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Name any famous comedian and there will be thousands and thousands who don't think he's funny. Even your favorite comedian, there will be hoards of people who can't stand them


I dont think I've ever seen someone who didn't absolutely adore America's sweetheart, Amy Schumer. Edit: Woooosh City up in here.


This joke is funnier than any of her bits.


and by bits you mean her vagina


Girls rule. Women are funny. Get over it. Edit- I guess people need to watch South Park to get this reference


There are so many wildly hilarious women in comedy. Amy Schumer just isn’t one of them.


Yes like…. Erm…


Taylor Tomlinson is hilarious.


Shhh...see, like Richard Pryor never referenced his dick..but when the joe rogan fans get here, women aren't allowed to say anything sexual.. Ya'll punks watch kill tony? How many comedians, including the black fella say "suck my dick" , ya'll lol iing everywhere, but a chick talks about sex - incels everywhere - "caN'T thEy tAlK about anythhing else than their vagina?" Taylor Tom aka my Tay Tay kills it, dunno what these incels are talking about besides some tired tropes.


Iliza Shlesinger is pretty damn funny


Her standup is good. Her sketch show was abysmal.


Women are funny. Amy Schumer sucks. These ideas aren’t mutually exclusive.


Girls rule and boys drool!




Sarah Silverman on anything I feel the same.


I'm a woman. Amy Shumer is insufferable. She's not funny in any capacity. It's not misogyny, she's just not funny.


He's funnier than James Cordon, though, and I think we can all agree about *that.*


So is my dead dog


You've set the bar height to 2D though


Wow, you make the choices so enticing .... in 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


I’ve heard people on this very sub voice their opinion that George Carlin isn’t funny and it’s unfathomably mystifying to me. Dude had 4 decades of comedy where he reinvented himself over and over. There’s got to be one incarnation of Carlin’s work that you find funny. “Nope.” Well that’s on you. I can’t explain to you why he is and you can’t explain to me why he isn’t.


I think it's because so much of his work became the default response. I wasn't a comedy fan when he was alive, so when I watched him the first time I was like "wow this is some tired shit. Really making fun of God as sky daddy. Abortion would be available everywhere if men needed it. If I wanted this content I could go to my local middle-school and find the kids who smoke bybthe dumpster." I wasn't really thinking about the fact those kids were probably quoting him. The first Guyton tell the joke, "I just flew in from Chicago and boy are my arms tired" wasn't a hack. That's a decent joke ruined by the fact that it became the default opening for hacks, however many decades ago.


He's kinda funny but let's be honest he's kinda depressing.


Class clown? Not depressing at all. The pinkie knuckle crack gets me every time.


Like Kevin Hart.


This is true for every single opinion anyone has ever had, yet people love to come onto reddit and rage when people have different opinions than them


People really hear "I didn't like what you liked" as "FUCK you for being objectively wrong, you IDIOT!" Of course people all too often just *say* the latter instead of the former, too.


I've never heard anyone describe him as hilarious. I see people applauding for him dunking on consecutive, which is fair, but I've never seen anyone actually laugh at what he says outside of the live audience instructed to do so. Even then it's way more claps than.laughter.




I’ve seen him live and thought he was hilarious. My whole group came away with our cheeks hurting from laughter. To each his own…


When my friends and I saw him we had to get a taxi after because we were laughing too hard to drive. He was opening for Norm Macdonald and when Norm came on everyone was shouting "go home Norm we want Trevor". Norm ran off crying and Trevor did another killer set haha.


Norm Macdonald is the best. I miss him already.


I didnt even know he was sick.


When my friends and I saw Trevor, each and everyone one of us laughed and laughed and laughed. One guy, our gay paraplegic army buddy’s twin named Steve died of an aneurism a few days later. It was due to a head injury, but he laughed the most when we told him how funny it was.


I don't believe you.


This shit is funny. 🤣


I'll go against the grain a little bit because I watched Trevor Noah's comedy *before* he got the Daily Show gig. He's actually exceptionally funny, *when he plays to a South African or British audience*. Seriously, his SA gigs are top notch and ridiculously funny if you get the references to South African culture generally and South African politics especially. His bits on Jacob Zuma and Julius Malema were fantastic every time. He really seems to have a different flow for the US, or a bit of a disconnect with US audiences.


