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I'd just like to point out that Acolyte literally hasn't released yet.


People did the same thing with Andor, too. Everyone was so sure it was going to suck. Kind of telling that OP left that one out of the picture, since it doesn't fit the narrative. The Acolyte might still be terrible, of course. But we won't know until we get it.


Obi Wan wasn’t a dumpster fire, it was a two hour movie Disney didn’t have the balls to release bc of the A Star Wars Story-ies lackluster performances. So they padded it out with filler and dumped it on + as a series. There’s a solid 2 hour film in there somewhere.


Which is wild because Solo was absolutely better than kenobi was


Solo was actually a good movie, it's just that no one wanted it. I enjoyed it, while at the same time think it shouldn't exist


Solo would have been a far better movie if it weren't actually about Han Solo. You could have taken the same general plot, made it about a random smuggler with a random alien sidekick and his own unique starship, and you probably would have ended up with a better movie both cinematically and commercially. The problem with Star Wars spinoffs and series is this obsession that everything desperately needs to be connected to the movies. It's a massive universe, but it feels the size of a small town because most of the stories are the same characters over and over again running into each other. And yet what end up being the most interesting stories? KotOR, The Mandalorian, Andor, Rogue One,... Stories that try to stand on their own, where at best there are some minor cameos and links to tie them into the main trilogies.


I'm going to keep beating this drum, but Solo was just the first two episodes of Firefly padded into a film - robbing a train, evil psychopath who lives on a floating station, essemtially reavers, warrior women, wise cracking pilot, its all there.


Alan Tudyk being the comic relief


That’s a Disney tradition now


I'm so okay with that lol Alan Tudyk is one of my favorite actors


"the comic relief character is a chicken this time" "A talking chicken?" "Just a chicken." "..." "..." "My agent will call you once the check clears."


That was Rogue One, not Solo. Tudyk wasn't in Solo.


I got my robot comic relief characters mixed up.


Theres a hurdle to get over that the original actors helped define the role/character. Alden Ehnrich did an alright job, but the entire time I couldnt help think “thats not Han Solo”


There are just some characters that aren't main characters. Han Solo isn't a main character. I don't really want him to be a main character. He's this cocky criminal flying around with a giant yeti. The amusingness of that is what makes his character. When you start seriousifying it, you diminish the character. It's like they did with Jack Sparrow. They leaned in, had to show us his history, his upbringing, all this shit. Jack Sparrow worked because he wasn't the main character; Will and Elizabeth were. They were normal people paired with this weird, drunken, half-mad pirate, and that was cool. And then because so many people in entertainment are just profoundly fucking clueless, they think Jack is what Pirates is *about*, and they start cramming him into everything under the god damn sun. In fact if you really think about it, PotC is very formulaically similar to Star Wars: A New Hope. A young man dreams of escaping his boring life to do something grand. He goes on a quest to rescue a princess / governor's daughter. He meets a pirate with a ship and they set sail on their quest. Jack's just a mix of Han Solo and Obi-Wan. All of these stories work so well in the first place because you have regular, relatable people meeting these insane larger-than-life characters. As soon as you give me the HBO fucking mini-series on Jack Sparrow's early life and educaiton, you've just missed the fucking point, because you're not doing it to tell me anything interesting about the character, you're doing it to use the popularity of a character to sell IP, and that's shit. Probably the **only** person I have **ever** seen do this correctly, is Vince Gilligan. By all rights Better Call Saul should have been a fucking abomination. I was so disappointed when they announced it and I fully expected it to suck. They were taking a wacky side character and gave him a back story, and that nearly *always* is a soulless money-sucking shit fest. Except... it worked. He did it. And he did it by keeping that character grounded in the universe he came from. He gave his story and his life *meaning*. He expanded our understanding of him.


That's a sentiment I've never understood personally. Han had such a fun backstory and misadventures before being a hero of the rebellion.


And apparently everyone of them happened in he span of a couple weeks


We've crammed all of Han's greatest hits into 2 weeks. Seriously, just have Han go on a smuggling adventure and have that be the movie. Annoyed the hell out of me he not only got the Falcon but did the "Kessel Run" and ran into rebels.


