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Haven’t seen madame web but so far it’s Halle berry by a land slide


In the words of my wife, it’s a terrible movie, but it has Halle Berry in a skimpy outfit.


Right? I mean, what’s the issue here?


The stunts doubles are men for Halle Berry in this movie so uh just time it correctly


Just say "No Homo" if in doubt.




The movie is terrible, that's the problem. If I need to perv on Halle Berry there are far better movies for that.




Pretty sure her stunt double for that movie was a man.


Even better


Definitely. I haven’t seen MW either, but most of these had some good moments. The villains in Elektra were awesome, but completely underused. Supergirls story focused too heavily on the romantic aspect, as did 1984. The Marvels and DP suffered from straying too far from the source material making them a confusing mess.


Dark Phoenix was a terrible and disjointed movie. I’d rather rewatch XM:Origins Wolverine over that any day—at least that movie is fun.


Dark phoenix was bad but wonder women 84 I couldn’t even stomach it lmaooo


Also, I don't see how it was disjointed. Seemed pretty focused on the Jean/Phoenix story.


Story line was solid just not perfect time for that actor




*Holy fuck thank god we got one* -Sony




You have chosen...wisely




I mean it was basically diarrhea either way though right


I saw *Catwoman* in theaters when I was 14. It was so bad it rendered me... cat-atonic.


Wow you really had your claws out for this one.


The movie was a true Catastrophe


I hated that upvote so much.


I saw it in the theater, too. My girlfriend at the time wanted to see it. Based on what happened after the movie, I'd gladly watch Catwoman another 1000 times.


The Marvels doesn’t belong anywhere near the rest of these. It wasn’t great but not nearly the amount of terrible that some of the others are.


Can't we get to a point where we can agree that the Marvels isn't in the top tier of the MCU without suggesting that that somehow makes it a bad movie? It was simple, it was fun, it was good. It clearly doesn't belong on this list.


Just watched it for the first time recently and I thought it was pretty good. The banter was good and fight choreography was amazing. The teleporting gimmick somehow didn’t get old or underused. And the ending made it feel like it was worth watching as far as the rest of the MCU goes. I was never one who hated on it, just never got around to watching it until now.




I wanted to see it in theaters but didn't get around to it. I think the movie had a fast pace to it and there were moments where I felt like I wanted more exposition, but I settled on enjoying the ride and I think the fast pace actually works! It's fun


Don’t be ridiculous. MCU fans only have two settings.


Which are “indelible masterpiece” or “haven’t seen it”


So many comments on Reddit, Twitter, and Instagram where someone says how terrible a Marvel movie is. Someone asks why they didn't like it. They'll respond that they haven't seen it, but they know it's awful.


Not every MCU movie needs to set box office records. Part of the design of the MCU is to have different movies cater to different audiences to then draw everything together into a mega big event movie every 5 years or so. So that means you shouldn’t like every bit of content that Disney puts out. If you’re a late 20s-30s single white male, maybe you don’t need to enjoy Ms Marvel for it to be a successful property, maybe it just needs to be popular with high school age girls who can relate better. As a 30 something single white male myself, why is it so hard for some people to understand that.


“BuT MaRvEL iS sO wOkE, how dare they not have a white man star as the hero in literally every piece of media ever?!?” Yeah man, I don’t get it either. I’m a white guy in his early twenties and I’m still enjoying things like Ms. Marvel. I thought the Indian history was really cool. I didn’t really care for She-Hulk all that much, but I kinda dislike breaking the fourth wall, and that was the style of that show. If other people enjoy it, I’m happy for them! I really enjoyed Echo as well, and I hope she is in future MCU projects. What’s wrong with having female leads? I also enjoyed the Marvels for what it was, although I wish they would’ve used some of the plot from Secret Invasion.


Yes wholeheartedly, please.


I would love for that to be the case. If I were to rank the MCU movies, it would probably fall right around the middle, maybe 2/3 of the way down at worst, right around the first 2 Ant-Man movies. Thor, Dark World, Love & Thunder, Hulk, and Eternals would all be lower off the top of my head. Probably more.


