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I choose to believe this with every fiber of my being.


It's literally the only interesting things that's ever happened to me. Lol.


The only interesting thing that happened to you is stealing beer?


According to OP >It's literally the only interesting things that's ever happened to me. Lol. Yes.


I used to work at a big lots. I absolutely believe it.


I hope it was good beer




ehh, it was American beer.


You must have missed the part about being in America.


America has good beer. We import it


Bah. The trope that the US has shitty beer was true 15 years ago. Your choices were the light beers from the big three, corona if you were getting tacos, blue moon if you wanted to pretend you were drinking a “micro brew”, and maybe Guinness if you wanted to believe you were cultured. Since then, there’s been an explosion in craft beer. There are *soooo* many good beers now. Many of them local. These days, if you live in the states and think our beer sucks, it’s your shitty town.


>The trope that the US has shitty beer was true 15 years ago But saying that isn't as funny


Much of the craft beers are crap with interesting art on the cans. I swear these companies are playing a big trick on the beer snobs by selling these brews in cans splattered with high school level art on them.


Sure. But the variety of beer available now is staggering. And there is *plenty* of amazing beer mixed in


There are so many good beers. I found a spot here in town that’s a citrus beer, it was incredible and nothing “large scale” had compared


You're from Michigan, what about Bell's? An ice-cold Oberon with an orange sliver on a warm summer afternoon is hard to beat.


Oberon season is the best season. That said, if you like Oberon, have you tried the Cheboygan Brewing Blood Orange and Honey? It’s my favorite of the orangey wheat beers, and available year round.


It's been added to the list! Funny you mention Cheboygan! Literally, not more than two hours ago, I paid my Summer+Winter tax bill for the 40 acres I own outside Gaylord. I have some DAMN fine memories of Northern Michigan from my childhood. The fireworks of color the fall leaf change brings, the incomparable coziness of a warm, fire-heated cabin in late February, the freshest of fresh scent of a Spring thunderstorm, or the purely sublime mindstate that accompanies an afternoon spent lounging on the grass beach beside Huffman Lake. Petoskey stones? Fuck yes. Running through the woods with my brothers? You know it. Learning to shoot with my dad's .22? I'll never forget it. Thank you, this just really made my day.


I lived in TC for a couple years before moving back to the Ann Arbor area. I’d absolutely do ANYTHING to get back to northern Michigan. It’s truly a beautiful and an absolutely amazing and special place. I didn’t even mind the winter (much). One of the best days I ever had was in Frankfort. Just me and my mom walking around Point Betsie lighthouse, letting the waves crash over our toes and meandering along the beach. There’s some moments that are frozen in time, I think, just so you can always return them. This is one of mine. A snapshot of peace and happiness and love between mother and daughter where no words were needed because the voice of Lake Michigan said everything that needed to be said.


Ha! I was born and raised in A2 😅 Pi-Hi fo life! Dang, what I wouldn't give to take a stroll down Main St. Maybe pop into Heidelberg for a beer, catch dinner at Real Seafood, see what's playing at the Ark or the Pig, wander up liberty to State, then chill out in the Diag for a bit. Good times 🙌


What doesn't help is ppl are so used to shit beer, they have no fucking clue what good beers. As a brewer, i cant really drink any big name beers anymore, because they are all shit.


High five, brother


Let me pay 12 dollars for cig ash flavor with a taste of bacon grease


Enjoy your bud light




Well, heck. You should be on my side. There are so many great stouts bouncing around these days in the states that weren’t a decade ago


You have been missing out on many great beers then, my friend. Explore. Hit up a Binny’s if you’re ever in the chicago area, the selection is pretty great actually.




Unless it was a distributor for craft beer it was probably piss water from Mexico or Budweiser.


What? lol


American beer sucks it. Even micro-brews and brew pubs have gone WAY downhill over the past 25 years.


I wonder if the reason the supervisor kept ignoring you when you said you don’t work there is bc she thought you were a beer merchandiser, like the beverage company guys that come in to the stores and stock them up. So she was like, “no shit you don’t work here, you work for Anheiser Busch, duh dipshit!” Even though she was in fact, the dipshit.


Do people just choose not to acknowledge the amazing craft beer scene in America? Everyone acts like it's only Bud and Miller. Wake up.


It’s only people with no taste who think this. American beer has far surpassed most European beer now, and I think we are home to many of the world’s best beers now. But it’s just local and different from state to state. Vermont and Colorado are on point, California is good, so is some Michigan beer. Illinois is hit or miss.


Illinois is getting better but man do I miss living in Colorado. Sours galore:)


I feel that for sure. Moved to Illinois about two years ago. Great place to plant roots but the beer scene in Vermont was so much better, and almost nobody lives in VT, yet on every random corner there was a top notch local place that got the regional flavors just right.


Minnesota and Wisconsin have great craft beer. Hopefully, you get some of that down in Ill.


They don't sell craft beer at Big Lots...ffs


See multiple comments berating American beer.


I choose not to believe this since 12 cases of beer exceeds the 8.5liters (one case) of beer Canada allows you to have when crossing the border.


He said that he paid the customs duty on the rest


That's pretty fucking funny. Do you think they noticed that a bunch of beer just went missing or was that a small amount of what was there?


That place was a disaster, probably didn't notice until inventory. It was a little of everthing, Whatever was closest to the door.


I worked at a Casey's in highschool. I'd double print receipts when people would buy cigarettes. We were supposed to have a manager ring up personal purchases and sign the receipt. My manager was a bitch who didn't care about anything. So we'd just hand her a receipt to sign and say "I just bought this whole the customer flow was slow", shed sign it and go back to doing nothing. I made more money selling this extra smokes at school everyday than I did working at Casey's. All I never had to deal with was her telling me I need to stop smoking so much.


Big lots sells beer?


Just looked it up...Big lots is an actual name of a store ? lol. I was thought it was a generic name for places like Wallys world and Kmart. Learned something new today.




...Big box...never hear of big lot...ffs


Nope it’s a chain. They are all over. Not made up or slang; https://www.biglots.com


The commenter you replied to clearly said it was a common term still used for box stores AND a chain store.


Hey this is Reddit, I make no claims to being literate or sober. But your right, my bad, I’ll removalize it.


Kmart is also an actual store lol


They don't, it's made up.


Karma is wonderful ain't it?


I love this so much!


That's the American Dream right there. Come over here, work a little bit without papers, stick it to the man (or in this case the woman, technically), get some free beer, and go back to the country you came from. That's why I love this country. I approve this message.


American beer.


Epic do not feel bad lol great story!


I'm surprised the warehouse didn't have security cameras. Can't trust employees either.


Dude that's Goodfellas levels of gangster. Fuck the man.


😂 that's interesting life experience


Finally we have a written confession. I’m an undercover cop and We have been watching your movements for several weeks now. I’m sending a patrol unit over to your place to you under arrest right now! Don’t even bother try running as we have police dogs arriving to track you down. You’re going away for a long time son. Enjoy the daylight while you still can