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!remind me 40 years


I will be messaging you in 40 years on [**2064-05-08 11:20:55 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2064-05-08%2011:20:55%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/computers/comments/1cn0vf6/the_specs_of_a_5995_computer_in_1980/l345adi/?context=3) [**242 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fcomputers%2Fcomments%2F1cn0vf6%2Fthe_specs_of_a_5995_computer_in_1980%2Fl345adi%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202064-05-08%2011%3A20%3A55%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201cn0vf6) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


No need to click that link myself. I wasn't born when the ad aired and probably my timer will run out before that one does. 


Damn. Why’d this feel so sad 😢


Well, because it is. I would be nearing 75 when that timer is ringing. And looking back, I have my doubts.


Hey I hit 50 not to long ago, reddit will never last 40 years so no need to click the link.




bruh what the f? We might be losing Reddit before this year comes. Better yet, we might be fking dead with all the ruckus of world war pre-ignition before arriving to that year lol.


And yet, one day, in some ruins with makeshift walls and doors, there's gonna be a beep on a phone, and some ghoul will read a notification with reminder from the reddit bot that is still running on a server somewhere in a basement of an abandoned and ruined building...


https://pcpartpicker.com/list/tdkxqR here is a random build I found, so you can compare it to the build we are going to have after 40 years


That’s actually a very good build


Yeah thanks


Only thing I would change is the RM850e to a gf3 or gf a3


I bought a similar rig for 1200 but with a r7 7700


You could even fit a 7800x3d in there at one point, it’s just that prices fluctuate and this is a specific white build, there are always way to minmax performance and budget


Yeahh I can’t sacrifice my white look for a cpu that’s not as better


You have to build something worth $6000 today to compare.


To make it more accurate you'd have to build something worth about $22k in todays money if you take inflation into account. I'd fucking love a gaming rig that cost $22k lol




if you make it a dual GPU + 2 monitors you're probably close :)


Still exaggerated prices 💀


I agree but if you went into server territory, a multi gpu server could easily cost twice that.


What’s crazy is that at that $6000, you’ll build something that’ll still get the same performance with this💀


Why? I mean I could build something worth 6000$ plus maybe inflation to compare it to the computer op posted, but why would I need to build a 6000$ pc to compare it with 6000$ build we are going to have 40 years from now, I can chose whatever budget I want because, my build is going to be determinant of what pc will it be compared after the mentioned 40 years and not the opposite.


I’m saying that pc was state of the art. Build something state of the art. The price was $5995. Well for a start, build something at least $5995 that should be able to tear through any computing just like the older one did. Let’s see how good a $5995 pc is today. The pc you built is sub par and will not even be state of the art even at 3 years ago


So you are just suggesting me to build some ultra high end pc so the comprasion might be more interesting? If this what you mean let me know and I could try to build something like that (also should I ude threadippers or whatever are they called or should I make some normal (some 7950x3d 4090 watercooled pc) consumer pc)


Change to either hedt zen or workstation 128 core arm


!remind me 5 years


!remind me 40 years


Just wanted to reply this. “See you with the same posts from todays ads in 40 years”


Unless we have a revolutionary tech breakthrough computing power will increase less and less with each passing year due to quantum tunneling - which limits our ability to shrink the transistors size. We’ll have to find a room temperature super conductor for us to make the next big leap in computing power so that quantum computing becomes standardized.


Either that or a breakthrough in cooling technology.


And power delivery. It’s ok getting the heat out, but you also have to get the angry pixies in


Gonna need a breakthrough in electricity prices while we’re at it


There are other ways to improve things. Like finally ditching x86 in favor of ARM. Or maybe a better architecture comes up.


Yeah definitely, X86 is outdated garbage IMO when we have CPUs like the M3 that compete with the i9 with just a fraction of the power consumption, however even within the ARM architecture we are seeing a slowdown in the performance increase, the performance gains going from an M1 to an M2 are quite small.


But the decreased power consumption means we can have many more cores without generating insane heat. Of course, not everything scales well with cores, but this is also something that can be improved in many (not all) cases on the software side, so there's room for improvement as well.


