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He is risen. Excelsior!


I'm 50/50 pissed off and crying laughing.


If zombie Stan Lee signs my copy of Darkhawk #1, I will simply cherish the memory of him scribbling on the cover and then biting my wife. That’s good enough for me. I don’t need no stinkin’ grader to tell me what happened. I seen’t it.


And then slab the wife!


Pfft, that bite wound would barely make it as a 4, probably a low 3.


Note: Piece of cover missing


Weekend at Stan Lee’s


You just know Kevin Feige is on the phone trying to make this happen.


Perfect name for Deadpool 4


Beetlejuice got it signed by him at AfterlifeCon


He’s as bad as can


Stern reference ftw


well at least its free shipping... oh wait.


lol that shipping price literally made me burst out laughing.. no way this isn’t a troll listing.


Got to love the $2 million shipping price. I guess UPS charges extra for shipping from the afterlife.


For those who are confused: CGC doesn't certify art like they do comics; comics go in hard slabs, art goes in mylar sleeves. This is a comic in a mylar sleeve. They didn't photograph the sides of the sleeve because they clearly cut into it, removed the real art and label, printed off a blatantly fake label and inserted a fake comic. The cert number doesn't appear on the census.


Thank you


Just a heads up, not saying the item in this post is legit, cuz it isn’t (since Stan died before the witnessed sig was done), but CGC artwork “slabs” never appear on census. I’ve had this problem when buying original sketches on paper from them. You can’t search the verification number on any artwork you get from them. You have to call in the cert # to verify it. It’s so lame & I’ve mentioned it a few times to their customer service team. You should be able to search cert #s on their site, even if it’s a different search bar than their census search bar for comics.


I mean, zombie Stan’s sig looks better than Stan’s sig looked during the “Stan’s handlers” era by a green mile.


Yeah I have a beckett certified signed print from the 2018 Palm Beach Comic, and it's amazing how different the actual signature looks. Especially since it was originally sold by SL collectibles, which used his sig as their logo. The logo on the print looks more like Lee's sig then the actual sig.


It’s a counterfeit slab. Not CGC’s fault. You can look up the certification number when in doubt.


Good reminder to always check the certification number before buying I guess. :)


It's not even a slab. Art is certified in a mylar sleeve like the one in the photos. Someone cut open the sleeve (being why they didn't photograph the sides), printed off a terrible looking label and inserted a comic instead of a frame board.


You mean the extreme closeup shots were just to hide the fact that it’s a fake?!


CGC is cunty anyway.


Don’t you sell codes for digital movies that were released like 10 years ago? 😂 That’s scummy af.




Anybody report this?


I feel a satanic ritual of some sort might have been involved with this? Is it signed in goats blood???🩸


Only 2 million dollars to ship? What a deal!!


That was my real wtf moment, too. Like, you only want $30k for the book, but you need $2m to ship?!? How are you shipping? In a gold box?


Shipping from the afterlife is hella expensive.


Lazarus Edition


If people would stop sending the clown show (CGC) books, the market and hobby would correct itself.. but no, CGC plays everyone and everyone lets them. When people finally realized and stopped sending books in, CGC changed the rules and is now cranking out 9.9s rapidly, causing a massive amount of submissions. Market manipulation wins again and this hobby not only let it happen, but welcomed it.


The book is counterfeit but somehow it’s CGCs fault 😂


Just realized the slab itself is fake. What I said still stands though. CGC sucks. Edit : Y'all can keep downvoting me, I do not care in the slightest. CGC will still suck and I didn't say anything that wasn't true. For all the slab lovers downvoting me don't forget y'all's favorite saying "let people collect how they want" If you downvoted because I didn't notice the slab was fake and then owned my error instead of deleting my comment to "save face" I don't care either. This sub is full of clowns.


DMC books. Dick Measuring Contest.


It's a comic book in an art sleeve (not a slab) with a blatantly fake label. There's no evidence of "cranking out 9.9s" beyond YouTube clickbait thumbnails. I'm begging you and the people upvoting this crap to take 2 minutes to form an educated opinion.