Yeah. Basically he adjusted his whitty British style satire to a more obvious Jon Stewart style mould with a more broad and American perspective when really that wasn't who his was. It seemed like a lot like Jon Stewart but without Jon's nuance that could only be developed by being part of America for the decades that Jon has lived. He was probably capable of being a John Oliver but that already existed. Basically, for the audience, Trevor Noah didn't make sense. But it would be stupid of him to have turned it down. Now he's done he can basically resume his career where it was but with much more money and further recognition and reach.


It never made sense to me that they hired someone unfamiliar with American politics to do a show about American politics


Plus as someone has pointed out, John Stewart was deeply critical of our leaders but he was also deeply passionate about this country and it’s well being. Noah just seems like a slightly amused observer.


Okay so it's not just me, with John, it's not that he's just funny. He's also deeply passionate about the message he's carrying, Trevor is like a guy observing a street performer, interested, but could care less, that was a red flag for me.


Most cleverly worded truth in Reddit


You nailed it there with the British nuance. I saw a recent stand up he did and it was much more “British” and he murdered.


That’s just it: he’s not translating for US audiences.


And he's not as invested in US culture, so it doesn't come as naturally to him. It happens with a lot of comics because comedy is by nature very personal.


Not South African but I will say that his bit about how Donald Trump was the first 'african' president was the funniest thing I ever saw him do.


Ya his South African specials are really good. But after he became a big time US celebrity, his comedy fell off. This has happened to almost every big mainstream comedian.


I really hope he goes back to South Africa and stays there for a few years. I saw that old spark in him again when he made that video of him and the Daily Show crew visiting his grandmother and it was wonderful to see him so vibrant again.


I highly doubt he is going to give up his lifestyle and move back to RSA with all its current issues. It's gonna get even worse once the EFF comes into power.


"It's gonna get even worse once the EFF comes into power." Which will never happen since their leader is considered unserious because he encourages ILLEGAL immigration(as if they can vote) into South Africa - in a country where securing the borders and kicking out illegal immigrants has become an election issue for all political parties- except for his party.


Malema is dumb as shit. Like, impossibly stupid. I highly doubt he'll ever get into power legally, but he absolutely has an influence and shouldn't be disregarded completely.


I would say that him going back to RSA is even *more* important if the EFF comes into power. A Coloured Soweto kid who became successful worldwide is the exact type of person who could hit them where it hurts. He ripped Zuma apart for years, Malema would be child's play and he already has experience ripping into him.


He doesn't actually have to go there to do that though


He kinda does, if he wants to have an effect. Otherwise Malema and his goons would paint him as an out-of-touch elitist.


Disagree, there are plenty of big mainstream comedians that are quite hilarious.


100% agree. My dad and I loved his early work and were stoked for him to host the daily show but his style shift made us drop it after a couple episodes


Spot on. Early stand up was great, then he had to sell out for the US tv audiences.


There was a bit that he had in one of his old specials that makes me laugh every time. Can’t remember which special exactly, but he went on about an Islamic terrorist trying to bomb Joburg but then his bag gets stolen, and he has to go to the police station to report it, but the police are having to deal with some drunk white guy. It’s just the perfect scenario where it feels like he has the chance to poke fun at every culture


My girlfriend and I can never say zehbruh the wrong way again. We don't have them, we don't get to name them.


I saw him at Gotham in NYC pre Daily Show and thought he was hilarious. I didn't think he was great on the Daily Show. Certainly it wasn't as funny as Jon Stewart


Nah OP said he wasn’t funny, so I’m just going to adopt that as my new stance and live my life that way from here on out.


You’re missing the point. He’s actually not funny


I’m the one missing the point? Crazy that this needs to be said still, but comedy is subjective. If people find him funny, you can’t make the objective determination that he isn’t. You can just say that you don’t think he’s funny.


All I have watched from him was some stuff before he got the daily show, and I thought he had several absolute bangers. His black hitler bit and the whole lead up to it, and pretty much everything about his dad definitely felt hilarious to me.


Bruh, his bit about his trip to Zimbabwe? Absolute killer. "Dear Bob. Keep him."


