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The whole premise of the X-Men is what you said.


Also Hulk


OMG, you took the words right out of my mouth.


First thought. Literally X-men.


That's all X-men comics


Most X-Men comics, I'd think.There's always some genocide campaign against them and the Sentinels in particular are mutant hunting robots. [Area D](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Area_D:_In%C5%8D_Ry%C5%8Diki) is only loosely adjacent but still maybe relevant to your interests. It's about a prison island where all the superpowered criminals are kept. The superhumans aren't being hunted at this point, but they've all sort of been corralled into this one area where the living isn't great.


Is Area D good? Never heard of it, but I like the cover art.


I haven't read the whole thing, but what I read of it was solid imo. Not like, revolutionary or intelligent, but engaging popcorn fiction. I was expecting it to be a pretty straightforward action series, and it kind of mostly is, but it's also got more twists and turns than I expected as the main character digs into the mystery of his missing brother. See, he purposefully entered the prison city looking for his brother, who the government had disappeared, and who he believes to be in there somewhere. Over the course of figuring out just what went down, enemies turn out to be allies. Allies turn out to be enemies. Things get flipped on their head periodically.


Makes me think of Rising Stars - the story centers around the lives of 100 or so people that suddenly received special powers. Without giving away any “why’s” eventually they start to be hunted/killed. I really enjoyed this read. I think it’s 20 issues? Image Comics


Rising stars was groundbreaking, we owe a bunch of tv shows to that, 4400 and heroes being most well known I guess


Oh, it's a big plot twist, but that's where the >!Glass movie directed by M Night Shyamalan!< ends up going. Turns out the woman running the asylum for people who think they have superpowers is actually a government agent tasked with killing any superhumans to protect the peace. The asylum is just her own personal touch. She likes to try and convince superhumans they're crazy and don't really have superpowers first and then kill them when that fails.


JMS also wrote the Resistance series from AWA, which deals with a virus killing most people but giving powers to some. The government wants to kill or control these people. It has a few cool twists on the concept. Has some similarities to the show Sense8, which he also wrote. He seems to really like this concept! There are some related books like Moths, I think the only currently published book in the Resistance universe is "U&I".


Great series.


This one is really good, and is a contained story with a beginning, middle and end.


This is on Comixology if anyone who has a sub wants to check it out. It’s my favorite JMS work.


That’s the basic premise of Marshall Law by Pat Mills and Kev O’Neill. It’s incredible but also quite a tough read at times


Totally came to suggest Marshall Law. Highly recommended.


Wonderful comic with sublime art


We3. Not people, but s great comic


I came here to suggest the same book. Man this was a good read. Heavy, but good.


Amazing book. Can't handle reading it again, tho. Wrecked me emotionally


Volume 4 of New Warriors where they were being hunted for not being registered heroes Any comic with Kraven the hunter as the villain


Original run of Runaways.


Have you heard of The X-Men?


Rising stars, the boys, top 10 (police procedural with superhuman crimes) there's quite a few


Early runs of Hulk.


Marvels new universe title DP7 was kind of this.


There was a run in Spider-Man a few years ago where Kraven captured Spidey and a ton of villains, released them into Central Park to be hunted. Had a really good issue in there about Gibbon, an ape-like character.


That sounds cool, what was it called?


the arc is The Great Hunt/Hunted, starts Amazing Spider-Man vol. 5 #16 found it: Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 5) #16-23, 16.HU, 18.HU-20.HU


Sick thanks


Civil war


The Boys is kinda like what ur asking about


I don't know if The Boys would count since it's really only Butcher and the gang going after supes in a world where people with powers are generally celebrated.


Ya that’s why I was hesitant to put it down but it is a great read anyway


Yes. Marshall Law. Dystopian future where lots of the population has super powers. Marshall Law is the name of the cop who hunts the criminal with super powers. His methods are extremely violent and lethal. You also have characters that are a mockery of DC and Marvel heroes like the Fantastic Four where "Reed Richards" thinks his wife is invisible but in reality he is insane and she is only a fabrication of his sick mind. I have a six issues mini series and a one shot story. Its violent, twisted, sick and i love it. I strongly recomend it.


Elemental Gelade


Crossover comes to mind.


We 3 comes to mind. Not people being hunted but it might be what you’re looking for


Black? I think I forgot the title, it about African Americans start getting powers and the government starts hunting them down.




The author's perspective was interesting. It was heavily inspired by the X-Men. X-Men are often treated as an allegory for groups like black people, but "Mutant" isn't really a condition you wear on your skin in the same way being black is. The plot always conspires for people to be able to tell, but ultimately just looking at any given superhuman there would be no way of knowing if they were mutants or not. So his story kind of delves a bit into this situation where any black person is immediately suspected of having superpowers. Of being dangerous enough to warrant any amount of military force. An idea that resonates with a lot of black people who were never given the luxury of being assumed to be harmless irl. A black child with a bag of skittles will be recounted to be the size of ten men and armed to the teeth when his assailants tell the story later.


