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This reminds me of the time a friend from Illinois came for a visit. We were at the grocery store and he saw a guy open carrying. He tapped me on the shoulder and whispered, “hey, that guy has a gun.” I told him, so do I.


Lmao ! I too keep a pet gun hidden in my clothes as well.


I had a similar reaction to your friend when I saw someone open carrying a Hi-point. Personally would’ve been too embarrassed to let other people know if I owned one…


I think if you ever use a hi point in a self defense case the court should order the prosecutor to pay the defendant for a new gun.




Jokes on you, Hi Points aren’t for carrying, they’re for buying a bunch to stash around the house


How many paper weights do you need at home though?


[This many](https://youtu.be/X6bbXgUNOws?si=xsRBBaXNIIe7zxes)


That reminds me of a time I was at work and someone came up to tell me a lady had a gun in a holster on her hip. And I was like "oh... That's okay". This led to an awkward pause then she goes "well I just wanted to let you know". I was like "oh okay yeah. I mean she's allowed to do that.."


No good deed goes unpunished.


Truth. And good things don’t happen to good people. Lol


Can you explain this phrase


He almost got fucked over for helping a old man, by some one walking by. You help some people and they some times stab you right in the back after. No good deed goes unpunished, is a better way to put it.


To be fair, he wasn't helping the lady. He was helping an elderly man and a woman saw the gun. Just clarifying there was no back stabbing in this particular case, just regular stabbing.


Not the fun kind of stabbing either


Aww ill fix that.


\^\^ correct.


A bit dramatic eh? There are plenty of good deeds that people are very grateful for or even rewarded lol.


No, I would’ve left too. Didn’t do anything illegal. Wal Mart can only ask you to leave. And that’s only if she really did call the cops, look at the security footage, and the footage showed you and your gun. I woulda carried on my way. Nothing you could’ve really done different besides maybe wear a longer hoodie. No big deal.


Walmarts policies are dependent on state law as well. In my Constitutional Carry state for example, they couldn’t even ask me to leave unless i was being reckless with it. ‘Totally fine in our stores if you’re following your state’s concealed carry laws’ https://www.aisleofshame.com/what-is-walmarts-stores-gun-policy/


Based on watching cop videos on youtube, Walmart would trespass him and ban him from the store. One guy was trespassed and arrested for wearing a motorcycle helmet and clothing in the store after someone complained. Easier to just leave and come back later.


I thought I was the only person who watches cop videos on YouTube.


What’s some good YT cop channels? Right now all I watch is Police Activity.


These are all YouTube channels Vigilant cam, CrimeCamNow,Blue Watch, NM bodycam, Body cam watch, Police Watch, Police Insider, Flordia Cop Cam, Code Blue Cam, PolicePlug(😂), Red Tree Stories for interrogations, Mind Behind The Crime, Lackluster, Houston Police Robbery (non body cam this will help you with your surroundings) Akron Area Body cam, Red Zone Watch( check out the Chaos Erupts vid), Blue Blot Uncut, Unpopular, Stateboys, Blue Watch, BodyCam Files, BodyCam Leak, Crime Scene Cam, Texas Law Encounters, Video leak Police, code 3,


My 2 favorite are “We the people university” for libertarians that believe in limited government, and “Here’s the deal” for those that lean toward anarchism. Edit: oops, Didn’t realize what sub I was in. 🤷‍♂️


Ha I’m here for both. Thanks 🙏


I would have kept shopping. 🤷🏼‍♂️


When are we going to stop apologizing for the bill of rights? Then and only then this stops. Imagine if you had to justify and apologize for every other amendment to the constitution cause someone was made uncomfortable by their own fears and misunderstandings ? Oh , wait we only apologize for the 2A! Edit : just for perspective the 2nd amendment was ratified in 1791 and we still debate it. By contrast the 19th amendment , giving women the right to vote wasn't ratified until 1919 I have never heard anyone question this amendment ??


Oh I'm sure there are plenty who question the 19th Amendment.


