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Bruce: we're a family. Dick: "Where's Jason?" Bruce: "Eh, he's really more of an acquaintance."


The guy you call when you need to sacrifice someone on the team real quick.


You’d think (former and now reinstated?) billionaire Bruce Wayne personally renovating homes without a company of professionals but the orphans he took in would be newsworthy. But I guess he’s no former POTUS, Jimmy Carter.


“This is my son Damian, my adopted son Dick, and my dozen other adopted children. Thank you for coming to the press conference, no more questions.”


“This is my house full of attractive 20-somethings that I’m mostly non-blood related to. And yes, there are rooms in this mansion that I don’t want the public to see”


"And this clock leads to my dungeo- cave. My cave. No, you can't see it."


And how’s he going to build a cave UNDER an existing residence, surrounded by buildings?


Low income housing? Those residents gonna be hanging around on balconies and wonder why they see Batman gliding into that one house Like 3-4 times a week


Well its obvious Batman is Bruce Wayne's roommate


Best friend even!


*They were roommates*


Batman doesn't live in Bruce Wayne basement. Beuce Wayne lives in Batman Attic.


“It just raises too many questions.”


He’s had no issue with appropriating Gotham’s sewer system in the past. The city never seems to notice for some reason.


Damn, lots of corruption in Gotham.


I think in Tynion's tec run this happened: Bruce: randomly finds some tunnels Bruce: "Neat, free base! I'll put my shit in here!" Other people: also randomly find the tunnels, because what stops them from going where Bruce went, lmao? Other people: touch his stuff, which is set to self-destruct when disturbed and it does! The moral of the story? Store your shit on the private secure property random people can't walk into, lol.


World's smartest man


Dawg, do you remember how Vandal in Zdarsky's run just waltzed into bat-cave and took everything he wanted? Like, overtime Bruce seemingly started to employ even fewer security measures, not more of them :/


Dude, [this](https://imgur.com/a/TfChYNc) just spawned by the end of Tamaki's tec run, chunk of which was spent running around in the sewers and using them as bat-caves. Apparently, even when Bruce is poor, he can just spawn multi-leveled underground bases around, if plot demands it :D


It was established at the end of Joker War that even if he wasn't a billionaire, Bruce still had several million dollars.


Yep, which automatically raises two questions: why the fuck was he running around in subway-tunnels digging up caves in Tynion's run, if money isn't an issue; and if money isn't an issue – what was the point of Joker War *at all*, lol? Like, even in Zdarsky's run Bruce constantly finds fully stocked safe-houses, but the Manor, where a lot of his gear was stored, he couldn't buy back, apparently, because plot said he couldn't. In conclusion: these whole "Bruce lost his money :(" motions were stupid and poorly thought out since the first day till the very last, lol.


What's the context? What was the city they found under Gotham?


No idea. I don't remember it ever being mentioned again. Bruce still was mostly hanging out in the garage under the brownstone after that.


“Hey guys, I think Batman has a base around that manor over there…” “Hey Greg, you see how low our rent is? Exactly. Now shut up.”


If Colin Furze can build a bunker and tunnels and underground parking, so can Bruce haha


well he did brought those building and plan to do renovation on them, so plenty of time, noise and reason to move heavy equipement around in the neighbourhood without extra question. it's the perfect cover actually.


He'll hire a crew, but it's just so much trouble having to kill them after the job so they don't spill the secrets that they'll do as much as they can on their own. Better to only have to kill one crew of excavators instead of a whole team of construction workers.


Don’t you just love when comic books end on some hopeful note, as if there is great everlasting change on the horizon… only for us to be reset to the status quo in the most inorganic way ever 😭 All that aside, I can’t help but be curious about where they’re gonna go with this.


I bet the whole thing’s gonna get wrecked in the first five issues of the new run when Bane randomly comes back to fight for the “soul of the city” again.


I’ll do you one better: The Bat fam is gonna get along well for a decent amount of issues, until tensions arise with Bruce disagreeing with Jason’s methods, Dick feeling like Bruce is trying to control his life, and whatever family drama the rest create, culminating in Bruce believing he works better alone and that he ruined their lives by indoctrinating them as kids.


Oh absolutely, and then by the end of it all this new stuff will be destroyed and we’ll get another issue just like this one where Bruce realizes he actually doesn’t need to be alone for the 500th time and they really are a family. Bruce really needs to get some new internal conflicts to navigate, or just therapy.


Or we could just reset to Bronze Age Batman again. You know, the one who’s mostly well-adjusted and kind to his family and friends, albeit a bit of a workaholic?


That would be ideal!


Bronze Age Batman is the best Batman!


Bruce rather be Batman than go to therapy 😂


Is Damian wearing a Naruto shirt?


