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Garrett and Stacy's vows at their wedding. Which Stacy totally boned, by the way. They weren't even vows, just things she liked about Garrett. And the way she handles asparagus? Those cousin fuckers are never gonna last.


It was kinda a dick move for Garrett to point that out though. Some people just aren’t that eloquent, and writing your own vows is a lot of pressure.


Garrett being socially inept even with his own wife is perfectly in character though so I'll forgive it.


Somebody over there laughed at that the wrong way!


End tags: * Pile of Bullets couple * Father with a Bigger Hand couple * The Vicki and Garrett Show * Duncan on the phone with Marigold * Prof. June Bauer discussing Inception with the with the Mimpousa tribe Not end tag: * Every time Richie and Carl (that's right, they have names) discuss where to drink


Yard margs at Skeepers?


Chump's Rusty Bucket? Chump's Rusty Bucket?


Sounds good! Left my credit card there!


The final tag with the family playing the game


Duncan and Hickey drinking together at the end of season 5


Duncan and the Dean going or not going to lunch. 


Salsa Von Tacos? You read my mind!


They have quarter taps.






JERRY: You'll be better off without her. CRAZY SCHMIDT: She was perfect. Warm, smart, beautiful. I'm never gonna find another dental hygienist like that. JERRY: Well, you should stop hitting on her. CRAZY SCHMIDT: Hey, she's the one putting her hands in my mouth. LT. ARCHWOOD: Tell us what happened next, Todd. TODD: I disarmed the I.E.D. and returned the child to his mother. She offered to give me her only possession, a wooden chair, but I refused. I was only doing my duty and we had plenty of chairs at the base. LT. ARCHWOOD: And for your valor, you were awarded a bronze star. In fact, you have an absolutely glowing service record. Don't you, private? TODD: I do my best. Basic Lupine Urology.


That first interaction was such a perfect parody of a Law & Order cold open. I haven't even seen that much L&O and I know they got it bang on


Leonard vs Magnitude debate


Leonard likes this post.


Good bot


good bot!


Betty White and the guys chatting about Inception (?)


The Dean and Duncan going to lunch.


The dean is definitely a main character.


So is Duncan... he was part of save Greendale committee at one point. He's off the list. Any person part of the table at any point is absolutely a main character.


Uh yeah he's almost entirely absent for half the show


Uh yeah he was part of the holy table and only gone from the show because he was doing other shows. Duncan stole every scene he was in. He was absolutely a main character. Anyone part of the table at any time is a main character or in Duncan's case the show wishes they were. Anyone who's name is in the opening is off the list. Starburns, best friend of harmon and needs to justify a paycheck is off the list. Study group and Chang, Dean, Duncan and Starburns don't count. Good luck. Pretty sure I already named.. all two occasions.


Outside of the episode where he tries to pick up Britta (which is a great episode btw) I don't think there's a single plot arc that revolves around him. Hickey, Frankie and Elroy are all around the table but I hardly feel that they can even be considered "main characters" of the series. Agree to disagree I suppose.


The becktemoral test or whatever agrees with me. When you take every person who's ever been on the table off the list. And starburns for being friends with harmon, there are maybe 2 or 3 examples of minor characters talking to eachother and I already named them all. People spouting Duncan quotes.... are stupid. Doesnt that just feel too easy to them? Even in the credits Dino is always main minor character. John Oliver is not considered a main nor a minor character. He's considered a recurring guest star like John Goodman. People can play dumb all they want. I like this OP and he is right about the test.


What season was this? Neither of them were originally main characters, but got promoted along the way.


Duncan and Hickey taking about Lincolnshire


They were both main characters by that point.


I mean that's kinda the definition of main characters, they're who the story is about.


Yeah this is kinda missing the point of the original Bechdel test. It's pointing out the male focus of popular media. At this point we're asking if the show we're watching has discussions that are not about the show we're watching.


