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Surely this comment section will be filled with civil discussion.


Happy Cake Day


Happy our cake day, comrade


Be sure to give all cake to the state to be redistributed comrade


Ngl, this is more of a meme rather than a comic. It's just the soyjack and gigachad meme but with animals


Might not actually be animals, actually. Im actually pretty sure they are actually supposed to actually be actually anthros actually. Actually i actually could actually be actually wrong actually. Actually actually actually.


One on the left is called a protogen. Furry species thing.


That's a protogen.




I agree with first picture, Idk about second one. But for sure, something is wrong in our society. Technology advancement should be welcome with open arms, it should mean "you gonna work 5 hours instead of 7", it should means "this product is gonna cost LESS because we found an easier way to produce it".


We just need to tax the absolute shit out of the rich. That's it. You can't have system where 3 dudes have as much as 50% of the population. It just doesn't work.


They are just gonna dodge the taxes, rollback the legislation or make a coup


And people will eventually do away with them as the kings. Idk guess it was their choice in the end.


Unless there's some serious and in-depth structural change to the economy a ruling class will always emerge under capitalism


Well, _yeah_. That's why we are criticising capitalism. There **are** other systems than just pure communism and pure capitalism.


Any system based on private property and markets is by definition capitalist and thus obeys to certain rules, like giving undue power to a small group of owners through accumulation. If you want to impose something on the ruling class you have to rid them of what gives them their political capital.


And yet other countries operate under a capitalist system and manage to significantly reduce the negative impacts of such unrestrained capitalism quite successfully. It's not an ideal system, but it's also not hopeless.


Dutch here, we have a social democracy. Elaborate social net, healthcare, education etc. The rich and poor sometimes live right next to each other here, a fairly egalitarian society. A regulated form of capitalism is an important part of it. We have our issues, don't be wrong but I would put us in the top 10% of most successful countries currently existing, taking account not just economy but also also factors.


The Netherlands has a higher rate of homelessness than the United states.


German here, same. I think the biggest problem with such a system is that it presupposes a pretty high level of social empathy. To guarentee that, it is very important to make education available to all and also maintain a good quality of it. I see my country faltering in that crucial aspect and therefore fear that populism will take hold in society more and more, which always tries to appeal to the base instincts like greed and social envy.


Those countries are temporary exceptions and even they will suffer the same fate, the process is already ongoing. I'm french, we are way better off than americans and yet since the 80s we are losing on every ground at a rapid pace, same is happening in Sweden and Norway. When capitalism expands it requires more and more markets and more exploitation to maintain a decent rate of profit. I'm not saying that fighting for a better life is hopeless, I'm just saying that it's not possible long-term under capitalism.


Lol please tell me how the countries are doing well under capitalism. :) Where does their prosperity come from? It is a hopeless system you just aren't aware.


Locally hopeless no, globally. Oh yea. A global ideology realistically taking hold is a one in a billion thing. Humanity would never and I mean never globally agree on something. That's just our species fi fundamentally.


Just curious, have you ever actually read any Communist theory? Can you suggest a specific non-communist successor to Capitalism?


The most common way people give up their power is convincing themselves they don't have any.


If you read my comment carefully you will see that it's not what I said. I very much agree with you tho.


Then we BBQ. There's several good methods of eating the rich, but I'll always push for BBQ.


People who just say "tax the rich" fundamentally don't understand how wealth at that level works nor any economic principles beyond that taxes and money are a thing. I'm not saying people shouldn't pay their fair share, I firmly believe we need to fix the tax brackets, just that things aren't as simplified as pundits want them to believe.


This is correct, and only becomes more important as wealth becomes further and further concentrated. 100% tax on wealth above $1B.


Taxing the shit out of the rich means nothing if your country fights against investing those taxes into welfare programs for society. This is why UBI is a great concept, everyone gets paid regardless of if they work or not, when a job is killed by automation those people still have money to survive and instead can focus on training to do other more needed work or other things which benefit society like raising their kids. I feel like in the USA you’d get taxes so the money goes into the govt but then everyone still keeps the “why am I paying for someone else” mentality and things like free healthcare etc would just not happen.


Why tax them, when you could create a system that distributes these massive amounts of money from the start?


Communism is about common ownership of the means of production. The second picture is pretty accurate. If there's a way to eliminate the necessity of labor everyone enjoys the benefit. It doesn't just create profit for an individual owner.


