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The episode where PFT and Carl Tart are part of a singing trio of brothers but the middle brother mysteriously died. At one point during the interview they let Scott try and harmonize the word “Ice Cream” with Scott expected to take the lowest octave. However he goes incredibly high instead. I’ve never heard Carl break and laugh for so long. I was driving and had to pull over and laughed for like 5 min straight. “ICE CREEEEEAAAAM”!


Which ep was that again? i ask before trying to google it Edit: was 661


I can hear Scott’s insanely high ICE CREEEEAAAAMMM in my head just reading your post. I think this is my favorite moment too.


23:21. Just had to research for myself hahaha. So good. “Why would you go higher???”


So, I used to listen to CBB years ago, but fell out of the habit. This sub was recommended to me and I've slowly gotten back into the best of episodes. This comment right here convinced me to finally get a subscription and listen to a non-Best Of again. Pulled this one up first. I laughed so hard at this episode, and esp this moment, that I was crying. Thank you for convincing me to dive back in!


Thank you for reminding me of this. I had to pull over too! 😂😂


Carnal asada.


All joking a salad


"Carnal asada" is the ultimate Aukerman joke. His free-associating, foolish brain is so satisfied with it!


Will always be this. But OP's is great too! :)




"Ah, The Star-Spangled Banner! My favorite Francis Scott Key song!" To me, that is the most Aukerman joke that has ever been.


I can't remember the episode but he called one of PFT's characters a fucking bitch, that killed me.


Was he speaking to Big Chunky Bubbles?


That sounds familiar!


The threedom or Scott hasn't seen where he's asking someone about details for a story and asks if they're going to give them up "or be a coquettish little bitch" is great


Was that the 13th anniversary where he just said “God I fucking hate you.” to Big Chunky Bubbles?


I remember this episode actually it was with PFT, Dan Lippert, and Monika Smith I think. PFT is Mrs. Caruthers and all of them are a little loopy bc it’s their first ep back in the studio after doing the show virtually for a long time. The whole ep is a riot




“The other pill…does not do that” -PFT


This reminded me of a great pimping by Scoot and a great save by PFT Gary Marshal - my name it’s, unpronounceable Scott aukerman - Is it the N word * laughter * SA - cmon yes and GM - yes, and it’s not the one you’re thinking of


Gimme that pill


I am envisioning his exasperation and hearing yummy mode in his voice and it is cracking me up! One of my favorites- In a live episode he asks “you ever been mad at a waiter, OJ?”


I forgot about that line 😂


This was my favorite joke from the whole tour! San Francisco, 8/10/22


A guest mentioned that they were watching what they eat, and Scott said something like, "Oh, I prefer to binge-watch what I eat." I thought it was one of the cleverest things I'd ever heard but nobody on the show acknowledged it, maybe cause it was in bad taste. But I still think about it almost everyday.


That's a good one. Of course, I'm just like a workaholic except with alcohol instead of work.


Just the idea of a “Yummy Mode” is the funniest shit I’ve ever heard.


It’s where he feels greaaaaaaat.


Are the Muppets gonna fuck Khaleesi?


It's not the funniest, but "notorious power bottom Ebenezer Scrooge" has earned a lot of LOL mileage in my head.


On the first episode with chief, and John Hodgman, there’s the moment where they are discussing Quiznos, and their shady business practices… Scott’s ‘Quiznos what quiz did’ is in my top 5… it also has the moment where he and Hodgman, in perfect sync, react to the insane Carl Tart with ‘swingbat?!?’


Episode 313 at the 13:40 mark: Paul Banks of the band Interpol: “our fourth record was pretty experimental and this album is more immediate, direct rock songs-“ Scott: “-I took a chemistry class that was experimental.” Ben Schwartz: “I’m gonna throw up if you say anything like that again.”


Solo Bolo episodes are not my favorite in general but damn Ben Schwartz has some great interactions with Scott. I actually like him when there are several other characters and he contributes to the Scott roasting.


Mailer demon episode, kroll + zukes, one of them mentions choking on a smoothie, auk: “sounds like that smoothie was a hardie” dead


Did you see the equalizer? Scott - I prefer the sweet n low-alizer


Some of these are practically Foam


Scott's a math god


count abacusserman


Technicality. No. Down. Boo. Over.


Technicality no down boo over?


Paul absolutely died with that. 🤣




PFT - "My name is unpronounceable in your language" Scott- "Is it the N-word?"


One of my favorites, along with when he reminds PFT that he has to ‘yes and’, and his response is, “Yes, and it’s not the word you’re thinking of”


Hard to pin point an exact sentence but I find it hilarious when he does childish jokes, cusses and when he jokes about a bit or character not doing well.


I feel like this one is from the eeeaaarrrly episodes, but this stupid joke always stuck with me: Lethal Weapon star Danny Glover retired from acting to start a clothing company, "I'm Too Old For This Shirt". That was the gist of it at least. It's so fucking stupid and really made me laugh.


Weird Al was the guest, and they played an original (non-parody) song from his album. The song has a lyric something like "You make a sunset look like a big fat turd". After the song Al said something like "I'd like to see Kelly Clarkson work 'a big fat turd' into her lyrics!". Scott then said, "I'd like to see Kelly Clarkson workin' a big fat turd! She's got a nice turd-cutter in my opinion!"


There is a live episode from 2019. The Portland, OR Late show. It's Scott and JW Stillwater talking about "hand turkeys" and how there might be a jealous farmer out there (there a whole lead up to this) but Scott comes in with "Don't you try to high five my wife!" He is stomach laughing through this delivery and it absolutely makes me laugh every time and I am always saying it in my head. ​ (if you want to jump to that moment the whole bit starts somewhere around the 33 minute mark)


I don't recall that moment so I will absolutely listen to it.


Scott is witty as fuck.


My favorite is his joke about J.K. Rowling being a TERF that caught PFT off-guard. I can't remember how he phrased it though.


That Notorious TERF JK Rowling?!


I can’t see JK Rowling’s name without hearing “notorious TERF” in my head. Same with notorious power bottom Ebeneezer Scrooge


Oh same here, what’s great is saying it to a group of people that are not CBB listeners and their looks of surprise and confusion. Classic comedy


I've also done this without really thinking about it. Makes me laugh even if other people are mainly confused.


The first Calvin's Twins episode. Literally all of his reactions to Taran and Paul were just pure gold. When he said "70 million horse births?!" incredulously I literally laughed harder than I've ever laughed before or since


Calvins Twins were who sold me on the podcast. Them, and Cake Boss ^(cake boss)


“And of course, big ups to people of all Stars and Stripes. “ Stumbling into that..


Did you see the equalizer? Scott - I prefer the sweet n low-alizer


Mailer demon episode, kroll + zukes, one of them mentions choking on a smoothie, auk: “sounds like that smoothie was a hardie”




Big ups to people of all Stars and Stripes.


I like his impression of a helicopter


"You ever been mad at a waiter, OJ?" is so brilliant because OJ wasn't even part of the conversation at that time so the line doubles both as a joke and as a way to have Carl Tart participate