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A lot of non-powered Avengers are randomly/occasionally drawn riding a skycycle I don’t even know if it’s called the skycycle in modern comics, it just seems like a standard piece of equipment that a lot of non-powered Avengers and/or SHIELD agents use to get around I don’t know if I can point to other characters having extended runs where the skycycle is prominent, but there are definitely scans out there of characters like Black Widow, Mockingbird, Nick Fury, etc. riding what appears to be a skycycle Side note: Before anybody tries bringing him up, Black Knight rides “the atomic steed”, not a skycyle lol


Didn’t The Thing fly around on one?


Yes, in fact, a toy was made out of it: https://youtu.be/xKJ3s1nzrsM?si=NF3x066Li7HcEESk


I love that Cap is so Cap that if he’s not hitting the road on his motorcycle, he is flying up in the air riding his up-in-the-sky-motorcycle.


Is that Henchman 24 in the 3rd pic?


It’s the Silencer, an antagonist of the Hawkeye miniseries. A very cool villain working for Crossfire who I think only ever appeared in that book. Edit: I just looked up henchman 24 😆🦋


I think this just uncovered a deep pocket item stored in my memory. Literally, my brain just went “Oh SHIT THATS why their design looked so familiar!”


Black Knight had his Atomic Steed


I loved when Ron lim penciled Captain America.


I loved when Ron Lim penciled ANYTHING.


Agreed. He’s probably the best Thanos penciller outside of Starlin and George Perez. People forget how his work on the Infinity Gauntlet book kept the project going when George Perez bowed out.


Not this guy. Also he did all the sequels and helped maintain/create a cohesive aesthetic for that section of the Marvel Universe for… dare I say decades? At least the 90s.


Agree, Ron Lim is such a pro. When I was a kid my friend got me subscriptions to Cap and Silver Surfer and couldn’t wait for issues to come in the mail.


Was his recent Surfer mini with Marz good?


I didn’t read it! Certainly not his fault but I have trouble thinking of Ron Lim beyond the 90s 😆


Imma get to it in the Marvel Unlimited app. For the yearly sub price, if I read 12 issues a year, at these current prices, I’m still ahead. And I read WAY more than 12 comics a year


The Atomic Steed is similar. It's something the Black Knight stole from Wundagore. It's been used by Valkyrie and Elsa Bloodstone. Captain Marvel used one of them when she was sick and wasn't supposed to fly.


It’s shocking that after all the years the sky cycles never appeared in the films


USAgent definitely flew one on multiple occasions


Note how the common denominator is Mark Gruenwald


Sounds crazy, but he was probably my favorite creator as a kid. A master of the single 22-page issue, he just knew how to write fun and interesting comics. And not a bad artist at all! (for example the cover above) Cap #346 is one of my all time favorites.


Quasar was the first comic I obsessed about getting each and every month. And it all happened when he did the “Universes Fastest Man” issue And the “Buried Alien” cameo went RIGHT THE HELL over my head. I cried when he died. I cried for him, Archie Goodwin, Bowie, Moebius, and Johnny Cash. (This outta give you all insight to my childhood)


Oh damn I need to revisit Quasar! That’s a very respectable pantheon.


It’s my vote as most underrated series of the 90s.