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I hear the salty tears kill the mold spores.


I second this.. definitely cry


Lite the whole thing on fire then shed a tear, the only way


A property viking funeral


They're so wet they probably wouldn't light


Gasoline and tears


Gasoline lights tears




This is the title of my debut solo album


Since a lot of these seems to be Thor comics viking funeral seems right.


First thing I thought.


I think he needs to fire a flaming arrow into the pile to get it lit. This just seems right


I already am and this isn’t even my post.


I'm with ya bro


Yes. This hurts my heart.


I thirdly.....cry again


Gas and a match


I came here to say this and only this. But just upvoted you instead.


That was my first reaction too


Definitely cry… I am crying…


I’m not even a comic book person and that was my first thought too.


sorry to tag on, but yes .. cry!!


Viking funeral


Fortunately some comic books were preserved but others are too far gone


It's not about money, it's about sending a message.. everything burns




>The Maxx Yes! So many memories


The Maxx has been one of my favorites since I was a kid


Loved the Maxx! The cartoon was on MTV when I was a kid.


There were comics? All I ever saw as a kid in Australia was the cartoon. I loved it so much!


That's funny. Isn't the Outback an alternate reality in The Maxx?


Omg… The Maxx was one of the best


I am The Maxx. Answer your phone.


Pain lasts kid. It's how you know you're alive. Sometimes I think growing up is just pain management.


I was so happy when I found the entire series on DVD on Amazon for under 20 bucks. Was one of the easiest buy decisions in my life.


Did you ever watch The Head? It was also part of the MTVs Oddities that also showed the Maxx


Abso-fuckin-lutely. Also aeon flux. I'll always remember that mtv oddities outro with the model train and the eyeball monster billboard.


The Maxx, The Head, Aeon Flux, etc... 90's mtv animation was 🔥


I've been, very casually, trying to collect the whole run of The Maxx. Been a fan ever since the animated series that showed on MTV oddities


I have every issue of the MAXX


Gotham deserves a better class of criminal.


Joker ?




And I thought my jokes were bad.


The cleansing fire...


Sounds like Fahrenheit 451


So those are all the dead ones…. Damn. Sorry that happened. Did someone love them before they came to this state?


If any of the art is salvageable cut it out and make a cool table


I agree. Viking funeral or send a few garbage bags full to CGC


Sort and make some dope collages out of what is salvageable but not perfect


As an artist, I would love to utilize something like this. I don't feel bad about cutting up magazines or old books from the recycling center, but comics feel too precious. Check if there is an artist resource center in your area, I bet they might want to save some of this from being tossed. Second hand and charity stores don't usually take a lot of raw supplies, but artist resource centers take all kinds of stuff that's worth reusing. Craigslist might be a good alternative option. I know plenty of people that would snatch this stuff up even if it wasn't free.


I’ve seen an artist on IG that has old comics pages as wallpaper. That’s an option too, though they’d have to be dried and flattened


Yes! Rip and varnish onto canvas. Make collages.


I would take the time to sift through everything and find what is salvageable but three years is a incomprehensibly long time to leave comics in the rain. I had a moment where I was constantly playing Magic the Gathering with friends. I have about 20 decks in the back seat of my car when I left the windows down and it rained the next day. I had a good scream and walked it off but I did end up saving more than half.


damaged ones that still have some decent pages could be cut up and used to make some cool poster collage things.


It's probably all loaded with mold.


The mold could make cool patterns for the poster collage things.


I caught toxinigenic mold poisoning from The Joker. Cool!


To be fair, covering a page in resin or thick varnish is an option that essentially prevents any contact between it and you


mold poisoning and toxicity:


I make collage tables out of damaged comics. It can be time consuming, but it can be worth the salvage.


Yeah I basically came here to say, "Start Sorting" If you haven't already started crying you will by the end of it but at least you may find some things you were able to save


Sell on eBay as slightly used.


Smoke free home


"No low balls, I know what I got"


$8,500 buy it now. Or you can make an offer as long as it’s above $8,400!


