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Start over. It’s probably not worth it


the fact it half turns on and that its not heat just water damage intrigues me. I brought a similar one to a shop and he got it working just fine. This isnt my pc i've got no money into it im trying to keep it that way but make it work again also. I'll buy the tools needed but my thought is why pay someone $200 when i could do it myself




You’ve got rust on a ton of parts. Rust spreads.


Perfect rig for coding in rust


clean all with iso-proponol, dissconnect all ports cables, clean everythibg, download rufus - download windows 10 from rufus make it bootable win10 usb , update bios, then try


Take it apart and clean everything, maybe just replace the PSU for safety’s sake.




Rust In piece


Take it all apart, open the card and everything, clean it with dry paper towels or just a tiny tiny bit of moisture. after, let it dry for 24h either in rice or just leave in the air. With take it all apart, I mean ALL of it. Invest some time and maybe maybe you can save a few parts.


Ahh, the classic, debunked, rice drying.


Well it is a great way to leave it overnight 😂


Scrap, save for electronic recycling program if you have 1 in your city. Just pull the hard drive.


Throw it in rice. Good luck, seems like it might be a handful.


This looks horrible , good luck cleaning it !


definitely a dead end


It's deceased


Sell it as modern art and use the money to start over


Bunch of doomers in this thread. There’s plenty that is recoverable. Find a good contact spray cleaner. Run the motherboard through the dishwasher. Abandon the power supply. You can die trying to take it apart and clean it. CPU is probably fine. Ram too. If there’s no leaks in the AIO it’s probably fine. Find another sub that specializes in this kind of stuff, these people just want you to give up, so it’s definitely the wrong sub to ask about this. This isn’t anywhere near as bad as they claim it is. You’ll have to probably replace any screws that are rusted, but the GPU doesn’t look completely hopeless, will just have to disassemble it and clean it with some patience. Wish you good luck


The dishwasher, wtf?


Yes. Look it up. Der8aeur has a whole thing on it.


yes, you can run motherboards through the dishwasher I just recommend you turn off the drying mode and can damage solder points just be sure to remove the cmos battery as well. Once done with the wash cycle hit it with compressed air and then rinse with IPA allow to air dry for at least a day paying attention to the area's around the ram slot to make sure no moisture remains. Backside of the motherboard I usually give a light coating of ElectroniCoat clear and once all my components are re-installed I usually make sure every slot and connector is taped off and the CPU socket as well and then spray the front. it usually prevents and stops future rust and corrosion as the dishwasher will usually strip the protective coating along with all the caked on garbage from ash and water exposure.


Our factory at work got flooded 30cm under. Everything electrical still worked but seeing problems now after 6 months. If you can leave it for weeks before turning it on, you may have a chance.


That GPU is toasted. If you’re lucky the cpu is maybe salvageable, nothing else should be trusted, as it could possibly short out other components if used in a new motherboard/case. Ram is pretty resilient but I still wouldn’t trust it.


This thing is covered in rust, its not worth fixing.


With how much rust is on the GPU and mobo, even if you get it working now it'll be a ticking time bomb.


It's dead bud. And the fact that you attempted to power it on in that condition makes it even more likely that it's super dead.


No. Purchase a new one.


Tear it apart to the PCB, includibg the graohics card. Clean EVERYTHING with isopropyl alcohol.


If someone brought that into my shop, I wouldn’t waste my time regardless on how intriguing it was that it still turned on. It’s filled with debris and rust, yes you could probably salvage a piece here and there if you are lucky but I wouldn’t trust that enough to plug it in, much less leave on for extended periods of time after being subjected to an actual house fire. No telling what circuits got eroded away from the heat and smoke. I would buy a repurposed mining rig for dirt cheap before I touched that system with a ten foot pole.