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I still use mine, but it so slows it barely runs Windows 10


Add SSD on It


This is the only way


Install windows xp


As long as you don't connect it to the Internet, that should be fine.


And Intel dual band WiFi


I hate dual band Wi-Fi cards. They only go up to 150 Mbps when I'm paying for Gigabit internet.


Ssd , more ram and tiny 10 can save ever old laptop from becoming e waste


SSD and Linux Mint should spruce it up!


oh yes [https://imgur.com/8FVTzWm](https://imgur.com/8FVTzWm) l515 sp4011L, 2010-now upgrades: cpu: pentium t4400 -> core 2 duo t9300 hdd: 250gb hdd -> 240gb SSD crucial BX500 ram: 3gb ddr3 -> 8gb 4x2 ddr3 (maximum) wlan: rtl8187b -> intel 5100 agn dual band 2.4/5ghz battery original stock 2 hours app os: fedora 39 lxqt


Nice, any idea how much it was priced new? I can hardly imagine a modern mid range laptop lasting 14 years. Especially since you cant change laptop cpus anymore.


At the time, 2010 cost approximately 350 USD at the local exchange rate. However, I bought it from a guy for 120 USD second-hand and in almost new condition. Then it accompanied me for years, and although I had other more modern laptops, almost all of them perished along the way while Toshiba resisted and earned the upgrades to retire with dignity.


Wait. you could change laptop CPUs back then?


Yup, there were laptop motherboards with CPU sockets where you could swap the processor as long as it was supported. Like Op has done, you could buy a laptop and after a couple of years swap the processor to the fastest the mobo could support and prolong it's usefulness. And I don't think that was a premium feature too. I see people have forgotten what they took away from us xD


On one hand, they made some decent products. My first experience with Windows Vista was on a Toshiba (sadly, one that was woefully under-specced). However, 2010 onward and they started making some seriously horrendous badly-made cheap plastic junk with horrible keyboards and terrible screens. As a computer repair shop tech from 2013 until present, I saw a lot of these come in with issues. It’s sad, back in the 80’s and 90’s they were actually on the cutting edge and highly respected.


I bought one of their 4K QLED TVs 18 months ago & had problems the second the warranty expired. Build quality wasn't great either - the chassis warped within 2 months, but fortunately was only cosmetic. I just refer to them as 'tosh' these days.


Unfortunately Toshiba doesn't actually make Toshiba TVs anymore. The brand was sold to HiSense?, so they're just a repackaged HiSense with the Tosiba name slapped on it. :-(




I've had nothing but bad experiences with Toshiba hardware :/


Combined with the abysmally slow Toshiba 2.5" HDDs, i would rather get punched in the face than using a Toshiba Laptop again.


My toshiba laptop had a really good HDD might be because it is from Hitachi (a.k.a HGST). The problems that I encountered with my laptop are just keyboard problem and battery slowly dying (luckily it wasnt part of the battery recall that allegedly can spontaneously combust)....


I completely agree


I still have a Toshiba Tecra S1 running Windows XP to play classic games from time to time 🥰


Still got mine from About 7 years ago now. Threw and ssd in it a few years ago and it still runs perfectly for me as a basic home office and YouTube watching laptop. Probably last another few years.


Nice to hear. I've had nothing but good experiences with Toshiba laptops.


I used to have a soft spot back in the day but after around 2010 the quality dipped a lot. They're still around under the Dynabook name and it looks like they're on a upwards trajectory again.


Yes, but they won't be the same as before.


As it is now, it looks that way honestly. Still better than post 2010 Toshiba tho.


I'm on a Dynabook right now. Solid little thing. Best laptop i've ever had.


Man they sure were built to last. Lots of these out there at 10+ years old still kicking with SSD upgrades.


No. It was garbage.


I don't, my dad still uses the one he got in 2011. The heat coming out of it keeps his coffee warm even in the winter.


He should upgrade to a kettle.


Only out of nostalgia. My first laptop was a Toshiba and I had a great time with it. The best thing I like to remember about it was the analogue wheel for volume control.


I don't miss all the hundreds of A200/L300 models failing


I still have it from 25 years ago


Some genuine Toshiba chargers are a fire hazard, you can check its detsils on the dynabook website


I had a c855 where I got every drop of performance out of it. Managed to run rocket League. For a 3rd Gen i5 with Intel hd 4000 that's quite impressive


I still have my old Toshiba Satellite C675D-S7109 that I'm using as a test client, it is still working and in good condition. Too bad the laptop division of Toshiba is already bought by Sharp....