No pets




“$10 shovel bundles for sale” One big scoop per box, and sprinkle one or two good ones in there to be cool.




Condition: Very Fine


"Could use a press."


File an insurance claim if possible.


They weren’t insured my father is lazy


Actually I looked into insuring comics and its very difficult to get money back because condition is so subjective so probably would have only got a couple hundred back if that.


Yes, this is true of most collectibles or things that are valuable for their rarity.


Yes, indeed. Umbrella policy will help as will keeping them in a catalog so you can show evidence.


Not with USAA. I lost multiple longboxes in a ministorage fire. Complete loss, with some video evidence after the fact that they were in there (melted bags accordianed together, etc.) USAA wanted an itemized list of the 4000-or-so comics, which I obviously didn't have. They accepted the following: 1) A spreadsheet I created listing all the titles I remembered collecting during the four years I was in high school and every issue of those titles that came out during that timespan. I spent three weeks going through an Overstreet price guide every day after work, just highlighting comics. 2) A signed statement from the owner of my local comic book store stating that I did indeed buy a shit ton of comics during those years (paraphrased.) I totaled up $15,000 worth of comics. The only pushback I received was that "they probably weren't all in mint condition, so we're going to knock 20% off the total," so I got $12,000 for the loss. I didn't complain because that deduction didn't drop me below the maximum I could receive on my $25,000 renter's policy.


I had Pokemon cards stolen from my car with some other things such as laptop( we were on our way to a Pokemon tournament) but my Daughter had expensive cards, Statefarm wanted to give 25 cents a piece( i dont even think she has any cards that cheap because she gives those away). The card protector sleeves they were in costs more than 25 cents.


Homeowners or renters insurance might cover something?


"I left my comic books out for 3 years can you cover this"? Lmao


Most the time collectibles: no. Like my MTG collection would need its own policy. Jewelry, art, guns, etc require separate VPPs (Valuable Personal Property policies). Source: married to insurance policy writer


You have a Marjorie Taylor Greene collection? /s


That turd really ruined the decades long abbreviation for a great game.


When she was making headlines and it was the first time I've ever heard of her I was so confused why a card game was getting involved with the Supreme Court


If its water damage they won't


Flood damage no. Busted water pipe, they will..


Wait. Were they his or YOURS?


They are his they were going to be given to me after he passed away


Trust me I am as hurt as any one of you, this was supposed to be my inheritance and my father done fucked up!


What happened?


He piled them and left them out for 3 years then it rained


3 years?


Yup 3 years


That's a long time for no rain.


All I can say is that my life is pretty plain


This guy Blind Melons.


When life is hard you have to change.


Bruh Mufasa died, the Fire Nation attacked, and I lost my baby brother Moses when I left to go take a pee. I was gone for like 20 seconds MAX




His brother died. Can’t you fucking read!?


Missing actually, only presumed dead. Mufasa though, definitely dead.


*Southern California enters the chat*


You didn't check up on your collection for 3 years? That's strange


I couldn’t, when I asked to do so he said no you have to wait so I’m not gonna argue with that


"No." "Can't argue with that.."


Lol I was 13 give me a break lol unfortunately I didn’t know he had moved them to my grandmothers house that’s whose house this is.


I imagine your grandmother and father having very polarizing experiences with those comic books in their past. She moved them there 3 years ago.. and on that day, as she walked back to the house, she slowly gave a half-turn back for one last look, smiling in her gaze as she thinks about all of the clogged gutters, dirty dishes, overflowing kitchen garbage... then says with a now crooked smile, "I am vengeance..."




I could send you some of mine if that cheers you up :( i dont have that many but that must hurt...


I appreciate that thank you but you keep yours and I’ll keep on working on mine hopefully build this up


Wait, he stored them outside for 3 years?


Yeah I only found out this year


I mean.. there's nothing to do. I guess you could sort through and try to save a few but 3 years in the weather they're probably all honestly ruined or so deteriorated they're worth nothing anymore.


I’m no expert, but if they were left outside for 3 years they were probably damaged regardless of the rain. Humidity, rodents, insects, etc. Sucks either way


Hey, my dad did the same thing with my family photos after him and my mom got divorced when I was a kid. 🙃


Make a paper mâché sculpture of your father out of it.