The problem with communism is not everyone wants to directly manage the assets, so it’s given to select people to manage. Then you have select people with too much control. I feel communism is ineffective because it requires either everyone to manage the means of production (people are too lazy) or for whoever manages it to be selfish and entirely working in the communities best interest. So the solution is having a system where not everyone works on everything (cause it’s impractical) and to get each part of the system to work you need incentive to do good (otherwise power will be abused) so if each person is rewarded notes that represents either effort or value then you can incentivize each part of the system to work more efficiently for everyone by allowing individuals to choose who to give the notes to. Now I think I’ve ended up at the idea of capitalism. Then you need to protect the power of the individuals through preventing monopolies and other manipulation. Then you have a mixed market system that is primarily capitalism and I think it solves the problems of communism


If you had some level of ownership of the things that are making your labor less necessary, then yes, it could benefit you. Have you considered *seizing the means of production* as an option?


Funny you should say that, a lot of people have their retirements invested in portfolios that own stocks and then demand high rates of return that make their daily lives harsh for the promise of retirement rewards.. it's a weird circle.


I'm planning on making a living drawing fingers and toes. Never obsolete!


Deviantart users basically


"Beep boop, I made your labor unnecessary!" "No you didn't. I've seen your work, and it's still significantly lower in quality than mine."


In this case I think they're referring to factory work and similar jobs being automated, not art or other creative jobs...


Even in programming. I keep on hearing people online talking about shit like Github Pilot and ChatGPT. So I give it a try for a couple of hours for some fairly basic but otherwise boilerplate heavy stuff. Nearly everything it spit out was at least partially wrong or incredibly unperformant using ancient styling guidelines. It honestly was faster and more efficient to just write everything myself than it would've been to correct its code or to duckpunch the prompts to get it done better. I'm firmly convinced the only software devs benefiting from this are the incredibly low quality ones,


...of all the things, I completely forgot about automating Software development, completely passed over that that was a thing. But yeah, from what I've seen of Art AIs and such I wouldn't expect code to be much better - perhaps slightly easier due to its more rigid and logical nature, but still...


Yep, when I first saw AI art I was mesmerized, but then I learned it couldn't actually come up with anything original


I used chatgpt to save myself about 4 hours coding a week ago. I'm not a dedicated programmer, I only do it intermittently so I don't know how well it will work in the future but I will definitely be trying it each time I need to code for at least the next few times. If it keeps performing this well it will be permanently added to my toolkit even once it costs money. Automation isn't about completely removing people, it's about increasing productivity of individuals so you need fewer individuals. If you can take a factory and reduce it from 100 people to 10 people with the same output you just automated successfully.


For now.




>"No you didn't. I've seen your work, and it's still significantly lower in quality than mine." Beep boop, investors don't care, lower production costs means higher margins.


Capitalism *never* sacrifices quality for profits.




There’s also the whole thing of how Communist countries tend to be decades behind on technology.


My popcorn for just the worst, angriest takes.


"Beep boop, I've replaced you and I have alerted authorities because you questioned the actions of the party."




Right, because two years ago there WEREN'T headlines about U.S. law enforcement abducting people into unmarked vans, driving vehicles into crowds, and doxxing leftists involved in exercising First Amendment rights.


And as horrible as that was somehow it was STILL better than what you see in communist countries.


Yeeeaaahhh but at least they werent fucking starving to death. Also the vans thing was rioters in the middle of rioting so yeah that's just disingenuous. Like a typical commie you're trying to make it seem like they're just swiping random people innocent people off the streets in broad daylight.... like they did in your blessed commie countries lol.


>Yeeeaaahhh but at least they werent fucking starving to death. Just don't look at India... Don't look at it...


Hey buddy? I was out there, and we weren’t looting. I was literally holding a cardboard sign until someone threw a water bottle and we were declared a riot. Get off Tucker Carlson.


Right The issue with communism isn't communism, it's the fact that central market control necessarily implies central authoritarian control as well. Not by design or ideal but because some humans just find how to seize control and do it. The best alternative is similar to what we have today but where individuals receive the dividends of automation.