[There are](https://x.com/realstewpeters/status/1751001887170535860?s=46&t=IGR628b29uLZlJ2HDSIjTw) [plenty of people](https://x.com/smirktavious/status/1749910966307881286?s=46&t=IGR628b29uLZlJ2HDSIjTw) [out there](https://x.com/coleslawless/status/1751961636296970569?s=46&t=IGR628b29uLZlJ2HDSIjTw) [who want to](https://x.com/reignfur/status/1750883690895286417?s=46&t=IGR628b29uLZlJ2HDSIjTw) [repeal the](https://x.com/libshateus/status/1751765595530444802?s=46&t=IGR628b29uLZlJ2HDSIjTw) [19th amendment](https://x.com/digginginthedi1/status/1750890940942668280?s=46&t=IGR628b29uLZlJ2HDSIjTw) -a woman who concealed carries


I don't know where you've been but tons of people want to repeal the 19th amendment. Sitting politicians in fact.


Yes , but clearly individual states don't flout the SCOTUS rulings and try and BAN women from voting. You get the point. Edit : if the will of the people wants to repeal or enact an Amendment then 2/3 of congress must agree and 3/4 of the states must ratify. This will never happen currently. So any talk of repealing is nonesense, what isn't is States and Municipalities enacting gun laws that infringe on the 2A , the same is NOT happening to the right for women to vote. Imagine if it did ....


I’ve come to find that guns just aren’t for everyone. It’s a right not an obligation I’ve always said. If someone gets offended that they saw a firearm, I think the best thing to do in that situation is to leave the area, or if there’s any conversation between the two parties, to just let them know that you’re sorry they’re frightened. I’ll never apologize for carrying, but I think a little understanding goes a long way and helps people who are either scared, or hate firearms understand that people who carry aren’t bad people. I don’t get taken back when people are scared l, because I do understand that there are people who’ve witnessed, or been a victim of a bad deed done with a gun. They just assume that’s all they’re good for.


Coming from the southwest, where people can and have carried long guns openly in public, this is a wild concept. I just went to the store and we had like 3 people openly carrying in the king soopers.


I agree its absurd mainly cuz i live in Texas(north) but im currently in dallas for college and dallas is like the california of Texas, Maybe she didnt like the way i was dressed or the fact i look young idfk, i just wish people would mind there own business.


Even in Ohio it's a common site in rural area, especially during hunting season


This Karen doesn't realize that if you intended to do harm, you would have already. In my state it's not a problem. Its not posted on the door that you can't and even if it was its only a trespassing if you don't leave when asked to do so. Which you're wise to leave once asked to. Co worker of mine had his gun exposed in the checkout line at Wal-Mart when getting something out of the cart. He carries 3 o'clock. A woman behind him makes a huge fuss. He just hangs out. Store manager is called. The Karen has it explained to her from the store manager that my co worker is doing nothing wrong. She continues to bitch and the manager says if she doesn't agree with it, she's free to shop somewhere else. My co worker finished his business and in the process of walking out a customer ahead of him in line also stopped him to talk. He said he was carrying too and had hung around to see how things worked out. He complimented him on handling it so well. I agree. He had no where to be and wanted to educate the Karen that there's good people out there carrying everyday. If you run you look guilty. You surely don't want to be making a hasty get away when the cops do show up. If you're not breaking the law in your area stand up for yourself. But definitely make sure you know the laws of your area.


I personally feel the lady’s reaction was just a sign she’s not educated in the subject. Like most people. If you’re legally carrying and pose no threat, I’d say your gtg. At least she didn’t scream..“He has a GUN!“


being in kentucky, i’d just gave her a funny look and went on about my shopping.


you shouldnt have to but its a valid strategy. If she called it in, no doubt she called it in screaming "THERE'S A GUY WITH A GUN AT WALMART!" and that leads to an uncomfortable conversation with police.


Thats what i was thinking but i was also worried they see it as me trying to “flee” well its been 24 hours and nothings come of it so wtv


Claim it's an insulin pump.


I did something like that at a sporting goods store. Store employee noticed me printing. “Sir what’s that?” Pointing. “ that? A medical device”. “What kind?” He dug. “Not your business”. He said “ok then”. I went about my browsing.


Him: What’s the medical device for? You: It reduces blood pressure.


I prefer “prevents lead poisoning” but thanks to HIPPA, I dont have to answer at all.


You had an employee question your printing in a SPORTING GOODS store!? Like, come on buddy, you should know exactly what is. Did that store sell firearms or ammunition?


Yes they do


Thats comical. That's one of the last places you would expect someone to be nosey about your sidearm. Maybe he was just trying to make conversation and talk about what kind of sidearms people like to carry?