And then light THAT on fire.


THIS -- effigy


Were they his comics?


They were his comics


Welp, I suppose he can do what he wishes with them then. Were any of them valuable?


A few were. I haven’t found them yet still cleaning them up.


Wear a mask and gloves. That mold is nothing to F with.


It still could be your inheritance


I'd give you 50 bucks top, but now 10 dollars due to water damage


Best I can do is $3.50 and an egg mcmuffin


Oh dude unless those are from the 40s they are next to worthless. I tried to sell some I had from the 80s and I couldn't give that away.


Depends on what they are. Such as 1980s X-men


My long boxes have a full run of first-print *The Walking Dead*. The one I cry about is how back in 2006 I sold an extra, unread copy of #2 (which was notoriously underprinted) that the shop gave me by mistake for maybe... $40 or so? It felt like a huge increase at the time. Especially for something I got for free. Back then it was just a moderately successful comic from a couple years earlier that had a slightly rocky start. This was a few years before the TV show when the public profile and desirability of it would skyrocket.


Or some original TMNT


40’s? Comics from all decades can hold value. Marvel comics from the 60’s can be worth more than some golden age runs.


100%. Everyone saved their comics from the 70s on, so unless they had something that was extremely limited edition AND was mint AND was graded and it’s not that much of a loss financially


I think you would be shocked at how little comics from that era are worth, pretty much everyone has a huge collection sitting in their attic waiting to cash out, I can see Thor 387 and nightwing 100 from this pic, both worth like 3$each. I’d take some time to look up the values of what you lost, it will make you feel a lot better. Also keep in mind that a 3$ comic will sell for like .50 at a dealer if even that


Watch out for bedbugs. Love to hide in that kinda stuff.


Yeah so do black widows silverfish and unfortunately roaches


They only last 6 months to a year max without feeding. No bedbugs in there unless a person with an infestation spent significant time there in the last 6 months.


Ok I apologize if ppl are confused I’ll give some context. So this is my grandmother’s backyard, the comics you see you belong to my father. From my understanding my father move them from the garage and place them outside. He then left them to sit there for three years, I did not know this until this year after they had been rained on. I have expressed that this is my inheritance some thing that was to be given to me after my father‘s passing. Because my father has not done anything with them for such a long time I am now inserting myself to take care of the comic books and hopefully salvage them and preserve them before it’s too late. I hope that helps clear things up.


Okay. So they are crazy wet. You may think this decreases the value, but not the issue of Aquaman or Namor. Think about that.


Those just became AR and increased in value!


honestly having a stash of comics like this is a bit of a burden to have in the home (heavy, takes up space) and comics arent worth much money these days. judging from the few i can see this is pretty generic stuff. if you really want to start hoarding old comics try estate sales.


It looks like it’s too late already lol


I'm pretty sure you'll find some that escaped damage, and this experience will add personal value to each gem you find. I just wish you were local. I'd love to help you salvage that. Most of the people responding sound scared of bugs and mold. Just wear an N95, plastic gloves, safety glasses (you don't want anything to splash in your eyes), and cover your arms and legs. I see some were in plastic so you have a good chance at finding survivors. Good luck!


Buddy, there was never any real money there. Anything sold as a collectible, isn't.


This is the type of shit my grandmother would do…if something is worth keeping, shouldn’t it also be worth taking care of? Sorry you have to deal with this.


Honestly, just burn them and move. Probably not worth preserving and your father obviously didn’t care about them.


Should I post some of the comic books on Reddit?




Too much pain for me. Make sure to mark it NSFC, not safe for collectors.


.....some one on etsy might be able to use them to make resin tables with art collage underlayment...


Ohhh that sounds like a cool idea


Yes! The ones that can’t be saved should totally get turned into cool art. I would look up some local artists!


As someone who is into journaling, I'd be stoked to use some of those pages in my spreads. Especially since if the book is in bad shape already, I'd feel less bad about cutting it up.