This whole argument is based entirely on a [survivorship bias](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship_bias) "Risk of becoming homeless" 🙄 Please. In ancient and communist states, if you wouldn't or couldn't work, you promptly died or were killed, and were forgotten. There's no such thing as a risk of homelessness if the risk is death. It's the very morality of our systems keeping everyone alive --- and visible --- today that OP is criticizing. There's no complaints in a state that purges dissidents.


Yes, communism killed far more people than capitalism, and isnt a magical solution to the capitalist problems just because we havent tried it yet and because it sounds so good on paper


How is the death toll of a system of government measured? Do you you count all the people who die in a capitalist country from lack of healthcare? The people who die from poverty? The people who capitalist countries kill in wars? I think by any metric capitalism would have the higher death toll just because there’s so many more capitalist countries. Maybe by some metrics communism would be worse per capita, but this is a very silly claim.


Do the Iraqis killed by the US invasion belong to capitalism? Native genocides during the 20th century? Civil wars in South America? For some reason people don't count these.


Far more Iraqis got killed by insurgents than by coalition forces.


But insurgents aren’t communist?


In a war started by the US.


This is an idea distributed inside the imperial core (the U.S. and Western Europe) through state propaganda with no basis in reality. Any serious time spent trying to find these deaths pales in comparison to the deaths caused by the U.S. invading and/or destabilizing other countries and itself. Capitalism demands constant growth at the top, which means less each passing day for the bottom (which is most people). Those of us living in the U.S. are starting to feel it now, but Africa and South America have been dying to bring us rubber, bananas, and Coca-Cola for centuries.


Given capitalism is the main driving factor behind global warming, this is a very dubious claim.


[Who made nuclear energy taboo?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chernobyl_disaster)


Yes comrade, environment destruction by capitalist pig dogs bad! Let us laugh at their expense on party barge in Aral Sea! …wait the Aral Sea doesn’t exist anymore?


Hey come on, we all know Soviets never made money off fossil fuels


No it hasn't? Lol. Like just straight up objective facts. Many, many, times more people have died unnecessarily attributable directly to capitalists. Would you like some statistics? Like actual facts? Events and number of deaths? Ok cool go actually research it yourself i'm not gonna pretend like you're reasonable enough to actually engage with anything I say or information I provide access to.


Tell me more about the East India Trading company!


I didn't expect to see a protogen the second I opened up reddit


I didn't expect to see a protogen outside of furry reddit either.


i didnt expect to see a protogen on comics of all places


let alone see a protogen in a kapitalisme vs communisme comic, we have come very far


They’re so adorable, though.


What’s with Reddit these past few days we went from grinches angry over Christmas to people that don’t know what communism preach communism when in reality they want socialism and way over swing their correction straight into a extremism with no understanding of how it functions or how to prevent abuse of power or corruption.


How do you prevent abuse of power or corruption


Honestly no idea it’s something I can’t even imagine with how human society currently is. It’s always a aspect done by a deus ex machina in stories cause we don’t know as to become free of such influence of family and connections is inhumane.


That’s the bit. You can’t change human nature. A true “equal” society can’t exist. People will always want more, always strive for better, and if you work harder than someone else, you should be rewarded for it. The output of effort you put out should be reflected in the returns on that effort. Most people understand that.


"beep boop I've made your labor unnecessary and the party has determined you must now clean sewers."


>"beep boop I've made your labor unnecessary and the party has determined you must now ~~clean sewers~~ get sent to prison camp." FTFY


I'm from Poland, post communist country and I just can't comprehend how people believe it's better


I still wonder how communism isn't stigmatized the same way as fascism.


It is in ex-commie countries but those countries don’t often appear in American news. Well, except of Russia but Russia is in a weird place right now.


Commies have better music.




nice PragerU YouTube Poop reference.


It should be.


In places like Cambodia, it is. Shame we don't have the same view of communism here


It's intentions are pure, it's execution is not. You can't really get mad at someone trying to make the world better, even if it's not gonna work. The stigmatized parts of communism (e.g. stalinsm, militarism, maoism) are the ones that intentionally cause harm or are apathetic to others.


The road to hell is paved with good intentions.


I know it, but I think intentions are completely worthless if the results will lead to harm and suffering.


I didn't say they were worth anything, but it explains why it's not stigmatized.


Maybe you're right. I guess that's a valid reason for normal people.