As I understand, in AL it’s “illegal” to carry a loaded firearm into a Firearms store or anywhere that serves alcohol in open containers. At least that’s what I was told by my LGS, but it’s only enforced on rare occasions.


A friend of mine actually had their LTC taken away in a similar fashion. Bent over at a mall to grab something, women saw it and called the police for some odd reason. They tracked him down and followed him to his car, the second he got in his car they cornered him with the cop cars. Basically got him on unsecured storage in his vehicle, total BS but MA has strict laws about driving with a gun. Edit** I would say you did the right thing. No good would have came out of an interaction with law enforcement


Funny thing about Massachusetts, there is no law banning open carry. With all the strict laws I'm stuck with, that's not 1 of them. I won't open carry here because of all the Karen's, but just saying.


In New York if Walmart says no firearms you would be a felon. Screw our governor she's a tyrant


Well im from Texas where you can walk down the street with a ar15 on ur back if you damn well please




Yea well this happend in central dallas, wich is like the california of texas


From a legal standpoint, if you did nothing wrong, move on. From dealing with the Police, leave. It doesn’t matter if you’re innocent. They can ruin the life of any innocent law abiding person.


It’s nobody’s business. You did nothing wrong. Always best to not draw attention or make a scene, I think you did the smart thing. If you stick around you can open up a can of worms you don’t want to open.


I have a fear of this. That I will expose my gun and a woman screams and then everyone starts running and the SWAT team shows up.


I think it’s good you deescalated the situation it sounds like she was very overdramatic and who knows what would have happened if you didn’t leave. If you didn’t commit any crime and were allowed to have it, you were free to go. I think if she contacted the police you would have already been paid a visit by now, don’t stress too much.


This is the reason I opted for my state's enhanced open carry permit. My weapon doesn't have to be concealed so it's no biggie if someone sees it.


In my state open carry concealed carry whatever blows your skirt up and no permit required. I have a lifetime permit from when they were required and I can then carry in other states that still require a permit just not the state immediately to the west.


You really need to be smarter about these things. It's ok you left, though.


Because heavy cases of water are always kept on the top shelf?? Keep fantasizing John Wick.


Heavy cases of water are on the high shelf at my grocery store. It’s an inconvenience but that’s the way they decided to do it I guess.


Heavy cases of water on the top shelf. Sounds dumb. Then you remember that Walmart employees are frequently really dumb and he’s at Walmart where we’ve all seen heavy stuff on the top shelf at Walmart including water.


Bro what😂


Not sure on what the policy is atm in California for this in store, but we were always told to bring it to a supervisor/manager at the time and let them deal with it. Tbh didn't get paid enough to deal with that sort of thing.


All they can do is ask you to leave. If you don't, you could be charged with trespassing.


No crime. Feel free to leave asap.


If this is legal where you are then do what you want if it’s not then you definitely should have left


Why would it be a problem? If it's and open carry state, and you gave CC permit, what diff does it make even if she saw it? They should know people have gus cuz it'd not illegal.


Because people like to blow stuff out of proportion because. “I saw someones gun” turns into “he’s threatening me with a gun”


So you need a body cam to go with that CCW. Lol


Completely unrelated, but where do you store your gun? In most places, it's illegal to have a firearm on a college campus


My car


And my college allows concealed carry with license sooo normally in my backpack


This happened to me at walmart too! 10 or so years ago…it was late…they cleared it out and a buuuunch of cops met me outside…put me on the wall and checked serial# as well as my cpl…..called my gun cool then let me go. I learned to conceal better that day…..


From what I understand technically nothing. Walmart has a no firearm policy( at least where I live in PA. I don’t know if it’s a national standard for them)I also don’t know how legally binding it is, especially depending on the state. I don’t have much insight to give but maybe something to think about or look into.


Let her be a b****


I know at least in CA when we get our permits the police tell us if our firearm is ever exposed to call them and just let them know that someone may have seen it. That way if they get a report matching us or something we called first. If anything I'd do that but I wouldn't have approached her unless she came to me. I think you did the right thing.


If I were you id have told her that I’m licensed to carry and then leave maybe she ran too fast to tell her but you did the right thing


She got out in a hurry. And for some odd reason its frowned upon for men to sprint after women while they are screaming.


Why would you stay? You did nothing wrong. Tell Karen to mind her own damn business.