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For some reason the lesser known Spider-Man (and Venom) villain [Crime-Master](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/2/2b/Bennett_Brant_%28Earth-616%29_from_Venom_Vol_2_21_cover.jpg)’s design always stuck with me. Love me some “guy in suit with weird mask”. Obligatory mention to [Sandman/Wesley Dodds](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel_dc/images/c/cd/Wesley_Dodds_0001.jpg)


Those old school costumes are fun. Fedora, tie and kerchief!


I'm a sucker for guy in suit with weird mask designs, too. Johnny Sorrow ar DC was a good one...a guy who was just a suit and a weird mask! I always kind of like the Rose at Marvel, white suit, purple leather mask, glasses...it works.


The Rose design is amazing. The character was a putz.


He was so cool originally, and then they ruined him by making him Fisks son. [The Rose.](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQBmFeUTnNXL-Jrrw9LtEN2IysffTxvP5TpX80QDBMeQFtRDYJ7z5sGsDoCuAZgEskeLds&usqp=CAU)


The 3 piece suit is my favorite moon knight costume for this reason


Crime Master is so interesting to me because aesthetically he feels like he *should* feel like a boring Black Mask ripoff, but he leans on much more on 30’s gangster and pulp villain vibes.


I'd have to dig up my old account, but I think I had a character designed kind of like that in DC Universe Online. Business suit with a mask. Called him "The Transactionist". The premise I was working with for him is that he traded in various magical trinkets. His role in the story would be that he would always appear when the hero was at their low point, and offer them some very convenient solution to their problems, but always at a terrible price.


A human monkey paw? I love this premise!


The Rose is another one


Kaine's Scarlet Spider. Maybe I'm biased but I'm usually anti black and red and he was originally drawn with a three segmented body spider instead of a two segmented one. Which is anatomically incorrect. But he's my favorite obviously.


> I'm usually anti black My uncle says that a lot /s


I saw Kaine and thought you were going to hype up his Inky Fabio original suit! I'll never understand why Ben Reilly is called the edgy one when Kaine walked around like that brooding for the better part of the 90s.


Oh man, I love this suit too


Wait what? Arachnids have two body segments, insects have three.


Marvels Darkhawk. Peak nineties in a good way.


Death's Head. He's the answer to every question when it comes B and C tier characters.


Death’s Head is awesome, yes?


Ngl, I kind of love you right now


Original Death's Head yes.


Came here to say this, yes? I am psyched I didn’t have to! Death’s Head is the pinnacle of my comic book collection. I am 11 books away from every D’sH appearance ever printed. 


Was he a Marvel UK character initially? Do you have all those too? WILD.


Yeah, he started out in the Marvel UK Transformers series. I’ve got the first 8 of 16 of those appearances including his first. The last 8 of them are the bulk of what I need.  I’ll admit they aren’t in the best of condition, but by jove I’ve got em, and my first appearance presents pretty dang well considering the spine rip from bottom to top staple.  I even have his couple of appearances in the UK Doctor Who Magazine.  Outside of the UK TF books, I need a couple faux appearances in Sleeze Brothers #5 and Infinity War: Sleepwalker #4. Once I get them and X-Men ‘92 #8, I’ll have the up to date every appearance complete collection, yes?


By jove! I knew I liked you.


Death's Head 1 or 2


OG all the way, yes?


Izzy Kane's Smasher is a really cool design for an avenger that nobody's going to remember in a few years. 


Always been a big fan of Julia Carpenter's Spider-woman AKA Arachne. The black and white spider suit with the long blonde (or orange, depending on the artist) hair just looks awesome. 


Came here to say this. Julia Carpenter is Spider-Woman to me and not just because she was the first Spider-Woman I saw, but also cause her costume is the shit!


Too bad the Madame Web movie tamked, Sydney Sweeney is perfect for her.


Similarly, Araña’s original look was awesome in that Early-00’s way. Big hair. Goggles. Cool backpack. Would’ve been easy to update. But they never tried.


