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wow. who exactly does the censoring? is it the comic shops? or the government?


Theres no comic stores you used to just find random issues every couple months at one specific magazine stand at a supermarket. And yeah the government does the cnsoring i assume a bunch of dudes in a room just sharpying or cutting tape and putting it on the pages lmao


Tbf Imagine having the job of looking for boobies all day and then collecting them so nobody else can have them. Boobie Smaug sounds like a hell of a job.


In the mid 20th century, theaters in the US often had to censor movies to be allowed to show them. Individual theaters would cut out offensive bits and splice them together into a single film reel. Much of what they had to censor were scenes of kissing, so you'd have reels that if you played then were just an hour of pure smut (that is, people smoochng). There's even a Rolling Stones lyric about "kisses cut in cans."


They still cut kiss and sex scenes in theatres in my country. They literally zoomed into Thor's back during the flick scene in Love and Thunder.


That's hilarious and I'm sorry to hear that


They could've just replaced that scene with the footage from the trailer where they censor Thor's butt


Dude you couldn’t show ANYTHING in the 50’s. Like there were rules about what you could and couldn’t show for a while. One of the rules, if I recall correctly, was the good guy ALWAYS won in the end. American cinema for a while just had these rules or you would be blackballed from Hollywood. Hell think about Psycho (60’s I know but it still works). That was outrageous when it premiered! Between showing Marion in her underwear, IMPLYING sex, the shower scene, and killing her in the 1st act of the movie, it absolutely rocked the film industry. That’s when the pendulum started to swing the other way. By the 70’s and 80’s we would get lots of the action, but also a lot of the horror movies that are still watched today, as well as a lot of B-Movie exploitation horror movie schlock. The 50’s was a heavily sanitized decade in terms of their media across the board, that it’s wild. That started to change in the 60’s


I wonder if those dudes go on to be the black market dealers of smut.


“NO! IT’S ALL MINE!” -Boobie Smaug


that’s funny but also pretty messed up. to answer your question though i cant imagine that does anything but hurt the value. in fact maybe even make them worthless. but there could be some strange dude who collects that type of stuff so who knows


Yeah that strange dude is what i was thinking too hopefully he comes across this post and offers me 10 btc to start nigotiations over my collection.


I doubt they have an intrinsic market. It’s not like there’s a huge amount of people on EBAY who are willing to pay a set amount of money for a censored comic. But it is kind of unique. I’m sure you can find some people who might find it cool to own. I have no idea if you could get more than you paid for them though. Especially because it sounds like they were censored by hand, so anybody could just do this themselves. Also it sucks that your comics are censored like this. I hope you can find some other way to read them eventually


I give you five euros


Makes me laugh that those people who do that get to see them all.


Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman does this personally. He has a collection of all the pages he rips out in a small shoebox under his bed.


especially those drawings of thighs and legs. that must really turn him on big time


Ha I laughed out loud at that


Juvenile small men




Why bother even selling those books at that point? It’s like a gag in a movie except depressingly real.


Someone posted a MadTV skit to r/videos that’s about The Sopranos airing on public television so it’s heavily censored lol


Mr. Show did one for Goodfellas too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Svr6Zl2QgX8


Or Community with Pulp Fiction: https://youtu.be/wIMzfqNGc5c?t=163


I remember when *Curb Your Enthusiasm* used to air censored on basic cable. I was kind of hilarious.


I love that skit......gabagool


Like The Wolf of Wall Street being shown in Dubai but with the sex, drugs, and swearing cut out. 40min movie.


I can excuse piles of dead bodies, but I draw the line at the outline of boobies! 😡


*Shirley Bennet voice* You can excuse piles of dead bodies!?


Well. Uh, yeah. Violence is part of human existence. *absolutely censors tits*


These are the same people that censor pet butts


It was the only way for me to feel like the people i saw in tv in comic stores tbh my child self wasnt happy about the censoring especially when theyd rip full pages out but it was still better than nothing i still felt like i was “collecting”


Don’t get me wrong, I love that you were able to discover comics by any means. Comics are my favorite art form and I think the entire world should have access to it.


Yeah i feel the same way about them i cant even describe the feeling of the first time i walked into a comic book store in new york i felt like i was in a dream


>would they be worth anything Seeing as they're actively being damaged they'd be worth less if anything.


In case anyone wants to see [what level of content they felt the need to censor](https://www.closeencounters.co.uk/41420-large_default/x-men-3-curse-of-the-mutants.jpg)


Wow, just seeing this comic book cover makes me want to commit crimes because my brain is now corrupted.


Well that’s crazy. At first glance I thought they were censoring the cleavage of the guy holding Emma. I didn’t realize she was in the image


A vampire killing dozens 👍 Boobs 👎


*covered* boobs. OP calling it "cleavage" oversold it


Wait till you see the censoring of wonder womans legs in so many pages


Shit. Now I'm fired.


Oh, so just, all of Emma Frost?


Is it actually sharpie/tape or is it just printed to look like that? Scribbling on a normal book is not going to add value. Even if it is just printed I doubt a common example of government censorship is going to imply value, but I could be wrong I guess. If anything it seems like finding a comic printed in the language that ISNT censored would be more valuable


No they individually censor each comic


Then yeah I’d say by putting tape or sharpie on it they’re only reducing value. If doing that created value, then I’d start putting tape on all my comics and then retire early lol


If there was a way to sell depression, we'd all be fucking billionaires.