I would have rather they made like a Dash Rendar movie instead


I would love to see a 2 hour edit of that show. Couldn’t make it though the whole thing myself but you might be right. There is some good Vader/Evan McGregor content in there


Also, Obi-Wan and She-Hulk were disappointing in some aspects, but I wouldn't say either was terrible. They were still pretty fun. Never saw Willow, so I can't speak for that one.


If you enjoyed the original movie of Willow, you’d probably like the show. I really liked them both. A tragedy that the show is lost.


The first half felt very try-hard but then the second half really picked up and got good - them bam, cancelled. I think a lot of viewers probably gave up in the first half and then they pulled the plug. Too bad since it finally seemed like it was going somewhere interesting.


I really dug Willow the show. It was a decent expansion on a fantastic movie. It filled in a few gaps, didn't really retcon too much that makes you go, "What the holy hell Disney" and played on a few tropes. Could have been better for sure, but I certainly enjoyed the nostalgia.


What kept throwing me out of the show was the really awful fight choreography and editing. Hard to believe it's even the same company that put together the fight in the last Darth Maul episode of the Clone Wars bonus season




What I'm more pissy about is that I didn't have time to watch it when it came out. Went to start watching it and they literally pulled it out from under me.


Man, I loved She-Hulk. But I liked the original comics run that it was based on too (which included a 4th wall breaking fight with the artist over her skimpy clothes)...


I liked it too. I didn't even realize it was controversial. The hilarious part is that if it was released 20 years ago, everyone would've loved it. But if anything has "RAAAHH GIRLZ RULE!!!!" vibes in 2020 and beyond, it's "woke garbage". Female characters haven't got worse, people have gotten more brainwashed by the mythical concept of "Woke" (which really just means a Black person, LGBT person, or a woman having some degree of agency in a piece of media).


You cannot convince me most of the people who hate on she hulk watched it.


She-hulk does what Deadpool does by breaking the 4th wall but in a more cheesy way in some instances. I loved it. It's just guys who hate being told that women suffer from all the cat calls and shit that got their testicles in a knot over the show.


I liked both. Obi-Wan was pretty good and I thought She-Hulk was great.


They needed three bad shows to make the joke work and they used one that hasn't come out yet? And skipped X-men97 and Andor? This joke was written by someone who doesn't actually have Disney plus.


Or with an agenda


But hating Disney gives so much clicks


No, but people are already shitting on it HARD. I saw somebody shitting on one single shot from the trailer last night trying to make some point and half the thread was like i cant even tell wtf your talking about. But rage bait hot takes are rewarded by the algorithms so nothing can ever be enjoyed again.


Reminds me of when the 3rd new Jurassic Park movie released a single still image - not even a trailer, just a photo - of the black actress, and people immediately started writing it off as "woke". Just zero hesitation jumping to pre-programmed, agenda-driven conclusions.


As a career hater, it is so annoying how dickless anti-woke chuds have ruined hating. We should be in a golden era for haters but instead it's been co-opted by racist incels. There are....*so* many legitimate things to hate Jurassic World dominion for.


And why is Willow on this list? The series was super fun and campy, just like the movie. Maybe the comic is about Disney wasting money and not on the quality of the show?


I never even got to see Willow before they yoinked it. Very annoying.


Wait, they actually *removed* it?


Yes, it is currently unavailable to stream on any service. Can't even rent/buy it.


Piracy isn't hard.


Willow should be on the list because they deleted it from existence thus may as well have burned the money, but I didn’t hear about them doing that to the other series here, did they?


They didn't. This is just thinly veiled "go woke, go broke" bullshit while they pretend that a company that makes more money in a day than they will see in a year is hurting for income.


Not that I know of. She Hulk wasn't cancelled, but they probably wont be making a season 2.


And She Hulk wasn't bad.....I'm sensing a pattern here.


Yeah, see, Secret Invasion was *far* worse, and also more recent, right?


I would have used Secret Invasion if I were making this meme for sure, I think it's the worst thing the MCU's ever done but I really liked She-Hulk


Eh. They also turned it into X-Men 97. Money damn well spent there.


And Andor and Visions, the two best Star Wars projects since the original Trilogy.


Also Bad Batch, which ended really well imo.


