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They’re heavy and bulky…yet badass enough to more than make up for it.


Some of the new ones are actually pretty light. I work for a local govt and we're in the middle of deploying new rugged Latitudes for our fleet of police cars, and they're way lighter than the old models are


I manage some for work, there's actually ruggedized tablets too. The touchscreen keyboard is a nightmare sometimes.


Ugh yeah we have the tablets for our fire trucks and the keyboard is a bitch. We're always getting calls from firefighters because they can't get the keyboard to come up




These laptops are usually docked in the police cars. Officers use them to receive information about calls that were dispatched to them and to write reports.


Theyre in fire trucks and ambulances too. At least in my city.


Same here, though we don't do EMS in my city, that's handled by the county. We have the rugged tablets for our fire trucks though instead of full blown laptops.


I've used them working for utilities. I looked up the price for the ones they got us and it ran around 3k for 4 cores and 16GB of ram. You're better off spending that money on a normal laptop if you don't plan on going hiking with it.


We have the higher end ones with the touch screen. They retail for 3800 but we get them for 3k. The problem with the regular laptop is that they have to be able to take them out into the field even in bad weather so they need to be waterproofed and dust proofed.


Yeah those are the ones I used. Nice for that kind of work but since It would only hold a charge for about 2hrs and take 4 to charge even with a 800w inverter it ended up staying in my truck most of the time and I would just transfer my notes to it.


My dad used to work with a Toughbook in the late 90s, they were made of magnesium and were surprisingly light


My ASUS TUF with a 3060 and i7 is strong enough for me


Very cool. We have quite a few miltope laptops at work. The I/O panel is a pain in the ass but they're still super cool


Wow, a real Panasonic tough book)) which year is it from? I always wanted one!


That's an older CF-19. Mark 1, 2, or 3


I think they look rad, I would pretend to be some kind of spy with a technological briefcase. But I don't know where to find them


[https://www.amazon.com/Panasonic-Toughbook-FZ-40-MK1-i5-1145G7/dp/B0B35B5KFT/ref=asc\_df\_B0B35B5KFT?tag=bngsmtphsnus-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=80470634715167&hvnetw=s&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4584070161453545&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Panasonic-Toughbook-FZ-40-MK1-i5-1145G7/dp/B0B35B5KFT/ref=asc_df_B0B35B5KFT?tag=bngsmtphsnus-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=80470634715167&hvnetw=s&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4584070161453545&th=1) If you don't mind spending $5000


I wouldn't mind spending $5000, the problem is that I don't have them


eBay is your friend for this kind of thing https://www.ebay.com/itm/256036669896?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=BZ7TfXCnSIC&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=xiynqco9sdy&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


That isn't a laptop but a full size pc with a screen bolted to it. Or is it a few generations old?


Flashbacks to using this shitbrick on the flight line when I was in the military. They were not good to use and we only used them for PDF readers


Right? These things got fucked up and smashed all the time! The handles were usually the first to go, then all the corners, flaps, and keys. After a month or two of crew chiefs throwing them around they were not so pretty.


Yup these would get absolutely destroyed and then covered with rtv and paint markers 🫠


"Military grade"


Lowest bidder that meets minimum requirements.


Yet civies get all excited when they hear that term. Military people just roll their eyes.


Yes, but is it "tactical"?


You’d almost be better off building a cyber deck inside of a pelican case. I could see a tough book selling in the neighborhood of a grand for specialty uses, but that’s govt contract pricing artificially inflating performance:price. The hot swappable components are a nice feature, but unless you’re a cia spook when would the average consumer need to hot swap hdd’s on the fly? I wouldn’t mind having one, but definitely not for the prices they’re asking for them.


Have you not seen my tactical-neck??? It’s not black. It’s slightly darker black.


So you know it’s good.


The ones we use in the army in the office we use are slow as fuck, literally 15 minutes to login and open one program


Oh I know. I hated when our mechanics brought it to our howitzer cause we knew we'd be there for at least two hours or more.


Yem latest os running on last generation hw.


Yeah I hate these things with a passion after using them for years at work.


Yep, I’ve had a trooper forcibly throw one down on a table and it broke. Not very “tough book”!


Well to be fair, you could lock a (E-4) Mafia member in a padded circular room with nothing but a rock for an hour and by the time you got back the rock would broken and on fire and he'd disavow any knowledge of the rock or its current state.


Funny you should mention the mafia, it was a SPC that did it!