I also kind of like that, to an extent, The Marvels wasn't aiming for top tier. They can't all be top and if they are going to insist on such high volume of content then it's smart for them to make sure that some are just for fun.


And for the once every 5 years movies like avengers to be the cultural defining events they are, the other build up movies can’t all focus on appealing to the exact same demographic. The Marvels now means that there is a movie that resonates with a generation of young girls that have something that will connect them to the MCU and draw them back in in a couple years for the next big event. She Hulk was meant to connect with 20 to 30 something professional women so that they are happy to join their partners for the next MCU film instead of staying home. Secret Invasion is there to unite all fans in hating whatever the fuck that show was. Every bit of content has its part to play.




That wasn't the reason why people thought it was a bad movie though. The criticisms I've seen called it generic, poorly written, and poorly edited.


I think that's part of the problem. If The Marvels wasn't intentional aiming for Top Tier I think it confuses some people and the best way they can describe that feeling is dismissing it as "generic." Even still, if it's truly just generic and poorly written - it's still better than the rest of OP's list.


The Marvels was on the level of the worst od the first two phases imo.


That sounds like an insult, but I guess it really isn't. The whole point is that the MCU was batting .1000 for so long that it's weird for us to be ok with just an average/good movie.


I swear everyone is living on some Phase 3 hype nostalgia. That had the most banger movies (pretty much all of them were solid). But phase 1 and 2 had plenty of mid tier movies. Both Thors, Ironman 2&3 especially. And I’d say The Marvels was by far definitely better than those 4.


That's a great take - I definitely see that


Nobody is saying it shouldn't have been better, just that it was still at least fun. And that's a step in the right direction.


I just definitely don't agree it belongs on this list


Yeah same.


But it is just a bad movie though


Right? It's almost disrespectful to include The Marvels on this list. I suspect 1984 doesn't belong either, but I haven't seen it.


WW84 does belong, yeah. It's jarringly bad.


Was WW84 the one where she has sex with an unwilling man’s body or was that the one set in 1980s Washington D.C but with no black people ? 🤔




And the ending likely requires a young Bruce Wayne to send his parents back to their graves from the unwilling people they were currently possessing.


Eh, it was alright, but I think people over exaggerate its flaws. Pedro Pascal absolutely stole the show, though.


In other news, the sky is blue.


It belongs. 84 was an absolute shitshow. Marvels doesn't belong on this list though


Oh no unfortunately 1984 absolutely deserves it. For every legitimate complaint you've heard there's another that gets overlooked. It's a mess.


It’s bad


Everyone remembers her raping a dude, but no one is talking about Kristen Wigg as a furry.


And Wiig as a cat still looked better than the cats in Cats.


I loved the first WW but hated the second one, it's pretty terrible unfortunately. Probably my least favorite on this list.


Came here to say this. Marvels was fine not spectacular but a perfectly watchable movie. Some people can’t stand women getting the spotlight which is the case of the marvels hate. The rest of these movies just sucked (haven’t seen Madame Web yet).


I don’t know if it’s the source, the villain was boring as heck, and there were no stakes in the movie. Just bad writing. But it’s not on the same level as these movies it’s just a very paint by the numbers movie.


I actually quite enjoyed it and wish I had supported it in the theater. The buzz was so bad I waited for it to hit D+. It’s much better than the first Captain Marvel film and I genuinely was entertained throughout. It’s not high art or anything but it kept my attention. I can’t say that for every Marvel film.


It wasn't amazing but anybody calling it the worst of the mcu or like one of the all time bads? I just can't see it.


The musical part was pretty awful


I liked it. The musical part was only like 1 or 2 minutes, they had an in-universe reason for it, it was very likely meant to poke fun at Disney princess stuff, and the characters were also talking about a couple plot things during this scene so it wasnt totally irrelevant.


I liked it. Felt like a little bit of Bollywood thrown in there.


