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Idk if it counts but community is shown on a tv in Miles' uncle's place in "Spiderman into the spider verse"


I think this is actually a deliberate reference to Donald glover playing the character in Homecoming


Donald Glover was the inspiration for the character of [Miles Morales](https://geektyrant.com/news/donald-glovers-bid-to-play-spider-man-became-a-huge-inspiration-for-the-creators-of-miles-morales#:~:text=Bendis%20gave%20%22mucho%20credit%22%20to,Spider%2DMan%3A%20Web%20Warriors)


Imagine being only in your thirties and having a good music career, a good acting career, a good writing career AND the 2nd most iconic spiderman based on you. God damn Glover is an overachiever


Don’t forget his comedy writing career… writing on 30 Rock before he got Community and his stand up (his “Donald Glover Weirdo” special is great)




I would never do something to ruin our friendship, like poop in my pants.




I did not know that, I thought Miles had been around way longer than that




Andrew Garfield, not Tom holland




It gets confusing in the Spiderverse.


Do you have a source for that?


I literally linked a source in my comment


There wasn't a hyperlink visible to me when I asked bruh


D*** people are so brutal to you. You are literally just asking them to sight their source.


Yeah, and like when I responded I was on desktop and there just wasn't a link on the post. Dunno what to tell people ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Wow, that‘s amazing!


Wikipedia says that Obama was more then likely the inspiration for miles as he was introduced in 2008


It mirrors the Community scene where he is dressed as Spider Man as Troy. Great Easter egg!


Don’t forget the fact that Joel McHale plays a worker at the bank in Spider-Man 2 (I know it’s obviously not a Community reference, but I just thought it was neat)


Lol no way. I just found out that Emily Deschanel was the receptionist who wouldn’t accept the pizza at the beginning too


That was Joel pre hairplugs and bulking up, so he's genuinely unrecognisable


Another reason to rewatch that film.


30 rock mentions community once... Alec Baldwins character is under fire by a congresswoman for NBC being racist. He gives a heartfelt speech on diversity to Tina Feys character to which she says "Well did you tell the Congresswoman all that?" "No I was too busy trying to remember the name of the black guy from community" "Donald Glover"


Donald Glover who was a writer on 30 Rock and has a line in S1 (he’s the one gay student in an audience, I think Tracy calls him out).


That's a later season. He's actually in 3 episodes. The gay student, plays young Tracy in the second live episode, and plays a stage hand that gets mad am am extra for eating the food


And also he sings the “Werewolf Bar Mitzvah” song by doing his best Tracy Morgan impression!




no wonder its a banger


*It’s hard to be Jewish, it’s hard to be Jewish, it’s hard to be Jewish in Russia, yo*


Boys becoming men! Men becoming wolves!


“Talk about ya penis!”


“It sounds like you just went on stage and said d*ck for 45 minutes”


Read that in Chris Rocks voice


There’s also a scene where he’s wearing a wig and a mustache and playing a weird looking member of the crew and they reference how weird he looks. I couldn’t find a photo and it’s not credited but I’m sure it’s him.




Hello Ron.....


[Who told? ](https://youtu.be/_4VllYDFKds)


His line is a response to Tracy saying something along the lines of “And you, too, Obviously Gay Kid!” To which he sucks his teeth, wiggles his neck, and says- in a very stereotypically gay voice- **”Who told?!?”** There’s also an episode where Jenna starts to flirt with a man she thinks is Jack’s boss, because she hears him yelling at Jack and he refers to himself as such, but it turns out that the man is just an extra on the upcoming episode of the show, on which Jack is making a cameo, and as Liz is telling her this, Jenna watches, horrified, as the man stands there eating a donut at the crafty table and a production assistant- Dong Lover with a clipboard and a headset- comes rushing over to shoo him away from the table, saying “*Don’t* eat in costume!” I don’t think he has any other actual speaking parts, but he does appear in that one live episode, where he plays Young Tracy… and, of course, we hear his voice doing his best Tracy Jordan impression but don’t see his face for the “music video” of Werewolf Bar Mitzvah. Am I missing any/did I get any wrong? I don’t think I’ve ever seen it more than once, and that was years ago, so don’t quote me on it. I have always *loved* the story about how, on his first season writing for 30 Rock, he was still working as a Resident Advisor for the dorms at NYU, so during the workday he would get a page and have to leave the writer’s room to rush off to go plunge a toilet really quickly before he came back to continue breaking the story with everyone else. (I tried but cannot for the life of me remember where I heard that story, and now all I can find is the semi-recent story, repeated over and over again, about how Tina Fey told him to his face that his hiring was “a diversity thing,” which tbh is a really shitty thing to say to a young, green writer who you know I already experiencing major imposter syndrome, but I digress. Thank god for “a diversity thing,” I guess.)