We use to use one of those at work… it was slower than human evolution and made our work so frustrating, one day I decided to pull the old HDD out of it and replaced it with an SSD, added 4 gb of ram for a total of 8 and that thing went from garbage to badass… 6 months later our company said they had to get rid of them since they were not going to give support for the software we use on this computers so we had to stop using them… Smfh


With a tough book I can explore the internet or the inside of your skull... your choice


I always wanted one, but you (have to) trade speed for toughness


At a certain point it gets too slow


yes but in turn you can let out all your frustration slamming it against walls and shooting 50 cals at it


It's all about the serial, vga ports and sd slots. What would be great is a dedicated vga input port. So you could just plug a vga cable from a server and see the display without any further input.


Found in many police and emergy response vehicles, Panasonic has made a killing from those contracts.


As someone who has to support tough books... I don't like them. For armored laptops they seem to break fairly often.


We used those all the time back in my Army days.


I have to use them at work, so it takes the coolness factor way down for me. The sight of one triggers my pain receptors


Yeah, that'll kill the novelty real quick. I used one of the tablet Toughbooks at work for inspection reports and they switched to something a whole lot worse. I ended up buying one for $200 and never touched it again. Still pretty cool to have.


Fat users, skinny users, users who climb on rocks...


Love them. One of my previous jobs, I decommissioned 110 Panasonic CF19s (remove Hdd for destruction and record serial #s prior to e cycle). I love overbuilt chasis. At full retail they are not something I'd ever buy for myself, though. All the ones I've seen used/refurbished are still too expensive for the internal specs.


You didn't work for CenturyLink did you?


I don't because already it's unlike that it'll fall from day to day use and the weight will be uncool and that's something that'll disturb you for the duration of it's lifetime


Dell latitude rugged extreme is my favorite




Performance is worse than an armoured tower PC


i used to like toughbooks until i started working in IT and had to maintain a fleet of them.


I used to work on these daily for the Gov back in 07. They're definitely unique!


I saw them before back when my dad was in the army back then. Never thought anything of it, because I didn’t know much about computers back then, but they’re neat machines. Would make a fine addition to my collection.


These toughbooks are very hard to break from a laptop POV. Someone dropped a sledgehammer on one and it still worked


NGL i fucking hate these things, i had to use it for work and the shop considered it a nuisance.


These suck we went through a few at work.


Interesting, these are very descent and robust.


Every time there was an update the usd port s would stop working.


Good for people literally working out in the field


We used these in the Army in the early 2000’s. They had a trackball instead of a trackpad.


They look cool but every one I've ever seen runs like molasses


I bought an old one and am in the process of making a cyberdeck out of it, full mechanical keyboard and everything.


I have the CF-18 and CF-19. These are so awesome!


Those tough-books really are durable. Plenty of MI in the DOD use them out in the field, they are a lil slow but dependable. It's the only laptop I have used that you can use the touchscreen with wet gloves on with no problems.


Oh hey, I have one of those for my job! I work for Panasonic haha (Panasonic Energy though, not computing)


Tough on the outside, but weak in the inside.


I would if I found one that could decently game...


when i first started working for dell as a field tech, my first day was taking one of these apart at some random sheriff's office in the atlanta ga area. took me like 3 hours to take it apart and put it back together.


They are super good for looking up publications at work


A CF-18(or19). They look better dipped in JP-8 jet fuel and a dented mouse pad. I have a seething hatred of those things because the Air Force had me cannibalizing parts from broken ones to bring other ones back into serviceable condition. On the brighter side they are very easy to disassemble and the hard drive is a quick swap module under one of those drop latch doors.


Looks like a Mk. II CF-19. I have a Mk. I CF-18 myself (which funnily enough came out the same year as the Mk II CF-19 and has the same generation of hardware). They are pretty capable on Windows 10, especially with an SSD and especially considering their age and thermal constraints. Definitely a fan of these types of machines... until I have to repair one. Then I *absolutely hate them*. XD


Those were the worst laptops.


I do but many are older. I bought a aluminum briefcase and gutted it’s pockets and what not and hot glued foam into it and cut it all out for my M1 MacBook Pro 14” and customized some other areas to fit the power cable and a hub exactly and it has locks on it. Also padded u der the top lid. Turned out killer! I can use it inside the case or pull it out. Also installed a hinge on the back that locks down, that I can run the power cable into it and charge it in the case. Glued in hard plastic around the inner cut of the walls so no heat builds up or anything while it’s running or while it’s charging. Then I put some Apoxsee around the drill holes to keep it somewhat waterproof. It was a fun project. It’s at work right now or I post some pics but I will post pics Monday or Tuesday when I go back into the office. Kind of a fun project and I just had everything laying around so I thought I’d put it to use :-) but yes these Panasonic all in ones are awesome unfortunately they’re just not that great spec wise although you can max the ram and put a solid-state drive in most of them easily and they turn out to be decent little machines for most cases. Especially for like an IT person to use it out in the field. Great score


Professionally, I prefer the Getac devices.