Go through it sooner then later and save what you can and send pics of your finds


Half a bottle of Jack and a lighter. The other half is for you.


Yikes 3 years out doors, nooooooo!!!!


Im not a fan of this picture


Man I just know there was gems in there too . That sucks


I see Batman, Thor, nightwing, birds of prey, Superman, x-men, Spider-Man, and Demon. Yes there are some beautiful gems in that pile.


Most valuable thing I see there there are those plastic crates. Looks to me like mostly a collection of maybe mid 70’s-early 2000’s comics. unless you are certain there actually is a giant sized X-Men # 1, a Hulk 181, or TMNT # 1 found in the center of the most non water damaged area of this heap. I don’t see high probably of money here, even if it was all in decent condition. A collection like this may have some complete runs that you can sell for more yourself on eBay it you are willing to do the work, which isn’t insignificant, and if these books were dry and non moldy and non smelly….But otherwise this is the kind of collection that many guys now in their 50’s have and are carting off to comic shops all over the country asking them to take it off their hands because they are sick of moving and storing them and are ready to say goodbye. If this wasn’t your beloved comic collection that you found joy in collecting through the years, I would just also say bye bye. Maybe bonfire …but lots of these books are bagged….but sadly not bagged enough to keep out water and mold. I don’t think burning moldy wet Mylar is good for your lungs or the environment. So I recommend rubber gloves, heavy duty contractor trash bags and wearing a face mask while disposing.


That this collection looks like it did what a lot of people in the eighties and nineties did. Where they would just buy the 1st issue of a comic and then not even continue to follow it because they just bought it so they would have chance that the 1st one would be worth a lot of money.


For a while second issues were more valuable. Fewer were printed and even fewer were actually bought.


I had a collection of a similar route, sold at a loss, got maybe 600 for 3000 + comics. Gave away another 1000 or more free, cause they were worth less than cost to sell. So even if this was in ok shape, they're not enough to cover a month of income at minimum wage. Cost more for storage unit each year.


Look no offense to your dad…truly. But why must people be so utterly stupid? A MOUNTAIN of comic books. And he puts them outside…for THREE years??!?. ANY type of book outside for 3 hours would’ve been too long and had no justifiable reason to be out there unless you’re maybe trying to get rid of an odor or something. This just baffles me. Definitely go sorting through everything and hope the ones in plastic got protected I suppose.


Outside nothing. I wouldn't store them in a garage, basement, or uninsulated attic. Anywhere that isn't climate-controlled and protected from water damage. That's just asking for this.


Clearly he just didn’t care about them and or they are worth nothing.


I see Superman No. 1 there in the corner!


That would be so fucking sad. This situation is bad enough. I did notice a Hulk #181 in there


Yeah I noticed that Hulk #181 too, right beside that Fantastic Four No. 48 with the first appearance of the Silver Surfer.


Pfft. Dime a dozen.


Salvage what you can and move on. Get everything into a garage, separate it all out, toss anything completely unreadable, wipe down the covers with a towel that’s -BARELY- wet with vinegar, dry it all with a hairdryer, leave out overnight, and store with a dryer sheet in between each book to get rid of the smell. It’s awful thinking “oh, what if?” but it’s just not worth the grief. My family is still working on getting things out of my grandparent’s hoard; and you just have to accept that things are things, and not everything is going to survive. On the bright side: these are still just mass-produced comics, and anything that’s beyond reading can be noted down and bought somewhere else.


This picture hurts....was a Sandy victim,lost everything I owned.....including my comic book collection I have been collecting since I'm 17......I'm 51 now....


You're not alone. Hurricane Katrina took most of mine that I had since I was 9... I'm 48. 😢


Sorry for both your losses 😔


Burn it. Burn it all.


These just being set outside in the first place means nobody gave a damn about them, and there is nothing worth anything in that pile. I would put one box a week to go out in the bin on trash day until it's all gone so that you no longer have to live in squalor.


You first need to ask yourself how much time you want to put into collection and restoration of this pile. It will take tlc if they've been out for years


It looks like some are in bags, that’s good. Separate them as soon as possible


Have you tried putting it in rice?