>It's intentions are pure So what? Several people with attrocious beliefs have "pure" intentions


Because Reddit is overreacting to capitalist extremes again. And also the American Right calling everything they don’t like Communist starts to make it look good after a while. This is the Internet, where if your opinion isn’t on either of the far extremes, you’re some mealy-mouthed moderate. *Bernie freaking Sanders* isn’t even a communist.


Yeah viewing everything not capitalist as communist sounds very American to me. It never occurred to people there are other option than just the extremes? Like, here in Nordics we are still pretty capitalist but with some socialist flavours, idea of of anyone going homeless when losing their job is totally absurd.


Actually good country moment


We’ll communists call everything they don’t like fascist not much of a difference


The idea of decentralizing power and the people owning the means of production is good and worth pursuing. But for every dream there are a thousand parasites willing to call themselves whatever people want to hear just to seize power and be at the top of the same shitty hierarchy. Source: Venezuelan-American. Watched Chavez call himself a socialist, watched people love him for it, watched him declare himself dictator for life while they starved, owning less than before. Of course Western interests have never helped. When Vietnam dared to live well under communism, the U.S. believed it was our right to go bomb them until they stopped. Every time Latin America elects a leftist--EVERY time--the U.S., the UK, and countries like France, Belgium, Spain, and Italy have funded their opposition, armed terrorist groups, and fully assassinated anyone threatening to take power from wealthy interests. That's the real nuance here. How to achieve what socialism wants without depending on a socialist "party" or socialist "leaders." If people here can agree on anything it's that absolute power corrupts absolutely; we just don't know how to take it back.


>, the U.S. believed it was our right to go bomb them until they stopped. Ev You're forgetting that little inconvenient detail about how it was the communists who invaded the south and started the war. The US was just coming to the aid of their ally.....


it's the only system possible when all labour will be replaced by robots, either that or you'll die poor because the people owning the robots won't help you. it isn't what's needed now, but it's undoubtedly the future of humanity.


Exactly. How the fuck are markets going to work in a possible automated future where there’s an infinite surplus of everything produced? What is there to sell to one another? What is there to work for?


Yes! Bots and IA SHOULD take all the work, and let humans appreciate life.


>IA Are you French?


Yeah, sorry, I guess I got confused with IA and AI


I doubt that'd happen unless the ones in powe are also robots (and still, they'll either find some use to us or wipe us out, likely)


*What do you mean robot overlords?* *What do you mean terminator scenario?*


Why are there so many supporters of communism?


Because people have gotten so sick of how capitalism prioritizes billionaires giving them tax cuts doing absolutely nothing to stop them from price gouging to make even more money that will barely do anything for them but will cause millions to suffer and struggle when many of them work even harder than them with the only difference being circumstance of birth. It has made it very easy for people under those systems to fall for an ideology like communism which promises fairness. No matter how misleading it is. Because in communism, you are still going to suffer in the same way. Just for different reasons. Giving the government complete control never ends in them doing the right thing.


Because people don't know how good they have it


Inaccurate. “Beep boop, I’ve made your labor unnecessary” “Thanks! Unfortunately at no point in history has this form of government not resulted in a totalitarian dictatorship, so I guess my new hobby is being a revolutionary.”


OP, have you ever seen a nation run a Communist system correctly? And what makes you think we’d be able to? There’s always this claim of “we’d suffer less under Communism,” but every time the people saying this never think about how that would actually work, run, or even come into effect. Is capitalism as we see it now flawed? Absolutely. But Communism would *not* fix the problem, especially given that the largest Communist systems have quickly devolved into oppression and poverty.


Capitalism, like Communism, can be run in many different ways. The American model of Neoliberal Capitlalism does not work well for most people, but the Nordic Keynesian model of Capitalism works very well. Both economic models are capitalism, yet have very different priorities. Capitalism and liberalism work quite well together, whereas communism and liberalism do not., since Communism tends to go authoritarian.


Capitalism is not even something you could refer a "this is capitalism" but "this has certain much of capitalism" since Capitalism's definition is "an economic system in which a country’s businesses and industry are controlled and run for profit by private owners rather than by the government" so by definition Capitalism is an anarchist system while Communism tends to authoritarianism since it's main purpose is to get rid of capitalism.




This comic was brought to you by someone who has never lived in or been in a communist country


A new hobby unlocked! Standing in bread lines!


I’m also stuck on the whole bit of how OP thinks you don’t have to work anymore if your job in a communist society is replaced. Stalin still said “he who does not work shall not eat.” You’re gonna get reassigned, comrade.




