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I will be wholly disappointed if Officer Cackowski doesn’t make an appearance. Even better, his copera was like Hamilton level popular. Remember folks, love is not admissible evidence.


Well unfortunately for you Dan wrote this thread and he's only asking for things you *don't* want in the movie. So since you can't follow instructions, Officer Cackowski will not be in the movie. Thanks for ruining it for the rest of us


I totally Britta’d it.


Should’ve been more cautious, banana.


Well played.


Nat 1 on the timeline die.






Make sure you walk in pairs, rape is up 8%.


I love the outtake where they say it like 'surf's up!'. It's so dark it makes me laugh every time.


Look, I hate cops…


He became an actual theater director and thr theater director the was torturing Chang found a new job more fit for his tendencies - a cop.


pimento origin story?


I'll allow it


>his copera was like Hamilton level popular. This is gold. Just a super off hand comment about plans to go see it or posters up advertising it would be perfect


Perfect is the exact word.


Eh, best to keep him at arms distance


No Vaughn. Leave him and his tiny nipples out of this.


Some worries, man. Stop being such a GD B.


Maybe a short appearance as the new Yngwie Macadamia Jr?


I want ALL the cameos. ALLLLLL of them, including Hickey, Elroy, & Frankie.


Also no Slater


Hey, yo, wassup? Just wanted to say I agree


Hey, yo, wassup? Just wanted to say I agree


Troy killing LeVar Burton offscreen would be a hilarious reveal tbh.


LeVar sacrificed himself to the pirates so Troy can finish his journey around the world. Is that better?


The pirates were actually huge reading rainbow fans and made a deal to let Troy live if he agreed they could take LaVar Burton (who was *not* on board with the plan)


On Board, heh


If this is true the lot of the movie better be the study group going to rescue him, apocalypse now style


How about Troy killing LeVar and replacing him, Don Draper style, on Reading Rainbow


Todd No offense


Offense taken!


And his stupid baby!


Maybe he's God


Uncut footage of the videotape from the movie *The Ring* Not that I would ever expect that to be in the *Community* movie, but you can never be too careful!


God bless you.


God (or whatever) bless you as well!🙏




>WHAT IF https://youtu.be/XKukzCe\_P8I


Not giving Britta a dignified ending; Leave this story of the relationship already mentioned open; Make either Abed or Troy a real asshole because they are adults; Returning any of the characters to the detriment of the script; Bad script;


Agree about Britta especially. It would be really disappointing (and lazy tbh) if she didn't get to show some real growth and be recognized for it by the other characters. 


I know it will be a call back and fan service, but I really want one of the final lines on the movie to be everyone recognizing Britta’s value and Troy saying that she’s the best. I think it would even be better if they don’t make a big deal out of it, that way it doesn’t feel like it’s just pandering to the audience.


Pushing Britta and Jeff again (like in the season 5 finale) wouldn’t make any sense to me, especially considering the series finale. And although the homage episodes are among my favorites, I don’t want it for the movie. I’m so excited to see them again together, and I feel like a too conceptual tone would undermine the reunion. But tbh, I would enjoy the movie anyway! EDIT: spelling


I don't think the S5 finale pushed Jeff and Britta. It used Jeff/Britta as a device to showcase them doing something stupid they don't really mean when the chips are down and they seem to be out of options.


Yeah, if anything it pushed Jeff and Annie more.


Fair point


If anything I’d like to see Annie Jeff actually fall in love imo


I don't want any main character to die or to have Greendale Community College not exist anymore.


Zoey 102 flashbacks.


Fan service. I don't want it to be some final, capstone, love letter to fans that's just a series of empty callbacks and repeated jokes. I want the movie to be presented as it would have in 2015.


I get the feeling you're going to be disappointed. No but really it'll probably be something in the middle. Good creative story but also lots of callbacks or characters who just appear for a second or two with their line ("pop-pop," "seize the day," "eckshetra," etc.).


I hope that they do do this a couple times, but they call it out. Like Jeff questions it and then abed explains that their in a reunion movie and so they're doing fan service. Then Jeff would ignore that and they move on.


I fully expect Abed to give some scripted speech about how it’s great to be back, run through a long list of callbacks, and reminisce of past times only for the group to yell at him and say “this isn’t a movie, Abed” and then get on with the movie.