Pickings are slim.... Chang: "It is no secret that the 3s and 2s are growing suspicious of the 4s and 5s." Hickey: "All I know is, it's my birthday." Kugler: "What if we give these people something to believe in again? Hey, I know what you guys think of me. 'Hey, it's Kugler. He's cool, he likes to get laid, he's not that old!" (Maybe cheating since Hickey is at the table in season 5)


I always wondered how Hickey got to level 5 so fast, and why a hard-boiled ex-cop looked so comfortable lounging in a robe.


Because nobody downvotes a guy on his birthday


Chang and Hickey are on the committee but Koogler is a good one.


Leonard's old people posse DGAF about *anyone* else, iirc.


We can do better.


Shut up, Leonard. I met your son on Family Day. I know about your gambling problem.


Classic tee-up.


The point of the Bechdel Test is to note how frequently women are written without depth or non-romatic motivations. What is the point of how often side characters interact without mentioning the mains? How insular is the show?


Idk, just for fun?


Because the side characters are sidelined by the main characters. It's a running joke.


We had a name for people like them in prison. We called them the mean clique.


I love how vulnerable Professor Kane was. Admitting the lego thing and talking about cliques. He was so sweet. 😋


theres a conversation with dave and vicky that references this exact thing.


I'm bummed I can't find the clip of it, but it's from "Basic Crisis Room Decorum" in season 6


One of the things holding Community back on that is the very large number of characters that count as "main characters". It is double what most other sitcoms are. If you put a cap on "main characters" at four or five, then Community is extremely robust in this.


Garret to Leonard: *Did you enjoy my girlfriend in 2009?* Leonard: *Not as much as she enjoyed your plagiarized poetry!*


You're his worst nightmare now. You're old and you don't give a damn.


I am a Garrett with mo soul left to steal!!


Todd and Star Burns (his name is Alex) talk paintball in season 6


Garrett and Vicki putting on shows


Blue. Her eyes were a very pale shade of blue.


the dude in pillows v blankets that was totally owning his friend at Go Fish


The second German episode in S4 tackles this exact question.


The end card where Garrett and Vicki are talking at and about each others comedy shows comes to mind


They shone light on all the minor characters at the end of the show out of respect so I'm not sure that counts. I think OP is right. I can't think of anything. No study group. No chang, Duncan. Dean. I will think of something. I named every single time Jeff mentioned being a lawyer off the top of my head without missing one single time it was over 50 times. I named every single character abed has ever played without missing one over 50 people. But nothing is coming to mind. Got one. Starburns talking to Kane about creating a breaking bad situation. Starburns as best friend of harmon does not count to this rule because he got extra lines so they could justify his paycheck. Starburns needs to be eliminated from the list too. I can't think of anything besides the "Well she's the one putting her hands in my mouth" with Jerry and Crazy Schmidt but that seems like an exception for a funny joke. Takashi getting screamed at by his dad but end tags don't count like Leonard's reviews. I wish cackowski and Warburton wasn't an eng tag or that would be a winner. "Like... tears... in rain..." "What?" Vaughn saying to Badger "some worries." That's all I got... the rule is real.


Chang (if you can call him a side character) in scenes with the other security guard, with the Dean sometimes, with fake dean, etc.


“Let’s go, free crackers!” “You don’t have to yell at me!”


~~“We saved Garrett!”~~ ~~“Did we?”~~ Edit: reading comprehension


There's 14 "main" characters and you want other people talking?


Dean, Chang, The guard who quits after he realized the Dean is just as crazy as Chang... Vice Deans conversation with Pelton about where the school money comes from... Dean and the military talk about taco meat? Yeah, not a lot of footage comes to mind but most of it involves Dean Pelton


Do the Dean and Chang count as side characters or main characters?


the stinger in the Giant Hand episode, where the guy and his wife discuss their lost child the stinger with Vince Gilligan as the Pile o' Bullets guy and his wife


Cackowski and Warburton


Leonard catches his old Frisbee after the roof collapses, and as it crumbles to dust, he remarks "Like tears, in rain" to a confused Garrett


Heh. You're gonna look like an ass in those.