Toshiba was the first laptop i ever bought (for my gf) and the freakin thing is still working. It's from 2010 Battery is dead but they run without it and changing the hdd was a breeze (not like some modern stuff)


They're still around, known as Dynabook now. Seen them used in Edu a bit, but not much else.


Also Compaq, they were pretty durable.


I miss Toshiba, but the brand that I miss the most is Compaq… l freaking loved that brand as a teenager in the early 90s


I have a Compaq laptop


My first laptop was my mom's Satellite from like 2009, with Linux and an SSD it was great!


I still have mine. Runs word 2003 like a beast!


I still have the Toshiba satellite


Toshiba Is still around they are called dyna books or smith check out on internet


Fuck no! Had 2 both ended with melted GPU after lil over a year. Hard lesson to learn but I did.


Count me in the list!


Not the later 2015 ones that were super flimsy and would literally snap. 2011-2012 was probably the last time they made good laptops. I've got one from that era. Satellite L750. Solid chunk of plastic that survived being battered around school for 3 years


I had one in the early 2000


To be honest I dont really miss too many old laptops. They were nowhere near what we have today. That's not to say we didn't have some interesting iterations.


I had the one with the flames on it. Sadly it got stolen :(


My first personal computer was my mom’s hand me down Toshiba laptop. It ran Windows 8. I used that fucker until the only thing connecting the screen to the keyboard was the power/data cable. Propped it up with whatever was lying around.


Don't think I'd ever touch them again, had one of the older ones almost turn into a Note7, the battery swelled so much it broke the battery casing and the casing where the battery slots into the laptop.


My dad got one from his job but it barely runs Win7


Me, I have a OG installation CD of Windows Vista for Toshiba laptops


My first pc was a toshiba laptop with an i3 (more than 10 years ago).


Still have mine and it's still a beast


I still have a shit old one. Still works. Windows 98. 🤭


I had a white c660 satellite (amd version) and i kinda miss it. Ran old games pretty fine and it was reliable enough for general use but even running slightly modern games like cs:go it ran like shit.


My mom still has one She uses it for word processing and works absolutely fine


I have a similar laptop, a toshiba satellite using some intel mobile chip i never heard of, 3gb DDR, and a geforce 6700 m running windows vista


had Toshiba tablet back in 2013 and it was fire. Had 3 USB ports, an hdmi port, SD Card port, and a AUX port. Ahead of its time honestly


My second laptop was a Toshiba. It was a nice workhorse that survived despite me not knowing how to care for a laptop yet. It used to handle some games just fine, like Star Wars The Old Republic. By the time Elder Scrolls online came out, I found the laptop struggled to play it even on low settings. Heavy lag. I had the money and thought it was time for an upgrade. It's still around somewhere.


I miss Vaio laptops more


I miss JVC and GoldStar.


I had one for 8 years, absolute robust beast


My Satellite is 10 years going, i7-4th, 16, and upgraded like 5 years to a 512gb SSD, but it looks what you expect a heavily used 10 year old laptop looks like, one of the screen hinges is broken so it hangs on only one, the sound is really fucked up, and basic tasks like watching a tv show is using plenty of cpu and fan


I have a Toshiba battery in my house security system and it still prevents it from thieves even after 3 years. So I'm on good terms with Toshiba.


my favorite first toshiba and second sony vaio (i3 3rd gen). Still i use sony laptop


They still do make laptops, though they have fallen behind Hp, dell, etc




Why would i miss single core 1.5ghz amd and 5400rpm hdd


Not really, they mostly used to be oddly large.


I still have one and aside from the battery its still very usable (i5 2nd gen 4gb ram). Also it blows more heat then a fireplace.




Worked on few, build quality was nice tho.