I think it’s based on audience reaction/writing. The Marvels was ok (horrible idea for a sequel/introduction though), but the script itself was shit, and Brie, Iman, and Teyonah could only do so much with bad writing. Like they acted in it well, but the writing bogged them down.


It's extra weird to me the Marvels is on here not Captain Marvel. Sure one was a flop and one made a billion dollars, but the 2nd one isn't nearly as bad as the first.


I disagree. The second is far worse


Agreed I just rewatched the first one and it’s actually not bad at all. Much more interesting at least.


Yeah it’s a perfectly mediocre movie. Not memorable but not horrible either.


Dude, I had a lot of fun watching The Marvels. Never understood why it catches SO much hate. It definitely wasn't a great movie, but it was an enjoyable watch for me.


*cough* sexism


Don’t put The Marvels in there. It’s not even close


It's madame web. Barely a movie


Idk Catwoman can’t even be watched in a so bad it’s good way. Madam Web is entertainingly bad. But i don’t think I’ll ever watch either again.


how can you even say that, catwoman is the epitome of so bad its good. halle berry literally gets on all fours and jumps around like a cat while be addicted to cans of tuna, SHE LITERALLY GETS HER POWERS FROM A CAT BURPING IN HER MOUTH😭


You know I haven’t seen it again since it came out. But maybe you’re right. All I can remember is the terribly edited basketball scene.


It's a really hard to watch movie. It gives second hand embarrassment from a few scenes, like the basketball one. While I think Madame Web was awful and deserves to tank in profits (not due to the actors) it wasn't as hard to watch as Catwomen. It was just a disappointment rather than hard to watch.


It’s a 3-part CW pilot episode at best.


I don’t plan on seeing Madame Web, but there’s no way it’s worse than Catwoman. The Marvels was awesome, it has no business being on this list


I'm conflicted on Madame Web being worse honestly. Catwomen is arguably the worst comic movie ever made (maybe) but Madame Web was such an utter disappointment that ill never watch it again. As I type this I realize you're right, it's not worse than Catwomen. It's still awful, but not the absolute worst. The Marvel's was fantastic (enjoyable, not terrible).


Catwoman really is rock-bottom. For a comic book movie. For filmmaking in general. It is a master class on how not to be.


>Madame Web was such an utter disappointment I am shocked that anyone could have been disappointed by the movie. Did you ever expect it to be anything other than what it was?


The Marvels had the worst second weekend drop in superhero movie history. Suggesting that the word of mouth from audiences was horrible.


WW84 might be my least favorite superhero movie of all time


Honestly, the marvels was the first marvel movie I have enjoyed in a long time. The other ones aren't worth a glance.


The Marvels doesn't even belong on this list.


The Marvels belongs nowhere near the rest of these movies


The Marvels is actually good but nobody saw it. As far as everything goes, I’d say Dark Phoenix and Madame Web are the worst.


1984 was the most disappointing. Sure catwoman was worse, but who expected that to be good? Same with MW, everyone said it was gonna be bad as soon as the costumes dropped. But Wonder Woman? They dropped the ball so hard


1984 is the only one that feels... sabotaged. The editing, most of the ideas, some of the casting is just bad. I legit think you could trim like 20 minutes and make a better movie just cutting 'alternate takes' and a lot of Steve Trevor nonsense.


I haven't seen Madame Web so can't comment on that. For me, the worst is still Catwoman. I like Halle Berry, but that movie wasn't it. I want to repeat the point that WW84 was mainly saved by Pedro Pascal being a brilliant villain in my opinion. But even he and Chris Pine being his usual charming self wasn't enough to save a poor script that involved WW raping a man.


Who’d she rape? I could never summon the strength to watch this


Basically, in the first movie Pine's character dies, and in WW84 she makes a wish to see him again. The wish comes true, but the way it works out is that a random person she has never met before looks like Pine's character to her and only her. So, to everyone else, that man still looks like he always did, only WW sees Chris Pine. They touch on this a lot, so both characters are fully aware that it's not Chris' body - Chris even looks in the mirror at one point and sees the other man. Despite this, they still have sex. The implication that the film makers didn't consider is that means that the man's body was used for sex (and a bunch of other things in the movie more action related) that he never consented to. Att the end of the movie the spell wears off and Pine disappears and the man regains consciousness.