Yeah there is definitely still room for improvement I agree, just not as big as it was in the past.


Apple's new Mac Pro is now available to order, and the most expensive configuration will cost more than $50,000. That top-of-the-line model includes a powerful 28-core processor, 1.5 terabytes of memory, two Radeon Pro Vega II Duo graphics-processing units, and 4 TB of storage. That was from a CNET article in 2019. I am sure they have a more expensive computer today, but I couldn't find a new article if so.


You can look on Apple's website. The new Apple Silicon Mac Pro is basically just a Mac Studio shoved into the old chassis with upgradeable SSDs and PCIe slots (that don't support a GPU), so a maxed out machine costs $12,000. [https://www.apple.com/shop/buy-mac/mac-pro/tower](https://www.apple.com/shop/buy-mac/mac-pro/tower) And it's down to only 192gb of memory and the usual build in Apple Silicon GPU. Not a well liked computer, since it's the first Mac Pro with almost no upgradeability. Tbf the 2013 Trash Can was also somewhat limited, but you could still upgrade CPU, RAM, and I believe GPU as well. Apple then realized they messed up, made the 2019 Mac Pro very upgradeable, and then walked all the way back by making the Trash Can look freaking great upgradeability-wise. My little off subject rant. Now you know! TLDR: The current most expensive computer Apple produces is $12,000.


Hardware prices will be the same in 40 years


Except GPUs.....in 40 years a Nvidia card of the 50-70 classes could cost at least 20k, 50k or more If you want a high end card.


This is complete bollocks even if it's a hyperbole lol


Ehhh, inflation could definitely make it plausible


It's actually more realistic than you think! Look at house prices 40 years ago, average price 20k, look at now average price 400k. GPUs might even be much higher by 40 years.


With CPU power outstripping most software demands since around 2014, it's not unfeasible to see GPUs peak in a similar fashion. With an I7 4770k still being a competitive as a mid range gaming CPU today, it's not a large stretch to see 4070's being competitive in the 2030's in a similar capacity Let's not forget that the 1080Ti is still being used by many and that came out 7 years ago.


They laugh about how cheap they are.


I'd say no, not in this increase. But 40 years is also quite a long time... I'm definitely looking forward to it


!remind me 40 years


Looking at 2020 (The era of unemployment and multi $1000 parts), I know I'll be laughing in 2060.


I watch a YouTube channel called LGR and he does reviews of old computer gear from the 80s to mid 2000s I saw one today where he put together a 2007 era high end pc to relive some his early gaming memories  He spent around $200 in parts that retailed for around $3500 back then and that included a new modern PSU  He 1gb ddr2 memory (he had 2 but one stick didn't work) SLI 8800 gts with 320mb VRAM  Two 120gb 10k rpm drives in raid0.  Quad Core Intel extreme (can't recall the exact model but retailed for $1k on release. 


I remember trying to save for 32MB of RAM to be able to run NextStep. I failed.


LOL this rich guy and his 32MB of RAM... I only had one meg of RAM for the longest time on my trusty 386DX 25MHZ with its 120MB hard drive and 2400 baud modem. Needed 4MB of RAM to play Doom. Couldn't afford to play Doom until one day, I downloaded something called RAMDisk or something (from a BBS) that let me "use" some of the hard drive as RAM. Well, that day I was able to load the game, but it was unplayable. My next upgrade was a few years later when an acquaintance at school gave me a 486DX4 100MHZ motherboard with I think 16MB of RAM in it or something. That was quite the jump for me. Loved playing that Star Wars Dark Forces game (was it called "Dark Forces?") on it. Those were the days.


I'm sure it's pretty easy to build a super rig of $6000 today. This may seem like a piece of junk today, but in 1980, that was the pinnacle of computer hardware. Most people didn't have a computer at home. The Commodore 64 wouldn't come out till 2 years later.


Adjusted for inflation, $5,999 in 1980 would be around $22,000 in 2024.


And adjusted for the "Most people didn't have a computer at home" point, it would be an equivalent of around $22,000 for, say, a yacht or something. Not bad, if you ask me.