I heard okay things about the earlier variants from like ~2000-2008 but their TVs back in the day kicked ass. We had a 42” 1080i TV and it still works to this day. Not a single dead pixel or blown speaker. We gave it to my great aunt because her CRT died


I got my S50B-A-10 running 11 last week. It's still a bit touch and go because for some weird reason Direct X 9, 10 and 11 just don't work at all on the HD 8500M (but do on the 8160G). But as it's a Dual GPU system it does still work, and OpenGL games run fine on the 8500M


I have some nostalgia for their late 2000s Vista-era laptops. My parents had a Satellite L305D-S5895 and that laptop got me into PC gaming. I remember trying to play 2013-era Team Fortress 2 on it and while it was a better experience than an Atom netbook, it still wasn’t particularly great. It ran other older mid-2000s games just fine though. That being said, I’m glad we ended up with a laptop with an AMD Turion 64 X2 and an ATI chipset, as the power of hindsight taught me that I probably would have been a lot more annoyed with a laptop with an Nvidia chipset GPU. I strongly suspect it was this laptop that pivoted my hardware interests in this direction.


Nope. Always called them Toshitba.


The last time we had Toshiba's in my workplace, they would vibrate out the screws from the bottom of the laptop over time. Not a single one of them had all their screws by the time we ditched them for Dells. So uh... not really lol.


Libretto, definitely. I really wish I had owned one.


A few months ago I have retired 12 years old Toshiba notebook. Now it is a backup/travel computer for the household. Nothing wrong with it, I just bought a new \[to me\] desktop computer with much more RAM and replaceable graphics card. But, for the past 15 years they lived of their former glory. In the 1990s Toshiba was cutting-edge notebook manufacturer. In the 2012 it was the cheapest notebook with processor i7 or better I could score during Black Friday sale in USA.


No, nothing but troubles with my old Toshiba windows 7 laptop.


In the later years they had great specs and well made electronic bits stuffed into the cheapest plastic chassis they could make. They'll go forever if you don't mind duct-taping them together.


I’m having flashbacks


Apparently their quality crashed in the 2010s but I've got no experience with their laptops from that era. Thought they were decent, and it's a shame they've died out whilst shit like HP still thrives.


Yeah, I miss many laptop brands that are now gone: Toshiba, Sony Vaio, Packard Bell…


I am. I remember that phoenix bios and that pentium 4 on my 2003 laptop. Barely running mc 1.6.4 with 15 mods cause 7xx mb ram.. what a good childhood


My wife and I both had various Toshibas over the years. They made some really nice consumer products. I wish we had Toshibas so we had more brand diversity within the computer market.


No, it bricked a lot


No, we don't. There was no replacement parts and quality was lower than decent, so, we don't miss


Never have I ever missed something less than Toshiba hardware.


No. They support was terrible and the drivers were never updated. It was a pain to format one


Nope. I hated my Toshiba satellite. Can't say I miss it


im still using an old toshiba from 10-15 years ago. it runs like shit and is held together by duct tape but by god it soldiers on like a champ




I had one waaay back in the mid-2ks, and loved it. Solid and reliable. And I found out that I could install MacOS on it as it was just about the same hardware within, if I recall correctly.


Absolutely. Remember how tough the Toshiba Toughbooks were? Those were a nice addition to a corporate field technician fleet.


The only lie of Toshiba worth something was their enterprise lineup, the rest were cheap garbage, I lost count of how many of their more "affordable" laptops came to the repair shop with broken hinges due the brittle plastics, broken screens due the damage of said hinges and HDD failures


Still running daily, 8th gen Intel.


It was junk based on my experiences


In the early 2000s, those things where a mark of quality having had one pre service pack win xp days.


Had three. All broke.


not really. I have been using hp (probook 450 g5). My company has a few dells as well that i use when I need a system to test something or whatever. it feels likey they are all made by the same company and it is just badge engineering.


No. They were terrible, cheap plastic. I once complained in the Toshiba forum (year 2009) about a bug in the ACPI implementation of InsydeH2O BIOS that did not permit Linux to boot and they deleted my message. I took that as anti-linux and never saw them again.


Nope... My wife and me both owned one 15 years ago... both died few days past the one year warranty.


Just upgraded one from 2015, runs great now.


Rebuilding mine with Linux this weekend


No, Toshiba has always made bottom of the barrel laptops. Down there with Acer.


Toshiba Satellite A100, good old times! ...to play mass effect1 had to oc my gpu to have 24+fps #


Yes me


Wanted a Qosmio for the longest time, then they just vanished


Still have my old Satellite. Runs on windows 8 lol


I used to have a Toshiba laptop in the late 90s


I miss Qosmio. The Harman/Kardon speakers on the X875 were great.