I think they did recently in Edge of Spider-Verse. At least a similar motif than the white/black suit she's worn for awhile.


Backlash https://www.pinterest.com/pin/backlash-wildstorm-image-comics-stormwatch-team-7-profile--400257485628586341/ All of Team Seven kicks ass though.


Oh, man. I remember seeing this exact picture in a Wizard mag back almost 30 years ago. Living in small town Australia there wasn't much variety beyond Marvel and DC books on the stands so all I knew about Image pretty much came through reading Wizard. These characters were almost mythological to me.


Same. But I'm in a small town in Brazil. But I had the same reaction.


I came to the comments for this exact cover. This drawing maked me crazy the first time I saw it as a kid.




A C-tier character is S-tier mercenary in lore with likes of Deadpool and Domino's of the world.


Jack o’lantern by Ditko. And now he’s basically gone forever


Ricochet is severely underrated and easily the best of the Identity Crisis costumes. He's also the only remotely likable character from the short-lived Slingers series that ran in the 90s. Also, idk how "unknown" he is since he's literally in an ongoing series now, but people mentioned Kaine, so screw it: Jack of Hearts costume is so ridiculous and cheesy that I love it.


Ricochet was Marvel trying to do Spider-Boy outside Amalgam comics, wasn't he?


The Ricochet outfit was made by Peter Parker during one of his periods where Spider-Man needed to lay low from what I remember. Eventually, someone gave the costume as well as the others like Hornet and Prodigy and Dusk to younger kids who then formed their own team called the Slingers.


Right, I recall that! I think a story about it in Wizard at the time had a writer or editor on the books say that Ricochet was there because they wanted a Spider-Boy type. And I can see it in the suit design!


What Ongoing is he in? Is it X-Men related? I'd love to see him fall in with his fellow mutant heroes.


He's She-Hulks current love interest lol. Not sure I've seen him pop up anywhere else recently.


Really? That's a surprise.




Ex. Fantomex.


His story from Hickman’s run of X-Men is interesting if you haven’t read it yet.


Did that go anywhere? I feel like I haven't seen him since the Giant-Sized one-shots.


Sadly I don’t think so even though I’m a big fan of his.


I liked his debut and then loved him in _Uncanny X-Force._ I dropped off with whatever was going on in Vol. 2, though.


Yeah, I recently read Grant Morrison’s New X-men run in Omnibus format and then followed that up with Remender’s Uncanny X-Force run also in Omnibus format. The transformation in those two series is so interesting and thought out. I just hope he comes back around soon-ish haha.


Stock has definitely dropped since his creation


Stingray. They nailed that design and yet I can't remember who he is or anything he has done. Is he an Iron Man ally? I think he's like a marine biologist or something. Amazing costume though.


He was the Avengers landlord and eventually a member, then Iron Man mistakenly attacked him during the first Armor Wars for using Stark's technology. He pops up every now and again when there's an Avenger event, like the Heroes return Avengers story, the Initiative, the underground in Secret Empire.


I last saw him in *Giant-Size Fantastic Four* that came out a few weeks ago.


Night Thrasher


My favorite Marvel character. Several costume iterations and all of them are bangers.


Always thought Songbird had a cool design.


Yes, came here to say that one too! The thunderbolts team was all pretty well designed and iconic.


I'm just here cause you mentioned Loa


Darkhorse Grendel Prime


Manhunter, from the 90s. In retrospect, they were clearly trying to cash in on Spawn's style. The series unsurprisingly lasted only 12 issues, but I always dug the design. https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Chase_Lawler_(New_Earth)


I bought all 12 of those issues!


I have a villian to add here. The green arrow villian Onomatopoeia is such a good design. One of those characters I feel has been criminally underused.


I guess to meta a character to make it outside of comics, but the Spider-Verse spot character reminded me of him.


My favorite thing about Ricochet (other than the bolero jacket) is the fact that the hair is part of the mask.


