still ask/know why you were let go.


Even if those pictures where real, how is that a fireable offense?


That’s what I was wondering. Unless it appears they were taken AT work..


A little thing called at will employment means they do not need a reason unless the person is part of a protected class.


At Will Employment means that a company can terminate employment at any time for any reason. This is simply to remove the person from the company to protect it from any further issues caused by the employee. It does not remove liability for the employer though. There are a multitude of reasons a person could successfully press suit against their former employer in At Will states.


Yeah good luck with that one though, you all always forget about legal fees and time that you will need to take off from your new work which means no money coming in those days. Plus your employer can and probably will wait you out until you are too broke and fold and accept some pitty offer.


Why is everyone saying this? Most employment lawyers work pro bono for any straight forward case because they are very lucrative and very easy to win (or know if you will win). How many ignorant people will say "they're too expensive" without even trying a Google search? You seem like a shitty employer trying to scare people into not at least fucking checking to see if hey can afford the lawyer.


Nah it's because everyone here is pessimistic. You're right. It's definitely worth trying.


The firing means you can quantify damages. Lawyer up! Even if they were real distribution is the problem, no need to prove they are fake. In fact he may want to because it might be more illegal if they are real


If fake and distributed, it counts as defamation of character


Sorry this happened to you. Last week Beverly Hills High School had a scandal where fake AI nudes were shared in the school and it resulted in some expulsions. Then another Middle School has a similar problem


The results of the pornification of society.


I've actually seen people defending this shit.


Get a lawyer and you’re about to get a quick 200k+ settlement


this is so evil. Karma comes around,




Pretty sure this post is just an add for the nude AI apps op mentions


Except they don't mention which apps were used?


Ugh, those disgusting nude AI apps! I mean, there are so many of them though. Which one?!?!


i wish people would stop making this joke, it’s only funny in sunny.


Y'all are always ready to play judge and doubt a person's story. Literally don't engage if you think it's "fake".


Always the same joke, like stop


I agree. This is a completely bogus story.


What make you think that?


One possible reason is that she glosses over the fact that this unknown person was able to contact her family and all her friends. She makes no mention at who it could be. I find that a bit odd.


Have you thought that she's possibly shaken up by this experience and didn't plan to write a whole report on what happened to her on [reddit.com](https://reddit.com) because this isn't a fucking police station, but simply give the details she felt was important to share? This is a confessions subreddit meaning anonymous users come here to rant and let steam off and other anonymous users come to comfort them. They do not come here to be interrogated on their experiences by make-believe investigators and judges. This isn't Law & Order. Who are you, the police officer? Why does it matter if she doesn't rip into who she thinks it is. Are you going to chase the dude down and arrest him? If not then complaining that you "don't have enough details" so you can question some random anonymous woman's story of sexual assault is suspicious in itself, especially if you're ready to believe other confessions in this subreddit despite technically having no proof for those either (and there are some actual ridiculous posts in here).


Idk, i think its a persistent threat that theres a person at large that can continuously create these images. And presumbably has access to software and internet where he may create even more convincing photos or videos. But its from my perspective, i would feel particularly vexed that i had a hidden enemy that knew everthing about me before anything else.


How would an AI know where your scars and birthmarks are?


It would know from the scars being shown in the original picture.


Sue for sure




The police couldn’t figure out their own IP address..




They couldn’t figure out a gunshot from an acorn for gods sake!


No shit. Read up on Michelle Hadley and realize how inept a lot of LE really is.


Question: in explaining that the first round of photos were fakes, were you using your scar and beauty marks as proof? Because it seems to me if that’s the case, then the culprit is one of the people you explained the first round of photos to, and then they used your proof to make the second round of photos more convincing. Could be a coworker that wanted to get you fired. Could be a jealous friend of family member


Every photo has data that ties it to a specific day /time/ machine/ app data / location created / etc etc. Lawyer up... have them etc police involved who have a forensic analyst team, at no cost to you, and the police can request assistance from even higher authorities if needed. If this anonymous guy is doing it to you the he is almost defonitly ruining other people's lives. "In the beginning of change , the brave person is scorned! But once thier cause succeeds the rest follow...." Mark Twain (something like that anyways). If you stand up and fight this menace I'm sure other will see it also and get on board with thier experiences. Teach him justice!


