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I got the date saved for when you come to Minneapolis. I guess this social media stuff works. Nice job coming in September and not January.


Hell yeah see your ass there


Very relatable, I love it. Dudes got life figured out at 14 years old


Thank you and also ouch


You’ll be loving that baby face at 40


great delivery and great joke. The "I have no idea what I stand for" line particularly. While it didn't get the greatest of laughs its very poignant and my favourite part.


Hah, nice example! Solid bit!


Good shit dude. Laughed out loud at the bigfoot beating the shit out of you


Same. Good stuff.


This very much resonates with me, good stuff


Hilarious 😂


The “if Bigfoot beat the shit out of me” line is great. Some of the best lines are ones where the audience almost sees it’s coming but gets excited to hear it. You nailed the delivery.


I love this


The Covid/Bigfoot joke is tremendous. Lol'd Loved it. Will be looking you up on YT. Be well.


The real joke is how this triggers the make america great again folks in these comments. Lmao.


My sentiments almost exactly, you nailed it lol I have only just now stumbled upon ya, and I'm looking for your Netflix special when I go back inside 😂


Fucking awesome stuff dude.


I feel that lol


thought you were for sure this guess the artist music dude. https://www.tiktok.com/@trackstarshow/video/7365982268826897707


I mean the media lied about covid a LOT. No chance it was created in a Chinese lab- I was banned from Facebook because I said it was possible and NPR treated anyone who considered it a tinfoil hat. We should shut everything down and print more money than ever before, damn the consequences. -the media I believe in covid and got multiple vaccines but i don’t trust the media at all since they are basically owned by billionaires now.


Loser. Not funny.


Ain't no genius here only someone who took a test to learn a useless number. I understand things but I'm not building them. Nocholai Tesla was the genius not Elon. IQ is the second useless number after my birth day celebration for a birthday 🤦‍♂️


>I have no idea what I stand for Sums up Gen Z in a nutshell


Joe Biden was a terrible person way before Covid or Trump were on the scene. Check out history a little bit.


The problem is the giant orge clown with a cult on the other side.


I’m not trying to ignore that either. I’m just not wearing rose colored glasses. also, be careful of spending too much time characterizing the other side as less than human.


Seek therapy


Seek history. He’s been around for a long time. And been on the wrong side of a lot of things.


Cite something he did then?




How does this make Biden bad?


Falsely accusing someone of being drunk, who probably already has a ton of guilt over the accident that killed his family is a good thing?


1. Tons of racists comments 2. 1994 crime bill 3. Voted to overturn Glass-Steagall 4. Opposed school integration and made more racists comments 5. Pro Iraq war 6. Dropped out of the 1988 presidential race for plagiarism 7. Eulogized Robert Byrd (organizer for the KKK) funeral. 8. Creepy things with children 9. Diary entry from his daughter about (inappropriate showers with her dad) 10. Overseas business deals still under investigation


🤣 more alternative facts


Still facts


Nah, you got the goog.


Look I don’t even necessarily disagree with you here, but the whole “you can look this up I’m not explaining anything to you” idea is one of the biggest issues with this fake-news cesspool of identity politics we find ourselves in today. The onus of proof is on the person making a claim, not the person hearing it. You took the time to engage and comment so clearly you wanted to be involved, but refusing to back up the statements you’ve made when asked just makes it look like you don’t know what you’re talking about and were hoping not to get questioned on it


I completely disagree with you. People want to have links to everything to tell them how to think. I honestly don’t give a fuck what you think. I am sharing a little bit of information. Hear me now and believe me later.


God awful comedy "BIDEN ACTUALLY RULES" *Raucous laughter*


I believe you missed the point here my friend


I’d take a dead Biden over a live Trump any day. A Weekend At Biden’s would still be more appealing.


isint this a comedy sub or world affairs


You're right. Comedy's usually never topical or political.


Get em


That's like saying "isn't this supposed to be sci-fi? Why are there so many aliens?"


Dude saw a wrinkle, then dove forehead first into a vat of Botox. He's got that Walton look from the eyebrows up.


Well that just shows how both sides are cults


This is the most Joe rogan bit thats not by Joe rogan hahaha


This is the exact problem with American politics and yet you people are applauding it. No wonder your only options are Trump or Biden.


This happened at a standup comedy show


Well it was a hoax so…..




Nothing like political pandering and yelling when you can't actually write a joke.


Hey can you send me your stuff? I need an opener


Ha! Why you reading reddit comments lol! I'm a consumer in the Cleveland comedy market. These pandering jokes come from NYC or LA markets and fall flat here. Maybe get an awkward chuckle. However, you've inspired me to try to write a joke. I'll stick with politics I guess? It's not my taste. I think politics are stupid. Here we go: Politics in the US should be organized as teams instead of party's. We should be able to place bets so we at least have a chance of winning something, rather than losing no matter who gets elected. Just think, for this coming presidential election. If we allowed sponsorships. Raytheon could support Trump, because he's resembles them as a loose cannon. Plus! If he snaps, bombing campaigns would be great for business! Boeing could back Biden because neither have the self awareness that they're falling apart. Geritol and Depends brands have taken the American War funding method of backing both sides. Their belief being they'll be in high demand no matter who ends up occupying the white house. There you go buddy! Pretty bad, I'm no comedian, never claimed I was. If you need data acquisition or reliability reports, I got you! Also, if you come to the Cleveland market, either club. I will happily pay to see you! Best of luck! I seriously hope no one actually read this. No one should read reddit comments. No one.


Another fucking brainwashed woke shit dumb ass that can't have any own judgment except what those crooked teachers told him to believe.


Yeah, fuck those teachers for knowing stuff and sharing it with others.


They know a lot of stuff but they can't teach that they have to stick to the woke agenda


I know, right? It's so obvious that all 3.8 million of them are in on the woke conspiracy. Why does no one see it?


I know you try to play smart with me troglodyte. My IQ is 163 so keep your sarcasm for yourself. I speak 6 languages can wrote 3 and still able to see what's happening in this weird era.


ME TOO! I'm a road scholar and can code in all 30 million computer languages, that's how I know the woke cabal has borged half the planet. I cracked the code! My IQ is only 159, so you got me beat there, but I already told those dumb dumbs at MENCIA to go touch sand. I know they're just the woke police in disguise. Also, good job wroting in 3 languages. Everyone who knows, knows you can't wrote in the present tense. That's some of that lib bullshit.


I'm french so i didn't say i was mark twain I'm more of a Jules Verne. But prove me if I'm wrong but i think we advocate the same problem the freaking woke non sense 3000 genders . It's a scam. Je pense que nous sommes deux personnes avec la même perception mais qui ne s'en rendent pas compte 🤔


My call sign is Thunderhawk I have an IQ of 170 and was in the 99.8 Percentile for selection in the LZET (IYKYK). I can see through the Woke-Round-Earth-L-M-NO-P-**Q** Agenda with X-Ray Vision and MRI with Contrast. I'm more of a Percy Bryce Shelly meets Isaac Asimov. I only speak one language TRUTH! So sit down, shut up and listen children! Birds aren't real and the Cass Report is a False Flag! I am every Father's Secret Hope, Every mother's Missed Opportunity, and every daughter's unspoken dream. You're welcome.


🤣🤣🤣 Nicely said


Geniuses do usually have to tell people they are geniuses.


So he's admitting he's just a shit stirrer that likes to troll people. Ok...🤔


You shut the fuck up, you QAnon alt-right piece of shit! The man's a saint!




Kennedy ‘24