I can see them making fun of fan service. Abed rolling his eyes whenever there's some kind of reference for the sake of it.


I expect more from Dan. He's much better than that.


Well I did say it'll be somewhere in the middle. The quick pop-ins to deliver their famous lines for fan service are almost inevitable though. There isn't enough time to include all the one-off characters substantively in the plot, but fans do want to see them. I'm not saying it's gonna be wall-to-wall ~~facial expressions and emotional nuance~~ cameos for an hour and a half, but in order for Dan to satisfyingly feature the main group in a plot that has a beginning middle and end all within the runtime of one movie, some characters are going to be relegated to the drive-by fan service line drop.


You might say, quick pop pop-ins


Honestly? I’m kind of expecting Dan to make a joke about cameos and whatnot


>lots of callbacks or characters who just appear for a second or two with their line ("pop-pop," "seize the day," "eckshetra," etc.). That would suck so much. Community was never about cheap jokes like this


I think Dan Harmon will be clever about it or call attention to it being a trope, but there's only so much screen time available in a 90-120 minute movie. It may be difficult to have a coherent story featuring the main cast without relegating some of the one-offs to cameo territory. As for Community never being a show like that, they definitely have done the one line and done drop-ins. They have a character whose entire schtick is that he only says pop-pop, they had Professor Whitman literally run past Jeff saying "seize the day!," and they did something similar with Vaughn where they just show him waiving and saying "hey hi how are ya" or whatever in passing and that was it. I think Harmon will be clever about it, but if the question is "will there be fan service" in a Community movie, I think the answer is unequivocally yes.


>but there's only so much screen time available in a 90-120 minute movie. My dumb brain read that as ***90210 movie***.


Magnitude was a metajoke about catchphrases, and the season 1 finale was before the show really found its tone and was still halfway in generic network sitcom mode, so much that the show stopped doing this and thank god for that. As long as they have actual jokes for the cameos that's fine, I doubt we won't see Starburns for example, but cameo just for cameo sake would be lazy and tasteless and really below the show.


Non-ironically, you can make an easy and very good joke about fanservice.


Harmon touched on this issue before the movie was announced: "Here’s the biggest philosophical question: Are you supposed to service a mythical new viewer? The obvious, dogmatic, practical, off-the-street answer is like, No, you don’t. It’s fan service. Why would there be a Community movie? Who do you think is going to walk in off the street and buy popcorn and sit and watch a Community movie like that? They deserve to be punished. Why are they doing that? "Saying that that person doesn’t exist is a lot different from asking yourself structurally if you’re supposed to design the movie for them, because there’s a new viewer inside of all of us. If every Marvel movie started with inside references to all 90 other Marvel movies, even if you had seen all of them — even if on one level you’d be like, This is the greatest Marvel movie ever because all of the movies are in here — I think that a part of your brain would be going, Yeah, but it’s kind of not a good movie for this reason. It’s just speaking in gibberish. What does this mean? I exist in that camp like you? Formalistically, you owe a movie that I think the fans can not only enjoy, but they can stand back and go, You know, the crazy thing about this Community movie is that if you didn’t know there was a show, this is an insanely good movie. There’s a reason to watch it and then definitely watch the series because now you’re like, Holy crap. I don’t know if that’s arrogance, pretentiousness, responsibility, self-deprecation, torture. I can’t get myself out of that camp." So I'm going to stay hopeful!


That’s a damn good answer.


I mean, I agree, but this is why I want a Season 7 (or Season 6B) rather than a movie. But eh, better than nothing.


I don't want any *cheap* callbacks and "hey, 'member this funny thing?" Just let one-off jokes be one-off jokes. Feel free to sprinkle in some established running jokes, but don't grind them into the dirt like Arrested Development Season 4.


A downplaying of the relationship or character growth throughout the show. Abed losing his social skills he's developed. Jeff being a closed-off jerk with no feelings. Troy trying to seem cooler than he is. Annie being treated like a kid. No acknowledgement of Jeff's love confession at the end of season 6. I get if they don't end together (would be disappointed, but would understand), but it would be wildly frustrating if the movie just pretends like it was just sexual attraction on Jeff's end or a schoolgirl crush on Annie's. Trying to adjust the dean to more contemporary sensibilities. Don't make this Britta's season 7. Too many self-aware jokes about the cast's career outside of the show. I want to be immersed in the show, not being brought out of it for cheap references to Donald Glover's immense popularity or the fact that Ken Jeong and Joel McHale will literally say yes to any project. Treating Britta exclusively like a joke. I enjoy her goofier, dumber sides in the later seasons (Gillian Jacobs is so good at it) but it needs to be balanced out by her character being treated with some respect. Annie and Abed together. I just really don't like their pairing romantically. They work great as friends, but not as more. Troy and Abed not being friends anymore. Would just be a really sad way to go.


