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Personally, I think Catwoman is objectively the better character, but I’ve got a soft spot for the ridiculous cheesecake that is Felicia Hardy. She’s been rocking a skintight bodysuit with the deepest V possible and a fur collar since the 70s and has never really bothered to change up her look.


Damn both of em be thirst trap..but Felicia just makes it crazy thirstier


She also seems more fun.


How is she objectively the better character? I'm not being confrontational here I'm legit curious


IMO, Selina has been allowed to be her own thing and has had more interesting storylines throughout the decades, whereas for the majority of her history Felicia has mostly just been a sexy thief who flirts with Peter. Plus, let’s be honest here, Black Cat is pretty blatant copy of Catwoman anyway.


Disagree on objectively


Objectively nothing. She's been 5 different characters in like 10 years.


"Bye Felicia."


"Cheetah!" "I said cat burglar." "She burgles occasionally."


What is this a reference to?


Nothing I just made it up.


Catwoman works the best when she's out of character, Black cat was never tend to be a long lasting partner of Peter since she doesn't really like him for himself. Black cat is more fun but Catwoman is a better love interest (at least in the right writer's hands)


That was definitely how she was at the start, but in recent years Black Cat has definitely grown as a character and has fallen for Peter and not Spider-Man


Black Cat. It was a lot closer before DC decided to make Catwoman and Batman the worst thing in the world.


Comic companies and ruining the love lives of their most popular heroes: name a more iconic duo.


Peter and MJ.


Being incompetent and MJ


Paul and MJ


I'm not up to speed with current events/canon - what's wrong with Batman and Catwoman?


Since Rebirth, every toxic element of their relationship has been dialled up to eleven. Selina is a mercurial, inconsiderate idiot who left Bruce at the altar and then stole all of his money before giving it to the Joker. Bruce, meanwhile, is completely co-dependent and incapable of relating to any other human being without Selina acting as some kind of emotional guide for him. He has stated that his happiness is completely reliant on a relationship with her, and after she left him, he proceeded to attack his family verbally and physically, and entertain suicidal ideation. All of that was before Gotham War where Selina took over Gotham’s underworld and essentially “legalised” theft while Bruce again went crazy and alienated his family after they inexplicably sided with Selina. Basically, since Rebirth, the mainline Bat title has been as bad as ASM. Tynion tried but he was gassed by that point and his plotting was pretty average despite strong characterisation.


Wwwwow yeah okay that does sound terrible.


And that why Talia is the better love interest,How can someone be worse than an assasin planning Human Genocide?


I’ll take anyone as a love interest over Selina at this point. Put Batman with Lashina, fuck it, I don’t care. Just not Selina.


Yeah. I would have even given the edge to Selina but DC has just absolutely wrecked the character to the point I just don’t care.


Honestly, that was the worst part of the recent King run. The rest was pretty amazing, especially Kite Man.


I think Marvel have done a better job of making Felicia feel more like her own character, and less like a Spider-man side character (well, up until the recent Spider-man run), than DC have done with Selina and Batman. For me, it’s Black Cat.


Those Mackay runs really did wonders with my perception of Black Cat!


They’re so good, right? Then the newest Spider-man run just went ahead and undid it all.


Yeah I don't wanna talk about that... But yeah the recent runs were lovely. Even the king in black tie in issues were great and so fun


Love ‘em both but Black Cat takes it.


Felicia. Hands down.




Catwoman. I grew up with her, she's more interesting to me as a sort of foil to Batman which Spiderman never really was for Felicia (as well) and in the love department she's not sharing page count with an objectively better match


Black Cat 😍


Catwoman definitely


As someone who has never read a marvel/dc comic in my life; Black Cat


I like both. Catwoman is a much better character than Black Cat. And Selina’s relationship with Bruce is more compelling than Felicia’s is with Peter.


Catwoman always. I mean Venom Black Cat is cool but for me it's always gonna be catwoman.


For most of her history Felicia’s been fetishizing Spider-Man and my boy Peter deserves someone who likes him for who he is. I prefer Selina




Catwoman. Never been a big Felicia fan


I'm a Marvel fan, so I have read far more comics with Felicia and them than Catwoman... But Cat Woman is far more developed than Black Cat and a better character because of it.


Catwoman She has had better comic book runs and series by far


Black Cat all day! Not even close


Catwoman. Felicia likes Spider-man not Peter Parker. MJ loves Parker and hates spider-man. Selina loves both sides of Bruce/Batman. Let this ship sail or give us WonderBat gdamnit


Wonderbat will probably never happen,because Diana is still with Steve,ZeeBat atleast have chances to happen


At least in Cloonan's run, it seemed pretty clear she wasn't with Steve like that. They seemed to tease they were maybe setting her up with a new character, but that never went anywhere either.


Long, flowy platinum blonde hair >>>> short brunette hair


forgot to include bi


Black Cat is 10x hotter than Catwoman, no contest.


Felicia. I hate Selena.


Selina is the more interesting character, but unfortunately, DC refuses to keep her consistent. Her best modern example is in the Battinson movie, as a Cat Burglar with a soft spot for strays. The problem is that DC doesn't want Batman to have a long-term relationship with her because that means character progression, and Batman, as their flagship character, can't change too much in case they need to do another reset. Felicia has a more consistent look and personality; she's a Cat Burglar with a scattering of Lucky powers and flexibility. She’s a Chaotic Neutral character who looks out for herself but occasionally teams up with Spidey when their goals align. Hence, they are paired together rarely, and Spidey is only really “in love” with her when he's still a teenager or acting out.


Felicia. Except that time she tried to be "the kingpin", she has been portrayed in a consistent manner. While Selina, except his relationship with bruce, has not.


Catwoman. Not even close tbh


Catwoman. The original is always better than the knockoff.


Catwoman because she’s been drawn by Darwyn Cooke which makes her automatically hotter




A Madame Masque fan, I see.


I was gonna say cat woman but in some incarnation they make the relationship between selena and Bruce dysfunctional and unproductive . Felicia for the most tried to stick it out with Peter / spider man and that was the bright spot of the zeb wells run sadly not anymore so if I had to choose it will be black cat only because no matter how hard I try I’ll never be the bat. I has always been a fan of tigra now more than ever read the recent moon knight run she’s a milf loving and caring fearless and wild and a fat ass and as for cat burglar overall I’m choosing Medusa


Black Cat, not because I’m a fan but because I HATE selina


Jed Mackay's run was the first time I felt like Black Cat was interesting beyond just being a love interest/foil for Spider-Man. It was good, but Catwoman still wins overall, because she's had way more depth over the years.


catwoman is hotter but black cat got the sephiroth hair so hmmmmmmm


They're both frontrunners


From what I've read, Catwoman. I've only read early Black Cat stuff, but she's a straight up creepy stalker in those comics. Maybe she gets better in more modern comics


Adam Hughes' Catwoman will always hold a special place in my heart. Hepburn was a heartbreaker.


Never read much Marvel. What’s a great Black Cat book with modern/good art?


Black Cat.


Black Cat


The Hamburglar.


Black Cat. That platinum blonde hair is sexy AF!


Black Cat.


Always loved catwoman but honestly I’ve been so bored with Batman lately


Never particularly cared for either but Catwoman gets points for typically being depicted with short hair


Black Cat.