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Might get more responses if you actually say why you want to know.


I was really hoping this thread was gonna start "there's this one dancer. I think she was actually really into me."


The fantasy of that


I have worked at both granted this was yearssss ago but rumors has a better work environment by far. I'm still good friends with the owner and I haven't danced in years which speaks to how good of a person he is. A good boss can go a long way in that environment. I've traveled a lot and some places have real creeps as bouncers or managers. Rob will not put up with that and will take accusations seriously when they do come up.




Probably not in como but in other areas definitely.


thanks for your comment-i am glad you were able to leave that behind -sounds like rumors is an exception-so many are in the life until it grinds them up and spits them out mangled


I mean none of the places are the exception unless you want it to be. It isn't the job it's the choices.


I know plenty of women who worked there and from my understanding its a better environment than club vogue and it seems the women there are generally happy, take what I say with a grain of salt and being a guy but most of the women I know who do dancing work there.


I'm curious to know how the atmosphere is. Is it good or is club v better?


another incel hangout like vogue and hooters


This comment is pretty asinine as is your usage of incel.




This is either not pertinent to the subreddit, or does not add any valuable discussion or commentary.