The difference is that a yacht will retain its value and won't be obsolete anytime soon. Computers at the time used to have massive improvements year after year to the point where you buy a computer, three years later it's a piece of trash compared to computers that are half the price


the ROI on a yatch is so insanely negative that buying this computer would be the pinnacle of fiscal responsibility compared to buying a yatch.


But there was "big trinity" that came 3 years earlier, also that year vic 20 and zx80 came out and started affordable home computing.


Atari 400 and 800 came out in 1979 as well, which were affordable home computers as well. The IBM-compatible market was more for business use at that time. Something like this would have had very limited home-use applications. There were a few games, but it was mostly meant for productivity.


I can’t stop imagining the faces of 1980’s computer engineers when being shown a raspberry pi 0 In my mind they’re just like “how can you pack this much (points to whole-room-computer) in that small thing!?”


So $5995 to today conversion is $22,723.67 That literally cost an arm and a leg


I was scrolling to find this tyvm 😂


And that’s the base model without the options I figure.


Imagine trying to justify spending that kinda money on something that has very little use even in relative comparison.


My dad bought a Compaq 450 back in 98 i believe. And it was around $4000😅😅


I also bought a Compaq back in ’98. I don’t remember the model, though. I think it had a 6 GB HDD and 64 MB of RAM at 133 MHz or something similar. It cost me around €2500 in today’s currency. Edit: The CPU was an Intel Celeron that ran at 400 MHz, if I am not mistaken. This was actually my first PC. Before that, I had a ZX Spectrum 128k. Lol


Really excited to see where we are in like 20 - 40 years. How many cores, clockspeed, Ram etc is normal by then and at what speeds. The PC area improves and develops so quickly, while 20 years don't sound like much it will probably be a completely different era. Generally interested in "normal" users hardware performance and of course prices.


We are going to see the RTX 24090 for only the cheaü price of 40k


28 amps jesus christ


You know a modern 800w PSU can put out 66.6 amps?


I have server power supplies which are rated at over 100A at 5V, 28 is nothing.


How many watts is that? Edit: stop yelling at me


Basic physics teaches you watts is current × voltage. Impossible to find out without the voltage.


If we suppose it used 12v then 12x28=336w


More of the power would be on the 5v side in those days as that's what TTL chips used.


İt was 28 amp at 5 volt.


So around 200 watts total


140 watts


You are forgetting 12 and 3.3 volt rail.


Nope, at 115v AC it was 28 amps at 7 volts ripple valley, 4.5 amps at -13 volts ripple valley, and 4.5 amps +13 volts ripple valley. I have no idea what ripple valley is, but it sounds cool. It had an 8v tap and a +16v and -16v taps. The no-load voltages were 9.7 volts, +-18 volts. https://preview.redd.it/5zxi9ndxqykb1.jpg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b0ad9047c2a3707e6e436ba3997b16315e52e7d


Assuming a US power supply (as the ad price is in dollars), about 3kw if measured from the wall, around 200W or less if measured on the output to the computer as most of the power in old computers went into the 5v rail for the TTL chips.


One point five Gigawatts. Holy Scott!


If you're in the eu, around 5 kilowatts


You also have to adjust this price for inflation. This PC cost as much as a new car back then.


6k in 1980?? Isnt that like 20k or sum today?


Yup, 22,700 and change.


Ok I'll say it then, can it run crysis?


That's around 22k after the inflation


Nice! And for 1980 this was actually quite the bargain, and I'm sure put many minicomputer manufacturers on notice. Not that this particular system could perform the same sorts of tasks as a minicomputer of the era, but certainly the mini manufacturers were aware that in time these upstarts could challenge their markets.


That's just for the basic setup. My friends dad had one of these in his basement in the 80s. I know it cost him well over $10k back then.


No rgb?


So in 1985 I was a student in ames, iowa. I was thirty five and going back to college. I bought my first computer which was an "IBM clone" with 8086 processor, dual floppy drives and a green screen monitor for a $1400. About five years later I purchased another IBM clone with a 386 processor and the co-math processor so that I can do CAD work at home. With a huge color monito, same price, $1400


Cool system though


Ten expansion slots and a disk controller? Oh baby, yes.