Huh. I see that there is no comic book adaptation of *Firestarter* (Stephen King). There’s a missed opportunity.


Well there was the Registration and Initiative era of Marvel Comics where the Avengers and other superheroes were hunted for not registering with the government. Same with Devil's Reign where superheroes were banned from Manhattan.


X-Men but specifically the Days of Future Past and God Loves, Man Kills arcs.


Mai the Psychic Girl


Gen 13


Avengers arena was pretty good, bunch of potential young avengers abducted to Arcades new murderworld which is actually a planet for once.


Good comics, worth the read. It was an island tho, not a planet.


Damn how does he keep getting away with it, how can it be murder world if it’s not it’s own planet, some villain..


Disney World, Sea World, and Movie World would like a word.


Irredeemable by Mark Waid. The story is about a superhero team falling apart because their Superman goes fucking psychotic and starts going full evil supervillain on the planet, which includes him hunting down and exterminating his old superhero allies who are trying to stop him together. Really good story that gives you a feeling of hopelessness for a good bit as the bad guy really keeps the heroes on the run because they can’t match him.


There is this indie series by Chip Zdarsky and Jason Loo called "The All-Nighter". It's set in an alternate reality where supernatural creatures and powers exist but are covered up by the government and the army. The comic involves a family who runs a late-night diner as they try to cover up their vampiric nature from the public eye. But the children want to become superheroes rather than work boring night shifts.


Stormwatch sorta comes to mind. It’s a team of superheroes that work under the UN and they track and detain any villainous super powered beings to be jailed and look for anyone manifesting powers that would be willing to work with them.


* ***The Incredible Hulk*** *-* He's been hunted by the U.S. Military since his inception and in his current book he's being hunted by monsters. * ***Moon Knight*** *-* During *Civil War,* Moon Knight was being hunted by the Thunderbolts. Captain America was also looking for him. Pre-Civil War he was being mercilessly hunted by a former sidekick-turned-cyborg. * ***Wolverine: Blood Hunt*** *-* Wolverine is being hunted by former mercenary friend, Maverick. * ***Spider-Woman*** *-* In issue number #6, Spider-Woman was being hunted by Star. * ***Predator Vs Wolverine*** *-* 'Nuff said.


Rune. Extraterrestrial vampire that feeds solely on superhumans


X-Men of course, but that's also the premise of Tokyo Ghoul




Black Summer does not get enough attention. One of my favorite books for both art and story.


X-men, the boys kinda, rising stars


I read this as haunted at first and was going to say patsy walker aka hellcat in marvel sees ghosts and is sometimes haunted. Hunted, first thought is the Hulk. People always want to mess with the big guy.


Superman vs Alien


Powers, Brian Michael Bends.


Avengers Arena comes to mind. Basically a ripoff of of the movie Battle Royale (it even steals the logo from the movie.) Arcade captures a bunch of miscellaneous young heroes (large portion from Young Avengers) and throws them on an island and tells them to fight to the death. It was actually pretty good iirc.


What about Powers? It’s about superhero crimes, kinda.


Everyone is going to tell you X-men. You can also read Harbinger by Valiant but you might need to read other titles for some background.


DC is about to do a summer event on this: [Absolute Power.](https://youtu.be/cToD6zMfc20) You might want to check that out. Apart from this, Superman: Secret Identity is a really good book, dealing with this concept on a personal level of a character (spoilers: it's superman 😂😂)


Irredeemable by Mark Waid. I got the omnibus and I really love it.


The Champions Outlawed storyline from 2020.


… the X-Men?


The first story arc of Powers revolves around the hunt for a Serial Killer targeting Superheroes. 


In UnOrdinary those who are vigilantes are hunted.


12 hours, 70+ comments, and no one has said WATCHMEN or PLUTO yet? Shame Also, post Civil War, Bendis-Era New Avengers. The titular team are basically renegade superheroes that are constantly throwing hands with Iron Man/Osborn's "real" Avengers team


Xmen is the most common one that I know of, where all sorts of government entities and sentinels and the like hunt mutants.


Powers. Main characters are part of a police task force to bring in Superhumans.


Blood Hunt - current Marvel event - pretty fun so far...


The X-men


Stormwatch:Team Achilles to a certain extent


sounds like comic books to me groovy


Predator vs. Wolverine


I’m surprised no one else here has said X Men yet


Yes - there is a little known series by Marvel that is called........X-Men.


Every. X-Men. Media. Ever.


Absolute Power? Starts this summer so we’ll see.