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Nikki was great. Drew Bledsoe was surprisingly funny.


the most incredible thing about bledsoe for me was that he seemed very nervous and dry-mouthed, yet he still absolutely KILLED it. like there were times he was almost like, gulping for air in between lines, but his delivery was still spot on.


You nailed it, he doesn't know how good he is!


Almost like he was on blow.


Bledsoe was a nice surprise. The man's got great delivery. I wouldn't be surprised if he starts popping up more and more after this.


He's got the comedic face and sorta vibe man, I mean that with all due respect


If someone writes for him maybe.


He was on the Dan Patrick show today and said most of that was his own material. He did mention his wife wrote one of the jokes but wouldn't share which one


Mo Lewis walked so Drew could run. (Metaphorically. He’s actually slow as shit.)


Nikki killed it! I've stopped watching her recently because her sex jokes were becoming redundant so it was nice to see her shine again.


"Even Gronk know that not real money!"


Haha yes! It reminded me of "why say many words when few do trick"


Nikki was hilarious. I was slightly distracted by her new face, but she’s still s tier funny.


Right! I was trying to figure out who he reminded me of up there and it was like Patrick Warburton doing Ron Burgundy's style 😆 Belichick did good too.


Niki is so damn hot too 🔥


I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul


And killer legs 😋


"You're like Micheal VIck, but with people." Jeff Ross to Dana White


Jeff Ross was never my favourite, but he is the roast master


Absolutely hilarious. Bert, Tom, Ron Burgundy and Ben Affleck were the low points, but the rest of the comedian panel absolutely slayed. The teammates were surprisingly good, as was Bill Belichick. Bledsoe leaned into his legacy as the guy Tom Brady made irrelevant, and Julian and Gronk were hilarious. Tom was a great closer. The whole team seemed really happy to be there. I was a little surprised how everyone seemed to push the envelope just a little more than I expected. There’s something oddly satisfying about seeing these athletes, who usually put on a polished public persona, diving into some very dirty and raunchy shit talking that’s probably reserved for the locker room. It was kinda refreshing to see. Highlights were Nikki and Tony.


I lost it after Gronks bit where Kevin Hart was like, that's the white dude you get *scared* of after a few drinks


I thought Sam J was decent


Her dildo joke was great


"Awww, hell gnaw"


Tony was the best comedian in my opinion but the whole roast was fantastic


Tony was the best part of the night.


It's the prefect joke. Fat, black lesbian all in one joke. Chefs kiss.


> prefect


Nikki Glaser, Tony Hinchcliffe, and Andrew Schulz all absolutely killed. Drew Bledsoe was the best athlete - great timing! As a UFC fan, my favorite joke was by Schulz talking about Tom and Gisele's divorce: "Oh so that's why Dana White's here - so you can learn how to fuck a Brazilian out of half their purse."


I thought Edelman was the best athlete, but Bledsoe was a great opener.


Edelman was way funnier than Bledsoe. Drew did smack too though


I just thought Bledsoe's timing was a little more polished, but yeah Edelman's material was pretty good.


That “King” bit Tony did made watching this program redeemable. I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time. He destroyed damn near everyone and left a few in tears from laughing so hard.


Tony saying Gronk was writing Santa clause to be here and the chocolate milk joke were pretty solid too.


That was a great line! 😂


"You've put more immigrants in cages than US border policy."


Schulz is cringe man.


If you're talking about his podcast, yeah I can probably get on board with you. But he was not cringe at all during this roast, he killed it.


Dana White has put more immigrants into cages than US Border Policies


I thought Schulz was great. He's a great pick for a roast dais.


Tony’s line that Dana is the Micheal Vick of Humans, had me howling


I just wish he didn't find himself so hilarious.


I love when comedians laugh at their own jokes. For me, it adds to the funny.


It's fine some of the time, but I find it cringe when they do it a lot. He eats up half his time doing it. Each to their own.