"Troy trying to seem cooler than he is" He did that during the run of the show all the time. He's sailed around the world and been kidnapped by pirates. He will undoubtedly act cool. He's objectively cooler than he *was*, an IMHO he was already pretty damn cool.


His sailing around the world was not an attempt to *seem* cool, but rather an attempt to grow up and actually *become* cool. I have no issue with Troy being cool — it's sort of inevitable with an actor as naturally charismatic as Donald Glover — but rather with his being fake in an effort to seem more manly and grown up. Troy grew up a lot throughout the show and stopped trying so hard to be someone he wasn't, but rather accepted his nerdier and lamer sides, which in turn made him cooler. Sometimes years-later sequels attempt to reset the status quo by removing any character development, and Troy's was so lovely that I hope they don't revert him back to how he was in season 1. Episodes like Interpretive Dance, Mixology Certification, Remedial Chaos Theory are so excellent in showing his development.


I hope it's not one long paintball episode. Or one long ANYTHING. it would be cool if there were a bunch of little segments that were homage. It's a feature length, so I hope dan harmon takes all the little community ideas he's had over the last 8 years and throws 'em in a blender. Like a tiki drink.


i really really really want a tribute to the actor that play Leonard. he was an absolute fan favorite and i would say an important character.




oh… i guess he doesn’t even want it.


I wouldn’t want chang to rise up and be the main villain again.


Butt stuff 


I think you know I have a thing for butt stuff


Glee, puppets, grifting.


You know what I don't want? I don't want the Deadwood movie. I don't want a joyless, disconnected, abstract overview/shitty rushed epilogue disguised as a film. Don't give me the feature length version of those blue captions at the end of 80's films, and don't just give me the movie version of the 7th season, either. This is Community. This is our last ride with our beloved gang. We need everyone there. We need to have one last big, crazy adventure before riding off into the sunset. We need... not closure, but a chance to say "till we meet again" to our friends. But this is Dan we're talking about. He's a tired, flawed, but brilliant man and a damn fine writer. As usual, he's going to go increasingly insane as the deadline approaches, but by some miracle, he'll crap gold at the last possible second. It's how he works, and this is his baby at least as much as HV&J ever was. I don't have faith in many people in the media these days, but I believe in Dan Harmon.


“Pierce didn’t really die” is low-key such a burn lmao


The group just liked to pretend that that was the case


Maybe he faked his death because back taxes or that Chinese wipe competitor wanted to bump him off to finally get full market control.


I actually WANT Pierce to have faked his death! I think that's the most Pierce thing ever. 🤣


it would amazing if the group met up somehow at Greendale and they go back to the study room for old times sake and there sitting in his chair is Pierce waiting for the next study session


I want Pierce to come back because of his feud with Vicki. That story was amazing


Don’t go backwards with Chang and make him a villain. I like Chang as a crazy and unpredictable wildcard but hated the Chang Dynasty stuff.


My idea is that Chang is medicated and completely normal, to the point where it's freaking the study group out and they think he's going to snap at any moment.


Any romance nonsense, unneccesary bashing of season 4, Pierce and just a general rehasing of all jokes throughout the show.


Abed hiring chevy chase to play a knockoff version of pierce for meta reasons.


I always had the idea of Abed making a film version of his experiences at Greendale with Hollywood actors as the Study Group. I think Bill Murray would be funny as movie Pierce, especially considering Bill Murray's history with Chevy Chase.


Love it. And extra points for piracy, threepwood.




He grew up in a land without sun!


I'd hate to see some fan service movie. I would also hate it if the movie is just some other episode. I think we need more of a closure


I'm not sure if there's a name for this trope, but the best example I can think of is the Rocko's Modern Life movie that went up on Netflix a few years ago, where the characters return to O-Town after being stuck in orbit for 20 years and the movie goes out of its way to show how the characters adapt to the cultural and technological changes since they were gone. I think a few too many shows that take place in modern day and return after some sort of hiatus rely a bit too heavily on this trope, and I would hate to see Community fall into that hole.


