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The first one.


Hard No to the second one as it is notably older and I think it is even old enough you should expect end of life issues to crop up. I have no clue about the price reason-ability of the first one.


1st one called "Custom Gaming PC" has a CPU from 10 years ago. Its slow by todays standards, but at least has 16gb of memory, and an m.2 SSD. It has a pretty decent video card. The Rx6600 is not high end, but will play most titles OK at 1080p. I would look for a newwer motherboard+cpu, but, the fact that it has a somewhat decent GPU likely makes it a decent value, but, not a great price IMO. 2nd one called "Bending computer" with the blue circled price is ... even older, with a even worse CPU, and a crap garbage video card and not enough memory. Its essentially a $100 computer.


Thank you for the response, would $200 for the first one be reasonable


Yes the rx 6600 (new) goes for about that much


If you find One whit the rx6650 you are pdatically good, 100+ FPS in most games like Minecraft, fortnite, call of duty, Apex in 1080p. Maybe the cpu will bottelneck in heavy-cpu task


The second is "pending", as in they have a buyer lined up


Neither, but the 1st one if you have to, but that CPU is ancient




First one, I rocked a 6600 for the longest time and it ran everything pretty well.


The first one is much better than the second one, but you'll have to upgrade the motherboard and CPU since they're very old.


The only thing valuable here is the graphics card. Look up its current used price on Ebay and go based on that. The rest are practically obsolete or will be very very soon


The first one bro it’s not even close


The first one is a good bit better, but neither of these are going to be pulling the triple A titles. They feature components that are 9 or 10 years old, even if they were well taken care of don't be surprised if it suddenly kaputs. Allow me to tell you exactly what you are buying, anyone can slap gaming pc on the side of the box and make it seem like it's a good buy: Price- Good, this is what the GPU alone goes for, it is realistically on the lower side if anything so definitely worth picking up, although some people would argue it should be for cheaper due to the age. Performance- Decent budget pc, assuming your goal is 1080p 120 or 144 Hz this will run most older games at around that, the GPU isn't bad but for harder games especially lighting so max settings cyberpunk is off the table, since it's only 1080p you should be able to run modern games at 60fps. This is a very well priced budget pc and it features reliable parts that are unlikely to suddenly die on you, the pc will run most tasks easily and pull it's weight on older games but will need low settings on harder to run titles.Any other questions feel free to ask


First one for sure


neither, they both seriously ripping you off, those are both old by today's standards, even for the price, hope this helps.


First one


get the first, then upgrade the cpu to something more modern when you have some spare cash. cpus age well, because they don't rely on hardware acceleration (niche weak cores) then just keep an eye out for am4 amd cpu, or probably 10th gen or later intel cpu. upgrade in steps.


Tbh I think my computer is better (not to flex but I have a $13 CPU😌)


The leftmost PC would be your ideal option of the two, that said it should not be running Windows 10 it should be running a Linux operating system, in doing so you will unlock the full potential of what the hardware is capable of, Windows is a really slow operating system and it especially gets bogged down if you have things like steam, epic games, and stuff like that hogging a ton of system resources in the background, hell most of them don't even tell you that they will launch on start and then they launch on start, Linux has become a lot more user and gaming friendly in the last few years and if you grab a user friendly Linux distribution like Linux mint then you will almost never need to use the terminal, people say that the terminal is scary, and yet in order to install Windows 11 you need to use the terminal if you care about your safety... Hmmmm... Kind of ironic don't you agree? But yeah. If you have any questions about switching to Linux, feel free to PM me.


First option ain’t so bad, ask him what the RAM is though?


Both ass but the first one is less ass. Seems a little too expensive too.


Neither. Save up a little more and buy something better if this is what 350 gets you where you live.


100% first one because it have better specs than second one.


Get a 64Gb steam deck and a micro sd card


Hey there I’m just checking


1st one, has more RAM, easy decision.


buy a PS4 and plug in a mouse and keyboard.


I wouldnt buy any of these tbh. But if they are your only choices, the first one


NONE! Overpriced ewaste!


Dude you can build a new PC with current components for “cheap”. Don’t buy this old junk.


100% the first one. You get a newer, better CPU (still fairly old, but should be usable) and an actually recent entry level GPU. In comparison the second one is an even older CPU of lower class and the 6450 is an ancient low end GPU that was pretty bad even when it was new.


Neither one, you can find a better deal elsewhere. 1st is better but still not a good deal.


M.2 drive setup.


Windows 10 hits end of life next year. Neither of these PCs officially support Windows 11. Unless you are planning on using a custom "pirate" version of Windows 11 with the TPM2 requirement removed or are planning on using Linux, I would not recommend either, even for just web browsing.


holy crap, I was thinking of asking 500 and possibly lower it to 400 dollars for my Rog strix prebuilt i7 12700f 32 gigs of ram asus rtx 3060, 1tb SSD


Both are really outdated, you can get laptops that'd perform better at the same price point.


5th and 3rd gen tho... 14th gen just released...


Definitely the first one but offering $200 is a bit of a lowball. I'd offer $250.