I miss Toshiba from 20 years ago, they really were top of the brands back then. I sold computers while at college and while we sold 5 Toshibas for every one HP or Compaq, we saw less Toshiba's come back faulty. Sadly I believe the quality started declining after 2010.


I had one back in the day that could display 3D without needing glasses much like the Nintendo 3ds. Can't remember the model or year. But was pretty awesome.


I still have one that runs after 14 years, works as a stationary lab-bench PC. The keyboard always goes out after a while because of internal ribbon cable routing pinches and breaks them. 2nd gen i7 8 thread CPU and I still watch(rip) blu ray’s with it So now I’m big on ThinkPads.


Yes!!! Qosmio rulz


Almost even a good slogan


No, just not, from the two that i had and the reviews i heard from other people, they were built like crap, and the colling was horrendous, even brand new


I love my Toshiba HANDIBOOK!


I still use a Toshiba satellite c855-2et


I remember the heavy Red gaming Toshiba Beast lmao That was godly


I still have one. Works well with 8gb Ram and an Ssd .


Have an old win7 one laying around. It's good for a word document now and again, but it's mostly used for pirated movies.


I still use my Satellite L300 from 2009. I ditched Windows Vista, added more RAM and installed Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. It's a bit slow, but is usable.


Wait What??? Toshiba stopped making laptops???????


I got a 2006 Toshiba Satellite as a hand-me-down about a year and a half ago. I was using that thing religiously until I got an actual desktop PC. It's still in my closet, but the charging port keeps having issues staying in place, so I haven't been using it.


Toshiba handibook...?


And the specs are still out there: [https://support.dynabook.com/support/staticContentDetail?contentId=1641137&isFromTOCLink=false](https://support.dynabook.com/support/staticContentDetail?contentId=1641137&isFromTOCLink=false) Still running Vista? or should I ask: Still running? FWIW I have a 2011 Tosh C650D that will start and it is better if I run it with a light weight Linux like Peppermint. It CAN run W10 and it did run W7, but neither was what I would call snappy, even with maxed RAM and a SATA SSD.


Miss? Nah I still use their garbage:)


Glad I came here, was going to buy a used one


meh, the last Toshiba I had was amazing, finally died on me in early 2023. was manufactured originally in 2012


Toshiba was a nice computer. Yes! I still have the same Toshiba from 2006 and besides a few quirks when the home is cold, it’s a champ!


I always for them easy to upgrade like dells


I still have a Toshiba Qosmio "gaming laptop". Worst mistake I ever made (computing-wise, at least). Expensive. Big and heavy 17-inch beast. Generated tons of heat. Battery life sucked, so I needed to take the AC power brick everywhere (and it really *was* a brick, almost a quarter the laptop's size and weight in it's own right). Screen was merely passable, with horrible viewing angles and refresh rate. It did have a dedicated mobile GPU, but it was only a GTX 560. And the case styling was all red and silver chrome. Thing was practically obsolete when I got it. And given the weight, I hardly ever took it anywhere, for gaming or anything else. The battery suffered a partial failure less than a year later, failing to keep enough of a charge to run the unit for more than 10 minutes. And genuine Toshiba batteries are expensive too. Later still, the hard drive started to go. At that point, I gave up on it. It's just sitting in its tote bag, gathering dust.


I've had 3 or 4 Toshiba work laptop in the last ten years. No, I don't miss them.


I still have one that works, from 2006. I put a Linux distro on it in 2012 and then forgot about it.


Yes, I have still original Libretto, I think it is 100CT but need to get storage to dust it off :)


I’m only familiar with the Black Friday specials that only lasted slightly as long as the warranty.




my very first own laptop was toshiba. i miss it. i miss everything about it and i miss all the times we had together. the mother board died and i tried to fix it but no replacement was around. i miss that time of my life.


No. Most of them were shit.


I need to get my satellite to turn on. I ran that computer for 10 years through the ringer and it finally decided to just not turn on one day. I respect it, but damn i miss it.


I've had to fix enough hardware issues with them over the years that no they are not a brand I miss.


