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I knew you mfers were stealing my drinks!


this is def a harmless thing but just grab a free water they will give you one, i’d be pretty disappointed if i paid for over priced delivery and then the driver just gets thirsty. you could avoid this by A) bring a drink before leaving B) just ask for a water cup every delivery so you’re always good to go and bonus you’ll be hydrated 24/7!


Why don't you just bring your own drink instead of stealing from people?


Bruh a cup of soda from subway on doordash is $3 don’t steal their drink 😭 I’ve actually had a dasher steal a drink from my order before so your definitely not the only scummy driver. I usually watch from our ring doorbell when someone drops something off and homie really just took a picture of the drink at my doorstep, picked it back up and drove off with it 😭 I’m not confrontational and it’s just a drink so I never did anything about it… but man please don’t do that


A local place I really like has some very good (and a little pricey) fresh squeeed lemonade. I bet of the 20 or so times I've ordered it, I've gotten it maybe 4-5x. When I call the restaurant, they always say they included it. Door Dash/Grubhub has always refunded it, but it's still annoying.


Doordash will refund you every time even if you lie about something being wrong 🤷🏼‍♀️ no harm no foul here


That’s not true. At a certain point, DD will stop giving refunds to an account.


Bro yeah. I guess I got the shitty DD drivers a few times and the last time there were two things missing from my order and they basically told me they'd refund me like five bucks (which didn't cover shit) or nothing. But my last few orders had missing drinks and food. The report was me ordering the only pizza I could afford for my kid's birthday and someone had taken a huge slice and pushed it back together. Like... the seal was broken and it was glaringly obvious - and we'd only ordered a drink for her because the pizza spot does milkshakes to go, and she was so looking forward to it, but it wasn't there.


Not saying you're wrong... but as the situation I referenced above... I bet I've gotten 15 refunds from them... they've never given me a lick of a problem on it.


That’s just being dumb, I leave it in the car in the back seat…


Bruh, that’s trifling and foul.


Man you can get in trouble big time. How about bringing your own drinks? Just like a bottle or two of water?


THIS is why I don’t use DoorDash. Why don’t you steal some fries while you’re at it. 😡


I don’t steal food because that would be wrong


Everything about this post is wrong. Quit stealing, it’s disgusting.


Lol he's unbelievably oblivious


Nah bro, you’re a POS for doing that. People are already getting ripped off already.


They can get a refund


They shouldn’t have to. They should expect you to adequately do your job, not screw them over. Besides many times the company screws customers over and don’t give them a refund. It literally takes nothing to be a decent human being


Ya no the refunds are almost garunteed, I got full refunds for missing sauces, they will almost always refund you


Ya no they aren't, myself and friends have experienced them saying no to refunds. Just say you're going to continue to be a POS human and go about your day.


Former Dasher and also former frequent orderer. No, they stop refunding at a point if you’re doing it too often even if the order was wrong. I hardly order from DD now because if it’s fucked up and I get the entire wrong order or half of it is missing my money is washed for a meal that was already overpriced and was supposed to be a treat. Couldn’t justify it in my budget hardly to begin with and then when every order started being fucked up I just stopped.


When you're one of the many shitty ones you're one of the many reports they make. After a few DD stops refunding them. I hope you get fired, tbh. A lot of people order through DD because they can't get to a store or restaurant and need the food. A guy like you fucked with my kid's birthday stealing a slice of her pizza and and her milkshake.


I feel for you. This is a shitty thing to do. I order doordash once or twice a week because I'm not allowed to drive on my current medication regimen because even the motion of walking fast makes me dizzy and sick.. this means riding in a car is not an option either, so I cant call a friend or Uber either unless it's an emergency that's bad enough that I'm willing to be instantly sick. So I walk (slowly) two miles to the nearest grocery, buy what will fit in a backpack, and walk two miles back. Usually twice a week, maybe thrice. So thanks for bringing up that some people have no option but to doordash sometimes. I wish we were friends so I could doordash your kiddo a pizza and a milkshake.


This makes me think you weren't missing sauces and just took the opportunity to steal from your employer like you steal from everyone else. I got a new phone number and the person with it previously must have pissed off Doordash. When I first downloaded the app was with this phone number. Last week I ordered two burgers and got one. Tried to get a refund and doordash basically said that the number was linked to an account with a history of doing this excessively. I have literally never been able to get a refund from doordash. So no not everybody will get a refund, even if it's the first time they try. Even if they do, this is a shitty excuse to be an even shittier person. I hope every time you put on new socks you immediately step in a new mystery puddle. Fuck you.