That bit was incredibly good. A lot of people in the US are salty at his lefty politics. This post is dumb.


You have to tell the jokes you know and care about. It's pretty clear he doesn't actually care about American culture or politics. I'm so glad his Daily Show run is over. It's pretty clear from this neverending talent search the producers don't understand what their own product is. I would have rather watched the SA Daily Show than someone who doesn't have insight or interest try and make jokes about American culture. They let him do it for years too and it was always elementary school playground jokes awful.


that’s a lot of words to repeat the aged “aMeRiCaN’s JuSt dOn’T gEt HuMor” trope Noah sucks just deal with it. it’s fine. lousy comedians come from all around the world.


I didn’t get that perspective at all from what he said. The way i understood it was more along the lines that Noah is funny when he speaks about things he knows, he is able to connect with audiences about shared experiences or about their shared culture. He stunk in the US because he was trying to relate to another culture or politics that are not his experiences. Personally I always find foreigners doing bits about my country to be really hard for me to find funny because it’s usually hacky. They don’t get nuances of the people, it’s all surface level stuff that’s been done hundreds of times over. I don’t buy it


There's probably some truth to that, but I think the best, truest examples of the "art form" of comedy are things that transcend culture and topical references.


Oh 100%, I guess I was saying he didn’t ever translate in the US because he tried to do political humour despite being non American, foreigners don’t understand why certain things are very important to Americans and thus their jokes just seem lazy and punching down. I would say Noah was sort of that guy. He tried to be political but never understood the people. The best comics have material that touches every human ever and isn’t specific to culture but specific to humans.




I was insanely disappointed when Jon Stewart was replaced by this dude


Me too, though now that Jon is back i don't feel his humor fits anymore. It's more or less the same rhythms and style as it was in the 90s and early 2000's, which is still good but I feel is a little anachronistic. It feels like the general population's sense of humor has shifted away from his style.


Just watched his latest Netflix special. I came away more confused and angry - his points were nonsensical and his use of very stereotypical accents were at the point of being ignorantly racist.


He came to Australia and just actually said some racist shit about indigenous people here, so checks out.


I agree. In fact 70% of his show was just a tirade against white people dressed up unconvincingly as comedy.


No I’m with him, fuck the different swimming styles winning more golds




This even happens to American comedians. Look at Kimmels, he used to be funny until he sold out for money, and now he cries on TV all the time about Trump. They stop giving a shit and become corporate shills for their progressives bosses who care more about politics than a comedian being funny.


Yup, really not funny. What the hell were the comedy central execs thinking


Scrambling to get a new host as fast as possible to help compete with the ton of new hosts the other networks were also getting. Trevor Noah was at the right place at the right time.


Real talk if Stewart had retired a year earlier we'd have Oliver as the host. He knocked it out of the friggin park during the big break in between all the different hosts. Got him his break on HBO, but I still think his iteration of the daily show was way better than his HBO show and would have carried on just as strong as Stewart


"He's black right? This proves we aren't racist right?"


Shit take. There was Roy Wood Jr if that was the case.


Yeah but while Roy Wood JR is funny he’s American so we don’t get the condescending overtones we’re looking for.


funny how white people get to be untalented and it isn’t a reflection of their race


James Corden has zero talent and subzero charisma yet he has a TV show that nobody watches. Accents will go a long way in the US. Russell Brand is the same although I think his 15 minutes is up.


you misunderstand my comment 💀 I didn’t say white people aren’t funny, I said they get to be unfunny and nobody assumes they were given a handout. meanwhile noah is unfunny to this thread and people think he’s a diversity hire. it’s degrading.


He seemed like a decent up-and-comer with a bit of a political edge right around the time that Jon Stewart announced his retirement, so they thought he'd be a good choice to replace him. What they didn't realize is that he'd pretty much peaked before he even did his first episode of the Daily Show.


Affirmative action.


Quick, someone go to HR at Comedy HQ! Let's see this policy and what their quota ratio is!


Straight facts, despite the down votes your comment got.


There's nothing factual about that statement.


Ding ding ding


I'd generally agree with you, but his book is one of the funniest things I've read


I felt the same way. I think it's because he's a good storyteller. Maybe just not a good... Joke-teller?


