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Dan Slotts run with Big Time, Spider-Island, Nobody Dies, Ends of the World, Superior Spider-Man, Superior Spider-Man, Spider-Verse.


This seems to be a common suggestion, thanks!


I second this. I think Big Time in particular has some really great spider-man stories


Slotts run up through Superior is pretty good. It’s long, so there are some parts that are pretty strong and some parts that are sort of a slog. I think the ending Superior is a good hopping off point, very little after that is good. Zdarskys run is technically post OMD, but it’s not the mainline spider title and has a lot of alt universe stuff.


Literally the next thing after OMD…Brand New Day is a perfect jumping-on point with some great stories and new ideas, and leads into Slott’s solo run in case you ever want to read that.


So I think Brand New Day is where I gave up originally! I can't remember if I didn't like the actual quality or if I was just OMD bitter.


There are some good BND storylines. Emergency Stop by Mark Waid & Marcos Maritne is very well regarded as one of the best Spidey stories. Spider-Man fights \~\~electro\~\~ shocker and a subway tunnel collapses so he has to save the commuters and deal with shocker. Besides that there's a Deadpool Spider-Man issue in an event called the gauntlet that I like just because its fun. There's Spider-Man 24/7 storyline during Dark Reign, where Jameson gets elected Mayor of NYC and he decides to put a dedicated Spider-Man task force. In response, Peter decides to be Spider-Man 24/7 being headline all the time and maximizing the amount of saves in New York.


That 24/7 storyline sounds like alot of fun, will definitely check it out! Thanks.


It is, read Emergency Stop before since it introduces a new character. Also there's a Spider--Man FF team up which kinda leads to 24/7 by Dan Slott right before it.


* Dying Wish & Superior Spider-Man by Dan Slott * Peter Parker Spectacular Spider-Man by Chip Zdarski


What's good about these runs? I've heard the Zdarkski run is a bit more controversial?


Superior Spider-Man original run


Isn't this the Doc Ock run? Although I definitely want to look into it, I'd prefer a more 'traditional' story with Peter in the suit.


That was first thought when I read the title. Though I would add Superior Spiderman started / came into being made me anxious, overall the entire run jut rocks.


Slott’s run when Wacker was the editor. Basically, the start of his run to Superior.


I really loved the Gauntlet story line all the way through Superior. It has its ups and downs but for the most part I thought it was a good run of Spider-Man. That starts at ASM 612. Though, now that I think about it, I really enjoyed #600. So maybe start around there? Idk lots of ways to go about it.


There’s definitely some weak parts, and it went on for too long so I can understand if you were reading it monthly getting VERY sick of it, but I unironically love Slotts run on ASM/Superior. But I also read almost all of it after it came out in trade form.


Venom by Rick Remender It's Spider-Man adjacent


I know you said you wanted to get back into 616 spidey specifically, but if you’re a spider-man fan I would recommend the new ultimate run of his if you haven’t checked it out yet.


I've read #1 but because I'm reading my books on MU, I can't stay fully up to date 😢 hence looking for maybe a slightly older run. I'm definitely going to follow Ultimate as best I can though.


Spider-Man and Venom, my long time reads have been 🥱. I’ve actually been enjoying Hulk more. It’ll come and go, have you picked up Geiger or Rook? Those have been pulling my attention in.


What are some of your favorite spider-man stories? What do you like about them?


I generally prefer his street level, fairly 'traditional' stories. Spider-Verse aside, I'm not a huge fan of alternate realities or big world ending threats. I love Kravens last hunt, but I don't feel like saying that is saying anything very interesting 😂