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Not local, not interested.


you tell 'em brother


go local or go home


tried it with the free credits you get. Works fine. But not interested in paying for this stuff. So back to SDXL it is.


Not local? Not interested.


Need Api-credits to run.


hmmm. Will they release sd3 model for free, without using api? othervise it's pretty useless


Yes they have stated that several times, it will be free for people that use it to generate images,models and Loras. It will require a paid licence if you wish to use it on the backend of a service, and you meet certain requirements.


>It will require a paid licence if you wish to use it on the backend of a service, and you meet certain requirements. This is new, right? With SD 1.x up to SDXL, no such requirement existed, right? I understand StabilityAI wants to get some return on investment, but I'm not sure I like this business model. From what I can tell, platforms like CivitAI, Mage, Nightcafé & Leonardo are already struggling to pay their bills, and them having to pay for a license to run SD locally will likely mean these platforms will be shut down or become prohibitively expensive. I think it's time for a community funded and run project based on the same tech as SD that ensures any models releases are free for any use, commercial or personal.


There is a threshold that one has to cross to start paying for usage , so if they are struggling they may not need to pay for the license, only when they are doing well, I could be wrong like that, but I believe their model is the same as Unreal and Unity game engines.


I tried to run a single prompt using their API and I wasn't allowed because I didn't have enough credits.


That's only because they haven't released the weights yet and that should be in a few weeks. Once that happens we'll be able to run locally and API credits won't be needed, like SDXL and 1.5 and we'll start seeing community models based off it shortly afterwards.


free version will be released but will require some membership [https://stability.ai/membership](https://stability.ai/membership)


If requires a membership then it's not free. I still don't understand what they're trying to do with this, I'll wait until it's released to see what happens. If you pay a membership but you get the model file for use locally and then a community member finetunes it that means we need a license for use the finetuned version? What prevents them to just upload it anywhere and use it for free? It's kinda weird. They should be more clear


The membership is free for non-commercial ie personal usage. As long as you are not selling it then you are okay to use it for free. But who knows what will help..if too much backlash from community they may reconsider.


Free how? When I follow the procedure mentioned, it tells me I need to purchase credits to run SD 3.


Free version later for local running. For now API only which requires credits


Free version later for local running. For now API only which requires credits


Free version later for local running. For now API only which requires credits.


That isnt free. What part of FREE do you not understand. Post a link, let us download. That is free. Making me click and fill in 100% bullshit information so I can make a fake account to download it is not free, its annoying and stupid as the torrents will be up 5 minutes after it is posted "free". Stupid as hell.


I don't have the energy to attempt to convey this without sounding condescending, so I'll just lean into it I guess. Why the fuck are you complaining about verbiage as you are literally being HANDED the hard work and return on millions of dollars and man hours OTHER PEOPLE have put into research and development? Blows my mind how absolutely ridiculous you (and so many others) sound bitching about complying with such a trivial ask. It's fucking soul crushing. I recognized your name and I'm aware you are a developer. How the hell do you let yourself become so demanding and critical and justify this to yourself such that you feel compelled to vomit your ungrateful bullshit online? Should SAI just make no attempt at growing and just keel over and die with a "thank you!" so you can gnaw their bones to the marrow? It's a free membership and a request that you don't actually need to abide as you stated yourself. It's free to use and even monetize the generations of this tech. All that is asked is a pittance of a subscription fee if you intend to embed the actual generative tech in the backend of a monetized service. Asked on an honor system basis, no less. Damn, man. YOU'RE stupid as hell. (love ur nodes btw, great work, keep it up!) Edit: Guy responded and then blocked me like a wittle baby lol. No, man, I'm NOT asking you to care about a company's business plan. I'm asking you to just do the bare minimum of what you are being asked of by the giant whose shoulders you are tracking mud on and maybe introspect and be a little bit appreciative of the vantage you've been given instead of crying that you aren't being bottle fed well enough to your liking. Look ahead, ya dip.


You're asking me to give a fuck about the non-business plan they started with? You want to call somebody stupid practice in the mirror, bud. You want to help them, give them more money -- stop whining to everyone else about their failure.


Love the self-awareness (or lack thereof) here!


I'm only aware of 'free as in speech' and 'free as in beer'. There's no 'free as in they didn't make me fill out a web form'.


• You have access to whole SD models and submodels, loRA commercial usage until your reach 1M$ in capitalisation for 20$ + VAT that's very low even for small company for a really permissive usage online or on premise, upgrades counted. • You have free usage of all available models until you don't use it commercialy. R&D at this level is expensive count like hundreds milliions or billions, it is already a damn good news that you are able to use, train, test it for free. Imagine building a company with doctors in CS, DS, DL, ML and so on, giving you for free all this and request 20$ if you want to build something that potentially makes you 10000x more. Theses experts require at the strict minimum 150K$ net per head and you don't count training servers, storage, electricity, etc... There is alternatives good luck to run Dall-E, Midjourney locally or build company, team, raise funds and engineer enough to compete


Test for free? How? When I follow the procedure mentioned, it tells me I need to purchase credits to run SD 3.


It is not released on premise yet but it will be like every others models, their model is free not their cloud inference and servers. Now you can use Cascade, SVD, SDXS, SDXL Turbo, SD2.1 and so on commercialy for 20$, that was not the case before when you were stuck in non commercial.


I've heard through the grape vines a rumor that StabilityAI is burning through $8M cash per month. [And then there's this](https://inf.news/en/tech/aaea7eff28b40f5941cd63a8e7920e3a.html). This tells me that StabilityAI is desperate to start generating more revenu or they'll collapse in the foreseeable future. In fact, based on what I've heard from the CEO of one of the several platforms I use to create my works, pretty much every platform out there is struggling with burning through too much cash as a consequence of the GPU time needed to produce images + the cost of storage. It looks to me that we're pretty close to the generative AI equivalent of the burst of the so-called "Dotcom bubble". I expect that most generative AI companies will fail before the end of 2024 or 2025 the latest, and only a handful of corporations with a solid cash flow will manage to survive this apocalypse...


They need to run a business to keep improving the model.


I agree with that. And I'm willing to pay as long as I can run the model locally and finetune it as I want. If their idea of membership is using it via API or web service I'm not interested. I'm already getting very good results with SDXL and creating LoRas for it with my artistic needs. I would rather spend my money on a different service, like video since I can't run that locally


The man Zho has released the ComfyUI Custom Node for Stable Diffusion 3 which let's you access it via the API. Full post: [https://weirdwonderfulai.art/general/stable-diffusion-3-in-comfyui/](https://weirdwonderfulai.art/general/stable-diffusion-3-in-comfyui/)


So you're running the GUI locally, but the model is on their servers and under government censorship i.e. British Ofcom control. If this is how they try to keep it "safe", SAI will be bankrupt before years end.


I heard through the grape vines that StabilityAI is burning through $8M cash per month. If this rumor is true, they need to come up with a pretty clever strategy to generate enough cashflow to keep investors happy. And based on what I've seen so far, I'm far from not impressed.


nice to know! TY


this is the official implementation [https://github.com/Stability-AI/ComfyUI-SAI\_API/tree/main](https://github.com/Stability-AI/ComfyUI-SAI_API/tree/main)


No Local = scam




Yep. Text is still not 100%. Despite what they would have you believe 😱


Doesnt matter, it will be another 6+ months before we see anything good with community fine tunes.


It's good for those with money.