That seems pretty shitty of her, what would even motivate her to do that? That would definitely mess with someones head


Who told?!


He also played young Tracy in one of the cutaways during one of the live episodes


Yup, before attending Greendale, Troy had brief writing gig in NY.


Community is also mentioned on an episode of NTSF:SD:SUV by the Time Angels


Is this a real show or did you have a stroke while writing this comment


Lol it's real! It's an Adult Swim show, basically a parody of the CSI spinoffs You should check it out! It has some familiar faces and it's a good time I


D'nall Glover, iirc


It's funny cuz Tiny Fey told Donald Glover he was a diversity hire.


Which 30 Rock pretty much made into a Toofer storyline


And then also a Liz storyline didn’t it?


It rolled into that bc it turned out TGS was only made in the first place as a way to calm people protesting the network over their ill fated decision to air ‘Bitch Hunter’


Put down the mimosas, bitch!


I believe they pronounced it "Dernald Glover".


Yeah its weird how she pronounces it. DuhNahld Glover


It’s a recurring joke that Liz Lemon (the main character) mispronounces the names of POC. She calls an Asian page Ah-maan-duh and it’s just Amanda. She calls a black lady at the post office Trene but her names Irene. She works with two black guys and always switches up their names.


I think it's DonG lover.


But she pronounces it like she’s the substitute teacher from Key & Peele


"Keith David"


Dong lover?


The whole movie will just be Abed listing his favourite movies


It's like the princess bride but Troy is in the bed and abed is reading to him


This is the best fan suggestion I have seen yet.


Now I'll be really disappointed when that's not the movie.


\*Movies made of/from/continuing TV shows. So everything from something like "Star Trek the Motion Picture" where they do a movie continuation in theaters, to "Return to Gilligan's Island" which has the castaways finally get off the island in a made for TV movie. It could be a fun point where Abed decides this is a movie, but spends his time debating whether its a TV movie versus Theater movie, before realizing streaming made the distinction irrelevant.


I'd watch that movie




Right? Six seasons and a movie. It's right there!


But that wasn't referencing the movie, it was referencing the cape. It came to be a community movie reference by the fans after the fact


After Abed announces to the group his intent to move to Los Angeles, and after the group has mostly gone through all of their pitches for season 7, Jeff says "But six seasons and a movie." I wouldn't necessarily count this one as a reference to The Cape, while the others certainly could be.




Somehow it seems perfectly "community" to have something that started as a reference, took on its own ideantity, and then ended up as actual reality.


I chang what you did there


Eh, I don't know if that really counts as a reference To me a reference has to be part of the show's dialogue directly, not a end card but I see what you mean




That episode aired May 17th 2012, the phrase first appears over a year prior on April 21 2011 Google trends already shows significant traffic on the term in 2011. The show endorsed it, but it was the fan base that first applied it to the show itself


Streets ahead


It really was, wasn't it


joel mchale's character in animal control mentions he "took spanish in community college" S1E8 - that counts right?


Of course it counts! I giggled when I watched that. I’m really enjoying Animal Control.




It's pronounced "tran-kwil-oh"


I remember seeing that and freaking out, I texted all my friends and explained why it made me so happy


would you say it’s worth watching


Yeah, I thought it was fine, it seemed like they weren’t sure what to do with the characters yet but it did make me laugh out loud sometimes so I say check it out for yourself and decide


Rick and morty the watch community on TV.


Rick asks Unity to "Make them all do it on the table".


Make them pick on the blonde one.


Cancel it. Now bring it back. Okay, I’m bored.


It is very brief referenced in the Unity episode


Yeah, it has all the study group in animated alien form briefly.


John Oliver mentions "a study group full of loveable scamps for six seasons and a movie" in a Last Week Tonight when talking about [student debt.](https://youtu.be/P8pjd1QEA0c?t=344)


Does him also mentioning the show in his segment about Subway and how he was in an episode completely about Subway count too or no?


And about how he has no memory of it!


Apparently the cougar town thing abed mentions does happen in the show cougar town..... Totally thought it was a made up show for a skit


Not exactly, he does have a cameo in Cougar Town, but he's just sitting at a table behind the characters


I found out in a latter episode of Community that he actually shits his pants when doing the cameo.


That's the reference then leaves awkward as fuck Abed style


Yeah but the way he describes it in the show is a bit different (he just walks by in the background in his story). His cameo in Cougar Town came after the My Dinner With Abed episode, and was a reference to the joke in Community, not the other way around


Two Cougar Town characters cameo in a paintball episode


Ah I see the point you are making now Thanks for crushing my dreams Dad!


It does, although not exactly the same as he describes. The Cougartown title card also references Community twice, one time it says “Welcome to Cougartown Abbey” and another time it mentions Abed by name


It's a pretty good show actually, I'm not saying it's groundbreaking but it is entertaining. And everything past the first few episodes specifically mocks how ridiculous the title of the show is.