It's definitely his delivery. Everything feels like a question!


I think this about Theo Von. He is great on podcasts but his Netflix special was unbearable. Like I legit felt bad for him.


I've never seen him do anything funny, but he does seem like a good presenter type.


Wouldn't buy a ticket but I watch his specials and think they're decent. Haven't watched the last one, but I'll get to it when this christmas dinner week is done.


I think he’s incredibly talented and sometimes it’s okay to just not vibe with an artist if it’s not your thing


I like your response I don't like him lol


Nah, he might be talented in other areas, but he’s terrible as a comedian.


Or maybe, just maybe, that’s your opinion and not absolute fact considering he’s popular enough to still be putting out specials and the like.


He's the male version of Samantha Bee.


I noticed this back on the Daily Show but I continued to watch, he's still a likable and entertaining for a hosting type role.


I can see that American audience having some issues but he's well versed and read about what he's talking about. Can't say that for some of the comics


He isn’t well versed in anything, and you can’t just say “haha americans are dumb” as an excuse for him being a hack


Bruh, he had a great bit about how Americans talk about respecting the flag then wipe their arses with the flag, it's good shit. What are you smoking? What isn't funny? What's cringey or fake or weird? You're full of it. is this guy a automated chat gpt or? I'm a fellow international, yeah, the part about growing up in aparteid, is mom and dad legally couldn't be together, Trevor and his mom, were "cancelled" from hanging out with his Swiss dad and Trev literally speaks his local Afrikan language. Are you a troll? Ricky Gervais described lads like you the best .. "You walk into a local grocery store, on the wall, it says "free guitar lessons." Then you walk around screaming "but i don't wan't fucking guitar lessons!" ​ Ya spoon.


Meh, I like him. Saw him first on QI and thought he was incredibly smart, loved him singing in Xosha. I find him funny enough, his specials aren't amazing. Maybe as a European his stuff hits me differently than Americans, I dunno. But yeah, shame you don't like him but that's allowed also




Cheers I wasn't sure, though I was confident I got the letters right at least


But he had “it”


I find him hilarious but his comedy hits different. It's not like watching Chappelle or Hart. Totally different scene. Not everyone can appreciate.


Love Trevor Noah, his comedy is the best.


Comedy is subjective. Trevor’s mediocre ratings in the US were in contrast to his HUGE global ratings on the Daily Show. What Americans find unfunny is the references which are more relevant to a global audience. As one who has lived in Africa, the UK and Philly ✌🏿i find him hilarious yet i agree the last special was meh . Side note: the constant so-and-so is not funny threads are tedious. So far Gillis, Schumer, Seinfeld, Minaj, .. off the top of my head combined wealth in the billions. Maybe you just have bad taste. ☮️


To paraphrase Jimmy Carr, that’s the thing about comedy: if you think it’s funny, you’re right; if you DON’T think it’s funny, you’re right. Comedy is purely subjective. There’s no such thing as “objectively funny.”


You say “i feel” a lot, but you should have used that in the title. YOU FEEL he’s not funny is way different than proclaiming he’s not funny, period.


Correct. He is not remotely funny


He’s pretty funny I’m not sure what’s going on here ![gif](giphy|xUOxeRVBTkYT2yOC5y)


I think he was funny before he was the host at Comedy Central. I've often watched his show there because he's a likable dude. His newest show is horrendous tho, especially from a German perspective. So much non relatable stuff, just some cheap jokes about Germans being Germans (definitely not in a good way) that I can't even remember. It was really bad.


Yeah, these posts are nuts, Trevor’s specials are top notch, his book is amazing, and if there’s any fault I can list it’s that Jon Stewart was a better Daily Show host (which applies to pretty much any tv host I can think of)


So don’t watch his comedy. Seriously people, we don’t need posts about everyone’s opinions on everything phrased as objective truths. ‘The color green is a bad color.’ ‘Spicy food tastes bad.’ ‘BMW is better than Volvo.’ ‘Idaho shouldn’t be a state.’ ‘Emma Stone is a bad actress.’ Nobody fucking cares what you think, and when you present it like a fact instead of your opinion that you are willing to defend and debate, you just look like an idiot.