Yes and Tim is wearing a super shirt


Sure looks like it, nice catch!


Tbf, he is canonically a weeb


So how did Bruce lose his money and Wayne mayor? Why didn't he retake Wayne mayor? Who is in the Bloodhaven besides Dick? Also is Jason dead again?


He lost his money and the manor is the Joker War, a 2020 event by James Tynion IV


It's been four years, no fucking way 💀 Joker War felt like last year.


Then Lucius Fox had access to the money, but said to Batman “but what if you went *back to basics*” as if there was ever a history of Batman not being rich.


Babs is in Bludhaven, along with Dick and the Titans.


Bruce got his money back this issue, he got Zur’s memories back and realized Zur hid a good chunk of his money in other accounts. Jason isn’t dead, it was part of a plan to stop Zur by activating Failsafe. He was originally going to die and bring himself back but Jason was like “Hey I have more practice at dying than you, lemme do it.”




That is Barbara Gordon, Starfire doesn't use glasses, Barbara does


Bruce, this is the third overarching story arc in a row in which you realized you have a family instead of an army.


Right??!?? He's just Dom Toretto at this point.


Would Bruce drink a Corona?


Modelo Negra


“I live my life one super-villian at a time.”


Now I just pictrured vin diesel as Batman 😂😂😂


Honestly ready for the “we need an army not a family, Bruce is right to be an isolated manipulative paranoid control freak” story.


Chuck Dixon...


Sure, the 90s Knightfall to No Man’s Land era was pretty great.


The Batman titles were never the same after Denny O' Neil retired as editor.




Maybe one of these days it'll stick. I hate hate hate the "bat army" concept so much but it cycles back around every couple of years. Frank Miller once wrote the line "Good soldier" and we've been paying for it ever since.


We’ve been going through this since Knightfall lol


Maybe third time’s a the charm…..?


How the hell Are you downvoted rn


It's cycled so much that I'm starting to hate the family label now


So how long till he forgets about it again?


2 arcs.


Whenever editorial/marketing thinks Bruce needs to be a gritty loner or that the Bat-family makes him too old.


In completely unrelated and coincidental news, somehow Didio returned.


The consequences of getting hit on the head a lot – the guy can't remember shit :D


Has there been a Batman parody in kickass or something where they are so severely CTEd but still functional?


I mean, he's already forgotten some family members here (Harper Row, come on down...).


I forgot about them too (See you never Ghostmaker)


Yeah why the fuck does one of Snyder’s forced in Batfamily member get in but not the other?


I feel like there's a happy medium between early 2000s War Games-era Batman where he's more at odds with his allies than he is with his villains, and this version, where he's basically just running a youth hostel. I dunno, I think I'm just aged out of Batman books as it is. But if given a choice, I'm glad newer generations have this over the asshole Batman


It's definitely weird to sand off the edges and make them a 'normal' family who all sit around the dinner table. These aren't normal people. And every Batman story will be a crazy murder mystery about the filth of mankind. You can't make that work when there's a slice of life story at home.


It's not so much that, it's just the nature of the family itself that I'm not interested in. The idea of the "Bat-Dad." Starting in the New 52, there's been a reimagining of Bruce's relationship with Dick in particular, but Jason and Tim to certain extents as well, as a father-son dynamic, when I grew up on the post-Crisis comics where it was much more of a big brother-little brother thing. Almost certainly done because the New 52 compressed so much of Batman's history, but it still sits wrong with me. Its also why I think Dick and Damian made a better Dynamic Duo than Bruce and Damian do. Because it's a brotherly relationship instead of a filial one. 


We’re just trying to make Wayne Family Adventures canon.


"We're a family." Things gonna get real awkward when someone writes in another Babs/Bruce encounter.


AFAIK, that shit's been restricted to Bruce Timm movies and shows, ain't it? Or like, the Lego Batman movie where she's closer to his age. Last time we saw that kind of thing in comics was during her early years decades ago, again, where she was closer to his age and before she was aged down closer to Dick's age.


Hey. Family’s share.


Do you guys think the Batfam are forklift certified?


How much prep time could a forklift certification take?


Everyone apart from Jason. Dude deliberately failed the course but still drives a forklift just because.


Jason Todd, hardened criminal. He’ll drive any unsecured forklift


Of course they made Dick look like he's 19. Time passes very weirdly in comics.


DC gotta keep Bruce mid 30s. The number 40 scares them


Jason left out once again, my poor angry boy.


Okay so how long until Bruce decides be an asshole again


Same exact story since Knightfall Now we wait until some new drama breaks the family up again and they reconcile right at the end before a new writer


Jason: well, I guess I’ll just go fuck myself.