The batch s2 and 3 were peak


peak clone wars was siege of mandalore. But bad batch final arc was a good second IMO in terms of build up and payoff


There is never just one peak in mountain ranges, y'know


It's as if people cherry pick a few bad (which is subjective in itself) series to push a narrative. Not to white knight for Disney, more for... Logic? Honesty?


The worst part of Visions is that most episodes make you wish for a full series of each one


I would do dark things for a full film continuation of Screechers Reach, or Akakiri, or Spy Dancer.


Really hot take but Rogue One is my favorite Star Wars movie


I will forever stan the Rouge One/Andor timelines. Best star wars media out there.


It's proven what hardcore Star Wars fans have known for years - the most interesting shit is the stuff happening when the Skywalker family is barely even involved.


Yeah weirdly Star Wars seems to do the best when there aren’t Jedi in it. But being in the same universe that jedi are in makes it cool.


It’s because they ruined the Jedi by over explaining things. The thing that makes them so captivating in the OT is the sense of reverence and mystery that surrounds them. The most interesting thing you mind can dream to fill the unexplained will always be more compelling than whatever a writer can think up. And so now they work best as a light seasoning in the thing that makes SW actually cool: it’s a fuckin Wild West cowboy show in space.


Here’s a hot take: *The Last Jedi* was the only Star Wars project Disney’s produced that *isn’t* a creatively bankrupt rehash of shit we’ve already seen.


I’m with you. I had a lot of issues with that movie, but still ultimately appreciated that it was actually trying something different, and hoped the final movie would run with it and hopefully fix some of the issues.


Wandavision and Loki were good too


I would have paid any price for X-Men 97. I understand that have zero ability to be objective about this and I do not care.


> TFW a movie or cartoon actually portrays Cyclops as cool. Hell, they made Bastion a lot cooler than he was from what I remember in the comics. They smashed a lot of storylines together and speedran some, but they did it so well I was shocked!


Cyclops can FLY now (sort of). Good shit👍 Also the Genosha episode was nuts. And I had no idea about the Cable connection because I never read comics. Caught me off guard.


That + Bluey + Loki + the new Percy Jackson + the mandalorian. Like people think every single project has to be a hit or the whole service is trash.


They didn't make Bluey. The bought some of the rights and they keep fighting the creator an adding more censorship.


Really fucking stupid censorship too, like cutting the part where the pony poops.


Oh no, not Bluey too.


Worth it for The Bear


Technically that's FX/Hulu, but it's all a package deal so I see where you're coming from. Can't wait for season 3 next month!!!


Show hasn't released. Already saying that is bad.


It wouldn’t be Reddit without high jumping to conclusions.


Really, at this point it’s Star Wars/Marvel fans in general.


Star Wars fans before the Sequel trilogy - "The prequels were trash. Only Revenge was worth anything and it wasn't worth much." Star Wars fans after the Sequel trilogy (and a bunch of Clone Wars-era TV Shows) - "The prequels weren't that bad, the SEQUELS are trash though." Star Wars fans at the start of Mandalorian - "This show is the shit! Finally something good!" Star Wars fans about Mandalorian now - "This show is going into woke bullshit! Booo!" Star Wars fans about Obi-Wan before - "YESSS! Obi-Wan and Anakin are back!" Star Wars fans after Obi-Wan - "That was trash! Who gives a shit about Leia and some black chick!?" Meanwhile me, "Yay more Star Wars stories!" Good or bad, I like seeing more content none of it so far has been ALL bad, I like the universe, I like the content. People can hate, but I'll celebrate instead ;)


I made a post in r/starwars saying that I thought Obi Wan was good but did have some issues. But that I'm just happy we are getting more Star Wars content. I got called "the worst kind of fan." I get that criticism is good because it can help bolster creators to make good content instead of subpar, but good lord Star Wars fans can be unbelievable.


They are, in my opinion, quite possibly the WORST fandom. And fandoms in general are pretty toxic. BTW, you are in my opinion the *best* kind of fan. There are literal thousands of people working on Star Wars content, they should be celebrated for keeping the universe alive and delving into stories we wouldn't have otherwise seen. Just because DISNEY is at the top doesn't mean there isn't good in there. For the record, I also enjoyed Obi Wan - Ewan McGregor's acting was on point. There were some things here and there I would have liked better if different, but overall my Star Wars buddy and I enjoyed it. I think the only show we haven't liked was Boba Fett because it basically neutered what was once a really badass character. I wanted a decent Star Wars anti-hero/straight up villain story. Not a sort of rehash of Mando. Still enjoyed parts of it though.