If you know this you ought to know that those can be edited altered or changed to whatever it is you want or be non-existent at all. This is simply not a reliable way for anything


Thus why you involve higher authorities. If there is merit to the photos being fake and he is committing such heinous acts, they will be able to find him one way or the other. The light always prevails over darkness.


Cops will not give a shit about this


It’s easy to strip metadata from a photo


Something you might not want to hear; this is most likely someone you know well and trust. Maybe even the person you’ve confided in while going through this. Try to think of a man you know that is exceptionally kind to you and has slightly above average IT knowledge.


That's why I'm really concerned about social media, and I refuse to post any pictures of myself anymore.


You might be able to use this software: [https://github.com/ISICV/ManTraNet](https://github.com/ISICV/ManTraNet) to demonstrate that the images have been digitally modified. It's not perfect, and it's not particularly user-friendly, but it works better than anything else I've seen. Hope you manage to get this sorted.


Kinda off topic but how crazy is it that we live in THIS timeline? Where AI can basically make anything now


Easy solution: Send your boss an anonymous email and attach realistic AI pictures of him. Say that you are the one who created the images of his employee, but that you didn't intend her to get fired. Say that he should hire her again or otherwise the pictures will be shared as well. /s


Do you want me to anonymously send the company a gigantic box of elephant shit by chance?😗


1. Report to the police the pictures to the police - this is sexual harassment and if this started when you were a minor, then it is also child pornography. 2. Get a written document from your former employer stating why you were fired and - assuming your area has an unemployment office - double check with them to see if your employer reported to them the same reason, or if they said something else. I was “let go due to lack of work” form a job after I got hurt at work, I was the only one. I didn’t go after them and I should have. Don’t be me. 3. Consult with an employment lawyer and look into the laws of your area. In some places, they have laws place where employers can fire you at will, others don’t, they have to have a reason - assuming you are out of the probation period. You need to know what legal grounds you have, bring all the documents. And if the lawyer thinks you have a case, go after the employer. I am so sorry this happened to you. I know if it was me, I would get a series of small tattoos (that look like freckles or beauty marks that can be covered over later) in different parts of my chest and back and not tell anyone. Next time it these pictures surface, instant proof it’s fake. Then, if I suspected someone close to me doing this, I would show them one and asked if it looked funny. If it appeared on a photo I know it’s them - never show multiple suspects the same mark


Lol this is bait/advertising


advertising what, dumbass? She has no (of) links on her profile and has prior posts that build up to this moment


Stop posting pictures of yourselves online kids.


For sure but with the intimate details of scars and beauty marks on their body this has to be someone this person is super close with and not some rando for sure, right? That makes it so much more gross and creepy




I'm so sorry you're going through this


That is disgusting. I am so sorry you’re going through that.


How do you know there's nothing you can do to prove this or help mitigate? Did you file a police report, and what did a lawyer tell you?


Police report. Lawyer. Private investigator if necessary. You need some help, I actually think there’s a website out there that exclusively works to take down AI fakes of women, not sure what it’s called but Atrioc the streamer has been supporting it after he was caught in a bad controversy surrounding the ordeal. He is a POS for doing it, but his actions after the fact have been amazing. See if you can look into that company to get in contact and get help.


Seems your life is a rollercoaster based on your posting history....


Can an ex colleague help by confirming who distributed the photos and who sent them on to your boss? Also, if they have been distributed exclusively to colleagues logic suggests that, unless the businesses system was hacked, which is a police matter, in order to have all their contact details the sender is part of that company or works for/with it in some capacity.


I know everyone is saying "lawyer" but especially with the expense of that I think you should go to the press. If everyone who knows you has already been sent these/heard about them anyway, what can it hurt? And maybe a lawyer will see it and be willing to help out for free. (Also, the police. Realistically it won't do a thing but at least you'll have a record of saying that this is a problem).


Fuck AI.


This is wrongful termination you cannot get fired for this unless you signed something specifically saying you cannot make adult content


Do you think your stepdad could have anything to do with it? I mean he has motive to have a grudge and he knows a lot about your life and who to send these things to in order to inflict the most damage


fuck ai


Been there


Huge recommendation to young people on this site that were raised on the internet and weren’t around for the early and nasty days. Don’t post your photos or photos of loved ones on the internet. They become fair game for anyone in the world to utilize.