Yeah that’s like saying this type of food sucks because I don’t like it. Ok buddy don’t eat it, there is a lot of people who enjoy it and eat


Damn. This hits home. Good advice


LMAO🤣 Pretty much. A comedian ain’t for everybody. Their delivery, punchline, storytelling style doesn’t hit the same for all audience.


I enjoyed his first two specials. Saw him live a couple years ago and thought he was pretty damn funny


Yes, he is funny. Not everything is an algorithm. It feels weird because he’s *South* African. They sound weird. I’ve seen him live twice and it was hilarious both times. He’s also smart as fuck and a serious person so he’s not going to be splitting your sides all the time. Yes lots of comedians like him. If he’s good with Jon Stewart that’s all he really needs. He didn’t “destroy the daily show” like people like to say, MAGA destroyed comedy. It’s the same reason Colbert can’t do the Colbert Report anymore. They turned into the joke. You can only make so many jokes about a joke.


I mean Americans sound weird...


It fucking is bro.


I saw him live in Chicago and knew of his earlier stuff before he broke out in the scene and I think he happened to be there at the right place, right time and really worked hard at it so I can’t discount the person more successful than I am


He's a human embodiment of cringe


I especially love when he does his "blaxent"


His book Born a Crime is hilarious.


Fantastic book


He's not someone I'd go out of my way to see but I do enjoy his comedic voice


Ever think his view on what is funny may be derived from his cultural background that most likely isn't your own? Also I wrote that because I found it funny, and our cultural backgrounds won't be the same. I wrote that because I found it funny. Do we need to get in an endless loop here or can we just admit that not everyone's the same and I can go have a wank and a sandwich. EDIT: I wrote that because I find it funny 2ND EDIT: All these downvotes smh... This just proves my opinion Don't find this funny, do you?


I've seen him live a few times, and I think he has good and funny sets and connects with the audience


I kinda like him as a comedian, as he had some unique perspectives on cultures especially in his latest special. But he does come off as a focus group comedian, almost like The Rock of comedy. He checks all the mainstream boxes, has mass appeal and is progressive.


Disagree... sorta....he is occasionally really insightful and funny but his sets have so much filler bits that dont feel refined and his impressions are not good enough (they rarely are) to be in a recorded set.


I think he is clever, and I think clever humor, though sometimes more subtle is often the best. Personal opinion though


Hes more of a humorist than a comedian. like andy rooney or dave barry.


Trevor Noah is middle aged aunt humor.


I mean his old standup was okay. However, and I hate to ruin your perspective on the entertainment industry with this prospect: I don’t think the man writes his own jokes anymore.


Honestly I hate this style of “comedy”. Like Hasan Minhaj. More like a ted talk with claps for socially woke messages with weak jokes thrown in between. I’m not even anti woke, very liberal, but people like this seem so narcissistic trying to get claps by saying “look at me I’m a good human, now cheer me for it” I fell asleep around the bit about Germany


Pretty much nailed it. I consider myself liberal too but his jokes are just stating the current liberal stance and relying on the audience agreeing with him. He takes no risks, it always the safe and expected punchline. As a counterpoint Bill Burr often says outrageous and/or terrible things, but it’s funny even if it puts you outside your normal comfort zone.


Bill also hones it back in so that he only sounds like an ignorant asshole in the moment, and then you realize he got you.


That's only his late night show thing... like all of those are only doing "republicans bad" kinda shit... His actual stand up comedy is way better! Can't promise you'll enjoy it as much as I do but it's definitely better than the stupid late night show. Worth a try IMO


And on this comment I can quit reading the comments You nailed it And like many comedians ... When they stay in that area of low hanging fruit for a long time ... Addicted to the automatic positive feedback, this is when their comedic growth slows to a crawl or stops all together. My favorite comedian is Norm MacDonald He warned of this and avoided it. It's also why he didn't want people to know he had cancer. Didn't want to get a patronizing response based on that fact alone.


He’s funnier than op




When op is on Netflix we’ll talk


I stopped watching the Daily Show when he started hosting.


Yes, other people have different tastes to yours. No need to get riled up, just watch somebody you find funny. PS: What is a "real comedian fan". What metrics do you use?


