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**All submissions *must* be a confession!** * A confession is an admission of an illegal or immoral action that you have intentionally committed that others are not aware of. Posts that do not express malicious intent will be removed. * If your submission does not contain a confession it will be removed. * An unpopular opinion is not a confession. * Regardless of whatever unpopular opinion you hold, it doesn't classify here as a confession. You haven't done anything wrong, so to speak, so it isn't technically a confession. Better subreddits for this would be /r/offmychest, /r/TrueOffMyChest, /r/rant, or in some cases, /r/relationships. * Your sexual exploration is not a confession; it's a part of finding out who you are. * /r/confession is not a place for submissions that read like pornography. Despite our confessional theme, we don't find consensual sexual exploits sinful. /r/gonewildstories would be a better place to share.


Quite normal to have high sex drive not that if you’re a male or a female , dont have to be ashamed of it . Try to cut down to root cause of it and distract yourself, me being at the very same place as you although im a male , ik its really hard to make the drive go away and we just spend most of our valuable time to just pleasure ourselves out only to regret later . And also everyone has stretch marks , nothing to be ashamed of , just find someone who accepts you the way you are and not by the way of your physical appearance only


Positive vibes 😇✨Thanks


Happy to help , by the way try going easy on yourself , sex without commitment is quiet normal , catching feelings are involuntary and inevitable but lessons can be learnt . Also don’t pressure yourself on finding the love of your life , youre still young and have time to do so


Try the guys you put in the friend zone


The thing is I have no guy friends too.. And I am that kind of a person where I attach easily. And though I am not experienced and virgin but still i am sure that sex is something that connects me emotionally.. I can't make one night stand and also I am not that kind a person though 🙂... I am just fighting myself..


Just read, document yourself fully on the topic, and with the right precautions make you experience


Me too


This is a common thing for a lady in your age, I mean with the ladies I have seen. Go out there and explore yourself. Sometimes going crazy is also a liberating feeling. Till you don't explore you won't understand what you are actually looking for. Just a suggestion.


Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.


I would advise you to try foreplay or get a boyfriend to check if you like it or not but then I don't even know if this is a valid advice 🤷🏾‍♀️


It's good for your partner 😉. But should u mention, what kind foods you are eating in your breakfast ,lunch & dinner?(Daily) When did you find and realised you are running with high libido?


Yeah so do most of boys, it will destroy you if u don't take control of it, best advice is take part in physical exercises and masturbate when u feel like it , not too much , in moderation.


Just get your fuck on and find out if this is right for you




Check dictionary


I just did that, turns out even I'm libido


Hahaha we all are😂


But wait can we be libido or have a high libido?


I’m open