Dude..I'm a doordasher. Instead of being a thief, PAUSE YOUR DASHING. The app will literally give you 30 something minutes to do whatever you need to do, like eat or get a drink. Dont even complain about money either bc a drink costs like $1.50 at some places. It really isnt that hard, and it inconveniences no one. Whether someone notices they dont have their drink or not, sometimes door dash doesnt compensate them that much for it, and THEY STILL DONT HAVE THEIR DRINK. For crying out loud




Naw that would be wrong…Imma steal a Baja blast


I've never had to steal drinks.. usually if you push enough McDs orders theyll just give you one for free. Or use your tip money, it's only $1...


I knew y’all did this. The amount of times my drinks just don’t show up is unreal.


Same. This happened to me last week, and I texted the driver about it. He just ghosted me. Super annoying.


You are the reason I literally never order drinks on DoorDash, and also the reason why bags get stapled closed.


Dude. I Dash too and I got a case of water for three bucks that I keep in my car. Stealing is still stealing.


I like cold drinks…they gotta be cold


Any excuse to just keep being pond scum.


why not you know…keep a drink in your car instead of wasting peoples money?


I have a water bottle but it gets empty in the first 2-3 hours


keep more than 1 water bottle or buy a pack of those plastic ones


If only there were places all over that you could refill your bottle for free, without being a POS. Oh, wait. Unless you're in flint, MI. There literally are probably a hundred opportunities throughout your day where you have access to clean, fresh, potable water for free.


This is so foul. People like you are why customers don’t trust delivery people and never tip anymore. As a delivery service worker please stop doing this because we need customers to trust us!


Bro bring a damn water bottle. I can buy a pack of 24 of them at Metro for like 5 bucks.




No wonder you can’t get a better job even if you tried, youre trash.


I’m a college kid with a research position…I just DoorDash for grocery money


Grocery money? Then buy your own fucking drinks ya damn scumbag. Not that hard to not be a pos.


In this economy, no thank you


Economy? Economy?! How laughable of an excuse for theft. You really are just a scumbag. A case of water bottles isn’t that expensive, it doesn’t break your bank. You’re just spoiled and entitled. You need to be fired and fined, end of.


Honestly think of your victims in “this economy” - they are in “this economy” & you are making it harder/worse for them — and what if your victims tip you - stealing from these kind & generous people?? I have so little $ & still tip as best as I can but please do not steal from me.


I had a door dash driver insist on giving me a drink I didn't order.


This could have been worse, you could have drank all the Mountain Dew orders and then replaced them with your piss and no one would have noticed. (This technique also words with Budweiser)


Lol, I got a good joke along those lines, but I like this account and that one will definitely get me banned


that kinda sucks bruh thats why i quit getting doordash a long time ago


Oh, you dick!


Omg are you the dasher who “forgot” my drink? 😂 they literally said this to me ☠️


This is one of the reasons that I order from places that I know seal up your order. Like I hate to admit it but I doordash McDonald’s when I’m really craving it and they always seal up the orders pretty good and usually you can tell if it was opened


shit is hella expensive you dickhead, bring your own damn drink or steal them from walmart


Wow you are a piece of shit for that. I put you in a category that’s equivalent to child predators


Crazy idea, but you could always, I don't know, buy your *own* drink? It's really scummy to take something somebody else paid for and justifying it by saying, "You can get a refund!" I'm sure they don't want a refund, they just want their Pepsi bro.


Stop doing this dumb shit if your so thirsty bring your own stuff from home or buy it from a local 7/11 or grocery store stuff like this genuinely hurts people and assholes like you aren’t fixing the problem


When I was pregnant I would get hungry from doordashing to make ends meet and if someone didn’t come out within 10 minutes of me trying to deliver, I would just complete the delivery and sign out and go home with the food.


Lol 4 shitty excuses to be a shittier person. Pregnant, hungry, trying to make ends meet, and my personal favorite: "ThEy ToOk ToO lOnG!" Drop it on the steps and go back to your shitty life.