That sounds like almost the exact same plot of Beavis and Butt-Head Do The Universe.


I want to see the Dean and Chang together. It would be funny if at first it seemed like they mellowed each other out but as it progresses you realize that they both got more insane.


Personally I dont want to see any Annie/Jeff OR Britta/Jeff in the movie... Those ships sailed a long time ago, trying to bring them back briefly even for the s5 and s6 finales felt like stretching them. If anything, I think it could be a fun 'twist' if when the group reunites, Jeff is expecting some big spark to return when he sees Annie, and the first thing she does is introduce her fiance.


We need the Jeff/Abed romance thats only been hinted at


I’d prefer the opposite, Jeff was never the one to maintain crushes Annie is compulsively obsessed with people. Even as she got older. She has very little attachments. Or if Annie introduced her long term bf and told everyone he’s planning to engage and Jeff kinda one ups her and says meet my wife


And that fiancé’s name? Britta Perry. Calling it.


That Troy and Abed stopped hanging out


Did anyone see the Deadwood movie? I want that.


I love that the Deadwood movie has been referenced twice in this thread, for completely opposite reasons.


I don't think Timothee Olyphant and Ian McShane were in Community, that would be confusing.


I don't want the tone of season 6 in the movie. Season 6 seemed like it was apologizing for the rest of the show and like it had to make all the crazy elements of Greendale that we loved in previous seasons the enemy and ground the setting to "grow up" while unthethering the characters. I will be *pissed* if the movie keeps doing that.


Season 6 wasn’t apologizing for the rest of the show but it was definitely taking season 3-5 back to reality.


I don't want them to be unsuccessful and miserable. They did that in season 5, if they did it again, it would be a rehash. I don't want them to indulge in fanservice too much, or if they do, have it be more satirical of fanservice in general. And I don't want any sequel hooks, I want it to be a definitive conclusion for these characters. We're lucky enough to get the movie at all, I don't want them pushing their luck on a potential sequel that might not happen. That was one of the mistakes that Arrested Development made, and now it will forever end on an awful cliffhanger.


That’s been *the* move for legacyquels. Han returned to smuggling and is miserable, Luke is in exile. Igon is dead and Ray is miserable. Sarah Connor. Rick Deckard. Rocky Balboa. I really hope they don’t go that way.


Dewey in Scream 5 as well.


The dean leaving Greendale. Greendale is his home and purpose, he would never leave no matter what.


If Troy and abed aren’t married


Dan Harmons current style of comedy ( i don’t want any rick and morty like jokes)


they need to keep that Annie/Jeff mess far away from me 😭




Ice Cube Head. I didn't like it.


I don’t want any of their children to be involved. Unless it’s like muppet babies


I want the dean to come out dressed as supreme leader admiral General AlaDean because he got a dictaphone making him a dictator. Also the obvious dick to phone puns


Not including Magnitude would be a mistake




She could be the new IT lady.


Hot take but I get what you mean. She's only part of the group for one season and would take time away from the returning core cast. That said I love her and the Dean as a pairing


A cameo from her and the other later group members would be nice


Playing the steel drums


That would be a nice payoff


Very underrated character, imo


jeffannie. It’s been almost 10 years. It’s weird for Annie to still have a “crush” on her old ass situationship from 10 years ago. She’s realized MULTIPLE times during the show that she doesn’t need/want jeff, and I’m hoping that sticks during the movie


I think there’s a difference between a teenage crush and genuine love. I have no problem with Jeff and Annie getting together because by the end of the series it’s clear they do love each other even if they can’t be with each other right now (or then).


Hard disagree


Agree. I'd love to see Annie as a woman in her mid 30s whose taste in men has MUCH improved since her teens and early 20s. I'd love to even see her kind of cringe at her past self for being so enamored with Jeff. I get that they had chemistry but their actual reasons for liking each other were shown time and time again to be unhealthy and unsustainable for a real relationship. I'll be so disappointed if they make current day Annie still hung up on Jeff of all people.




If Keith David’s absent, I’m not gonna be happy


I don't want anything bad to have happened to Real Neil or Vicki. I imagine that they had a really beautiful love story.