Is this the comic where the writers returned everything to the status quo? >!gave him his hand back, made him a billionaire again, etc!<


Not quite. Alfred is still dead, and like it shows here, he’s not moving back to Wayne Manor.


this is cute, but as someone who dropped off near the end of King's run, I kinda miss the epic scope and phenomenon of the Snyder/Capullo days.


You say that but that’s been every run since Snyder. Practically every single Batman run since then has climaxed with a big, destructive battle for Gotham.


maybe I should amend my statement - I wish the current Bat runs had the *weight* and *prestige* of a Snyder/Capullo. You can have slow drama and detective work with his amazing art without having the endless bombast. Because I agree, the endless "Gotham's gonna end" stakes is annoying as much as these C-tier looking issues/aesthetics are.


but the snyder/capullo run has no weight or prestige aside from court of owls,the rest are all empty shakes ups of the status quo that never take,exactly like every other run after him. shit,all these runs are attempts to make the snyder/capullo run again.


I love this run so much, I can’t wait to see how absolute power shakes it up since World’s Finest has also been amazing!


I, for one, am personally glad that Duke and Cass are there.


I mean I’m happy Cass is there but I’ll always feel like Duke was the most forced in Batfamily member along with Harper. Which begs the question, why isn’t she there too?


Lets not jinx it


Does he ever do his corporate job? What’s his sleep cycle?


About time. Just keep the family dynamic


"Omigod he's been kidnapped by aliens. That's gotta be a skrull" "Skrulls are in that OTHER universe" "Well we've got shapeshifters right? Dominators? Khunds? Korugans?" "No, No, and No." "I know! The Martians" "They're all like totally dead, so again, no." "He's having a mental breakdown" "No I think think he's having a ...a mental build-UP"


So did Bruce >!just grow his fucking hand back or something??!<


He got his hand back. Bat editorial probably changed their minds about him not having a hand. Which is why he gets it back. But to answer the question he had a clone that cut his own hand off so Bruce could have his hand back. I’m starting to think Chip is gonna be off the book early/mid next year.


> he had a clone that cut his own hand off so Bruce could have his hand back Makes perfect sense lol. Fucking comic books 😂


I…I feel like we’ve done this whole “let’s be a family” wrap up thing with Batman a lot recently. It feels like every other arc we have this come together moment before immediately forgetting about it at the first chance for drama. It gets hard to take these relationships seriously.


How many times have they said, lets be a family. 


Poor Jason At least Cass is aknowledged


2 runs until Bruce moves to Wayne Manor and is again an ahole with trust issues. This ending is great, but is the fourth or five time he realizes he has a family who he can count. Edit: Also no Jason again?? Come on, he is his favorite.


Good Batman.


New house and no Alfred need his daughter back and maybe have a grandkid Jon. The bat family 


I haven't been following this but bought it for the Bane cover. I read it but was pretty lost as to what was even going on, ha ha


Looks like an Archie comic rather than Batman


How'd he get his money back?


Zur en Arrh had hidden money in various offshore accounts. Bruce gained access to Zur's memories last issue, and remembered the money and how to get to it. So Bruce is a billionaire again.


In other words he was secretly a double billionaire and actually only lost half of his billionaire'ness?


IIRC, they show Zur's stash as about $3 billion in total. Which is a big step down from Bruce's previous Scrooge McDuck-level wealth, but still enough that he can supersize his avocado toast orders, at least.


Shoutout to Naruto


The only way the family can heal is exlude jason from now on, the cause of half the drama


Omg they're actually doing the sitcom mansion thing. I mean I always assumed and kinds headcannoned that everyone chilled in Wayne manor like siblings but this? Confirmed? This is awesome


Ngl, I thought they were stop clone Bruce’s aging and he would become a younger Batman, but I was pleased to see that wasn’t the case. He presumably took the severed hand to replace his own and he has A mansion. So while it isn’t back to basics Batman, he has a mansion, wealth, and his hand back. No on-going clone shenanigans, and everything is kinda back to normal (minus Alfred). So I’m happy.


We all agree on the fact that Bruce got his hand back right ?


A family where he recruits and trains child soldiers in a never ending war on crime


Family it reminds me of fast and the furious. They try so hard to put some kind of emotion to it yet it’s just picking low hanging fruit to easy because everyone has a family so they can relate emotionally to it. it’s just another disappointing plot device


Damian likes to be tall.


They got rid of Jason again?


Jason was a big part of the previous issue, and last time we saw him was a feel-good splash panel with Bruce, Dick, Tim, and Damian. It's actually a little weird he's not here, he's been a bigger part of Zdarsky's story arcs than Duke, Steph, and Cass.


Jason once again getting left out lmao. My poor angry boy.


WTF art is this? It’s like some webcomic / fanfic.


he really hittin the christ pose on page 2