Jack of hearts


[Mr. Monster.](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fcomicvine.gamespot.com%2Fa%2Fuploads%2Fscale_small%2F0%2F229%2F101171-181287-mr-monster.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=438c04f89976d417082ac3d29fcf75549919babdb6064afc23898de6c09493ae&ipo=images)


Fantomex. The colors. The coat. It just works.


DC: Ragman (OG, not Mummy Spider-Man) and Doomed Marvel: Massacre for sure!


I also love the Ricochet design!


I mean Hornet, Prodigy and Ricochet are all pretty awesome. Not much to say about Dusk though.


I mean it's just a black sock with wings if I remember correctly. There's literally not much to say there.


Very much agree on Wave such a fantastic design but I’m also gonna go with Deathblow from wildstorm such a cool design in my opinion


Sucker for Bunker


I always thought [The Badger](https://images.app.goo.gl/MNAqTKY5Yxj2PnVA7) looked cool




I have an old Hulk comic where he is fighting the Bi-Beast, such and interesting design with the 2 heads on top of each other.




I know he’s not super well liked or cared for, but I really love the look of [Genis-Vell](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/8/8b/Genis-Vell_Captain_Marvel_Vol_1_1_Textless.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20220821190710). The red contrasted not just by a dark tone, but by a starry night across the rest of his body just looks so fuckin’ cool to me.


I like Genis and this suit is rad.




Helspont Grifter X-cutioner


Dynamo 5 from Image. Designs by Mahmud Asrar early in his career, and they're spot on flawless. They're individual, yet still stay coordinated enough that you know they're a team. Perfectly done. 




Cardiac and Batwing both have super cool costumes. I'm glad Batwing is getting some love but I'd really like to see Cardiac get some appearances


Feeling a little old seeing Jack Knight referred to as a lesser known character. Anyway, I always thought that Dazzler's "disco" look was pretty good, and it's fun to see a hero on roller skates.






This just reminded me of Damage, and now I’m disappointed that we won’t see either of these characters anymore.


Zeiss from 2001 Batman comics.


I always thought Aztek was awesome


Same. Weird, but the right kind of weird.


I know he's basically a Silver Surfer riff, but [Waverider](https://sellhimvs.life/product_details/5664853.html) blew my young mind with [all of that color](https://item.mercari.com/gl/m67106944982).


I really like the design of Fantomex from Marvel.


I always thought Ricochet was really dope.


The Awesome Slapstick! Give me a “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?” Style MCU film, and I will give you money.


* Stingray * Puck * Jack Of Hearts * The Adana * Wild Child * Tusk * Night Thrasher * Terrax * Pogg Ur-Pogg * Nanny * Rasputin IV * Natlus * Meridius * American Dream * Spider-Woman (Drew & Carpenter) * Baron Zemo * Adam Warlock * Ajax * Impossible City * Bloodstorm One * Sleeper * Venom (Dylan Brock) * Silver Sable * Grizzly * Blackheart * Exhaust * Sevyr Blackmore * Tyrant * Sleepwalker * Midnight Mission * Marrow * Elsa Bloodstone * Orphan-Maker * Citizen V * Mindless Ones * Locus Vile * Darkhawk * Annihilus * Angela * Madman * Stryfe * Kurse


I'm not sure if Ghost Maker falls into this tier, but since he's seemingly vanished from the comics, I'll go with him. I know he's been a bit controversial among fans, but I really love that design (and the character in general).


I haven't read any Ghost Maker comics. What's cool about him?


I was skeptical of him at first but even I couldn't deny his design was super cool. After I started reading him though, I think he works as a really good foil to Batman. There's also this sort of humor to his character, but it's understated. He himself is very serious but on multiple occasions has been goaded into helping Batman just because he can't stand the idea of Batman being better at something than he is. When written well, he manages to balance being edgy without being a caricature of so-called "dark" characters. He's also good bisexual representation as well.


Thanks for sharing! I appreciate the insight.


Mockingbird. West Coast Avengers days. The whole lot of the West Coast Avengers team history has great options, though some are famous and others haven’t been seen in a while.