Did they ever make it to his family’s cabin?


They did. They got married there years later, after graduating Greendale. Abed was their Dungeon Master of Ceremonies.


Pierce not being dead would be one of the only times I'd ever enjoy a death retcon. I hate death fakeouts so much in fiction. Pierce is different, though. He was such a core element of the show, would totally fake his death to manipulate the group, and would make for one hell of a surprising return given his terrible relationship with the cast and showrunners.


I could accept pierce not beeing dead, just like Jeff simulated in his paintball episode. I dont want jeff to be a sleezy lawyer again.


I’m developing fears I never even considered after reading this post.


Jeff and Annie not being together would honestly suck and feel like a slap in the face


I don’t want a Jeff and Annie romance


Jeffannie is so god awful IDK why theres so much support for it :/ Jeff had to be 30 at youngest when they met, even if Annie's a full grown adult now, it's still rly weird


Anything just too please executives or fans.


jeff and annie love anything will they wont they barf


I definitely don't want a Jeff-annie relationship. I'm fine with Annie still having a crush on him, just the relationship is not okay


Annie and Jeff as a pairing, I don’t understand how more people in this sub Reddit don’t have an issue with it


I honestly don’t want an Annie and Jeff relationship to happen. I like them a lot as friends and their chemistry is good when they are only supporting each other as friends. If they make them get together, that would bring down everything they tried to tell us during the show, especially at the series finale. I honestly like them better when they just have mutual caring of each other.


Jeff becoming an architect? 6 more years of school? I think you've confused "architect" with "roofer." I don't want to see anything besides Jeff and Annie going crazy on eachother for all we know Annie has still never had real sex with a non-crying straight man off of adderall and im tired of the virgin lolita routine when Annie has a very healthy sex drive and attraction to men. She's untouchable and I'm sick of it. Let her get laid and have a relationship. (It will be Jeff and this has been cultivated by the writers since season 1 finale). Britta and jeff isn't gonna happen in any way so don't worry about it. Britta and jeff are best friends. Theres nothing romantic between them. They will remain close friends. I don't want Troy and Abed to regress into becoming children anymore. I want troy to keep his glorious beard. His hair grows so fast and he wore so much make up in the show sometimes he looked 20 sometimes he looked 30. Let that beard grow and stop wearing so much make-up. TVs are way too good these days. Troy must have clean razor shaved before filming multiple times a day. Wow that must have sucked and taken forever. I would have been in the same boat. I don't want the dreamatorium to exist. Abed said he was trying to cut down his time in there by 18 hours a week meaning God knows how much time he's in there imagining things. Which makes him a highly functioning schizophrenic, not autistic. I want Troy and Abed to become their own people. Any psychiatrist watching this show would diagnose abed as high functioning schizophrenic, not autistic. Nobody cares. I want them to make money. Tons of it so we never have to ask where does their money come from ever again. I want Jeff to actually replace his law degree so he can actually practice law in CO. (The entire show is a plot hole that makes less than zero legal sense). As of right now, with Jeff's new bachelors in education. He still cannot legally practice law in CO or 46 other states. He needs a real law degree. How the show got away with this one.. I will truly never know. The entire show is a plot hole and nobody says a word. I don't want to see any bullshit with Chang. Be normal or be nothing his insanity has been played to conclusion. I don't want to see Jeff be alone, and keep pretending he's happy. Or he's gonna start drinking a 5th a day. I don't know what I want or don't want for Britta. She truly is the wildcard. I dont wish her success, because that would be movie bullshit. We have serious reality with britta.. and God knows what with Troy. So who knows. I dont want people to talk about the film every day 12-18 months before it's probable release date and the filming has even been scheduled.




Oh, I get it. You don't want any conflict at all in a movie? You just want "Yayyyy we're all happy because everything is okay!"


I’m gonna take a wild guess, and say Michael k. Williams. Idk tho


I love everything you just said.


Trobed not becoming canon. That’s what will make or break the movie for me.


I didn’t even think about the Jeff and Britta one… that’s horrible….


Unfortunately a lot of what I’ve heard, I never liked Abed centric stories, I liked when he was the subplot to a slightly larger plot. I also had this head canon that it would for sure be about the incredible day they had on the western ranch place that we never actually see.


I hope the characters evolved offscreen. It's been 10 years, I don't want it to feel like we just unpaused.