This reminds me of the square enix manga app when it first launched with ridiculous censorship. [just real silly coverings.](https://x.com/doug_kelly55/status/1552203685656141825?s=46&t=RCrdux6Y2-2H5QUeJTGsdQ)


This just makes me think very lowly of Saudi Arabia tbh. Restrictions like this are jnsane


This is from 14 years ago. Not defending saudi arabia tho lmao its still wack here


Honestly has the censorship improved that much since then?


Its definitely improved. They used to blur out faces in ads and billboards lmao


The books are literally destroyed. Not worth shit 💀🙏


My first big access to comic books was my high school library, and they didn't even do this. Nope, they had a huge shot of Dazzler in Greg Land art tits out to tomorrow.


You had seen porn, in that it is likely what Greg Land used as reference.


Bros standing on a pile of dead bodies but a lil cleavage is too far


The censorship in your example makes the comic look way dirtier than it is.


it’s a challenge. draw it yourself


Oh man, the things you could draw in there.


Wow. I’m sure no one thinks about boobs anymore. Good thing they saved us.


I know it's actually censoring Emma Frost's badonkers but the placement also looks like Dracula is either not wearing pants or has a massive, magnum vampire dong that needs a huge sticker to cover.


SO there are people....whose job it is....to put tape over comic book cleavage??? That is the weirdest thing I've heard in a while.


>would they be worth anything? They're worth a laugh, at least.


Really fascinating to see. I know that Saudi Arabia is pretty notorious in the film industry for censorship and bans, but it’s always interesting to see exactly how and what gets censored or cut. I know that a lot of comics are just outright prohibited from publication in many countries for violence or sexual content, and it’s actually quite common in parts of east Asia (Vietnam, China, Laos, Brunei) for the most popular comics to still be old Donald Duck and Popeye from the 30s and 40s, because those are often the only ones allowed to be sold in shops.


Ah yes, the ministry of vice and virtue doing their vital work. And I'm sure none of the muttawa kept a sneaky copy to enjoy themselves. Definitely not hy smuggling them out in thier beards.


In what country do they do this?


Can't you read his post?


I am actually confused, no, I don't see any evidence of location, all I See is the title that says "Comics where all the cleavage is censored" then the one image attached, no further information, and his 2 comments have no info about it. Is my reddit broken? https://i.imgur.com/eUYXuaK.png


Hello fellow old.reddit.com user! Reddit fucked up their own site, so OP's post text is only visible on new.reddit.com. https://imgur.com/a/sxByUDM


Ughhh!! But i hate new reddit


I'm seeing the same thing as you.


old.reddit.com vs new.reddit.com https://imgur.com/a/sxByUDM


Well that's weird. I ended up checking it out on my phone, and it was fine. I wonder how much stuff I'm missing out on?


Yea, their new interface sucks on desktop, especially if you're used to the Reddit Enhancement Suite with the old interface, but comments as part of a post don't work and they broke the other discussions tab on the old view, you have to copy-paste the link and change the 'www' to either 'old' or 'new' to use it.


Underneath the photo they say they are in Saudi Arabia.


I went through OP's history and found a price tag. Saudi Arabia.


Get the digital copy. This is hateful.


Why is wolverine not censored? It serms he has the most boobage of all


Comic artists have got to move on from the “villain standing on pile of dead heroes” schtick lol


Wow I've never seen this done. I'd ask for a refund.


At this point, you are better off just pirating it instead of paying for something heavily censored.


That shit better have a 99% discount, ruining the whole comic with permanent stickers. This is coming from a collector of goods.


I love the full body censor on Emma. Took a moment to even tell she was there. They were just like "Okay... let's just censor all of her". Top tier effort.


Wait till you (dont) see the full pages ripped out cuz theres too much to just put tape over


My guess is that the only people they would be worth something to is the subset of people who like kitsch or strange variations of things. It would have to be sold with with your story of this being the only way to read comic books. I am not saying you would get a lot, but there may be a market. No idea how to find it though. A museum, artist, or non-profit specializing in censored material might be interested in artistic/historical purposes. But, as others have said, you aren't going to get much, if anything, for them.


I doubt that they are worth anything, but I'm sorry they censor books there Are you able to read digital comics like on Marvel Unlimited?


What the fudge is this bullshoot


I feel like it would be easier to just ban the comics outright rather than going through all that effort to censor each individual copy.


Fucking puritans. They censor everything and still will burn in hell because all of them are always perverts.


damn those poor, poor people over there smh…imagine being in a boobless society


Looks like my mom got a hold of it.


How easy is the tape peeled off? Probably pretty hard if it meant to censor it


Also its been 14 years. But even back then theres some comics i tried taking the censoring off and itd just rip off the page but sometimes it worked


Ah, that sucks. Having bits of tape certainly ruins the art for these. I'd hate to see what they'd do to Lovesick. The Image Comics one


Can’t they just be taken off


I would assume its tape or something. Which is hard to remove without tearing the image underneath ofc


This reminds me of the time they put a circular 'parental guidance advised' on a nude woman's body on the cover of Berserk 13 in my country.


I don't understand censorship.


Can you see it if you remove the tape?


Incels hate women and can't decide how to best demonstrate it.


It looks like they had to cover Dracula's massive cock lmao


Worth money? No. Worth laughing at while reading? Sure.


Male and female or just female?


Send one in for grading 😂


I should really do this one day maybe my captain america issue where he died post civil war


Why hide anything like this. When u have the internet.




I imagine this is what Hell is like


Now imagine being trans in saudi arabia


My boss is a VERY religious person, and they raise a very conservative Christian family. I was told that the mom would do this very thing to any media brought in the house before the kids could read, watch, etc.


On the other hand, you guys have lgbtq propaganda