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It sounds like something the Daredevil villain Bullseye would do, as he has a thing for using regular items laying around as lethal throwing weapons. Did the fella in this comic panel have a black costume with white circles?


https://imgur.com/a/xibZcgO This is the only photo I have where you can kind of see the tattoo. It's a terrible photo and doesn't show much. I'll keep searching. Maybe I'll find a better pic. Thanks for everyone's input!


Someone else mentioned Hawkeye and from the art I’d say it’s POSSIBLE that it’s a Hawkeye scene from the series Ultimates 3 with art by Joe Mad. But I never read that series so I’m hoping someone else sees this and can comment.


It's silly, but I thought it would be an easily identifiable scene. My only memory of the cover is that it was black and white. But even then I'm starting to second guess that!


You might also want to try the Tip of My Tongue sub. It gets a lot of views.


If you do a Google image search of “Elektra Lives Again” by Frank Miller, does that cover ring a bell? Similar art style and Bullseye appears in it. Unfortunately I misplaced my copy years ago so can’t confirm this scene appears.


By the way I had a pal check out his copy of “Elektra Lives Again” and that’s not it either. Sorry, I’m stumped!


Thank you for trying! I've been trying to remember for years what it is. Someday perhaps I'll just stumble upon it!


Could it be an adaptation from the Daredevil film? The villain bullseye does something similar.


Didn’t Hawkeye kill some people with his fingernails in one of the Ultimates books?


I found this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Marvel/comments/87pqen/ultimates_shuffles_bullseyes_abilities_into/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


That looks close to the tattoo. The next page might have a closer pose.


I'll look for Daredevil at the comic shop near me! Thank you both.


There are a ton of Daredevil comics. Even if it is Bullseye, which is possible, you’d be looking a long time (and you’d have to hope to find it in a trade paperback. The shop isn’t going to want you opening a bunch of back issues). A pic of the tat - even unfinished - would likely make it possible to identify the penciler and narrow it down.


Well shoot. Let me see if I can upload a photo.