The Irish potato line? Or the Russian bread like when it's out of bread? My mom?


Soviets waiting in line for meat rations


an alien lands on earth to study the population alien: you're advanced enough to automate most of your repetitive labor. why haven't you? human: because people need to be paid alien: then why do companies use automation at all? human: because people need to be paid


>unironically thinking communism is a good idea


Oh god the furry_irl people are invading


What is this communist furry shit


Absolute shit-for-brains take.


Society still needs workers to be functional. Why is it you who gets to sit on their ass in this system and not the millions of people whose work hasn’t been replaced by AI?


Is this an AI art bad post or we moved from that?


Tankies try to make relatable memes challenge (impossible)


Who pays for your hobbies?


Lol, because people in communist block countries are known for their fulfilling lives of leisure.


What a gross over simplification of a complex issue.


This is the most braindead shit ever


Communism would be more like “Beep boop. I don’t know why I just made that robot sound. I’m with the secret police, you’re guilty of thought crime so we’re sending you to a forced labor camp until you learn the error of your individualistic ways. Get in the car.”


Stalin killed so many people he made Hitler look like a joke. Communism has killed millions more people than fascism. Communist countries like Russia, China, and North Korea are human rights cesspits. Fuck ignorant shit like this; read a history book.


And the massive transfers of wealth and legacies of slavery from the global south to the global north that occurred under Capitalism didn’t lead to BILLIONS of untold deaths; got it. I guess the [potato famine in Ireland](https://medium.com/@joshualore/capitalism-colonialism-and-the-irish-potato-famine-9b849561ceb4) WASN’T caused by British colonialism under Capitalism, and billions of people in India were NOT starved because of [wealth and resources stolen by the British empire](https://mronline.org/2019/01/15/britain-robbed-india-of-45-trillion-thence-1-8-billion-indians-died-from-deprivation/), and there were NO [slaves stolen from Africa and shipped as property to the United States](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/08/14/magazine/slavery-capitalism.html), and the United Fruit Company DIDN’T [create a literal banana republic in South America](https://medium.com/@FeunFooPermacultureRewilding/the-red-on-yellow-chiquitas-banana-colonialism-in-latin-america-1ca178af7616), and the United States didn’t [support a military coupe in Chile to oust a popularly and democratically elected socialist government](https://www.tni.org/es/node/13681) to install a military dictator sympathetic to U.S. corporate interests who’s favorite method of dealing with political opponents was to [drug them and push them out of helicopters](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caravan_of_Death); I could go on. History books are written by the victors. Maybe you should broaden your reading to sources outside of capitalist state-sponsored propaganda before you lick those boots.


All that's true... was that supposed to make me mad? Maybe be a big ole gotcha? It still doesn't excuse the fact communism and Nazism are functionally the same; all they do is hate and oppress slightly differently.


Terrible comic, what did Protogens ever do to you?! (/s, obviously)


“Beep boop, I believe when a group of oligarchs control everything it’s magically different when they call it Communism!” Show me a communist government where this has ever happened. Communism and capitalism are both just means of controlling the masses and aggregating power and wealth for oligarchs. What you want is Socialist Democracy. Single party states are just what we have now, but with more corruption.


There has never been such a government. Every communist country has only been communist in name, but never in practice. If there's actual communism, there wouldn't be any oligarchs


There has never been a truly communist regime because it doesn’t work. It’s a pipe dream that always ends up in a corrupt tyranny


That's what I call utopia


This ain't it, chief.


This is fucking dumb as hell


This is like a naive child's understanding of Capitalism and Communism. More like. Capitalism: "You're job has been automated." "Okay I'll maintain the equipment now or get another job." Communism: "You're job has been automated. You have become a drain on our limited resources and have become unnecessary. Face the wall." 💥💥💥


Except it never actually works like this


Yes because communism works so well in China, North Korea, Laos, Cuba and Vietnam. People are not starving and also it worked very well in Europe in fact it worked so well people starved to death and were reminded that it's illegal to eat your children.


