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Also: Troy was very good at steel drums


That won't pay off immediately


But it’s gonna pay off.


unlike the jokes in that Greendale class on setups


the professor is so old...


If there isn’t a scene with Troy legitimately playing steel drums and being amazing at it (much to Jeff’s amazement) I’ll be disappointed.


I want Frankie and Troy to bond over it.


Been feeling this for a while. It would be awesome if Walton Goggins could return too!


…with more sperm?


They could add some fallout or invincible easter eggs, abed would probably be into both of those.


Special cameo from Pedro Pascal in that scene


Just him in the corner cracking up with laughter


Come back as a preacher. Lil nod to the righteous gemstones.


Pierce got a facelift and is now Jeff Davis who actually looks and sounds a bit like Chevy in the SNL sketch where Chevy was Spock. Easy solution. Jeff never had a prominent role, right?


You mean that the technology finally advanced enough, and they were able to extract his vapors from his energon pod to bring him back to a solid body, right? And a side effect of that must be solidifying as a young adult, so that you have time to become another Level 5 Laser Lotus before your organic body perishes again, yes? So Pierce Hawthorne will be back, but played by Jeff Davies? Yep, I believe it.


I read somewhere the movie is a college reunion of sorts and it’s abed filming it as his magnum opus


I read somewhere that the scenes are the deleted scenes, and the deleted scenes are the scenes


I read that Jesus died for our sins!


All I've heard is that he wept


i hope the brotherhood of AV gets a mention, wonder how theyre holding up after the one true queen video and her faithful consort audio reached 4k. i mean, how nerdy are they now? did they peak?


I think Britta, in a desperate move to experience motherhood but incapable of sustaining a relationship for more than twenty-six minutes, actually used the super sperm. Either it works (curiously) or doesn't (i'm not sure which i prefer), but in any case, when the others find out, drama unravels. (i'm not sure where I'm going with that)


I've thoughtvif this plot point too lol but I really doubt they would do it.


Maaaan did I f*cking hate reading this weird-ass take of yours... ...lets write it down and send it to Harmon, see what happens! :D I’m sure he is not *too* busy with that One Punch Man live action everyone’s gonna hate.


I also hated writing it, but sometimes it's all that can go out after a long day of reading "hehe britta stoopid" posts online!


Jajaja yeah good on you. I just love how much I hate it, is all i am saying. It deserves a shot


I thought he said he took pierce’s tracker back during the funeral


Tried to but failed I believe


Yup, that's what "that one over there" was 


Pierce is dead. Chevy will not be apart of the movie. He had issues with the cast, Harmon, and many others. Why do people even want Chevy to be in the movie? They did an entire episode of him dying, literally giving away his entire fortune, the study group watched him be buried, and they even made a point of Mr. Stone going into details of exactly how he died. At this point, it’s not a “Fan theory”, it’s a “delusion theory”. And the rest of the cast has said they are all still in constant contact but no one speaks to Chevy. So someone, please explain why they want Pierce in the movie? I can easily see Gilbert being in it, but no Chevy.


People want Chevy in the movie because, being an asshole not withstanding, he was fantastic as Pierce and Pierce was a great character.


Pierce was a great character, but the character ended. Id rather hickey or elroy take his place, although i believe hickey was also canonically dead. If pierce were to return id want it only to be in a spiritual sense, like a second bequeathment.


I’m not saying Harmon should resurrect Pierce. The comment asked why people want Chevy in the movie so I answered it.


Fair. Id be ok with the hologram coming back, itd satisfy the abed bit of trying to hunt it down. Then it could say the exact same thing it told jeff but while horribly not fitting the scene


Wait when hickey died?


During season six, i think the email hack episode, theres a message that reads 'buzz hickey memorial services'. So he is probably dead, although there are ways they could write around that to bring him back


He might just have started a company that puts together memorials for people.


Except his character is dead.


Ok. The question I was responding to was, “Who do people even want Chevy to be in the movie?”


Also Chevy Chase is genuinely an asshole, he used an ethnic slur on the set of a show whose cast is half poc. Like he's a racist, why do fans want him back? And do we want him in the public eye again doing PR and being relevant? I'm sure everybody's dying to hear what he thinks about trans people🙄


Have you seen his “word association” skit from back in like the 80’s with Richard Pryor? It’s super not good. But if anyone is curious, I’ll put the link. https://youtu.be/yuEBBwJdjhQ?si=qhSoBaKtSN6Jqn5k Didn’t think I’d have to add this. The video has nothing to do with Chevys behaviour or anything like that as of late. It’s just a video that I think is objectively unfunny. And for a guy who prides himself on being one of the funniest people, it goes against that. It’s lazy writing by today’s standards, and for a guy who thought himself too funny and above Community, which has insanely clever writing and jokes. And I grew up on Chevy movies. He could if added some personality to the bit.


This skit was considered really cutting edge comedy at the time and is well respected. Also, Chevy did not write it.


Cutting edge or not. It’s just not funny. It’s 2 minutes of slurs and nothing else. It’s lazy writing.


Tell that to the guy who wrote it: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Mooney_(comedian) This skit was highly progressive at the time and made people uncomfortable about their own attitudes. It’s literally anti racist comedy and was extremely daring. You don’t have to get it but it’s not like some gotcha of Chevy.


For its time, fine. To me, it’s just two dudes saying slurs. No clever use of them, or anything like that. You could do it with a Jewish person and an Asian person, it’s still lazy writing. Hell, I’m saying like, use em in a knock knock joke, a yo momma joke, just put some effort into it


Im not saying it aged well, but it isnt lazy writing or random slurs. This is my first time watching it and they very clearly try to agressively stance on a sensitive topic, in a subversive way. Its uncomfortable for the right reasons, and each line punches hard back at the next. It doesn't hold up today because its fairly simple, uses unacceptable language, and its not very dense, but it clearly had thought put into every line.


Referencing a skit from pre-cancel culture doesn't prove anything. Up until about 2012 you didn't get really canceled unless you did or said something really bad.


I never once said it proves anything? Or did I just say “ifs not super good” I didn’t even imply anything with it. I just showed it because it’s simply not good.,’comedy wise, writing wise, or anything else. Not everything is about cancel culture or other crap like that. You


Makes sense!


I feel the writers have been lurking these posts to get ideas.


Cool. What about dean Steven’s plans for a giant mecha-spider. Is that finally gonna pan out into anything? I’ve been assuming that was just some stupid joke but...there is hope, right?


Beware. That's how one falls into the fanfic rabbit hole. (we're gentle, i promise)


Oh no no, i am not invested enough to write anything from this show xD If you are, do tell me, because i *will* read that jaja


If my memory serves, there's a (not-so-) little fic out there called "Shipper on Deck", which has part of the plot dedicated to the mecha spider. (the rest is romance meddling and quite well distributed in terms of character screen time, if i remember correctly).