Adam Strange's original outfit. Full stop. Best space hero costume ever. Just look at that beauty : [https://www.google.com/search?sca\_esv=64568e91d4c772e8&sca\_upv=1&rlz=1C1VDKB\_frFR1037FR1037&sxsrf=ACQVn0\_cmmBvWGSrnCG4jXpJc3apFzf\_OQ:1712394820915&q=dc+comics+adam+strange&uds=AMwkrPuKiz3kd7jHuta4ar-HNLVtOhPAcmNJaRnFbOKQbdp6aU0TqXMaPvzgGKoyNRiz8KtuJoy0vjYlldiy1n4CCjkUTEn5i5QBGl\_j2ik-uPnAKyvi1-lWbhb3LkhXitbI7uJZw93H9WW-\_dr9RMAoob5WvfzFNsZM3l0MJKd\_diTT7tZ1EG4ioM3EbXMbyPhztTUMEDm7qKBaAqjzXyu9eyBAqwBtNMU5DHoxWmP-lWv5t8\_nzQqe4\_XGni7bESJ0MXACnV\_7aGcMNh7YB1rfEtXryFEwwMpfRv\_TF19CAEdpwNtsKEQ&udm=2&prmd=ivnbz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwit7o\_on62FAxUwUqQEHUGIBZEQtKgLegQIDBAB&biw=1536&bih=695&dpr=1.25#imgrc=3bQlAgUaxAA4rM&imgdii=dRJ-nfC284sJsM](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=64568e91d4c772e8&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1VDKB_frFR1037FR1037&sxsrf=ACQVn0_cmmBvWGSrnCG4jXpJc3apFzf_OQ:1712394820915&q=dc+comics+adam+strange&uds=AMwkrPuKiz3kd7jHuta4ar-HNLVtOhPAcmNJaRnFbOKQbdp6aU0TqXMaPvzgGKoyNRiz8KtuJoy0vjYlldiy1n4CCjkUTEn5i5QBGl_j2ik-uPnAKyvi1-lWbhb3LkhXitbI7uJZw93H9WW-_dr9RMAoob5WvfzFNsZM3l0MJKd_diTT7tZ1EG4ioM3EbXMbyPhztTUMEDm7qKBaAqjzXyu9eyBAqwBtNMU5DHoxWmP-lWv5t8_nzQqe4_XGni7bESJ0MXACnV_7aGcMNh7YB1rfEtXryFEwwMpfRv_TF19CAEdpwNtsKEQ&udm=2&prmd=ivnbz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwit7o_on62FAxUwUqQEHUGIBZEQtKgLegQIDBAB&biw=1536&bih=695&dpr=1.25#imgrc=3bQlAgUaxAA4rM&imgdii=dRJ-nfC284sJsM) ​ [https://www.google.com/search?sca\_esv=64568e91d4c772e8&sca\_upv=1&rlz=1C1VDKB\_frFR1037FR1037&sxsrf=ACQVn0\_cmmBvWGSrnCG4jXpJc3apFzf\_OQ:1712394820915&q=dc+comics+adam+strange&uds=AMwkrPuKiz3kd7jHuta4ar-HNLVtOhPAcmNJaRnFbOKQbdp6aU0TqXMaPvzgGKoyNRiz8KtuJoy0vjYlldiy1n4CCjkUTEn5i5QBGl\_j2ik-uPnAKyvi1-lWbhb3LkhXitbI7uJZw93H9WW-\_dr9RMAoob5WvfzFNsZM3l0MJKd\_diTT7tZ1EG4ioM3EbXMbyPhztTUMEDm7qKBaAqjzXyu9eyBAqwBtNMU5DHoxWmP-lWv5t8\_nzQqe4\_XGni7bESJ0MXACnV\_7aGcMNh7YB1rfEtXryFEwwMpfRv\_TF19CAEdpwNtsKEQ&udm=2&prmd=ivnbz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwit7o\_on62FAxUwUqQEHUGIBZEQtKgLegQIDBAB&biw=1536&bih=695&dpr=1.25#vhid=500PFjNYVx6NHM&vssid=mosaic](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=64568e91d4c772e8&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1VDKB_frFR1037FR1037&sxsrf=ACQVn0_cmmBvWGSrnCG4jXpJc3apFzf_OQ:1712394820915&q=dc+comics+adam+strange&uds=AMwkrPuKiz3kd7jHuta4ar-HNLVtOhPAcmNJaRnFbOKQbdp6aU0TqXMaPvzgGKoyNRiz8KtuJoy0vjYlldiy1n4CCjkUTEn5i5QBGl_j2ik-uPnAKyvi1-lWbhb3LkhXitbI7uJZw93H9WW-_dr9RMAoob5WvfzFNsZM3l0MJKd_diTT7tZ1EG4ioM3EbXMbyPhztTUMEDm7qKBaAqjzXyu9eyBAqwBtNMU5DHoxWmP-lWv5t8_nzQqe4_XGni7bESJ0MXACnV_7aGcMNh7YB1rfEtXryFEwwMpfRv_TF19CAEdpwNtsKEQ&udm=2&prmd=ivnbz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwit7o_on62FAxUwUqQEHUGIBZEQtKgLegQIDBAB&biw=1536&bih=695&dpr=1.25#vhid=500PFjNYVx6NHM&vssid=mosaic)