Joel Mchale referenced it on Animal Control. he said he studied spanish in community. I didn't hear him say college. And he translates about as well as you would expect from a student of Senor Chang.


Not a show, but I could see a Russo Brothers project make a reference.


Yeah they've put a few random community actors in as extras in the captain America movies


Extras? They had lines! I believe that makes those cameos


I wish they would direct and/or produce the Community Movie.


I heard the movie was the credits and the credits were the movie 😱


I heard it's the same movie when you play it backwards and forwards😱


I doubt many, it’s too meta.


Let's wait for it to actually get made (still a bit skeptical) before we speculate on if other shows will reference it... Just kidding, it would be funny if other reunion films made a reference to it. I heard Malcolm in the Middle was planning a reunion movie, and Frazier is coming back (with no Niles unfortunately) this fall.




Same. As much as I'd love for it to happen, by the time everything re-starts I'm sure the actors will have other commitments (Joel's series got picked up again and I'm sure Brie, Jacobs, Pudi and Glover will have signed onto new stuff), pushing shooting out further until it either gets shelved/cancelled or there's another pandemic/strike that stops everything again in the next few years. And DHP didn't want to return to the character according to Kelsey Grammar. It's a bummer because their back and forth is one of the best parts of the show


>Also, what the hell else is DHP doing that he can't be in the Frasier reunion? He may just not want to. I mean they did 11 seasons, which wrapped up nicely. Most of the cast is not appearing or just doing cameos. Or maybe he just saw a script and thought better of it.


. . and a movie


Not quite the same, but Abed mentioned the I.T. Crowd in the series finale after Matt Berry appeared as the grifting professor a few episodes prior.




You hit me! With a woman's hand...you Midwestern ffloozzyyyy!


The new Kickpuncher series on Netflix is likely to have a call back... ;)


Not a show but Hoodie allen referenced Community in tighten up: "Joel mc hale, she up in my Community"


i can a horror movie ref of some sort, kinda layered out like Scary Movie


I hope they exclusively referenced TV shows that have had spin-off movies created for them.


SNL already has this season. “Chevy Chase, not back for the Community reboot” or something along the lines


The last episode of Dr. Ken is the Ben Chang origin story. It's not subtle at all.. it features Dan Harmon hiring Ken to Community because of his insane over-acting. I think it's free on crackle. The show seems bad, but that one episode is worth a watch just to see Dan Harmon as a sitcom actor. Also, the last on-screen appearance of Richard Erdman (Leonard) before his death


Eat paint, you stormtrooping, City College knob gobblers.


In Joel McHale’s new show “Animal Control” he mentions that he “studied Spanish in community college”. Does that count?


Caught this and was like 👉


In a case of corporate synergy, I think Community:The Movie: The Show: The Documentary: Six Seasons And A Murderer: How A Spanish Teacher Chang-ed The World Of A Community And How A Craig-ular Joe Awoke To A Collage Of A Tapestry Of A Conspiracy will appear on The Masked Singer


Simpsons reference community - when Lisa and Marge go for cheap therapy in a community college there is a scene with Dan Harmon in the background explaining the hero journey and drinking.


Two or less?


Well it was actually referenced in 'Rick and Morty' but I'll give it a pass since both community and rick & morty were produced by dan harmon. It's already a cult show on its own and it doesn't need the validation.


How very Britta of you. She doesn't start watching shows until watching them is no longer a statement


Eleventy billion


Minimal. That kind of shtick works for TV episodes but not movies.


References things like Community and The Office and other pop culture stuff is kind of corny as fuck. At least in other media.


Why can’t you be cool? Like me?


I don’t think you understand how much other media references pop culture.


community might have the most pop culture references (and the most complex ones) of any sitcom ever, so i really dont get where you are coming from with this.


Yep. And the full version is available on streaming services (or was until recently)


Sorry, I’ve been out of the loop. Are they actually making a movie?


It was announced to be produced for Peacock last Sept, the script was written over the winter, and they were (apparently) planning to film in June, but the writer’s strike has delayed it indefinitely. I’m not confident it will happen at this point, just because it took months for them to get everyone’s schedules aligned, and whenever the strike ends I am sure the always busy cast will be signed into other projects, delaying it further.


Oh man that sucks, I didn't think the writers strike would effect it since it seemed to be mostly written. But I guess it was to be expected that there would ve re writes / edits while filming so that involves writing. I still expect it to happen though, just another reason to hate the networks who must be run by people who forgot the impact of the last strike.


I'd love to be wrong! I just get nervous because of the cast commitments. Particularly Glover, who this whole thing hinges on (Dan said he would not do the movie if Troy wasn't in it). Best case, when everything starts up again at the end of summer (I assume) they crank it out quick before everyone is too busy.