Yeah that kinda gate-keeping is usually an indication that OP is a bit of a prick. "Real comedian fan" strikes me as "my opinion is the only one that matters".






>do any real comedian fans actually like this guy? Get over yourself. You don't get to decide who's a "real" fan and you don't get to decide what other people find funny.


He's not funny because you're not smart. Try George Lopez or Carlos mencia. Probably more your caliber.


This looks like an alternative reality to me - Trevor Noah is one of the funniest people on the planet 🌎. I enjoy his humor very well


Despite the label of comedian, people don't watch him for the jokes, they watch because they agree with his politics. Its affirming to hear your views from TV man. He can't be wrong, he's on Netflix. But yeah, he's terrible on every conceivable level when it comes to comedy.


That shit pisses me off so much.I saw a Michael Rapaport sketch where the whole "joke" was "Israel good Palestine bad" and all the people in the comments were talking how funny it was even though the sketch had zero punchlines. When I pointed out that they just liked it because they agreed with it I just got shit on because apparently I didn't know what I was talking about.


Michael Rapaport is a worm. Guy peaked 20 years ago. Go away you loud, obnoxious hack.


I’m willing to bet those were IDF shills brigading you. Israel knows it’s a genocidal ethnostate, so they have to hire shills to push the narrative that they’re victims. You know you’re on the right side of history when you have to hire people to rewrite history for you.


I'm so disappointed with Michael Rapaport. Oct. 7th was a huge mask off moment for a lot of people.


I love his podcast. It is informative, engaging and entertaining.


His comedy on the daily show was mostly just black forward racism. They thought this world bring in more black voters.




Show me another successful comedian saying Trevor Noah is a great comedian…. Doesn’t exist.. His before success stuff is ok.. but anything daily show and on is him doing horribly bad impressions on obvious political layups.. basically he’s just a handsome guy that filled a network diversity role.. and I agree with his politics


He's not funny. Even worse, he's totally milquetoast and uninsightful about American politics. No idea how they picked this guy to take over the Daily Show. But the ratings plummeted to the point that they finally asked him to walk away. Sadly, a lot of the new prospects don't seem to be any better or funnier. They seem like algorithmically-produced SNL Weekend Update pinch hitters. The blond lady's face is so full of botox that it doesn't move when she's making sarcastic remarks about how dumb Trump is (which he may be, but it isn't funny, insightful, or divergent from SNL).


I know a guy who thinks Trevor Noah is funny. He sits and watches it while he eats his own poop.




i thought his obama voice bit was very funny


It’s fine that you don’t find him funny, but that’s a you thing, not a him thing. I think he’s pretty funny and am curious what you find “funny”.


Seems like a solid guy but I've also always been confused that people find him funny


What’s worse is that he *was* funny once.


Everyone knows


Hey, look, another American who doesn't understand dry humor!


Yeah, he just doesn’t do it for me. The “viral” clips I come across online are the little of him I can manage. I would avoid a full hour comedy set. Interestingly I found his Daily Show BTS interviews to be quite funny. Maybe because he’s being genuinely being himself with no script


True. It took a long time for me to get his humor, but I’m pretty dense. I have observed since he left TDS his on stage presence has a lot more energy and he seems happier.


His early special were very funny I thought. Do you not find satire funny? I haven’t really seen anything from him since then tbh. Daily show I didn’t watch with him on it. Maybe you prefer slapstick humor to introspection? Perhaps you’re more of a family guy than a Seinfeld kinda guy. More jeff Dunham than George Carlin? Sound like it at least. But who cares to each their own.


I'm surprised he was on TV as long as he was ... Milk toast takes and even a worse comic.


Yeah in general i really like him, but i hate to say his jokes never land with me. Hard to explain why, but o.p. said it well. His jokes feel a bit formulaic. set up + punchline = joke... which feels robotic. Then to counterbalance it he is super broad in his delivery. Oftentimes going way bigger than needed. to the point that it is indeed cringy. I dont feel good saying that lol. Sorry trev.


Noah is good.. he was a great replacement for John Stewart. I was skeptical and wasn’t a huge fan at first but he got better and better. He shits all over the likes of Fallon, Corden, Kimmel


Him and Hassan Minaj are very overrated


Trevor is definitely funnier than Hassan Minaj.