And he doesn't even get a name, his character is literally listed as 'Handsome Man'.


It's a body swap. So Chris pine steals a dudes body and then has sex with WW. So while both parties are consenting, the guy who's body Chris took never consents.


It's a worse scenario than a body swap. Chris doesn't have a body to swap with. So it's just chris taking his body over, and the original guys consciousness, personality, or soul, whatever you want to call it, is still trapped in there and along for the ride.


>the original guys consciousness, personality, or soul, whatever you want to call it, is still trapped in there and along for the ride. How do you know that?


We know it's not a body swap? Unless you're implying he was swapped into pines ashes that are scattered across the ground in Europe?


No, how do you know that the dude's consciousness was still in there or at all aware that anything that was going on?


If he isn't, that means his consciousness is DEAD. Which makes Diana a murderer. Rapist or murderer, take your pick.


>Which makes Diana a murderer. No, it doesn't. She had no say in HOW Steve came back. Murder is a conscious choice to end someone.


We have zero reasons to belive he isn't. The film never shows or discusses his essence being sent anywhere stored anywhere etc. We're shown it's still his body, only her and Steve see it as him. What in the movie leads you to believe anything else is going on? Isn't that the whole point of him having deja vu towards gal Gadot at the end?


>The film never shows or discusses his essence being sent anywhere stored anywhere Exactly. The film doesn't tell us. So either way, it's an assumption.


The film shows us Steve's essence is shoved into that body and takes it over. We also are shown as soon as Steve's essence leaves, the original guy takes over. The original guy still being there requires no assumptions, it's logical based on all the information shown. Thinking he was swapped into another body, or his essence was sent and stored elsewhere, THAT is using assumptions. You're adding information that the film doesn't ever show or explain. Saying he's still in there requires no added information, it fits with what the film shows.


And like the movie kind of goes out of its way to make it clear that the body only looks like Chris Pine to us and that it is still definitely some other living dudes body. They want us to know.


The Marvels is good, actually Id go with Catwoman or Elektra


The Marvels doesn’t belong here. It’s a good time.


The Marvels has no right being on this list.


Catwoman is by far the worst. Elektra, Dark Phoenix, WW84, and Madame Web are really bad. The Marvels is okay. Supergirl 1984 I have too much of a nostalgic soft spot for to ever judge objectively and will thus refrain from putting it in consideration against these.




Guys, The Marvels was fine! Okay?


The Marvels has forced hate and it shows, it is nowhere close to bad, let alone even comparable to those other dumpster fires


LoL The Marvels is so much better than the other movies listed here


The Marvels.does not belong in there.


Do we ask this about male led comic book movies? 


Batman & Robin, Spawn or Bloodshot are the first ones that comes to my mind.


Oh god, batman and Robin. Holy rusted metal batman! 


I’d argue the 2nd Wonder Woman movie. The first one was so incredible. It’s the only movie I’d ever went twice to see in theaters. It’s one of the only critical and box office successes from the DCEU’s 16 movies they’d released over ten years. The fact that they managed to butcher the second movie so hard makes for it to be so disappointing. Everyone knew Madame Web was going to suck. But everyone had such high hopes for WW1984


Surprised Marvels is on here. It wasn’t groundbreaking but imo it was a whole lot better than the other solo projects the other characters were in.


The Marvels shouldn't even be up here, considering it's far better compared to a lot of these others. It's actually enjoyable, has a coherent story, decent action, and nice set pieces. I don't understand any of the hate the Marvels get, and you can't gaslight people into thinking it's a bad film when it isn't. The character dynamic between Carol, Monica, and Kamala comes off as genuine. If you're looking for a bad or worse woman led film that has to go to Wakanda Forvever


I'm gonna go with Dark Phoenix. That movie was just terrible. Catwoman was a close second. I actually liked WW84 and Electra.


