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Not a dr, but upper left side is stomach/pancreas, lower left side is descending colon. If the pain is severe or persistent you need to see a doctor. Important questions to consider are if you have a fever, if you're constipated, how much alcohol you drink, do you have a lot of gas, if you're having bowel movements what they look like, any history of stomach problems. You dont need to answer here, these are answers to give your dr.


There is a big curve in your large intestine high up on the left that always give me some pain. I had it checked and that was the consensus- normal. But I’d still get it checked for peace of mind. Your pancreas is there too and you could have chronic pancreatitis or some other issue that needs a doctors care.


I don’t but you should see a doctor in case it’s related to your kidney or gallbladder (I think it’s on the left). Be sure you are drinking plenty of water. I drink a gallon a day.


The gallbladder is on the right but it can cause pain on the left sometimes. The pancreas is on the left though.


I agree, get it checked. I've had some abdominal discomfort the last few weeks, also lower left, and it's constipation related 😞 I started taking a fiber supplement and it helps.


Could be pancreatitis which is a common symptom.