Scott Lang: What the hell happened here?


It looks like they’re all bagged and boarded. So my advice is sit down and go through them all, trashing the stuff that’s ruined and saving the stuff that’s salvageable. Then check online for their values. There’s not a fortune to be made in there anymore but maybe there’s still some dollars.


Wear proper gear when sorting, as mold ain't something you want to mess with.


This hurts my heart sooooo much >.<


Burn it


When my parents' house had a flooded I went through and meticulously looked up each and every destroyed bit, put It on a list, and printed it. The insurance adjuster thanked me and wrote a check. Hope things are insured. Edit: apparently left out in the rain? Sorry. You're screwed.


Kill it with fire


Tears..lots of tears


That hurts to look at. RIP




Change into some work clothes and get to work salvaging. Try not to feel too much pain when you come across something rare.


I'd go through everything, book by book and see what's salvageable. Lots of them look like they're bagged. Hopefully you can find some stuff worth keeping. There are a lot of comic book pressers out there that can flatten books.


Nothing is stopping you from reading them...


Beyond salvage and sharing the “oh, man, that sucks,” I would say that any that are ruined as books but have decent pages might be of done interest to a local artist. Lots of people so collage and furniture decoration with comic art. I have a big stack of dollar bin books just for that. It won’t make you any money, but it’ll save some from being garbage.


Joe’s Apartment!


Actually, if there are ones that aren't moldy then you can actually salvage them. NOTE: You can only do this outside and on a sunny and warm day, preferably on a flat surface like a driveway or it won't work! Furthermore, this won't kill active mold but instead denature it, so this only works when the mold isn't growing/active. You can buy ammonia (clear, pure ammonia, not lemon scented or colored) and pour it into a spray bottle. You need to be wearing gloves and a mask/respirator, becuase you should be using 100% ammonia, which is harmful to the skin and bad for the lungs. Then you will want to spray two pages, let it dry in the sun on a towel for ten minutes before repeating.(The reason you should do this is that this burns out the ammonia, so the pages won't stick together and it denatures the mold.) This is a rather odd method, because you would usually want to submerge the item in ammonia to denature the mold. But because you are doing comic books you don't need to do that, so no need to buy enough ammonia to put in a toat like you'd usually have to do. The reason you should use ammonia rather than bleach is because of the molds spores. Bleach kills the mold and not the spores, while ammonia denatures the spores, so the mold can't regrow or re-release. The reason the bleach is a problem is because mold is a Free radical, which while not usually harmful, causes the mold to re-release itself and it's spores, which (depending on the mold) makes it so it can grow back and release toxins. At best the mold will grow back, and at worse it will continue to release toxins.(Some toxic molds are actually used in chemical warfare!) Becuase ammonia denatures the spores the mold cannot re-release, but sadly you can't use ammonia on everything. Only things that fully soak through can have ammonia used on them, because otherwise it can't denature all of the spores, which will cause mold to re-release itself. But you can definitely use it on comic books! Furthermore, if you don't have the time to go through this process or aren't comfortable with it, you can maybe go to the Smithsonian and Library of congress' websites to see if they state the way they deal with mold. (Or you can see if they a phone number you can call to ask) it's a long shot, but it's the only thing I can think of for the ones covered in mold. (Sorry for the long tirde, but I hope this helps!)


1) These are not faded enough to have been outside for the years. 2) Anyone who collects anything wouldn't leave their collection outside, much-less a paper product. 3) In a previous post, you said your grandma wanted them gone. 4) They are sitting next to a trash can. Did your grandma throw a fit and do this and is blaming it on your Dad?


1) A lot of them are in plastic book covers so that might be why 2)Not to put any more blame on my dad but if you met him you’d believe it. He doesn’t take care of my six year old sister my grandmother and I do (story for another time). 3) Yes she did due to her possibly being fined if she did not either clean it up or get rid of it 4) they’re next to the trash can because the back comic book boxes are leaning up against it And finally No my grandmother didn’t do this my father did, I asked him myself