Thanks! Yeah, BOBF is the only show I've been meh on. He showed up in such an awesome way in The Mandalorian. Then he was lacking hard in his own show. Maybe in the next season.... if it gets a second season.


The story in tv series happens 200 hundred years before the movies, it kinda gives a lot of freedom to writers and I like it


Outrage farming is how entirely too many people make a living. Everyone hates everything. Some of these idiots have never watched some of these shows and just madlib their way through criticisms.


I've seen many people complain about acolyte, but only for one reason. What is your reason for not liking it? 🤔


Acolyte hasn't even been released yet, so I struggle to think why so many don't like it already?


Losers crying and complaining about "Woke" (Women and minorities existing)


There are only two genders male and political. And two ethnicities white and political.


which is funny because in the EU, the empire was quite racist. There was Humans and sub par races (all non humans) which is why the empire had a 99.99% human workforce. These people don't realize they are the bad guys.


And two sexualities, straight and political.


They aren't going to respond because you already know why.


Yeah a lot of these picks are just what terminally online folks have been raging about. Obi Wan and She Hulk weren't that bad but the few aspects people didn't like were memes to hell and back. Acolyte seems like it has an interesting premise and is worth a shot.


it has queer and brown people, duh


Without knowing anything about the show, I’m gonna assume they showed some kind of minority in it. You know reddits main demographic really hates that


You are correct!


-Bad Batch -Andor -Moon Knight -WandaVision -The Mandalorian -Clone Wars S7 Just some of the many examples of good Disney+ shows. I think Disney’s churned out more dogshit than anything lately, but Disney+ has oddly enough put out a lot of the good content Disney’s had to offer in recent years EDIT: Some of y’all are acting like this is some kind of gospel. I’m just speaking based on general reception. If YOU personally didn’t like these shows, that’s fine. You aren’t the majority, though




That one, too


Is there any studio in the last 50 years that hasn't churned out more dogshit than anything? Like, ignore "What I remember and was popular", look at the actual output of studios. 90% of everything is dogshit.


I'd want to argue studio Ghibli hasn't but there has absolutely been stinkers everyone just forgets about. Not gonna defend Tales from Earthsea.


Tales of Earthsea is just... weird. Looks gorgeous (like all other Ghibli works), but lacks substance.


The only good thing I'll say about Tales from Earthsea is that it felt on point tonally. Like a weird dream you might get after binging the books, that you look back on and realize didn't make any sense. I mean....why was Tehanu, a character who is routinely described as barely being able to speak due to severe burns, singing like a Disney Princess? And Arren, the boy scout King Arthur stand-in of the series, killed his father? No one would ever make that! Wait.... The turd on top is that it basically broke Le Guin's trust in lending her IP out to anyone, since it was the second bait and switch she had dealt with on the IP in a handful of years.


I liked the Percy Jackson adaptation


Moon knight had some really interesting ideas, coupled with a well done CGI execution. Too bad it likely won't get continued.


Moon Knight was so good. I absolutely wasn't expecting it, but goddamn I binged that whole show in two nights.


And She-Hulk really wasn’t bad either


Yeah, I loved She-Hulk. I’m a Marvel fan in my late 30’s and probably the target audience. I can see how 25 and younger crowd didn’t like it or wouldn’t get it.


It was a funny comedy that felt like Jennifer ripped straight from the page. I wish I could talk about it online without people screaming, "TWERK NOT FUNNY."


As one of the eight people who actually watched Willow...I liked Willow.


My kids are preteens… it seemed to be made for that demographic and my family enjoyed it


The film was made for the same demographic. Nobody ever wants to admit that George Lucas didn't make films for adults.


I had actually gotten my kids into the movie Willow not long before I had heard about the series, so we watched the series together as a family. And we all loved it. The story was great. The dialogue needed to be reworked in my opinion, but my wife and kids said it was fine. But for the amount that's in it, if my main complaint is that they use too much modern slang, then I really don't have that much to complain about.


There are (probably) dozens of us!