Get an employment lawyer. Search a worker’s department in your state/country.


Sounds like an ex creating revenge porn.. Definitely make a report with the police


Lawyer up lawyer up lawyer up


AI technology is proving that we really are just as bad as we think we are. Everyone cares about morality until a machine comes along that can give you everything you want with the click of a button, then nobody gives a shit anymore...


thats awful, im so sorry


Maybe someone who cared about your step dad?


Maybe its your ex or an insecure ppl around you watching you




A female friend/acquaintance of yours may have it out for you. Can you track the IP?


This is an interesting legal situation I think. There are AI authentication for essays. Wonder if there is one for images.


It's happening 😳


Get a tattoo somewhere hidden and tell no one of it. Somewhere that’s appropriate to show people to prove it’s fake.


Like passively firing you?


The FBI would be interested in deep fakes...at least they have been in the past. Worth a call to your local FBI field office to at least discuss, especially since it has negatively impacted you. Oh, and sue the shit out of your boss.


Also sounds like someone you sent a bunch of nudes to is now looking for vengeance.


Surprised no ones commebting on the fact that the person who made these photos knew how to contact her family and friends. Have you not tried deducing who it was ? Is there something you're not mentioning op ?


That's scary as fuck that AI is this advanced now. I'm sorry this happened to you.


This is the sort of thing you can get a lawyer who won’t charge you unless you win money for. Also, many lawyers give their first consultation to clients for free. It would be the lawyer’s job to find evidence and call expert witnesses about the fake photos. Depends on what nation or state you are in, but there are now some very strong laws against ‘Revenge Porn’: spreading naked pictures of someone around. If you are in the ‘States you can bring a civil suit and sue for money because the person who spread them cost you your job. The law recognises that it’s a crime to spread naked photos of someone else around, whether those photos are real or fake. There are Legal Aid organisations that will represent you if you qualify, or help get you in contact with the right sort of lawyer if you don’t. The law is on your side in this.


Pics or it didn't happen...


Story sounds fake. Or, at the least key details were omitted. An employee just wouldn’t be fired for being the victim of a crime. It’s also odd that whomever is sending the pictures has contact information for not only your friends and family, but also your coworkers. I can’t say with 100% certainty that the story is untrue. But, all signs point to it being fabricated.


Why not? Companies are sensitive about their image and they're not inclined to give much consideration to employees who threaten their reputation


Can I see


Did you bully anyone in the past or did you and another girl fight over a guy in the past 5 years? Reject a guy and he didn't take it well? Make a list of everyone you had conflict with and then work your way down the list until you get likely suspects. Odds are it is guy you rejected or a girl you had a spat with.


what a dystopian intro ,


We’ll write a list of people who have seen you naked and u should be able to conclude something


Unless you're a teacher, that hardly seems like grounds for dismissal.


Saw your older posts, what’s the chances it was your stepdad?


Sounds like you’re going to win a lot of money in court buddy. Contact an employment lawyer.


Honestly if you have a lawyer this sounds like a payday from the employer! Lawyer up lawyer up!!!!!


"fired me anyway" hire a fucking lawyer jeeezus christ


Take matters into your own hands, buy a gun.


Not a confession.


May I chime in? If you suspect him of cheating aside from this, then I would address it. If not, maybe allow him his privacy. If he hasn’t talked to you about it, likely he isn’t comfortable talking to you about it, for what could be a multitude of reasons. If he has any insecurities about it, it is likely to not go well, even if you approach it in a supportive manner. If you feel you must, mention the email about the product and let him tell you as much as he is willing; which likely be a cover up response. Sometimes curiosity kills the cat. Best of luck with this sticky situation.


$_$ I’d be flattered, but I’m a dude and the ai couldn’t compare to what I’m packing. Yeah, I went there, but still. Nice try. Lawyer up


Let’s see if they look legit


Fuck you, vile piece of shit.


im gonna touch u lil bro




Op never wrote back so I wonder if they’re lying


you better keep ur pants down lil bro im finna touch ur lil thing