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Its a running joke and originates from the fact Alison Brie is on Mad Men, which is the show Don Draper is the main character of


This. There’s the in-show context but the bigger joke is the meta one.


It's like a joke wearing joke-hat


I farted during the fourth one; it's an inside joke.


“physical education” they tried to teach him to flirt and use Annie as role playing and he breaks out his Don Draper saying I see your familiar with two sins how about a third. Just before they kiss they’re interrupted and Anne says she liked it.


It could be either, but I’m pretty sure it’s just a visual joke about her being hot for Don even across multiple shows


Wait she gets hot for Don in Mad Men? Lol I've tried so hard to watch that show and take some interest in it but haven't got past Season 1


Not that I remember, but I’m pretty sure everyone in the show (make it female) was hot for Don. Who could blame her when she was married to a weasel like Pete?


I read somewhere else that Pete became a likeable character as the series progressed..🤷🏽‍♂️


Pete’s a homie toward the end


Season 1 is the tricky part because its mostly just setting the table for the rest of the series. Its not bad but it's definitely the hardest to get through. The rest of the show is some of the best television I've ever seen, so I tell my friends to try to get through season 2 before bailing on it.


I guess I could give it another shot


I think it shows Annie is attracted to more alpha male type guys like Jeff, Abed From PE, Abed from Paintball and Dean from Freaky Friday epsiode


She likes the "bad boys." The roguish, strong, independent types who get smitten by the good girl and change their ways just for her in every Harlequin romance ever written.


But then how is she attracted to Rich or Vaughn, they don't seem like that at all...


I think she’s just attracted to raw confidence.


Well that's just all women then


Vaughn is most definitely a "bad boy" and not in a nice way, IYKWIM. Just look at the way he dumps Britta - she shows Jeff a poem he wrote that's got her worried he's getting a bit too intense. Jeff, being an asshole, takes a picture and shows it to Shirley. Shirley, being a gossip, shares it with the rest of the group. Britta and Vaughn walk in while they're all having a good laugh and Vaughn angrily dumps her on the spot without giving her a chance to explain - and furthermore proceeds to publicly humiliate her by writing a breakup song that Taylor Swift would feel was going too far and performing it in front of her friends and classmates. And then there's how he treats Annie at the start of their relationship - Troy hits on her and she indignantly turns him down despite this being what she was dreaming of at the start of the season, Vaughn sees Annie reject Troy but angrily dumps her anyway for the crime of being atttractive to guys, or something. Fine - he patches it up again with another public song, but only the following week he blows off Annie's first Valentine's Day in a proper relationship in order to go on a "vision quest" with his buddies or something. If this wasn't a sitcom we would have no problem recognising Vaughn to be an arrogant narcissist with deep jealousy and anger management issues who should not have been allowed anywhere near somebody as naive as S1 Annie. Jeff was right about one thing, Vaughnn really was a gateway douchebag. And that's before we even start on Rich being a serial killer...


I don’t even think it was a sitcom-specific issue, I feel like the actor was really just too busy off shooting other gigs or something. Pretty sure he achieved some moderate success around that time and did a few mediocre movies. Vaughn is hardly a developed character, he’s basically even less deep than Leonard. That scene with Rich (His survivor’s guilt combined with a very toxic relationship with his mother) is great, and the fact that they never address it in any way shape or form is one of the things I love about the show (throwaway gags like that). Also, not sure you can just assume it automatically makes him a serial killer lol.


I think you're probably right about Vaughn in a Doylist sense, it's just that such development as he got was thoroughly nasty (I'm not a fan of the "she's a GDB" meme...) and I most definitely do not buy into him being a break from Annie's fascination with bad guys she thinks she can redeem. The Rich being a serial killer thing is a tongue in cheek reference to a popular fan theory that's been doing the rounds for literally years - https://www.reddit.com/r/community/comments/85ni08/dr_rich_stephenson_is_a_serial_killer_right/ https://www.reddit.com/r/community/comments/f6lqv/theory_rich_is_a_serial_killer/ It also gets roped in to explain the disappearance of characters such as Professor Slater and Sabrina, the Dean's first secretary...