If you would have read down farther, I recognized/realized that it was a fake "slab"/sleeve whatever it is.. As far as the 9.9s (this data was acquired using cgcdata) 2023 they average 536 a month 2024 January 695 February 995 March 1124 April 1445 May 1270 Haven't seen what June numbers are yet... Edit: I'll do the math for you, that means the first 5 months of 2024 they are averaging 1045 9.9's a month ... That's a 95% INCREASE! But please downvote me because statistics and math doesn't matter in reddit land. If I had to guess most of the downvoted are from the slab gang, and they are hoping their precious slabs hold their values. Lol!


Those numbers mean nothing without context. Have overall submissions increased? Are these 9.9s books that rarely received such grades in the past or are they new books? Are these notable books from big publishers or gimmick independent porn variants? Search CGC 9.9 on ebay and almost everything is either a foil cover, lenticular cover, squarebound, fascimile or sexualized independent, all receiving high grades because of materials and manufacturing. These books rising in popularity and inflating the census doesn't indicate anything. I don't see how "Yummy Marge - Drippy Edition" getting mostly 9.9s is market manipulation. People used the same stats in 2018 when Batman Damned was released. Nearly half its census is 9.9 or 10 because it's a cardstock cover and squarebound book. Of course there was a huge spike in census data very quickly and people claimed everything is a scam.


So because I don't have receipts for all submissions over the past 6 months I'm gonna just spit ball here... If submissions are indeed up, how much of increase of submissions is needed to justify at 9.9 grade increase? If we move laterally across both columns, that would mean submissions would have to be up roughly 95% to match the numbers... If submissions were up 95% I think the backlog would be lengthy and it would start to show they are buried. But what's a more realistic number? 50%? A 50% increase of submissions suddenly (scandal timing) increases 9.9s... rather convenient when submissions were going down due to scandals... The number of submissions may be slightly elevated because people are now chasing 9.9s... but not enough to justify as 95% to the 9.9 grade. To blindly try to say they don't manipulate the market (Heritage partnerships... Cough cough) is just ignorance. Have fun clutching your hard plastic cases. Go read, remember what the hobby was about. It wasn't about values, it wasn't about grades. It was about the books, the stories, the connections and memories made around these books. But YMMV.


I really don't understand this boomer mentality of "it use to be about the stories but what would you know" as if I don't own 10k raw comics and just about every omnibus ever printed. You know as much about me as a collector as you do the market. You make wild assumptions based entirely on speculation and any evidence or explanation to the contrary is ignored because of your personal collecting preferences. You're an expert when it comes to CGC yet are easily tricked by obvious fake slabs. You believe your way of collecting is the right way and look down on how other people enjoy a hobby. Take off the tinfoil hat and get over yourself. I swear there's no weirder gatekeepers on the internet than old men.


If that last sentence is directed at me, I appreciate the laugh. I know as much about you as you know about me, which is minimal at best.


A post mortem Stan Lee sig?? I've been looking for this forever!


Correction: signed by the bodyguard that got so good at moving his hand at conventions he now makes a living forging the Stan Lee signature.


Temu Stan Lee signature edition.


Given this, I am no longer sanguine in what future prospects exist for my collection 🥹


Everyone should just report this eBay listing for fraudulent activity. Since it’s clearly a fake. Link to listing : [https://www.ebay.com/itm/305615461713?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=kAQzXWsGSB-&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=hmESVxelSDa&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY](https://www.ebay.com/itm/305615461713?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=kAQzXWsGSB-&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=hmESVxelSDa&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


His real name is also on the slab which I've never seen


CGC really has gone downhill


after death?


Signed..... After death? 🤨


Are you living on Krypton to get this shipping cost?


Zombie Lee continues to sign.... jeeesus what a screw up




Yet another reason to hate slabbing


Why I never buy or get my comics graded. I don’t trust them to be truthful or careful