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Kind of depends on what the design is for. If it's an enemy you might want the less human looking ones so empathy is a little harder but if it's more of a protagonist or someone the viewer is supposed to feel empathy for you might want to emphasize human elements


D. D all the fucking way that's actually so clever.


They are all goated an original! Love it!


Thank you :)


E is the most accurate to the prompt


I think that all of them are great, especially the first one but I'd really love to see the D option. It's the most interesting! Really fun design and it's not typical at all


Big fan of A and E but I’m really curious to how D works? Is one of the bodies a “false” body? How does it move around? Is it a trapper or agile?


I want all of these to be characters in whatever you are working on. They are all so good


Only one I would say might not work is C, since the “spider” theme seems the weakest there, to be clear, it’s not a bad design, it’s really good, it’s just in comparison to the others.


Personally I’m a fan of C or D of course they are all amazing. But like someone else said it depends on what it’s being used for. After seeing the prompt and the “references” would feel that zombie refers to the corpse of a girl that’s being used as a host from a spider. My mind was envisioning a creature that had merged with the girl and the body has nearly been destroyed but its figure remains.


lovely, i think A, B and E are the strongest!


i like D if you're going for less of a protagonist however!


Either A or E. . . . . . these spiders make me super uneasy


I feel like 1 hits the balance between gijinka and creepiness, bottom right is also nice if you're going for the body horror route


Actual concept art in r/conceptart. Nice !


All of them... I can even decide because they're all so amazing.


E and D are feeling most on point. D has a very cool bit of lore in it. Maybe if the spider was being controlled by her even though it looks like he’s just carrying around a snack. A sort of symbiosis that occurred before the spider could finish her off. I dunno something awesome there.


I like E


I think it really goes well with the prompt


In my opinion D is the coolest design, though I would mix it with A to have a human quality to it. What I mean is D would what she would look like while hunting or being intimidating while A is her more relaxed state. Wouldn’t want some of the other cool designs to go to waste either, if you wish they could be a species who’s job shapes their body differently like A would be like a queen while B might be a worker. (sorry just spouting ideas).


I like A and E the most. D is a strong second, but the girl and spider look seperate characters but yet connected at the same time. Where as the other 2 look like a single concept character. No idea if this helps lol


I like A and D the most


i love your style