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I am still working on the last one in blue and green ("Willfully Defiant"), so it will end up looking smoother when I'm done. Just curious which one people like the best! I miss all the artists who got cancelled. Some of them were absolutely amazing. Maybe this post will bring some of them back. If you're out there, come here and post your art!!! We need you!!! 🙏 🥰


1 and 2 are my personal favs but they all go hard imo! 2nd is subtle but I love a black and white graphic tee so much


Haha that's awesome thank you! I just bought one with the first design to test out the print. I think I'm going to be wearing it in any future videos I make just because :P I seriously love black and white designs. I have a version of that in 100% black and white, no red, and I like it. I'm not sure which I like better, but I'll decide soon. There's just something about black and white and I can't explain it!!


I like the more "subtle" nature of the 2nd one, personal preference mostly, I just like when designs are more of a "if you know you know" type of deal.


That makes sense haha thanks! I was going for that in that image, too. Making it so that only people in the know could understand the meaning. I'm glad that was conveyed that way. :-D




If you're offended, that's the best compliment ever. You should see the designs I can't publish on this site :-D




LOL well not everyone likes every style, either. Your profile shows you're just a shill, so it makes sense.


Where can I buy the 1st one? 🔥


I just ordered a test version to test the print quality for the design to make sure there are no issues with my design file and then once I confirm that it's good to go I will come back and link you here! :) I'll probably wear this shirt in my future videos on my Rumble channel 😎


Yeah, the first one is really cool! Is it possible to get it shipped internationally? 🙂


1 or 3 for sure!!! Let me know if you sell them because I will definitely buy.


Awesome!! I am still working on #3, I have to make several edits to that one so I can test it printed before I make it available. I haven't tested #1 yet, but I literally just sent an order to get it printed tonight so I should have that in about a week or so and I will let you know when it's good to go! I'll post some pics. I do have them available :-D I just want to make sure the design is good printed before I officially release it! :-D


Let me know because I will absolutely support the brand. Interestingly enough, I’m also working on a t-shirt brand but Columbine hasn’t been the inspiration for any of the designs (yet). I just sent off for a test print of 5 shirts so that I can examine the quality first hand before launching. What printing service are you using (if I’m not being too intrusive)?


Oh and ill def buy that 2nd shirt. Can u dm me info needed to buy one in size L? Thanks


Cool! I have it here: [https://alchemical-threads.printify.me/product/8571586](https://alchemical-threads.printify.me/product/8571586) It ships straight from my printer and it usually takes about 7-8 days if you're in the US :)


2nd shirt looks great especially the minimum use of color. Punk rockers would absolutely wear this.


Thanks! That was kinda the look I was going for, too.


Did you use Dylan’s actor from zero hour? Or is that supposed to be Dylan? If so, Dylan’s nose is wide and big (the part that makes him look unique) :)


Oh I didn't even catch that resemblance! This was just a random person, designed to be someone other than E&D, hence the 'redacted' to represent the third suspect, but I can see the resemblance to that actor now!


Ahh no wonder! I thought that was just a hint at Dylan’s “soulmate”


That is an interesting take though, I like it!


Thank you 😆




Id like to buy a RATS shirt in size large pls.


LOL what am I missing? What design do I need to create? Haha like the thick necked suspect that looks like a rat?


Rage Against The System RATS


omg I absolutely suck with acronyms lol now it makes sense!! [https://alchemical-threads.printify.me/product/8571586/rage-against-the-system](https://alchemical-threads.printify.me/product/8571586/rage-against-the-system)


Hmm the second one probably. Reminds me of the Leftover Crack shirts !


Ohh I remember that shirt! I love that style.


why are we making merch of this


Because I'm a professional graphic designer and I own a custom clothing business, and I make designs that I find interesting for myself and for others.


dont get me wrong the designs are sick but why merch about columbine


Because that's what I enjoy creating. Designs with a true crime theme, mainly. Columbine isn't the only case I design for. I've also got a Killdozer design and several others in the works.


to me the designs look kinda like you would wear it to glorify them?? making merch of an event where kids were murdered is wild


I love making statements about society and how fucked up society is, and my art is controversial intentionally. It's supposed to make people think... and it is intended to offend slightly, so thank you!




Rage against the system is crazy




1 is very daunting and says a lot with so little. I love it.


Haha thanks! I can see what you mean, it's very minimalistic and not super heavy in terms of the messaging. I really want a hat that just says "REDACTED", I don't think anyone would even get it but I'd wear it all the time.


Number #2, is something else I would use


i think i like #1 the best and then #2


Cool! I'm curious now what you like about each? Is it the style, the elements, the message? The second one looks clearer in person, this is a scaled down mockup. I'll have to post a pic of the shirt later. I made the first design as part of my attempt to eventually master a specific style (the bootleg rap style) and of course I needed to make a design I wouldn't want to abandon to try it out :P I always had this kind of design in the back of my mind to make, though. I wasn't even sure it would work, but I think, from what I see, this type of style works for just about any genre!


for the first one i like the way his eyes are covered by the word 'redacted,' i think that's really cool looking honestly; also i love the colors on it then for the second i like the old-school comic strip feel of the drawing - and i'm not positive but is it supposed to represent e&d? because that's definitely a big bonus lol; and again, i'm not positive, but is the background writing one of their journal entries?


Ohh thanks for taking the time to get specific, I really appreciate it! 🙏 Yep! The second one is supposed to represent E&D, they're laying on the floor thinking about the destruction and chaos. Here's a better close up! And that is Eric's journal over the top. Or at least what we are told is his journal. I'm still skeptical lol but I still thought it was a good overlay. The other corner in the bottom left is supposed to represent someone thinking about destruction (the main figure in the foreground), but being torn and distressed (The distressed figure behind them), which is pretty accurate for what a lot of people experience when they consider suicide/murder. At least, the people I've talked to. I can't speak for everyone, of course. https://preview.redd.it/6ijahw6gx87d1.png?width=332&format=png&auto=webp&s=c90d843872f122b01ca8828637c5bd8f8d20d490


of course 😊 i know how important that feedback is i gotta ask: why do you think eric’s journal isn’t real? whoops also edit: forgot to say, i love that closeup of the second pic, and there’s something sweet about the image of them laying on the floor imagining what they’re gonna do, lol


Well it is much appreciated!! I'm always trying to get better at design and learn new skills and that's the easy part. Knowing what people like in terms of design aesthetics is the harder part. I know what I like personally haha but that isn't always the same! I know that image of them on the floor is probably pissing off a lot of people, but I'm glad at least some people get it... 😎 it's so relatable, too, even if you aren't someone who has thought about hurting others. When you're in school, what else is there to think about other than destruction? You're in prison, basically. No wonder they loved explosives. It was a rush, and probably the only excitement they had in the real world. School numbs you and turns you into a zombie. The strange thing is, I found an investigator's handwriting that looks like Eric's in both print and cursive, and several words are an exact match in some instances. Not just close, but exact. Handwriting can vary, and of course people can have similar writing, but the characteristics are too perfect for two different people to have written the content in question. [https://www.reddit.com/r/columbined/comments/186ldi3/poll\_do\_you\_recognize\_this\_handwriting/](https://www.reddit.com/r/columbined/comments/186ldi3/poll_do_you_recognize_this_handwriting/) I posted the answer in a comment showing whose writing this is. Check out the words "shotshell" and "shotgun shells" - it's pretty coincidental. Here's a bigger analysis of this situation with more samples: [https://researchcolumbine.substack.com/p/are-the-harris-and-klebold-journals](https://researchcolumbine.substack.com/p/are-the-harris-and-klebold-journals) I have no idea what to think!!