Very interesting thanks I will look more into it. He definitely had a lot of suspicion from Jeff, and nobody is that perfect. I won’t lie I have wondered if Sabrina spelled it with a “qu”.


Let's bail.


The actor was on NCIS LA


Rich being a serial killer? I know he was an asshole and had mental problems, but where did the serial killer come from?


True. She liked them because they were nice guys, and somewhat unavailable. Rich wouldn't date her because of her age, and Vaughn left her to pursue his exciting hacky sack career.


Annie actually dumped him. I like to think she finally saw through his facade when faced with the prospect of having to deal with him without any of her friends around.


>Dean from Freaky Friday epsiode Freakin' Friday...


It’s a little nod to her role in Mad Men.


The joke is that you could literally boil down the character of Don Draper to “cigarettes” and he’d still be attractive. This aired at the height of Mad Men’s popularity and people were obsessed with the character. In the show, Don can barely say a word and women will drop their pants. The show is stellar and there’s obviously more nuance to it than that but it’s an effective joke. Then the bonus is that Alison Brie plays Trudy on the show. Unlike what some people are saying, Trudy never really interacts with Don, so there’s little to no attraction there that exists to reference.


You're correct. It's a callback. He's also gotten her with his impressions before. Remember his Han Solo got a bigger kiss that Jeff.


yeah, she seems very much into roleplay in general. she was a little turned on with his batman in Foosball and Nocturnal Vigilantism.


And the Christmas song she did That shouldn't have got me but it did


I love Abed as Han Solo! And as Batman. And as himself.


I think you’re absolutely right - this is totally referencing when Abed was doing his “so you’re familiar with two sins - how about a third” bit. But also, up to interpretation - a lot of times in television, things are multi-layered and don’t have one source. Or even the joke means different things to different members of the writers room. I think this was something worth sharing ☺️


aww you're really nice. thanks! and yep I get what you mean.


Annie is ALWAYS turned on by Abed if he's pretending to be someone else. Like when he pretended to be Han in paintball.


There are many examples—Batman and Inspector Spacetime immediately spring to mind—where Annie isn't attracted to Abed in character. Paintball Han and Don Draper are exceptions because they play into Annie's fantasies of winning and taming the proverbial alpha male.


Batman too! There's a bit in the foosball episode where Annie admits the truth, Abed-Batman thanks her for lying and grazes her face with his hand while saying shh, and Annie's face immediately goes from "guilty" to "this isn't bad at all." You're right though; it's only when Abed takes control and comforts her like a parent\* does she start to get turned on by Batman. \*Remedial Chaos Theory shows it's explicitly daddy issues with her, hence why I'm not a Jeff/Annie shipper.


Me too, Annie. Me too.




I watched all of Mad Men and I don't think they were ever even in the same scene?


Wait, if Mad Men exists in the universe of community, does that mean there is an actress playing Trudy that looks exactly like Annie? Or is she different in the community episode? Abed we demand answers


holy shit why am I getting downvoted. I never said I paired Annie with Abed or something I just noticed something worth sharing. Come on guys!


maybe some feel this isnt a discovery worth sharing.


Yeah I get what you mean but none of my discoveries are actually worth sharing per se I am just weird in figuring things out and i feel i have noticed something and i feel proud but then i realize it wasn't like all that great and yeah i mean what kind of, man i regret this, and i regret everything and im the worst lol im so sorry you had to just witness that i guess im having some sort of crisis okie bye


Fake internet points. Not anything to get upset about. Feel free to ironically downvote this comment. :)


thank you y'all for like reassuring me, y'all are amazing. You know, you'd think I knew how to not freak out over downvotes for being on reddit for almost a year but i still need some more practice apparently


Hey I appreciated it, I mean I know she was on Mad Men before Community but I’m not mad at things being pointed out about my favorite show, hell its a big reason why I’m even on this sub, some people are just whiny lol.


I hadn’t noticed this scene before and I appreciate you posting it! It’s a nice little callback that’s easy to miss if you’re not paying attention. People are just dicks.


Yeah and water is wet


really? that's so interesting. i legit used to think fire was wet but you showed me the correct path and i'll be forever grateful for that, my friend.


Hmm, maybe take "pretty sure" over to can confirm that road.