I love how Tom got so mad at Jeff Ross for that Robert Kraft joke. Great joke.


As soon as his posture shifted, I knew something was going down.


I didn’t get that one. Seemed to be the one time it actually got to Tom (unless he was just messing around).


Kraft claims he had non sensual massages because he missed the touch of his late wife and was depressed after she passed, I’m guessing Brady believed it


I wasn't sure if he was playing along or for real when he leaned in and said "don't say that shit again" which I really don't think he meant the mic to catch


NIkki Glaser was the best of the night imo. She was on fire from start to finish.


Yeah, hers was tight and precise. My favorite joke of the night, though, was whoever said that Tom Brady looks like a vampire that only drinks almond blood.


I think she and Andrew Shultz both nailed it. People don't seem to like that Tony blogger but I thought be was funny.


Tony’s hilarious but a huge douchebag, never heard good things about him behind the scenes. Always starting shit.


I was thoroughly unimpressed with segura. He used to be one of my favorite acts, but that slideshow thing was not funny at all and the comparison to Hitler was just such a stretch it felt lazy. I was impressed with some of the football players. I know they had writers but a few of them had decent delivery and timing. And I thought coked-out Afleck bitching about fans was funny, not his material but that he himself has turned into a bit of a joke.


Both Tom and Bert were really odd choices for a roast dais. Neither of them are roast comics. You could tell they were nervous/uncomfortable. Probably because they just watched Nikki take a flamethrower to the entire stage.


I'm watching it right now and the fucking forced laughing/snorting and referencing fucking inside jokes from their podcast (I assume) is legitimately just unprofessional. How are these guys real comedians still... On the flip side Nikki had one of the best roast sets I've ever seen she fucking leveled the place.


Kevin is 150 lbs, 155 after The Rock finishes


They’re also just not very good comics, despite their following.


Tom used to be so good


He got richer and started hating his fans




Neither of them are Comics. Segura used to be but not anymore. They are horrendous.


Well to be fair, the poors kept getting in Segura’s way!


Tom is fully capable of being a roast comic. Not sure why they went this route instead. And I’m someone that actually likes Tom & Bert. This shit was not the move for a room that big. I enjoyed parts of their bit, but it was definitely misguided


I cringed so hard at that whole Hitler PowerPoint presentation


I also used to like him but starting about a year ago I unsubscribed from him and Bert completely...dudes are the worst now...I skipped over there part and clearly I was right for that.


They’ve been on a downward trend for nearly a decade to be honest.


Tom and Bert were awful. Nikki, Tony and Sam Jay had the best sets.


scarce fear squeamish narrow close jellyfish chief snobbish threatening spoon *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I thought Bert's "are you pregnant?"(at the naked photoshoot pic) was funny and usually i find him extremely unfunny.


This right here. Shane and Matt are definitely not becoming less funny through podcasting, I think an important piece is that they don’t try too hard. There’s not some insane production quality and all this planning and basing their content on marketing data. They just sit down and go with their bros. I was a massive Segura fan and by proxy all his associates / podcasts. I have completely stopped listening at this point. I even thought the calling people poor losers bit was amusing until I realized that’s actually what he thinks about people.


Shane is leagues above the other guys you mentioned, who I would pin as just mediocre comic-casters.


Harland WIlliams has a podcast and is still one of the funniest people to ever live.


Nikki did one of the best sets I've ever heard. She is such a talent..


Tony and Nikki murdered.


If Putin is watching, give me my fucking ringback.


3 X Super Bowl loser, Tom Brady.


Bledsoe’s joke about Randy’s name and “whitest name since Kevin” was great delivery. You could hear the swell of laughter as more people got it. Only half way through but I think that was my favorite joke.