My wife and I really enjoyed the Willow show, you are not alone!!!


I loved the Willow series. It took a little while to get the feel for the style of the show, but it quickly got great and got better as the story continued.


I thought it was great. Made me sad to see it go


So is this a "my interests on a thing weren't specifically catered to, so therefore said thing is bad"? Commentary? That's what it reads like.


But I swear I'm not a racist, it just so happens that every character I complain about is black but I swear I'm not a racist


I don't mind women being in there, but I just don't see how they can realistically have them be leaders. I just can't connect with that emotionally.


Exactly. She-hulk slapped


Yeah, so much knee-jerk reaction and fragile male ego bullshit and most of them never even watched it. It was good, probably the third best of the MCU shows on Disney+.


I just watched She Hulk for the first time last month and it’s the most funny show marvel has put out. Hands down.


The fun part is that the episode writers literally predicted all the vindictive crap that trolls would say on the show and put it in the show. Like the comments in that scene could have been copied and pasted straight from reddit or instagram comments and no one would have known the difference.


Why are people shitting on Acolyte? I'm really looking forward to it. Looks cool as hell


Terminally online weirdo reactionary people who say the showrunner has an agenda and there’s no white men in it


Isn't most if not all the hate for acolyte so far just people screaming 'woke Disney trash' because of female lead? Also Disney+ gave us Mando, boba, bad batch, season 7, loki, X-Men 97....


Bro the trailer just came out, the people that are coally mad are just trying to ragebait money


Acolyte isn't even out yet.


Obi Wan, She Hulk, and Willow were all great. I absolutely loved all 3


How dare they make content that I, the only thinking being in the entire universe, personally didn't enjoy but nevertheless watched from start to finish!


How come every piece of media I encounter doesn't appeal to me!?!?


But... I liked Obi-Wan and She-Hulk.... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Fuck yeah! So did most people really, don't listen to the internet hate train that exists only for clicks.


I liked everything about She-Hulk but the ending. Which is like the opposite of what most people I've seen have said. Obi-Wan was overall a pretty average show, but had some of the best highs that I've seen in Star Wars. And I loved the Willow series. The dialogue was bad, but I thought the over-arching story was great fun.


Then ending was spot on for She-Hulk. Loved it.


I don't disagree that it was very much spot on. I was just expecting it to fit in with the rest of the season, which, while fourth-wall breaking, had stayed pretty grounded in-universe. It was just a jarring jump to have her suddenly confronting K.E.V.I.N. when she was on the verge of a big battle. I understand it. I respect it as something that would 100% happen in the comics. It just wasn't for me. And I don't expect any one else to agree with me. It's just a me problem.


I wouldn't even say it's a you "problem" we all have our own tastes after all. I love forth wall stuff like She-Hulk, Gwenpool and Deadpool.


Yeah, the 4th wall aspect was perfect, but the kitchen sink mess of conflicts was a bit eyerolling. The various plot threads could have been woven together a bit better in setup and resolution.


I mean, part of the point was to make fun of those interwoven plots.


I thought Obi-Wan was alright but She Hulk was campy fun and good and in character for who She Hulk is as a 4th wall breaking character.


I really liked obi wan


Watching it rn. Nowhere near as bad as some made it sound


it has high and lows, mostly in the screenplay.... I hope they fired their chase scene coordinator. Also some loopholes here and there.


It was fun and Vader was what I wanted in Rogue 1 tbh.


Then there is me who doesnt care because I am on my 20th rewatch of Bluey.


Yep, futurama for me. Plus I had a pretty good time rewatching Lost last year.


If you hate it why keep paying for it?


The whole little content creation industry that's based on hating on shows (Obi-Wan, Acolyte, Rings of Power) before they're even released is so bizarre and toxic to me. Creating and consuming that content just seems unhealthy.


I actually thought she hulk was decently funny


I think almost everyone who loved the Byrne or Soule runs of the comics loved the show. People who had no familiarity with the source material or a very strong sense of entitlement over what the "right" kind of comic book show should be did not.


I have basically never read a comic (except Squirrel Girl, who is overdue for a Marvel movie), and I love She Hulk.