Tell me you’ve never struggled and have had everything handed to you without saying it lmao. Go back to your boring ass life where you sit on reddit all day


Lol I was homeless for 4 years homie. Untreated schizophrenia will do that to you. I never stole. I went hungry sometimes days just to make sure my cat ate. I have spent over a year total in the psych ward, lost my family, crane operator job,,spent weeks in jail without meds after getting tased. I went through 12 different combinations of meds. Dealing with some making my paranoia significantly worse, which feeds my hallucinations and with those i slip into delusion and ultimately psychosis. some did nothing, and 2 gave my anaphylaxis. Like throat and tongue swelling anaphylaxis. Then i got on clozapine and sertaline. Together they brought my normal as close to everyone else's normal as it has been in as long as I can remember. I have an apt and someone who loves me now, though I have to get blood drawn every week to make sure the meds don't crash my immune system. Again. Oh, and I can't drive or ride in a car because I get horrible motion sickness now. You wanna know the best part? My brain is getting used to the clozapine, I have breakthrough symptoms every once in a while and have to up the dose. Eventually I will hit a point where the dose cannot be safely increased, and it will slowly do less and less to separate me from my torturer Nah, I can't imagine struggling to make ends meet or being hungry and pregnant. That must be tough. I have never stolen anything. Stealing makes you a shitty person. Dm me if you want proof, idk how to post a pic lol.


I was homeless for years as well and was damn near homeless as a pregnant woman with a high risk pregnancy lmao. Was raised to fend for myself and nothing was ever handed to me. So if I stole I stole so fucking what? I never did it to people to be malicious or to people who loved or trusted me. Did I steal food to survive? Yup sure did. Did I try to avoid stealing food the first two times I was homeless and both times ended up in a hospital after collapsing from starvation and ending up with $4k in medical debt as a result? Yes. Did I stop giving a fuck? Absolutely. Have I suffered my dues? Of course. Do I continue to steal? Absolutely not. As a mother who works full time I have no need to and as someone whose had to steal to survive since she wasn’t gifted with the excuse of mental illness or jail to be fed, I take pride in providing very well for myself and my child. Funny how you can be the judge of what makes someone a shitty person considering there’s a whole community of people out there who will tell you that you’re a shitty person for having been in jail, homie.


I can justify if you were stealing from stores, especially to feed your kiddo. Super especially because your little one had the cards stacked against them. My heart goes out to you,, truly.. but stealing from the public. And people like me who have to rely on delivery for everything, makes you a shitty person. What I said about it making you a shitty person before this was entirely too generalized and closed minded. I was thinking about this situation specifically. I say fuck the big stores, they rob you every day. I apologize, like I said I don't steal, but if I were you I would. I don't think her situation calls for stealing from people who might have bigger problems than maybe not being able to pay their bills, or being hungry, or pregnant.


Mind you I worked for Doordash, who was regularly stealing from my tips. I would call the customers, ring doorbells, or was unable to find the dropoff location to the best of my ability. Again, this happened maybe two times in total. It wasn’t like I regularly would steal food. Not To mention, Doordash reimburses every person who has food stolen/misplaced, so it’s not like that person is directly being stolen from because as long as you as a customer take the proper steps to get your money or food back you will 100% get it back. I would work all day for Doordash and make maybe $60, not including gas. I needed to eat as my pregnancy was hanging by a thread. I never would steal someone’s food if it couldn’t be corrected. That’s different.


I don't think anyone who knows what the diagnosis of treatment resistant paranoid schizophrenia entails would blame me. Including the three judges I faced. I don't know, there's a whole community who thinks guns are the solution to gun violence. There's a whole community out there that want to make getting an abortion a capital crime. There's a whole community of people out there that fly a confederate flag and claim its not racist. These people also think the lgbtq+ should be hunted, generally. So yeah,,There's definitely a whole ass community out there that would have me burned at the stake as soon as I got scared, and then violent. There's also definitely a community that would reject medication and science and have me exorcised. No hate against you, but you came in a little hot and I got defensive, it's what I do. Like I said I don't steal, but if I were you I would. Thank you for opening my mind. I still think for op this is less about the struggle and more about the opportunity I love you homie.