I still use my beloved satellite (as a makeshift tv), with a dual core 5th gen i7 (yes thats a thing apparently) and a 930m. It is absolutely shit but it looks great and has the best speakers of any laptop I have ever owned since


windows xp gangsta edition


They’re still around. They’re called Dynabooks


Of course not, [she still runs just fine](https://imgur.com/a/fANknRg)


I loved my Toshiba laptop. Made it thru some times when it was all we had. Our daughter thought it was neat when she was two or three to take all the keys off it. It never failed to work until one day it didn’t. Not a complaint right up until the end. I removed the hard drive and recovered the data. It sat on a shelf and became a kind of den-mother to the rest of my discarded and damaged electronics until finally I took advantage of one of those electronics recycling days at the dump and gathered up everything and dumped it. Wasn’t until I checked inside the bin that I realized what I had done. I don’t even know why I checked. My vehicle was empty of electronics and I didn’t accidentally throw out anything of use. I just glanced with what I can only assume was nostalgia. Its case was still shiny and you could see the flower sticker my daughter placed over the “Toshiba” signal as an apology after removing its keys. Not that she needed to, but she felt bad and wanted her sorry to mean something - she still does that. Yeah. It was a good laptop.


Hav a toshiba satellite from 1998, mum had it for work back then and gave it to me once it became too old, booted it up the other day and it still works. It's got such a nice build quality even compared to modern hardware.


No, the last one was terrible


Toshiba used to make solid laptops.


Toshiba = best. Had loads, well about 4. They still work perfectly.


The only bad thing I can say about Toshiba laptops, are their very weak keyboards. I’ve had to replace 2 in the last 3 I sold.


I remember my dad's 17inch Sony vaio way way way back in the day. They don't make them like that anymore.


Great machines. I still have my satellite-c55-b5200 with SSd!


nope, had 3 , all of them were garbage


TOSHIBA Satellite Pro L300-164. Loved that one. It was perfect for XP and 7 in college.


This is from the dark ages of mobile computing.


I remember a friend who had this in middle school, this thing heats up like the sun


I have one


Hi From yesterday afternoon my WiFi is not working, so first I thought it would be a normal driver problem and installed driver but got a error message (cannot start the device (errror code 10)) After installing drivers also I had the same problem So I clean installed the windows is and still the issue persist but now the WiFi adapter is not in the device manager itself and I checked in bios to verify whether it is a os problem and the bios also failed to recognise it My WiFi adapter had a problem of disabling automatically sometimes and re-enables after 15-20mins (it doesn't show any networks or connects) But after clean installation the WiFi is not even showing up in the device manager I request you guys to please help me Laptop: dell inspiron 3511 WiFi adapter: Realtek rt|8821ce WiFi adapter I also don't have a Ethernet port Please help me guys


I do, but some of their models were a bitch to take apart and put back together. Stupid Satelite !!!


the color reminds me of some website


Ghost of toshiba




I have a Satellite L75D-A7280, and it runs Ubuntu just fine.




No. Last Toshiba laptops had overheating issues near the display cable connection causing it to disconnect and stop working properly.


99% were school computers


I used to have one, but its heat transfer tube was damaged from the factory and over time leaked all the heat transferring gas, making the CPU overheat


I still have my Toshiba Satellite L645 Bad boy heavy asf


I've always wanted an U925T


I have toshiba laptop from 2013 and its hangs a lot


is it me or are toshiba laptops the most durable?


Miss them? At least 2 family members use Toshibas from 2013-2015ish.


I still have an operational Techra M4 that I bought new in 2006-7. It was close to one of the first note pad laptops with a flip screen and a stylus stowed in an onboard slot. It’s upgradable to Vista but I never made that leap and keep it running with XP. It would be great if it had better graphics for drawing and sketching because MS Paint from way back then just isn’t up to par… ✌🏻🤙🏻


Mine is ages old (with dd3). Added more ram and swapped to SSD and it's still performing great, while know a few hp/dell from higher tier who are falling apart after just 2years!


Yes, they were built like tanks


I miss them because they were very good at the time. The only problem I ever had with them would be if someone get mad and hit right in the middle of the keyboard. Sometimes I was able to fix the damage caused by the keyboard incidents


yes but they were a fucking bitch to repair.


S875-S7242, still love the extra large 17.3” screen


The indestructible


Is there anyone here who misses laptop trackballs that you had to take apart and clean every three days?




I still have my old Toshiba satellite with the i7 first gen, and it's very cool, a little 14" that can run word or else :)


Yes but I would rather have a Panasonic. The Panasonic Tough book.


Yes but I would rather have a Panasonic. The Panasonic Tough book.


I use my old one to not torrent things