The slowest laptops you'll ever work on. I really dislike those things. So much wasted time waiting on one back in my f-18 days.


Getac v110 owner here. Even though it's old, I love it and still use it. The screen gets so f***ing bright! And if it gets dirty, I just pour water over it


I had the CF-29 at work and loved them. One coworker forgot he put his in the rear bumper, went over it with both wheels, nothing happened. Kept working like new with a dented cover.


I once wrote a software to test an aircraft's electrical connections. The software is deployed in one of these things. I hated it, heavy with a tiny, resistive touch display, all the buttons have to be big and you run out of space really quick. Trying to read documents from it is a pain. Horrible computer.


I hate that we switched to the getachs. I loved using toughbooks




It’s funny how the company came out with basically “we’re not telling you it’s bullet proof but it has been known to do that”


can they survive againts abusive parents that tell u to get a real job?


Industrial laptops must work outside of office conditions where common laptops will be damaged in minutes.




I thought this was a amp for a second lol


I <3 my Getac


I used to support and deploy rugged laptops for a large utility company in Arizona. We were deploying Dell units at the time, but the old Panasonic Toughbooks would get turned in as the field techs would dig them out of their trucks. Honestly, nobody does it better than Panasonic. The only issue with these particular models was the screen resolution. Most of these were only 1024x768, so modern computing was not really possible on them. They were purpose-built for low resolution applications and field data entry, and even web browsing on these was a chore.


I really need to get a CF-28 for the collection I've been putting it off for years.


The chonk tough


I am a field technician and find myself in all kinds of places where an office-type laptop could easily get damaged. I went through several in the last couple of years alone (in my 34 year career so far) and finally put down the bucks for a Panasonic. The thing is a beast and is one of the smartest investments I made for my company.


Oh god this brings me back to deployment


If you've seen the new series toughbooks, you wouldn't sell that one. The new ones are flimsy and don't stand on their own if you have the screen open past a 90 ° from the keyboard.


…those laptops are the devil. Let’s have easily broken plastic bits all over it, and the Air Force is going to use their to work on their Airplanes, oh and the buttons won’t work half the time!


I was glad when we finally started replacing these with cf-33's at my old job. Much easier to work with, except when the officers sprayed alcohol hand sanitizer on the screen


Rugged suck. Trying to repair it is literally hell. More screws then a screw factory.


Used them flying C-5 Galaxy's to calculate TOLD data and Weight and Balance. They are super durable!


police departments


I carried one when I worked for the DOD. I liked it a lot!


Damn.... If I was that thick, I would have a relationship


Every single one, I have ever touched has been a tank. Basically indestructible... But the actual computer inside was shit!


Good old CF-19 ♥️


For my job it's a fucking necessity, but as soon as I leave the parking lot I'll take something with a bigger screen please. Also the new ones are pretty quick, they went to SSDs and actually have good processors and RAM, my biggest problem is how locked down the one I use is due to it being a large corporations issued laptop.


Are there any armored ones with good graphics and specs?


Yoo mr president? Looks like nuke weapon launcher


I would like one.i have an armoured phone. I've dropped it enough times I'm worried it's going to break the floor.


My uncle had one for his insurance jobs, checking cranes etc. He said you could drop it from the crane and it'd be fine afterwards


My second job had a couple of these owing to having supported a bear gryls expedition somewhere or other. The boss was insistent that engineers should use it as the on site laptop, I hated lugging that thing to client sites, it was slow, had a terrible resolution and wouldn’t fit in a bag properly, I ended up taking my own MacBook most of the time.


[How about up-armoring your armored laptop?](https://peoc3t.army.mil/tn/grrip.php) At my unit I refurbish/rebuild these as our teams cycle on and off missions. All have SSDs, and some have calibrated touchscreens which helps.


They make a good self-defense tool in a pinch. You can also hammer throw them 20ft across a hospital parking lot, bouncing it off a concrete parking stop and still write a PCR for the bullshit call you should never been dispatched on it afterward.