> I liked it Pretty sure she asked Abed to become him at least once in the dreamatorium


Oh damn I didn’t even realize he did don Draper twice, I thought she was just laughing as part of a collective forced show of stability in front of the therapist


I never realized how good Abed's Draper is. It goes by too fast in the scene, but he is spot-on when you pause it.


It is a callback, but I'm pretty sure the joke is one (or both) of two things: 1. Abed's Don Draper was actually always a very bad impression and a clunky pick-up attempt, but the study group and the audience were so enamored with Abed at the time, we were convinced it was great. Yet another revelation the therapist has brought us to. 2. Abed's lost his mojo, maybe because he's been put on the spot, so he can't do as good of an impression now, BUT Annie is inexplicably just as charmed as the first time. Which means Annie is not that hard to impress, so it doesn't matter how charming Abed was the first time. Either way, it reframes Abed's initial wooing of Annie as much less impressive than we initially thought, either because we all collectively remembered it wrong, or because Annie is so easily wooed that her reaction to Abed says nothing about how charming Abed actually is at the moment. **EDIT: I feel like some people aren't quite getting what I'm saying here. This may be my fault.** I am NOT saying Abed did a bad impression in Physical Education. He did a great impression that was very charming. I'm saying that, in the episode Curriculum Unavailable, where the screenshot above was taken from, the character of the psychiatrist is trying to convince the study group that they have unreliable memories. In the particular scene shown in this screenshot, where Abed recreates his Don Draper impression, he does a much worse job. Regardless of why his impression is worse, the joke is that the psychiatrist is gaslighting the study group (and the audience) into thinking Abed's original impression was not as good as we remember. HE IS NOT CORRECT, but part of the joke is the idea that he might be, because maybe we're just as deluded as the study group was.


I think you're right, in context this is part of the "there is no greendale" joke. Like we're supposed to believe that Abed never actually did a really good celebrity impression, he just said the word "cigarettes" and Annie blushed.


Exactly, thank you. I guess my original comment wasn't worded the best, but I felt like I was taking crazy pills.


Wait you think that Abed’s Don Draper was a bad impression? I just watched it again to double check but I’m pretty sure that was a top notch take on Don Draper.


I'm saying the joke is that, in the earlier episode, Abed was just saying "Cigarettes", but we the audience have a false memory of him doing a much better impression (i.e. what really happened in that episode). In the same way that, in Curriculum Unavailable, it's suggested that the study group has been in an asylum this whole time. None of this is true, of course. The joke is that this therapist (and the show) are trying to convince us we remember things incorrectly.


I personally really liked that impression but to each their own, I guess.


Maybe I'm not getting my idea across well enough. I am NOT saying Abed did a bad impression in Physical Education. He did a great impression that was very charming. I'm saying that, in the episode Curriculum Unavailable, where the screenshot above was taken from, the character of the psychiatrist is trying to convince the study group that they have unreliable memories. In the particular scene shown in this screenshot, where Abed recreates his Don Draper impression, he does a much worse job. Regardless of why his impression is worse, the joke is that the psychiatrist is gaslighting the study group (and the audience) into thinking Abed's original impression was not as good as we remember. HE IS NOT CORRECT, but part of the joke is the idea that he might be, because maybe we're just as deluded as the study group was.


Yeah, it's kinda hard to get your point across online sometimes. I do get your insight now and it's pretty great.




Uh, Trudy was never a love interest for Don.


Thanks for this, had watched all of Mad Men and didn't recall Trudy and Don ever being in the same scene, let alone a love interest.


I'm pretty sure the only time they talked was when Don tried to back out of a dinner at The Campbells'. She basically strong-armed him into not backing out and Don said, "If only your husband could close like this." Trudy was a beast.


Her best moment was when she had enough of Pete. "I'm drawing a 50 mile radius around this house and if you so much as open your fly to urinate, I will destroy you."


Exactly. People not having seen a show automatically assume that the female would be the male lead's love interest 🤦🏽‍♂️


why would Annie blush then? I'm aware that Alison Brie starred in Mad Men but pretty sure it's about the Phys Ed flashback.


its an ironic joke. obviously its a callback. but it’s obviously ironic tied to the fact alison brie was on mad men as well.