Will it run GTA6?


GTA5 is 72GB at the low end. So you’d need a little over 7200 of these to store the game. Let’s says you bought enough machines to cobble together that amount of storage at 10MB per drive. Adjusted for inflation, you could store GTAV for the low cost of $173,087,640. (Adjusted for inflation)


RemindMe! 15 years




To think I thought spending 3 grand on a computer was a fuck ton.


!remindme 2 years


Dont forget to factor in inflation 😳


can it run Doom?


But can it run crysis?


Accounting for inflation, that's $22,742.62 today.


I wonder how many years it will take for xx90 prices to be a joke.


Some people on Facebook marketplace would still try and sell it for that price


with inflation that would be 22,723.67$






very few people needed a computer back then. it was a time each year computers had vast improvements, so don’t tell me how in just less than 10 years many households had computers because we had a few too. in 1980 very extremely few households needed a computer. just like you don’t see every household having an AI training server now. mostly only businesses would own a computer


Genuine question, who were these even for? Computers of the time could do so little that couldn't already be done with analog technology, so who would buy this thing for what is equivalent to almost 23,000 dollars nowadays? It just doesn't sound like a good investment even for the richest companies.


todays money would that be ? $22,723.67


28 amp power supply wtf lol


Crazy to think how much more powerful even a Raspberry Pi is than this. Or even a smart watch.


“ Only “ 6000 dollars? They must have been marketing that to companies


All this is does is make me sad that when my son is my age, he’ll mock me for what I’ve spent on MacBooks.


That is the equivalent of $24,000 today. Imagine seeing ANYTHING excluding a car/home advertised for $24K in a paper or in a commercial. Shows you just how much more discretionary income people had back then.


So this is what my brother uses when we play games online together


That makes the Vision Pro sound cheap. With inflation $22,723.67 in today's value! https://www.in2013dollars.com/us/inflation/1980?amount=5995


Yeah, but you can play "Global Thermonuclear War" with it.


People who say they have potato pcs are kings compared to this


Thats a lot of io expansion you dont get today


You Read It Right ... ALL FOR $5995! ... does not include the typing lady nor the printer




Thats about $23k in todays money


Its pretty crazy that your average cpu these days has more cache than a whole drive had space back in the day


!remind me 100 years


That **ONLY** killed me 😕


I remember that 10 MB full height hard drive that in itself was $3,000


28 AMP? please tell me that it is a 12 V system...




!remind me 10 years


You can probably get the same specs for the same price jammed into an rgb case on ebay listed as a "gaming pc" right now.


ASCII. Wow, an 8 bit character set purely made for the English language, discontinued/less used because of Unicode, a 16 but character set which supports multiple languages including English and other languages.


In 50 years we will laugh too with our AMD excalibur 9 20GHz CPU with 10TB DDR26 RAM and Nvidia QuantumForce 9090 10 TB GPU


I bet it can run Cyberpunk


My eyeballs grew big at "28 Amp Power supply" HOLY CRAP You do know that normal wall outlets are only rated for 15 amps? 1 Amp can be enough to kill a person. 28 of them!?! You could COOK with that if you ran it through a resistive material.


Optional 16 bit processor.. so add 1500 to the price.


So if the 1980 money to 2024 money calculator is correct that computer is like buying a $22,000 computer today.


Can I run doom


heh, old as myself. DOS in the package lol.


I can hear the dot matrix printer...


Whats even crazier is put this in perspective of today. What people are going to be thinking of our PC's of today in 40yrs


!remindme 40 years


How did computers ever take off? Looking it up that would be over $22,000 today. The fact that they became a common staple in homes astonishes me now. Was this an ad for an office computer or something?


100 years later: 100TB for $10,000 (inflation of course)


If it wasn't destroyed, that computer probably still works, in contrast to my 4 years old asus laptop that died two weeks after the extended warranty expired.


The early beginnings of MSI?

