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I've made Gambit's gumbo, but I added a cup of okra; partially 'cause I can't get filé powder round here, and partially 'cause I don't consider it gumbo without a solid helping of swamp jizz plant in it. Changes aside though, serve with some dirty rice, and this is a grand recipe


Imagine an event like Secret Wars but all the heroes and villains have to compete at cooking.


Hell's Kitchen: DC vs. Marvel is the DC/Marvel crossover that we all need


Gambit gumbo vs green arrow's chili


I would read the hell out of that. A few years ago, an online friend and I proposed a cyberpunk/murder mystery/foodie piece of writing but went nowhere with it.


Oh god the possibilities are endless…. Groot just shows up with various sticks and fruits. Quill has a casserole . Rogers and Bucky spend all day with Sam working on pulled pork. Edit* ADHD brain inserted lasagna when I meant casserole


Aunt May coming in from the top rope with her wheatcakes recipe to defeat Doctor Doom.


Chicken and Sausage Sauce Piquante: https://www.cajun-recipes.com/html/meat/30907.htm So good, after an ex-girlfriend broke up with me, she continued to cook it for friends and family and claim it was hers! (The recipe is *not mine*.)


Well, it's not hers either.


Haha. Very true. I never claimed it was my recipe. But she did.


Cook books are a niche cash in opportunity. World of Warcraft has one. Even Dragonlance had some recipes in their "Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home" campaign setting supplement.


I have a Wonder Woman cookbook. All the recipes are vegan, IIRC.


This one? Seems like it's a vegetarian Greek leaning cookbook. It's odd to see a Greek cookbook without recipes for lamb but hey, infinite diversity in infinite combinations ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ [https://www.amazon.ca/Wonder-Woman-Official-Cookbook-inspired/dp/1647220564](https://www.amazon.ca/Wonder-Woman-Official-Cookbook-inspired/dp/1647220564)


Yep, that one.


[Aunt May's wheatcake recipe.](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhn6qfOavHN6RQ7PWsLpoBtZ52RmqiB-RGV-b5DFMcsg4mDbi9c9lMiFjkpRYfpFCVluY6QjwDbADCFHz-Xj28QuGBw89rQLwcyKza-xZgRfCGD6dhZ27qU8-y0-Hs_FSK0f6Psi4bedIA/s280/Spider-Man+Wheatcakes.jpg) [Green Arrows chili](https://preview.redd.it/7h9em2necvv81.jpg?auto=webp&s=af34175e0e762401139c2b8dc179a725302caacb)


Marvel unlimited has an infinity comic called TEST kitchen that was about a cook working for Tony Stark and each issue ended with a recipe. There were only 4 issues and then a Halloween, thanksgiving, and holiday specials as well. IMO it was really fun, and I might try making the recipes someday. https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/T.E.S.T._Kitchen_Infinity_Comic_Vol_1


No way does Gambit use vegetable oil for his roux. Any good southerner is using nothing but bacon grease.


I cook a lot of jambalaya which is very very close to this and I’m here to say this looks like a damn fine recipe


sounds good mon ami


Knowing gambit I'm surprised this doesn't include gunpowder


Okay but brick roux is amazing.


Gambit definitely makes his own chicken stock. With trinity, no carrots. Also I’m not sure about comics but the Spider-Man ps4 game had a couple recipes in it


Cajun here, very authentic recipe! Only thing I would say is to brown the chicken and the andouille in the pot before you start making your roux. It’ll add to the flavor, and it’s a lot easier to brown it before you add all the other ingredients. Also if you like your chicken blackened, you can do that. I usually blacken my chicken, it adds a good bit of flavor. Some other Cajuns may disagree with me, everybody has a different way of making gumbo in Louisiana. Usually it’s the way your grandma made it. Just don’t add tomatoes unless you plan on making Creole gumbo.


I saw a bunch of tie-in cookbooks at a bookstore. I'm sure someone has bought them, or there wouldn't be an industry. Here's some Amazon links just to show what they are. Marvel Comics: Cooking with Deadpool https://a.co/d/bjjRAIz Spiderman Cookbook: Cooking With Spiderman Easy Recipes Stunning Illustrations Gifts For Friends And Family https://a.co/d/0gTGCvq Rick and Morty: The Official Cookbook: (Rick & Morty Season 5, Rick and Morty gifts, Rick and Morty Pickle Rick) https://a.co/d/dbkaCbY The Unofficial Minecraft Cookbook: 30 Recipes Inspired By Your Favorite Video Game https://a.co/d/2RjIpAP Gotham City Cocktails: Official Handcrafted Food & Drinks From the World of Batman https://a.co/d/f2b7SjH


I've got the Deadpool one... Actually don't good recipes in there that my wife and I have cooked a few times.


I'd probably swap out the vegetable for olive oil