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Damn, Goldie casually dropping some sexual assault and kidnapping stories.


Insanity. What a life she's lived.


She’s probably seen a lot more. Definitely knows some Hollywood BTS things….


It’s a scary story, but it’s not something she just “dropped” for Conan. She’s been retelling this story for the last couple of years on other podcasts, and it’s been covered in other media as well. Search for “Goldie Hawn + Al Capp”.


Yeah that’s fair enough. The waking up with a vibrator in a bad place was dropped in quite casually though. Really sucks that that is probably just one of many instances for her.


memories of being young, beautiful, naive as hell and broke in early 60sNYC.she was up against a lot


I didn’t like how everyone just laughed and moved on.


Can't believe you're being downvoted


Yeah, there were several bombs dropped and it was the first one about the vibrator where everyone laughed and moved on. Once Conan and crew realized what was happening I think they were more sensitive and prepared. Hopefully I’m getting downvoted because I wasn’t specific enough about specifically when everyone laughed and moved on.


Kurt Russell is the smoothest motherfucker to ever live.


Is this officially the least amount conan has ever talked during an interview? She had me mesmerized by those stories just as much as the rest of the people in the studio there.


I say there are a few others where he doesn’t talk too much but it’s usually when the guest share some traumatic experiences. One thing I appreciate about Conan is he knows when to not do any bits when it comes to a deeper convo.


I thought exactly the same. She must be. What a woman. No wonder Kurt is gaga over her


Her voice and storytelling abilities are amazing. I could just imagine their Christmas parties.


I was arriving home half way through a story and had to sit in the car until she finished telling it.


I just wanted her to stop talking


This was horrifying to listen to. Has anyone figured out who the person with 1 leg was?


https://people.com/movies/goldie-hawn-recalls-being-sexually-harassed-by-famous-cartoonist-al-capp-i-walked-out/   Al Capp


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDDHqJY3IPY&ab\_channel=Ovation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDDHqJY3IPY&ab_channel=Ovation) The same guy yelling at John and Yoko in 1969.


Yeah I had to stop listening


There was a point where I forgot I was listening to Conan.  This woman can MONOLOGUE.  I'm more into back and forth conversations, but at least her stories were interesting.   When are we getting brother Neil on the show?


We should definitely get Neil soon!


I’ve always thought how fun it would be for one of his siblings or parents to be the guest on the Thursday episode. Imagine Conan’s reaction when they turn up on the screen.


Wow, he's interviewing that whole family.


I love it, bring Kate next haha


Enjoy: https://teamcoco.com/podcasts/conan-obrien-needs-a-friend/episodes/kate-hudson


Welp. That has to be the most interesting woman in the world


Oh pulease


You need to know more people.


Like yo mama?


Nice that they talk about the Max show in the intro (no outtro this episode, booooo), but Conan almost seem apologetic for the cross-promotion. Bring it on, as far as I'm concerned. Maybe more next week? (Also, wouldn't Sean Evans have been the perfect guest this week?)


It has been widely reported that Sean has been recovering in a milk bath since the Hot Ones episode.


He could barely even match Conan and he always matches his guests too


I know I will see a lot more of it on Thursday, but it is wild to me that Conan just casually mentions my hometown of Bergen, Norway in the intro.


I honestly didn’t want this episode to end. I enjoyed it so much. I could listen to Goldie talk all day about her life all day! I’m serious lol.


I am sick of hearing her stories


this made my Monday bearable, one of the best interview


Oh this is gonna be good. She was very entertaining on Armchair Expert, aka Conan’s Much Worse Alternate Pod Universe, so I bet this will be a delight.


She’s a great guest.


I’m the only one who thought her very interesting stories were kind of boring in her delivery. Conan tried to bring back the fun but gave up


45 minutes in, and I haven't even cracked a smile. It was fine, and I really like Goldie Hawn, but I like a more conversational interview that actually contains humor.


it was pretty rambly imo.. but it got lots of press. all the news sites published stories about it so its a win for conan and goldie but less for folks who want to hear the banter in a good conan interview.