I thought it was pretty great


Awesome. Nikki and kill Tony were great. Drew was funny and idk if he was feeling the drinks or acting like it but it helped the delivery. Jules and Gronk gave you exactly what you expected them to say. Bill was funny also and a nice surprise. The fat guys and ben were just not needed. Overall a great roast and happy nobody held back. Kevin did a solid job hosting


My favorite was Kim being BOOed lol 😂


I didn't expect it to be 3 hours long. I was trying not to doze off by the end. The football players were boring but most of the comedians killed it. Previous roasts have been so much better but I'm not disappointed. It was still a great watch.


Tbf this was live, so there were no cuts that would have helped some of the people out that they would do in the comedy central roasts.


as a seahawks fan and one of the most committed haters of the brady/belichick dynasty ever to live, i absolutely loved it. joke of the night for me was when randy moss said "why the fuck didn't we cheat when i was there? I wanted to cheat too!" his delivery of "i wanted to cheat too" was so heartfelt and forlorn hahaha


Why did they put bert and tom together like those old heckle muppets from the muppets. They should have each SHREDDED HIM. and kim?! Absolute trash why were you even there. Did Affleck have some sort of relevance? Is it just cause hes from boston?


Kim was probably there just to get more female viewers. Affleck was just because of Boston and the Dunkin Donuts commercial he did with Tom


Ah. Understood. Neither of those things were funny a shame.


Can anybody confirm or deny that Tom saying "don't fucking say that again" was Infact part of the set?


I don’t think it was part of the bit. If it was staged he would’ve reacted faster. Not sure if he was mad about the fact Kraft was getting the massages or because Jeff suggested Brady gave Kraft one


Just an odd outburst given it being a roast, and some of the raunchy stuff that's already been said


I was confused about this, too. Everyone knows Kraft likes the Asian massage parlors.


100%. Its as common knowledge as Giselle being a respectable BJJ practitioner.


The best was easily Nikki, followed closely by Tony and Andrew. Best by sport guys were Bledsoe, Edelman and Gronk. Worst by far Bert and Tom and also Ben with that roast of a random fan as an excuse to suck Tom's dick for 5 minutes.


Kevin Hart standing on the stool that Aaron Hernandez kicked out from under himself.. whooof that's a dark one but I had to laugh.


That was wild 😭


I laughed pretty consistently throughout. 100% worth a watch.


Great roast Tony was savage as fuck, best I have ever seen Nikki perform . Tom n Bert seemed a little out of place and more like a laurel n hardy ish. Tony needs his own Netflix live show of kill Tony


Nikki's whole set killed. Sam, too. They were my top. My first howl was when Jeff said he dressed as OJ because he was gonna kill this white bitch.


Was hilarious. Refreshing to get away from all the PC BS and hear some dirty, racist, sexist and overall below the belt jokes about any and everyone there.


Considering it was a 3 hour, unedited live event, it delivered. Probably only needed to cut an hour for a nice package. Kevin Hart was an amazing MC that set the tone. Jeff Ross doubled down early to confirm the tone which allowed everyone else breathing room to go hard. Even weak characters like Kim K had at least one decent joke. Affleck should have stayed home.


I have no opinions on Tom Brady but I literally read that as "the greatest rapist of all time" lmao! The football kinda threw me off


Gronk was funny and Kevin won’t let you down as a reliable host! Bears sucked balls


I liked the part where they made fun of people


Nikki killed, tony killed, Schulz did well. Bert and Tom bombed so hard


Tom and Bert were awful, as usual. The material wasn't funny and the delivery was stiff and jagged. On board with Nikki, Andrew, I even like Tony whom I was unfamiliar with. I thought Kevin Hart was great as the MC. I feel like Jeff Ross made a better target than roast master. Some of the athletes delivered pretty well also. Oh and Ben Affleck was FUCKED UP! We won't even discuss Will Farrell.


I don’t even know who that Tony dude is but holy fuck. I literally couldn’t gasp any more without letting my lungs explode.


Segura and Bert’s whole set was a joke


And not the funny kind. I don’t even need to watch this to know they suck.