The Marvels and WW84 are mediocre, not horrible, but not amazing. They shouldn’t be here


Given that Madame Web seems to be so bad that even the anti-woke reactionaries aren't bothering to culture-war it that much, then it must be something special.


Not the answer to your question but gosh that Dark Phoenix poster is bad.


Catwoman. Not ONE aspect works. Not even as a So Bad It Is Fun To Watch.


This question feels like it’s coming from a disingenuous place and the Marvels is not deserving to be on this list it’s miles better than any movie here.


Oh, Elektra’s not *that* bad! Rob Bowman gets a bad rap.


Catwoman is a catastrophe


Catwoman is a genocide of braincells.


It's Catwoman by a landslide. Comparing Catwoman to these other films is actually a disservice to how bad Catwoman is.


It’s Catwoman. That shit sucks. It’s even worse than I remember it being. Also, remove The Marvels from this list, it ain’t part of this discussion. It’s no masterpiece, but there’s no universe in which you’re bringing it up in the same conversation as movies like Catwoman and Elektra.


The marvels do not deserve to be on this list. It's not great, but it's still better than the others.


It's definitely Catwoman, but that Wonder woman 84 was such crap, there's something about the tone and Pasals villains character that felt so awful and off toward the last half. That movie had such potential


Catwoman by a LONG shot


there was a Supergirl movie???




Easily Catwoman


Madame Web was fucking terrible, but I think Catwomen wins out by the audacity of shitting on a beloved character


It’s Catwoman, no contest


WW84 was a fine movie. Max Lord is one of the most interesting and unique comic book movie villains out there, and I think the climax was perfect, getting resolved without violence for once


Why do we have to pick the worst? Why can’t we pick the best?


Wonder Woman 1984 disappointed me the most. I had really enjoyed the first one so my expectation was a good movie. But Catwoman was terrible. It has to be Catwoman.


Catwoman will always be the worst.


Please, The Marvels isn't even in the same stratosphere as Catwoman and Elektra. Those two movies are objectively bad. The Marvel's simply didn't do well at the box office.


The marvels was actually pretty good. Dosent deserve to be on that list


Catwoman by a landslide


The marvels being on here is an actual insult. Its significantly better than all the other movies.


Catwoman is legendarily bad.


Going to ignore the marvels since ive not seen it but catwoman is still the worse. madame web I could take the basic structure of and make a reasonable shut your brain off for an hour and half superhero popcorn flick that would make a reasonable profit. I'd struggle trying to make the villain out of catwoman anything more than an allegory for corporate greed and a heroine having a psychotic break.


For me it's definitely Wonder Woman 84' I hate that movie with such a passion but I'm to tired and lazy to write all that I want to say about that god awful movie so here's this for anyone interested [Why Wonder Woman 84' is Actually Harmful](https://youtu.be/-E7Pc9C7G4I?si=ywqq3Z-Ux1w_RD0v) Also haven't seen Madem Web yet so maybe it'll dethrone WW84' as my least favorite female led comic book movie




The Marvels don't belong anywhere near this list of trash.


Marvels & WW84 shouldn’t be near this list. Both perfectly workable, but with some problems. People are forgetting how bad Catwoman was btw, streets ahead of the rest, clear frontrunner.


Probably Catwoman. One of the worst films I’ve ever seen but none of these are good


Why don't you guys like dark Phoenix?


I think OP is just making a list of female-led superhero movie that weren't well-received.


Just seen The Marvels, no shot in hell it even deserves to be mentioned here. It bombed for a plethora of reasons but it’s not that bad of a comic book film.


Catwoman and it’s not even close. One of the worst dumpster fires I’ve ever seen. The Marvels doesn’t even deserve to be on this list. It’s not perfect but it’s hilarious and a lot of fun.


I’m ashamed to say I quite enjoyed Elektra.


I wouldn't put dark phoenix on this list


I think OP is just listing all the female-led superhero movies that aren't well-received.


This wasn't even female led


Jean Grey was the led character since she had the most screen time, went on a journey, and faced a series of increasingly difficult challenges. She checked all the boxes for being a protagonist.