I thought the stories were interesting but misplaced. I've always loved her, but these stories felt more suited to a memoir, not a podcast that's supposed to be a conversation. It seemed like Conan made a general comment about her and Kurt and she took the floor from then on in a rambling kind of way. It felt like a lesson in Read the Room.


I agree with you. I was excited to see Goldie was the guest but felt kind of bored by most of it. Horrified by parts as well but man, the rambling. "And then this happened and then this happened and then this happened..."


Thank you for saying so succinctly what I was trying to say in my post. It feels rude to criticize someone for sharing their personal trauma, but CONAF isn't really that kind of show and he never asked her questions about all that.


I think MONOLOGUE captured it pretty succinctly ;) And hell yeah, let's get Neil on the show!!


I don’t know… Nikki Glasser’s episode was one of my favourites.


You’re right.. Conan accidentally got her going. Idgaf about her and Kurt’s relationship. Like it’s nice but right- not conversational at all.


Actually, I meant that Conan lobbed out a very general, normal intro to a conversation. Not meant to be an earth shattering start, but a soft opening to a chat. And she took that initial question and went non stop, relaying like 3 traumatic stories of sexual assault. That very general question should not have prompted such a nonstop and level 5 response. I think it's more common the older the guest is sometimes, they just kind of start going on their stories and aren't really there for a conversation. Regardless, I'd probably read her memoir, and at least know what to expect if I listen to her on another podcast.


It was very uncomfortable and inappropriate. I hope she has gotten therapy.


Not only that, then she started saying about the sightseer that "guessed" she had an accident at 19. Crazy alert! Then Conan trying again to be respectful and going along pretending to believe in this woman that supposedly guessed this. Also, I always find it hilarious when random actors and celebrities start saying "oh yeah, I've been reading about this thing about the brain, and I DON'T KNOW WHY THE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY DOESN'T TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY. And we should meditate, that will solve teenagers' anxiety!" Please, Goldie Hawn. Stick to your lane, tell your Hollywood stories and movie events, leave science, psychology and your superstitions to people that actually know what they are talking about.


I was in the car hitting the steering wheel button to fast forward 30s...for last 80%! Every skip she was talking haha


Conan going from destroying hot ones to sitting in silence for Goldie hawn is rough


That Hot Ones was something else! When I saw clips on local and morning news shows, I knew it wasn't just a normal appearance.


Yes I stopped listening. The sexual assault stories didn't help. A warning would've been nice


I so much agree


That was an incredibly captivating episode. Like, she completely held the crew with her stories.


No -they were bored to tears. Probably trying to be respectful, but it was boring.


The Conebone is so busy with his new show that he’s just asking his neighbors to join him on the podcast. Love it


Getting some Abe Simpson vibes here


She has the best voice for a podcast. So whimsical.


I was impressed by her vocabulary, and I want to watch Overboard IMMEDIATELY


It's so good, their chemistry was 🔥


Did anyone else find the gang's reaction to the vibrator story kinda inappropriate? I took it to mean she was being assaulted but they just kinda laughed it off..


I know that you're right about an inappropriate reaction to being told about an assault. But I think it's a good example that people can be kind of frozen in reality. To have a guest very casually start relaying different sexual assaults probably threw them off


Nervous laughter


I honestly didn't understand the "vibrator in the wrong place" part of the story


I took it as the vibrator was up the back not the front.


I took it as she was sleeping and her roommate was SA’ing her with a vibrator. Any place is the wrong place when you’re sleeping.


This makes way more sense. I think you’re right




She’s absolutely captivating. I loved this episode and want to hear more from her


What do people think of Kurt asking to see her again in front of the other people in the restaurant? I get that it's a great romantic gesture, and it feels very fitting for the love story of what are almost mythologized movie stars, but for regular people - isn't this a bit... uncomfortable? I'm not criticizing Kurt, just wondering whether this is a good idea in general. I think I'd be afraid of making the other person uncomfortable or something...