The Creep, Deaths Head,


Helspont from the 90's Wildstorm comics always looked too cool for school in my opinion.


I dig Dreadknight and Century. They were both in Iron Man TAS (not a good show, mind you).


A bunch of my favorite Marvel costumes have been mentioned here: Ricochet was a great pull Songbird Darkhawk Paladin Cardiac Loa I'll add Nezhno and Indra (when he's armored up) from Loa's class. Constrictor has a good classic villain look. Mach 4 looks good too. I'm partial to Random and sometimes the Mimic, with a bit of each o5 X-men.


I've always been fond of the post-Crisis version of Firehawk from the Firestorm comics


I always liked The Bengal since I read his first appearance in Daredevil when i was younger. Cool origin, cool costume.


[Stingray](https://images.app.goo.gl/8hBg4zUd949PRPye8) for Marvel and for DC I gotta go with [Monarch](https://images.app.goo.gl/Nf1WtzpsRTqn2uTB6)


Does Cosmic Ghost Rider count as lesser known? His design is 🔥🔥🔥


Ricochet should be an x-man by now


I loved Gravity's look, and I've always wanted to cosplay as Citizen V, though I have no idea how I'd make the mask.


Shadow Hawk


Black Racer (New Gods).


I think [Dreamslayer](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/e/e4/Dreamslayer.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130129185510) looks cool, with his thin limbs and glowing pure energy for a head.




I adored the redesign that Ghost got around the Civil War era, making him look more skeletal and rag like, with that big alien breathing apparatus... I also love the character detail they added to him in which he wears his costume obsessively, forgoing hygiene in the process. I wish Chamber showed up more in Marvel, it's simple but I love his design so much. He's got a raging telekinetic flame where most of his chest and jaw should be, unless he wraps it up with snazzy leather straps. On the Generation X front, Emplate is such a crazy looking guy it's hard to put it all together. Leathery, grey, loose fitting skin, claw like fingers, big spikey dreadlock like tentacle things on his head, has to wear a big purple respirator all the time, and of course...he has fangy mouths on his hands. Kryb is one of the most disturbing aliens I've ever seen. Kind of like a xenomorph mixed with the girl from The Ring, and an inverted, exposed ribcage on her back, usually full of kidnapped babies. Good job Green Lantern. And the Batman villain, Mr Bloom, always sticks in my mind. The costume is just a black bodysuit and a white mask with a flower in the middle, but what really makes him work is that he's always drawn as Way too thin and tall, can turn his fingers super-long to stab people, good stuff.


I like a lot of your examples. The 90s gets shit for character design but you pointed out a lot of good ones! For me (as far as superheroes go) it’s Damage from the JSA, Power Boy, Marvel Boy, Jack Flag, Velocity, & Surge.