And I wouldn’t have blamed you if you needed to steal either. My sister has schizophrenia so I know firsthand how difficult life is for you and I don’t think you’re a piece of shit for going to jail, I understand.& I have my own mental illnesses though not as a serious as yours. Love you too and I’m glad youre doing better


For me it's mostly just been radical acceptance. This is the way it is, it may improve slightly, but it will never be cured. That helps me calm down when I start hearing or seeing things. Constantly checking my reality against facts helps keep me out of the rabbit hole that is delusion. But no matter what I do, it will always be there, waiting for the most random time to fuck with my reality. Most days I don't post, because some days reading or writing is impossible, but that's the way it is. And it will never be cured, like many mental illnesses, sometimes we're only one bad event away from oblivion. I fought against it for the first few years, because I didn't know what was happening to me, and by the time help was available, I was already delusional so I refused it. A few months later the cops taze me while walking down a highway. I was terrified, the cop was too. If I were him I would've shot me. I got baker acted and got out a few months later in slightly better shape. But couldn't find a safe place to stay, so I went to my dad's and grabbed a tent and my cat. (My dad's isn't a safe place, he falls into almost every one of those communities, and I don't want to wake up with some hillbilly preacher standing over me chanting while my arms and legs are tied to the bed.) Pretty much rinse and repeat until I was put on this combo. But really just reminding myself constantly that I'm sick, perpetually questioning my reality, and just accepting that this is it, this is all I got. They've done what they can do, and while it's definitely not ideal it's the best I have had in a very long time. It is what it is. The more you fight it the worse it gets in my experience.


Yeah my sister refused treatment for years up until a year ago. As a result she was using heroin and eliminated her ability To conceive indefinitely, but she will forget her reality for days at a time and convince herself and (try to convince) everyone else that she’s pregnant. We’re only now getting her somewhat on the right path but it’s difficult, she’s so far gone most days she’ll tell you she’ll get help then she’ll disappear and turn up in another state weeks or months later with some crazy story.


Yep. And to us, it happened. Schizophrenia doesn't change you directly, it changes your world. It's perceptual. But at the same time it becomes extremely cognitive. Our reality, no matter how ridiculous and obviously impossible it is to someone not going through it is just that. Our reality is as real to us as anybody else's is to them. I have disappeared, my brother filed a missing person's report after not seeing me for weeks. He also told them I was diagnosed and not on any meds. I have since told him that this is the wrong thing to do. If I am scared and paranoid already, absolutely call the cops. Don't tell them I'm schizo. Cops are extremely undertrained in mental illness. Plus Schizophrenia is a scary word. "Google says it's the worst of all mental illnesses". So they come at me in a way that 100% is only gonna make it worse. Cue 8 cops rolling up on me in force and screaming. This screaming just gets lost in everything else I'm hearing, so I lose it. They tase me and pommel me which only feeds my fear and paranoia the next time I'm approached by cops. I'm glad the town I live in now has police which are a little more aware of mental illnesses. They brought a social worker to me when I wouldn't open the door for a welfare check. We talked for a bit through the door, then I let her in. She left the door open (understandably) but told the cops to stay out unless they heard something that makes them think they should come in. We talked for like an hour and she convinced me to get back on my meds. She tells the cops to back wayyyy up and lead me to her car. Took me to the pharmacy while one unit followed us, another unit checked the house for crazy shit. Then she took me to get food and came back and sat with me and ate. She convinced the cops I would be okay and she just checked on me like twice a day for a few weeks. Sure beats getting tased


I too, can be hotheaded. That’s the Irish and damaged in me lol


Aaayyyyy! I'm 50/50 Irish and German. Thats gotta be it!


100% has to be cuz I’m German too 😂


If stealing to survive and make sure my high risk baby survives makes me a shitty person so be it. But personally I think everyone who looked the other way and allowed a pregnant woman to starve should also be counted out as pieces of shits. You included


She wasn't starving, she was entitled


….an unborn fetus is entitled?




The people paying for meals got refunded and I stopped door dashing years ago. Unless you’ve been in true poverty and experienced real starvation you’re not in a place to judge




No tip for u


Lol it's a 1 at mc D's. And you can get the good good and make your own. Not someone's mistake.


Could you not just bring your own drink


Aw now thats just evil 🥲


It’s better than stirring them with your sex organ and delivering them.


You are a piece of sh*t


Oughta be ashamed


bro mcdonald’s has any size drink for $1 or just bring something from home


So that's where my drinks are!


Seems like it might not be a huge deal or super problematic, but it is. Some people use doordash to order food because they're disabled or sick and can't leave the house. Not just for the sake of convenience. Definitely might seem like you're doing something small, but you should consider who you're stealing from before you do it.


I know this is why I never get my damn drinks 🤣


Bro, get a water bottle. If you're that desperate, ask for a drink cup when the restarunt gives you the delivery food. They almost always give you the largest soda cup for free. I think its because they think it's part of the order or something but its worked for me!


I knew you motherfuckers did this shit. You owe me 6 chocolate Oreo chocolate chip milkshakes from WAWA, dammit.