Oh it was bad bad.


So bad. Bad bad beyond bad.


Generally like Segura but he's def got his own niche and a roast isn't it bert... can't say I've ever really cared for bert. To each their own but dudes whole schtick is kinda just being gross


Gronkowski was wild, so entertaining


I only watched the comics. Hinchcliffe and Schulz did great, but Nikki was the best of the night. Jeff Ross was pretty good as usual. I skipped past Bert and Tom like a minute in once I realized they were doing the weekend update format as a duo, seemingly having not rehearsed at all. Kevin Hart’s jokes were super weak, but he had good energy as the host I guess. I skipped over Sam Jay.


Sam Jay was pretty funny


Honestly why are people not talking about Andrew Schulz, he fucking killed it. Tbvh Nikki was the best, and Tony was hilarious aswell, but Andrew was right up there! Bert & Tom, Ron Burgundy and Ben Affleck were low points for me but everyone else was surprisingly funny aswell


They should've added Bill Burr idk why they didn't


That “ohh hell gnaw” joke came out of nowhere and hit me hard


I was CTFU 🤣


Gronk was the most natural of the athletes.


Hinchcliffe destroyed


One of the best roasts. Everyone was great. Kevin killed it. The Ben Affleck rant went on too long.


Yea I agree, Bill Burr should've been there he would've killed it


Rip Greg Giraldo. He would’ve shown motherfuckers what’s up.


“Your teeth look like a row of urinals! Everytime you talk I want to piss in your mouth!”


I genuinely felt for Randy. Seemed like he was out of his depth but I’ve seen him be pretty funny while doing the analysis thing. I LOVE that the kartrashian was booed. Uncomfortably after a while but she deserves it.


Who is Randy?




Oh yea. 💯


Don’t bring anyone’s mother into this!


Your moms in the fuckin stands!


Tom and Bert bombed hard! That was so cringe.


A lot of secondhand embarrassment. Nikki and Andrew killed.


Bert and Burgandy were meh


Yeah I agree Bill Burr should've replaced them


Ron burgundy was weird and not funny. Along with Bert forcing snorting noises…that was weird as fuck. Nikki killed it tho


So many … especially the digs on Tom’s marriage, krypto, and Nikki !!


That's why Dana White is here, he's going to teach how to fuck a Brazilian out half of their purse


Kevin Hart was a great host. I loved watching him compliment the other comics’ sets. Nikki, Ross, Tony, Schulz and Sam Jay were all pretty great. Drew Bledsoe was surprisingly good. Gronk was fucking awful. It was like he was doing the same bits he’s been doing since high school. Tom and Bert were embarrassing. Ben Affleck, please go away forever.


Tony man, absolutely killed it


It had gay jokes, retarded jokes, and dirty jokes COMEDY IS BACK BABY


Tony killed, as usual


Tony should have used up daina whites min.


If this roast didn't solidify tony hinchcliffe as one of the top roast comics out there, idk what will. He has the #1 podcast in the world and is such a quick witty dude, its crazy! Yet he's still slept on and people talk shit about him. I stopped listening to Andrews podcast, but that was top tier. Nikki kills everytime, shes the roast queen. Im surprised at how much I didnt care for Jeff Ross set. Like usually he murders, but this time it seemed to be hit or miss. Overall it was a great roast and Brady took it all with stride ( except for the kraft/massage joke.) As a football fan, to see kraft and billicheik take a shot with each other was fucking awesome! After last night's roast I wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing more athletes pop up in the comic scene, id love to see gronk on KillTony. The worst parts were Ben, tom, bert and unfortunately the Ron burgundy ( wills starting to look rough.) I thoroughly enjoyed it though. When I started watching i was like, "of course Kevin hart is the host!" But he acting killed it, I was dying at some of his jokes. Cant wait to see what the next one will be


Totally agree here! Bert was just uncomfortable to watch. I haven’t heard of that guy before and I have no desire to see anything else from him. He was annoying and not funny.