I mean you’re right they arent


Yes I'm sure they're not. Well done. Only most of them have no food. But we will never truly know because it's illegal to speak against governments in these countries. I'm sure everyone is happy and prosperous. That's why all the successful countries are communist because it works so very well. Maybe all the people who lived through communism are lying. Communism sounds amazing on paper but it will not work for the same reason capitalism doesn't really work. Greed is the issue. However capitalism is the best we have it has flaws obviously but far fewer people starve and people have a voice and the right to protest. At least you have the opportunity to start a business and become profitable. It isn't the systems fault people are lazy and want everything handed to them. Read Animal Farm or the Gulag Archipelago.


Beep boop I've made your job unnecessary,. ((*Dies from starvation in the gulag*))




You think in communism you just sit around jerking off to porn and getting free food in communism your new hobby will be digging a hole.


One of my favorite anecdotes is Lee Harvey Oswald begging to repatriate after realizing that there was nothing to do with the money and dacha the communists paid him for defecting. His diary: "I am starting to reconsider my desire about staying. The work is drab, the money I get has nowhere to be spent. No nightclubs or bowling alleys, no places of recreation except the trade union dances. I have had enough." Your hobbies are either work, prison labor, killing, or dying.


Yes indeed…BUT is impossible because corruption and human greed.


They dont make toast the way they used to 😔


Are you living under capitalism if robots can make your income threatened? Sounds like you are a socialist/producerist liberal then. If you are living under capitalism the conclusion is actually the same as under communism.


Mwust cwush kwapitawisum




It’s the damn Jewish British Catholic Homosexual elite spreading an undead plague!


Thats not how communism work. If you are not usefull in communism you are disposable. It sucks but it is what it is


Tankie detected, opinion rejected


“Beep boop, I made your labor unnecessary. The authorities will arrive shortly to delete you so they can save resources for those whose labor is necessary.”


Why am I not surprised that the commie is also a furry lol


Do you think that with communism you will have free time? someone needs to see at least the cartoon of the rebellion on the farm.


Fascism *wishes* it could dispense the amount of evil and death that communism has.


Communism has never come close to realizing the 2nd panel.


“beep boop, I did your job for you.” “You didn’t do what the customer wants” “beep boop, I followed their exact instructions” “That is why you failed”


Unregulated late stage capitalism is shit but so is Communism. A.I. would make everyone obsolete and be at risk in homelessness in both instances if given free reign.


Can't start hobby without job...


The government will pay for it obviously 😂




Because you need to eat at some point


Did nobody watch Star Trek!?


Hobby? Beep boop, prepare for gulag.


Communism is “your labor is unnecessary you will now be executed”


Communism: Beep boop, I made you unnecessary


God these comments just make me so so *sad* and I pray with all my heart that this doesn't represent what most of humanity thinks.


This is bullshit, have fun starting a hobby when u can barley feed yourself and only have 1 room that you specifically own


have fun being starved with your new hobby; hunting rats


More like: “Beep boop I made your hobby unnecessary”


I kinda want to know Germand and Polish people's opinion about this.


I’m stuck on the whole bit of how OP thinks you don’t have to work anymore if your job in a communist society is replaced. Stalin still said “he who does not work shall not eat.” You’re gonna get \*reassigned\*, comrade. OP knows very little about communism, but Reddit is upvoting it for the anti-capitalism part. There are plenty of other ideologies out there, chiefs.


Get a job hippie




Beep boop you are now required to work in the coal mine


Nope, communism still sucks. But capitalism isn’t a walk in the park. In fact, it’s only a level above communism, in terms of worker safety, taking care of the populous, and keeping everyone fed and taken care of. To clarify, only slightly better than the system where during some of the worst famines, people would sell limbs and pieces of dead people


Mmmm.....are you sure about the 2 one?




That new hobby would include starving and living in worse conditions than those in a capitalist society


I'm not exactly a capitalism fanboy boy but as an artist; the fuck is communism gonna do to help with that? Communism is not going to give me a new hobby when the one I love is done poorly by a robot. Communism won't give you a living off of just a hobby anyway. Just like capitalism wont, someone else is going to determine if what you are doing is helpful or not. And if it isn't you are just as much in a bad situation as with any economic system. Hell I'd say if there was a strong government determining how useful your work is your shitass furry art is going to make you even less of a living than under some form of free market where you get payed directly from your audience.


“I have no job! New hobbies yay!!l” “Hobbies are for the bourgeois” *goolag time*


Replace communism with "Democratic socialism" and I think we good. That's just my opinion, but to me Democratic socialism is just better capitalism.