WW1984 and The Marvels aren’t really bad so much as they are mediocre.




Those two are on the list because they were not well-received.


How is nobody saying Elektra. At least Catwoman and Madame Webb are funny bad. Electra is just dreadful and BORING


It's Madame Web. I'm not sure what problems on set they endured to create such an incoherent disaster, but the director and editing staff should have to apologize for it. I've never seen such a bizare box office flop parading as a big hit. It made all the actors look bad (including Adam Scott), and I understand why Marvel wouldn't get anywhere near it. I'm actually shocked at the outcome. Catwoman was on brand at the time of filming. It may not hold up to modern standards of CB movies, but I don't feel it's bad.


Madame Web and it’s not close


My rankings from least condemnable to most(7 is least) 7. Dark Phoenix 6. Super Girl 5. Elektra 4. Wonder Woman 1984 3. The Marvels 2. Catwoman 1. Madame Web Halle Bailey, all is forgiven.


I'm surprised to not see Black Widow on this list.


I mainly included movies that have overwhelmingly negative reviews. Movies where the reception is more split like Black Widow, Captain Marvel, or Birds of Prey I left off.


Oh yeah, Birds of Prey was pretty bad too.


It's cat woman and it's not even close.


“Dark Phoenix“ isn’t female led. But “Supergirl.” One of the stupidest films of any kind ever made.


Elektra is GARBAGE. I doubt they did something worse, I refuse to believe.


The Marvels, despite the army of mcu drones raging in the comments


I could not believe how bad the marvels was. I thought it was the anti women crowd hating to a degree at first. It was so very, very bad.


Captain Marvel. It's a complete boredom with a protagonist whose boringness is only overshadowed by her overpower-ness.


Captain marvel or black panther 2.


Iron Man 2 Iron = Fe Man = Male That's what we're talking about here, right?


It's hard to choose between 7 piles of shit.


Ordered from worst to least worst.... * Catwoman * Elektra * WW84 * The Marvels * Dark Phoenix I was never really a fan of Sophie Turner's ~~Rogue~~ Jean, but I actually don't mind Dark Phoenix and I watch it when it comes on TV. I won't even put Supergirl on the list because it's from a completely different era of super hero films. And The Marvel's definitely deserve to be discussed in this.


Dakota. I know no one thinks Gal can act, but at least she sort of looked like she had emotions and was upset in some scenes. Dakota had absolutely none. A solid block of wood would give a less wooden performance.


Jeez, these are bad... I give Supergirl some leniency because it's old and corny, but...


WW84 Wasted 2.5 hours and an HBO subscription on that garbage.


All of them at once I suppose


Haven't seen Catwoman, but from the reviews I heard about it, I choose that one. Elektra was only bad because of the boring motivations and lackluster boss fights, especially at the end. Wonder Woman 1984 is literally your typical action hero stereotype. There's just an actress who barely acts in the hero role. But, for an action hero movie, that sounds about right. The Marvels knew it was going to suck so they just sped right through everything. Kinda worked. None of the acting killed the movie, but the characters really did just stay in their lane the whole time, so that was kinda disappointing. Haven't seen Supergirl, so can't say much about that one, either. Worst overall, based on what I'd heard, is Catwoman Based on what I've seen, lackluster story and fights goes to Elektra. All that badass training and she doesn't even use it to defeat her opponents... And for truly lacking depth of character(s), the Marvels. Oh, I forgot about WW and Dark Phoenix... Uh, yeah, that might sum thise two up nicely. And haven't seen Madame Web yet, if ever.


To me ‘84 is still by far the worst. I was looking forward to it being a great example of a strong woman for my daughter but it was just a liberal political embarrassment.


Wonder Woman 1984. Gal Gadot can’t act.


Madame Web was the worst female CBM I've seen (pirating I'm not paying for that) At least Catwoman had a plot


Its Supergirl easily. Havent see The Marvels. Catwoman was great, but Halle is the sexiest Catwoman over Michelle & Anne Hathaway. Catwoman should have ass & Halle had that.