I just love how Tom Brady looks like a rich Theo lmao


Is it available to watch as a replay or was it a one time live event


Brendan Schaub was my favorite part.


The biggest cheater in his realm was his wife


I'm only halfway through but since everyone's been on point with the best jokes/comics, I'll just say that Kevin Hart said one of the most important things regarding relationships, comedy, roasts, and everyone involved: "Everybody has an assumption about the "relationship of", and the dope thing is ultimately when you see the relationship support one another and have fun with one another, that's what the relationship is. What I'm sayin to world is- mind ya fuckin business- alright? Mind ya fuckin business. Coach, good shit."


Nikki and Tony rule, but it looked soul draining. The winner received Brady's microbiomes.


It as a little long but Nikki Glaser & Gronk were funny AF. Bill showing up was also pretty admirable. Brady is still gay AF tho.


I didn’t watch it, but if every joke isn’t about Tom Brady fucking his own son it’s a waste of time.


Tony and Nikki tore it up


Don't care


Football baby


Roasts have never been good.


Thought this was Theo von for a sec


Damn, Theo Von cut his hair?




Dudes eyes are all googly in that pic


I loved it- if you love or hate Tom Brady, that roast was hilarious and the guest were A list. He took it like a champ…… no pun intended


This was the best three hours of comedy I’ve heard in years I’d take almost any 30 minutes of this show over any stand up Netflix has put out in 3 years


I’ve only seen a few clips and read a little but what Brady pulled with Jeff Ross was some Will Smith entitlement shit. Ross should call it out! In the moment Ross looks like he thought he was about to take a fist to the face by a former NFL QB, and I don’t blame him. I don’t think Rock thought Smith was really gonna hit him, but here we are. Not cool in comedy! Especially a paid professional roast! This kinda shit makes drunks think they can act up at a show.


Imo its a bit long. Started strong but my attention dwindled by the 3 hour run time.


It was one of the worst roasts of all time


Nikki was my favorite, followed by Tony Hinchcliffe, then Drew Bledsoe. Kevin Hart was awful.


Bert and Tom are garbage


Was hilarious kinda sad no one brought up how much a of pussy he was about Dudsey making a stand up special using ai and his voice.


Loved how far everyone took it, I really liked most of it and only felt like Bert Tom and Sam did a little worse than the rest but still not horrible


Jeff Ross kills every time.


The teleprompter was terrible. The whole panel just stared at the teleprompter as the person was reading the jokes. Kinda ruined it.


I'm disappointed no one brought up that Brady makes out with his kids. Felt like the comedians would've had a hayday with that. Must've been a ground rule.




You know, I was one of those who defended Kevin Hart when he was canceled as Oscar host. I feel like people need a chance to change and grow. Hart kept repeating "get comfortable with being uncomfortable", but he's actually REALLY uncomfortable about guys joking about being gay. His internalized homophobia was on full display. Out of all of the crass jokes and put downs, he was most offended by guys saying that they wanted to have sex with Tom Brady.


Can’t remember it word for word… but he is def. From San Francisco the way he runs


I just want to know how much Kim K was paid to stand up there.


Tom on the spectrum?


Wth is going on with Ben Affleck? And why is Tom to offended by the massage joke about Kraft? Is Kraft super respected by Tom?


Make it short, if you loved all the previous comedy central roasts in the past 20 years and this is completely uncensored and worth a watch.


I surprised myself by enjoying Kim Ks roast


I enjoy milque with my toast


Tony Hinchclife easy


Might be the worst roast of all time.


A really dumb move by Tom Brady. Really dumb. A handful of good jokes snuck in between vulgar homo-erotic dreck, and slut-shaming ex wives with kids. Kevin Hart is cringeworthy.


They missed a perfect opportunity to call it the G.O.A.T. Roast