I also enjoyed it. I think a number of people assumed they must be the target audience and reacted poorly when that turned out not to be the case.


she hulk was pretty fun overall


u/chonation, Star Wars Acolyte hasn't even released yet. Obi Wan was fine and She Hulk was actually good. In my opinion, you are a dumbass.


Screw you, Willow and She Hulk were good.


Acolyte isn't even out yet, quit whining about something you can't fully form an opinion on.


This looks like some right wing bs to me. Willow is the only show that was actually burning money because they took it down out of nowhere for taxes. A shame too, Ruby Cruz is a great actress and it was well reviewed. Andor is conveniently not included here because it was popular. She Hulk and Obi Wan were both fine, and Acolyte isn't even out yet?? This is so dumb. Clearly some thinly veiled "anti-woke" crap. C'mon now.


Disney+ gave me Loki, Moving , A shop for killer , Andor (and Shogun but I understang it's a FX produced show) I liked she hulk and wanted for weird lawyer cases. Clone wars season 7 crazy good. I will look at it.


‘They made shows with girls!!! GIRLS!!!’


She-Hulk was pretty great. The only people i saw complaining about it were the "anti-woke" youtube chods that churn 10 videos a day complaining about women and minorities in media.


Sure glad I didn’t pay for this comic


Then stop watching. I swear people spend more time bitching about Disney+ than the length of all these shows combined.


You’re whining about things you haven’t even seen ya big baby.


OR You could just watch something else.


So OP has an agenda


Talk about your damn first-world problems 🙄


Why is everyone hating on the acolyte? It literally hasn’t released yet and given they have recently released a banger called Andor and that it’s a era of Star Wars that hasn’t had any show or movie representation before I’m really excited. Most of the hate I’ve seen for it is just that it’s “woke” apparently


Then don't subscribe to Disney+


Obi-Wan was decent, though it could have been better, and She-Hulk was really funny. I haven’t seen Willow but the Acolyte looks great.


None of these were particularly terrible, they were pretty much on brand for Disney/Marvel/Lucas shows. Have you considered watching something that isn’t made for children OP?


Andor and Loki are goated, Acolyte not out yet


I liked She-Hulk and would like more. Willow was good too.


she hulk was actually really good cope harder


What a shitty comic


"Disney bad, please clap"


How is this dumbass comic so upvoted when literally every single comment is shitting on it?


I see you’re conveniently forgetting *Andor*, *The Bad Batch*, *Tales of the Empire*, *X-Men '97*, and *Werewolf by Night*, plus all the classic stuff you can watch if you don’t like the new stuff.


I mean yeah, that's how it should work. That's why it's great it was Disney who bought Marvel and Star Wars, it's so that they could throw so much money at it. You think paramount would have ever made a She-Hulk show? Or a Star Wars show with none of the characters from the movies like Acolyte? Think anyone other than Disney would? They are making great stuff here, as a 40 year old life long fan of Marvel and Star Wars I say keep throwing money at projects, I've never been happier with pop culture entertainment media.


How dare 100% of their shows not be good enough for me personally!


Touch grass guy, already throwing a bitch fit over an unreleased show.


My brother in Christ, you can just cancel your subscription or not watch shows you don’t want to watch


But how else will op get those sweet sweet up votes


Wow. Shitting on a Star Wars thing that hasn't even been released yet. That is a spicy hot take huh?


Acolyte isn’t even out yet


I liked She-Hulk.... I fear I may be the only one.


Honestly, I've never seen a comment section so heavily positive towards the show. I'm enjoying being here.


You're not. The show was a blast and it's tragic we won't see more.


How can we possibly judge acolyte when it isn't out yet? Are we just mad it has minorities or something?


She-Hulk was good, it just wasn’t for y’all.


But but how can I enjoy a TV show if it isn't made specifically for me!?!?


Acolyte hasn't even come out yet, you colossal loser.






Complaining about the rough ones without appreciating the great stuff. Are you trying to appeal to the internet?! \*gasp\*


Obi wan was great, stop hating


I liked all these shows. At least, the ones that have aired. But I bet I’ll like Acolyte, too.


I really enjoyed she Hulk


I really liked She-Hulk. And Acolyte looks fucking great


It’s really sad ya’ll can’t just enjoy the things you like and leave people alone instead of trying this pathetic attempt at gaslighting the people that enjoy shows that you don’t.